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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Have you ever felt that you want more friends?Have you found that you don't know how to make friends?Don't worry.It's easier than it looks.
Start with smal actions.If you're uncomfortable with long conversations with people,start by just saying"hi"and asking what the person is doing.Even if you do more listening than talking in the beginning,people will usually still like you.When it comes to conversations,remember"F.O.R.".It stands for family,occupation(职业) and recreation
(休闲).You are most likely to be asked about these three topics when you meet someone new.Most people feel comfortable talking about the three topics.The great thing is that you also can communicate with someone new in these three areas.
Honesty is the best policy.In friendship,"honesty"is the basic quality that one must have.One should always be honest with his or her friends.Don't laugh at people's fault.Praise them honestly and openly.Say you are sorry if you hurt your friend.
Give more than you take.Be there when they need you,Encourage them; we all need encouragement now and then.Encourage their dreams.Life seems meaningless without them.Wish your friends good luck.Examine your purpose before you"help out".Love and never forget them.

33.The writer thinks making friends isA.
A.easy       B.difficult      C.funny    Dinteresting
34.What can you ask when you meet people?B
A.How old are you?
B.What do you do?
C.How much do you earn each month?
D.What's your attitude towards politics?
35.Which would be the best title for this passage?C
A.Where to Meet Friends?
B.What Is a Friend Indeed?
C.How to Make Friends?
D.Everyone Needs Friends.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Did you know that a turtle(乌龟)can lay 12eggs in one minute?A large sea turtle lays around 150eggs at a time.She lays all these eggs in just a few minutes..
Large sea turtles live in the warm seas of the world.Except when they lay their eggs,they spend their whole lives in the water.When it is time to lay their eggs,the females swim to land..
They usually return to the place where they themselves were born.How they find their way back there is unknown.When they reach shore,the big,heavy turtles crawl slowly up to the high water mark.Using their flippers(脚蹼),they pull themselves along the sand.They must struggle like mountain climbers.When they finally reach dry sand,they rest before beginning the difficult task of laying eggs.
The turtles lay the eggs in deep holes and cover them with warm sand.The sand protects the eggs from harm.Then the females leave them.After a few weeks,if you happened to be walking along the beach,you might see the sand begin to shake.You maysee tiny black balls coming out of the sand.The tiny heads of baby turtles!

29.The first sentence lets us know that this passage is aboutA.
A.turtles      B.oceans    C.time       D.speed
30.Turtles bury their eggs to protect them fromC.
A.deep water      B.heat      C.danger        D.bad weather
31.We can conclude from this passage thatD.
A.many turtles die while swimming to shore
B.female turtles protect their babies
C.once turtles land,they never return to the sea
D.the job of laying eggs takes great stength
32.The writer compares turtles to climbersC.
A.because they lay their eggs in mountain areas
B.to tell you that they like to climb
C.to give you a picture of how hard they work
D.to show that mountain climbers are as slow as turtles.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a(16)C in number.Human beings are born with this ability.(17)B,experiments show that many animals are,too.For example,many birds have good number sense.If a nest has four eggs and you remove one,the bird will not(18)D.However,if you remove two,the bird(19)Aleaves.This means that the bird knows the (20)Cbetween two and three.
Another interesting experiment showed a bird's(21)Anumber sense.A man was trying to take a photo of a crow(乌鸦)that had a nest in a tower,but the crow always left when she saw him coming.The bird did not(22)Duntil the man left the tower.The man had an(23)C.He took another man with him to the tower.One man left and the other stayed,but they did not(24)B the bird.The crow stayed away until the second man left,too.The experiment was(25)Dwith three men and then with four men.But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were(26)B.It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were(27)D  able to fool the crow.
How good is a human's number sense?It's not very good.For example,babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a (28)B group.But when the number goes beyond three or four,the children are(29)Dfooled.
It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world,and that our human (30)C is not much better than a crow's.



科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Like most creatures on earth,humans come with a circadian clock (生物钟).Even though an average adult needs eight hours of (41)B a night,there are"short sleepers",who need far (42)D sleep,and morning people,who always get up early.Then there are the rest of us,who (43)C alarm clocks to get up in the morning.
For those who want to get up early and don't depend on the alarm clock,there is(44)A.Actually,sleep experts say that with a little self-control,(45)B people can reset (重置) their circadian clocks.But it's not as simple as forcing yourself to go to(46)D earlier.You need to produce a sort of jet lag (时差) but you don't have to (47)C your time zone.And stick it out until your body (48)B resets itself.
To start,move up your wake-up time (49)C 20minutes a day.If you (50)B rise at 8a.m.,but really want to get up at 6a.m.,set the alarm for 7:40on Monday.The next day,set it for 7:20and so on.(51)D,after you wake up,don't (52)C in bed.In theory,you'll gradually get(53)B about 20minutes earlier each night.Besides,(54)B has a very special relationship with our brain.So turn off the computers and televisions to (55)D extra light exposure as it is near bedtime.
(56)C light exposure,another big(57)D for a would-be morning person is the weekend.Sleeping late on Saturday sends the (58)A an entirely new set of scheduling.By Monday,a 6a.m.alarm will feel like 4a.m.(59)B biology has a kind of memory of Saturday's staying-up late.This might totally(60)C a week's effort.

43.A.focus onB.believe inC.rely onD.set in
56.A.As forB.Instead ofC.Apart fromD.Due to


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

20.For hundreds of years,people dreamed of being able to fly.Many of the early attempts at flight seem humorous today:people built wings and jumped off (41)C buildings,or tried to sh oot themselves (42)Bthe air with rockets.But all attempts were unsuccessful (43)Atwo French brothers thought of a new way,using(44)B.They believed that if balloons were filled with hot air,they would (45)B.They built a very large balloon and (46)Dthe air in it until the balloon (47)C a height of 1,800 metres.Then the air in the balloon cooled before the balloon slowly sank back to the ground.
The brothers'next balloon went up a few months later,with three animals (48)B to test the safety of this kind of flight.The balloon rose two and a half kilometres and (49)A safely.When this test was successful,the brothers knew they were (50)A to send up a human being.They put a man aboard,(51)C tied him to the earth so that he would not go too high.He rose only 25 metres.A month (52)B,two men went together and rose to a height of 900 metres,(53)D travelling over nine kilometres.They returned safely to earth,and the brothers were (54)Bto keep trying.
The success of balloons was (55)A they were used not only for sport and recreation but also had military applications and (56)B transport people over large distances.Some balloons travelled from Europe to America easily.Men made long,cigar-shaped balloons (57)D airships,and filled them with hydrogen.These airships were (58)A by engines and could be easily controlled.But hydrogen gas was found to be dangerous,because it could so easily (59)C.Accidents happened,including the intentional fire set on the Hindenburg.Many people died in these accidents,either burning or falling to their deaths.These accidents brought (60)A the hydrogen-filled airship but not to man's dream of flying.

55.A.such thatB.so asC.as ifD.even though 
56.A.used toB.were used toC.got used toD.were used for
59.A.set fireB.be on fireC.catch fireD.be in fire
60.A.an end toB.benefit fromC.result ofD.consequence for


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

19.We would like to take the time to(61)personally(person) thank you for your recent participation in the Survey.Participation in the survey was outstanding-84% of the(62)employees(employ) completed the survey,which was(63)higher(high) participation than last y ear.Thank you for that.We will get the results back and communicate with you in the next several weeks.
    Your responses and comments will provide us(64)withthe opportunity to take a close look at many aspects of your career here.We appreciate(36)your(you) frank and honest feedback and ask you work with your manager to create positive change and(66)thatyou can come up with an action plan for your depart ment to help make your team a better place(67)to work(work).
I'm excited to see the results of the survey,which will make(68)adifference to our company,and look forward to(69)hearing(hear) from you on(70)whatwe can do as a team to improve the cultures as a snapper.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.A solar bag is a long plastic bag made from very thin plastic and colored black to take in solar energy.The heated air inside the bag causes the bag to float.Although the solar bag looks similar to a regular black trash bag,the key difference is the thickness of the plastic.A great science experiment might be testing bags of different thicknesses to see which one floats the highest!
v  Solar bag
v  Solar bag string
Notice that the bag is made out of a lightweight plastic material.Be careful when dealing with the bag since the pla stic will tear easily.
Carefully take the plastic bag from the packaging and hold one of the op en end of the bag.Tie this end with string.
The best time for a launch is in the cool morning.We have not had much success with a launch in the middle of a hot day.
Choose a proper place for the launch.Find a field clear of any buildings,trees and power lines.Choose a day to do the experiment when it is sunny and free of any wind.
Put the solar bag onto a soft surface like grass.Have one person hold the bag open as you begin to run around and fill the bag with air.
Fill the bag with air until about 2 feet remains without air so that you can hold it in your hand.Close the end and use a string to keep it on the ground.
The last part of the work is done by the sun.Gather around the giant bag but try not to touch it-sharp fingernails will easily break the thin plastic.Be careful!The outside of the bag also gets very hot to the touch.It's important to remember that it may t ake as long as ten minutes for the air inside to heat up enough to cause the bag to float.
25.What's the difference between a Solar Bag and a regular black trash bag?B
A.The weight.
B.The thickness.
C.The material.
D.The color.
26.The best time to launch a Solar Bag is inA.
A.a sunny cool morning without any wind
B.a sunny hot afternoon without any wind
C.a sunny cool morning with some wind
D.a sunny hot afternoon with some wind
27.A good place for a launch isB.
A.between buildings                    
B.in an open area
C.on top of a tree                       
D.near a power station.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.One of the first things you will notice about Britain is that they drive on the left,and the steering wheel is on the right.This causes a strange feeling,but driving on the left is not as unusual as you might think; about a quarter of the countries in the world drive on the left.Most of them are former British colonies like Australia,Sou th Africa,and Ireland,but Thailand,Japan and Indonesia also do so.This driving habit is strange to us,but there is a perfectly good reason for it:up till the late eighteenth century,everybody traveled on the left-hand side of the road because it was the best way for mostly right-handed people to protect themselves in violent societies.So when strangers passed the road,they walk on the left to make sure that their sword arm was between them.
After the French revolution in 1789,however,the French government changed sides as part of a great social reorganization.Later,Napoleon,the ruler of France,spread the change to the rest of the continental Europe.He did this because he was left-handed himself,and he wanted his armies to march on the right so that he could keep his left arm between himself and any enemy.From then on,any part of the world which became part of the British Empire marched on the left,and any part controlled by the French marched on the right.
After the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783),the US became independent and decided to make traffic drive on the right in order to cut its ties with Britain.Once America became the center of the car industry,if you wanted a good car,you bought an American-made right-hand drive vehicles.From then on many countries changed out of necessity.
Today,the EU would like Britain to be the same as the rest of Europe,but this is no longer possible.It would cost billions of pounds to change everything round.The last European country to convert to driving on the right was Sweden in 1967,but there were far fewer cars there,and the population was much smaller.
21.Why did people travel on the left before the late 18th century?A
A.They could be safer from attacks.
B.The government required them to do so.
C.There were more left-handed people back then.
D.They could prevent strangers passing by their left side.
22.What was Napoleon's attitude to walking on the left?C
23.For Americans,driving on the right was a way to showD.
A.the connection with France was broken
B.the American Revolutionary War had ended
C.America was the center of the car industry
D.the US was no longer controlled by the UK
24.The underlined phrase"convert to"in the last paragraph meansC.
A.insist on                              B.give up
C.change into                            D.disagree with.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.One Sunday,Malachi Bradley was searching for wild mushrooms in eastern Utah when he realized he had wandered too far from the mountain lake where he was hiking with his father and family.
   The 10-year-old boy tried looking for a road to flag down a driver.But the area about 200 miles east of Salt Lake City was too remote.He remembered the survival skills his father taught him.As night fell and temperatures dipped into the 30s,Malachi wrapped his T-shirt around his legs.He huddled(蜷缩)in his jacket to protect himself from the weather between the rocks.The remaining warmth helped him get through the night.Over the nearly 30 hours he was missing in the rough and remote country area,he found river water to drink.And he even tried unsuccessfully to catch a fish with a spear made from a stick.
   Meanwhile,dozens of search-and-rescue workers were combing the area but they could not find Malachi in the wooded landscape.Back at Paul Lake,his father,Danny Bradley,and a friend who had joined them for the camping were keeping a fire burning.They hoped the boy might wander back on his own.
   The next day,Malachi heard a helicopter flying overhead.He knew the searchers aboard the craft could not see him through the trees.So he started walking again until he found a clearing.He stayed there and briefly fell asleep until a search plane spotted him from the air.A helicopter landed to pick him up on Aug.24.Medical staff said he was cold and hungry but safe and sound.
   Malachi said he would go camping again.But next time he will never go away from other people."I will learn from my mistakes,"he said.
24.What did Malachi manage to do to survive?C
A.Find a road to stop a passing car.
B.Catch fish with a spear.
C.Stay between rocks at night.
D.Build a shelter on his own.
25.How was Malachi Bradley when he was found by the searchers?C
A.injured          B.unconscious          C.fine                 D.dead
26.Why could the plane spot Malachi?B
A.Because he kept a fire burning to draw attention.
B.Because he stayed in an area with no trees.
C.Because he waved and shouted fiercely.
D.Because the plane flew low enough to see everything.
27.What lesson does Malachi learn from the experience?D
A.Learn survival skills before camping.
B.Be brave when in danger.
C.Believe in yourself at any time.
D.Stay close to others when camping.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Eating in London Bus Museum
Upper Deck café bar
     It is located in the front of the museum above the gift shop where you can relax and enjoy views over the Piazza in Covent Garden.The Upper Deck café offers a great selection of hot &cold food and drinks which are available throughout the day; it is a fun and relaxed setting to meet friends for great coffee.
Opening time
     Sunday,Monday and Tuesday 10:00-18:30 (last hot food orders 17:30)
     Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday 10:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00)
     Friday 11:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00)
*During school holiday periods the Upper Deck is open from 10:00 on Friday.
Family friendly facilities
     High chairs
     Baby changing unit
Lower Deck café bar
     Located in the main museum,the Lower Deck café offers a range of sandwiches,snacks,hot and cold drinks.It also consists of a picnic area where the parents can relax with a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on the little one!
Opening time
     Saturday and Sunday 10:00-17:30 
*During school holiday periods the Lower Deck is open daily from 10:00-17:30.
Picnic area
     In addition to the Upper Deck and Lower Deck café bars,the museum also has a small picnic area inside the museum where visitors can eat their own packed lunches.
Contact us
21.Where can a couple find a high chair for their baby in London Bus Museum?A
A.In the Upper Deck café bar.
B.In the Lower Deck café bar.
C.In the picnic area.
D.In the gift shop.
22.When can you get some hot food in the Upper Deck café bar?D
A.At 18:00 on Sunday.
B.At 9:30 on Thursday.
C.At 10:30 on Friday.
D.At 17:00 on Monday.
23.From the passage we can learn thatB.
A.Visitors can eat their own packed lunches in the Upper Deck café bar.
B.Both the Upper and Lower Deck café bar offer various food and drinks.
C.The Upper Deck café bar is open daily during school holiday periods.
D.Visitors can contact the museum by making phone calls or writing letters.

