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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Advances in health,education and disease prevention and treatments are making human life longer.But what you may not know is that some seemingly unimportant things can also influence how long and how well you'll live.Here is the latest research on longevity signs.
Sign 1:Your Mom Had You Young
If she was under age 25,you're twice as likely to live to 100 as someone born to an older mom.They think that younger moms produce healthier babies.
Sign 2:You're a Tea Lover
Both green tea and black tea contain catechins(儿茶酚),something that helps blood vessels(血管) relax and protects your heart.
Sign 3:You'd Rather Walk
"Fit"people-defined as those who walk for about 30 minutes a day-are more likely to live longer than those who walk less.So take a walk during your lunch hour,do exercise around the field while your kid is at soccer practice-try by hook or by crook to move a little more,every day.
Sign 4:You Have Strong Legs
Lower-body strength translates into good balance,flexibility and power,which,as you get older,play an important part in reducing your risk of falls and injuries,leading to better health.Now you see,it is necessary to strengthen your lower-body.But the question is:how?
25.Which of the following is TRUE?B
A.Green tea contains more catechins than black tea.
B.Generally,the younger the moms,the healthier the babies.
C.The more you walk,the longer you live.
D.Low-body strength is the most important factor for longevity.
26.The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to"A".
A.try any possible means              
B.use some tools  
C.choose carefully                    
D.Work out new ways
27.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.How advanced science helps people live longer.
B.How women give birth to healthy babies.
C.Signs that tell you your health condition.
D.The new discoveries of longevity signs.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

4.The Lost Rules of Etiquette
    Etiquette,or good manners,used to be the glue that held society together.(36)DSadly,these days it has mostly gone by the wayside.This list is several best rules of etiquette that have now disappeared.
  Opening the Door
  In days gone by,a gentleman would always open doors for ladies.(37)FThis has now almost entirely disappeared-and it is not entirely the fault of the men.I have seen women laugh at men for opening a door for them.They seem to be confusing manners with chauvinism(大男子主义).
    Writing Thank-You Notes
    In days gone by,whenever a person received a gift,they would write a thank-you note as soon as possible.(38)EParents would sit children down after a birthday or Christmas and coach them in their first thank-you note.It is a shame that gift giving has now become a virtual obligation and the idea of a thank-you note would be laughed at.
(39)B   We seem to have completely lost the concept of correct timing when it comes to parties these days.(40)C After all,a party normally has a guest of honor-this is usually the oldest woman present.It was considered extremely rude in the past to leave a party before the guest of honor-and once the guest of honor left,it was a signal to all that they should begin their own preparations to leave.
A.Arriving on Time.
B.Leaving at the Right Time.
C.People leave with various excuses.
D.It enabled people to get on well with each other.
E.This rule was true even if the giver was a relative.
F.It could be the lady they were driving,or a stranger.
G.We've thrown away the concept of a guest of honor at will.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.These days,young people in some English-speaking countries are speaking a strange language,especially when communicating on social media.
Look at these words chosen by The Washington Post:"David Bowie dying is totes tradge,"and"When Cookie hugged Jamal it made me totes emosh."Or this sentence:"BAE,let me know if you stay in tonight."
What on earth do they mean?Well,"totes"is a short form of"totally".Similarly,"tradge"means"tragic"and"emosh"means"emotional".It seems that,for millennials(千禧一代),typing in this form is not only time-saving but fashionable.
As you can see,many millennial slangs(俚语)are formed by so-called"totesing"-the systematic abbreviation(缩写)of words.The trend might have started with"totally"becoming"totes",but it now has spread to many other English words.
The origins of other millennial slangs are more complex than"totesing"."Bae",for example,has been widely used by African-Americans for years.It can be an expression of closeness with one's romantic partner or,like"sweetheart",for someone without romantic connection.After pop singer Pharrell used the word in his work,"bae"became mainstream.
Some people might think millennial slangs lower the value of the English language,but Melbourne University linguist(语言学家)Rosey Billington doesn't agree.She says when people are able to use a language in a creative way,they show that they know the language rules well enough to use words differently.Two other linguists,Lauren Spradlin and Taylor Jones,share the same view.The two analysed hundreds of examples of totes-speak and discovered totesing has complex roots.
    It isn't simply an adult version of baby talk,nor a clever way to minimize your word count.Rather,it is a highly organized system that relies on a speaker's mastery of English pronunciation.It is about sounds,follows sound system of English and has strict rules.
28.Why do young people like using e-slangs?B
A.They are time-consuming.
B.They are in fashion.
C.They are complex.
D.They are in order.
29.What's the author's purpose of mentioning"Bae"in Paragraph 5?D
A.To support that totesing is no baby talk.
B.To analyse the usage of millennial slangs.
C.To inform people how it became mainstream.
D.To explain the complex origins of millennial slangs.
30.Which statement may Rosey Billington agree with?D
A.Totesing is a loosely organized system.
B.Millennial slangs lower the value of English.
C.It's simply a clever way to reduce the word count.
D.Totes-speak requires a good command of English.
31.What's the best title of the passage?A
A.E-slangs Catch on Among Youth           
B.Linguists Disapprove of Totesing
C.Millennial Slangs Take the Lead         
D.English Has Greatly Changed.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The Disney theme park,its first on the Chinese mainland and the second in Greater China,after Hong Kong Disneyland,will open in Shanghai on June 16,a Thursday.Tickets on sale will begin on March 28,2016.
A standard single day ticket for the Shanghai Disney Resort costs 370 yuan ( 56.2),while a peak-day ticket for festival and holiday periods will be sold for 499 yuan,the resort announced on February 3rd.
Children between 1 and 1.4 meters tall and seniors aged over 65 years old can enjoy a 25% discount on the ticket price.A two-day ticket will be available at a 5 percent discount.
Tickets can be booked on the official website www.shanghaidisneyresort.com or through the hotline 400-180-0000.
In comparison with the other five Disney parks around the world,a one-day ticket for the Hong Kong Disney costs 539 Hong Kong dollars ( 69.2)for adults aged 16 to 64 years old,while that for the theme park in Tokyo is being sold at 6,900 yen ( 58).
Disney says the park will also reflect Chinese culture.The combination of Disney and Chinese cultures will be seen in many classic Chinese designs,such as a teahouse-Wandering Moon.Celebrations of seasonal festivals and stage shows will also include Chinese language,performers,theatrics and acrobatics(杂技).
The resort is expected to bring 5 million new passengers annually to the Pudong International Airport after it opens.It is also expected to attract 10 million visits a year.
21.How much will a couple pay if they visit the park with a 1.3-meter tall kid on National Day?D
A.About 830 yuan.
B.About 1020 yuan.
C.About 1120 yuan.
D.About 1370 yuan.
22.According to the text,what makes the Shanghai Disney Resort special?B
A.Its ticket system.
B.Its Chinese characteristics.
C.The size of the park.
D.The entertaining equipment.
23.Which is TRUE about the Shanghai Disney Resort?A
A.10 million visits are expected a year.
B.Its single day admission is the highest.
C.Tickets are available only on the website.
D.It is the first theme park on the Chinese mainland.


科目: 来源: 题型:短文改错

This is the first time that I had been away from home,so I find it hard to live here.How I wish I could turn to Lucy,who once gave me much help!I had trouble with my study in Grade 9.So  frustrating was I that I began to play computer games after school,when I should have paid more  attention to catch up with others.Beside,I was even caught cheating in the exam,it worried my  parents a lot.When asking about the reason why I fell far behind,I was too guilty to say a word.It was then Lucy came to my help,telling me not to give up.To my amazement,I made a great progress.Finally,I even became one of the top student in my class.I must say thanks to Lucy,without her help I could never have had such good grades.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Breaking up large classes into several smaller ones (61)helps(help) students,but the improvements in many cases come whatever teachers do,a new research suggests.
New (62)findings(finding) of the research from four nations,tell an interesting story.Small classes work for children,but that's (63)not because of how teachers teach,but because of what students feel they can do:get (64)more (much) face time with their teachers,for instance,or work in small groups with classmates.
"These are the same as what researchers have already known,"Gamoran says.There is no good evidence (65)thatteachers change their instructions based on changes in class size.Teachers are always strict with their students.Some teachers are making use (66)of small classes and others are not.There are a lot of differences."It's not like that you reduce classes so teachers do something different and the achievement is higher,"he says.
In one study,researchers (67)closely(close) watched students'behaviours and found that students behaved better in smaller classes.They also (68)had(have) more direct communication with teachers and worked more in small groups rather by themselves.
One team,(69)led(lead) by Ronald Ehrenberg of Cornell University,finds that the potential benefits of class-size reduction"may be greater than what we observed"if only a few teachers change their teaching (70)to fit (fit) the smaller group.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

19.An unfortunate bird got the help it neededThese days in India we have a religious kite flying festival.Yesterday evening,just before  dusk,I spotted a pigeon (61)badly(bad)tied up with a sharp string,(62)hitting(hit)the wall and the tree branches,to free (63)himself(he)from the kite string.
Fortunately,(64)the same string caught on our building terrace(阳台).Immediately I sent my helper,Narain,to get to the terrace and try to pull up the unlucky bird gently.With great  patience,he pulled up the injured bird.With the help of scissors,we(65)managed(manage)to free  the bird by cutting the deadly thread.
We brought him to nor flat,in (66)which we cleaned his injured wings.And we also gave him  the(67)boiled(boil)rice and water.We placed the bird in a sate place hoping that he would be able to live (68)through the night.
In the morning we found our injured guest had flown away,hopefully to(69)safety (safe).We hope those enjoying the hobby of kite flying will be careful enough not to injure those helpless (70)birds   ( bird)again.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weβel made a remarkable discovery.He was examining are papers of the late Swiss publisher Emil Oprecht for an essay on Arthur Koestler's switch from writing in German to writing in English at the end of the 1930s.Oprecht was a 1eft-wing know traveler who had founded his famous publishing house Europa Verlag in Zurich in 1933.and was well known for his anti-Nazi views and support for writes who were forced to flee their homes,including the young Arthur Koestler.Weβel once said,"I was looking for letters and royalty reports,because I wanted to know how many copies were printed of the first German edition of Koestkr's Spanish Testament."He failed to find the answer to his question,but while 1ooking over the Europa holdings in the Zurich Central Library he came across a puzzling entry:"Koestler,Arthur.Rubaschow:Roman.Typescript,March 1940,326pages."
This was extremely strange Weβel knew of no such novel(Roman)in Koestler's German writings.but the name Rubaschow rang a bell.Rubasehow is the hero of Koestler's novel,Darkness at Noon.weβel hardly dared think about what he had found,suspecting a sequel(续集)or perhaps a false entry,for it was well known that the original text of the novel-the last one Koesder wrote in German before he switched to English-was lost during his flight from France at the start of World War II.That was seventy-five years ago and it has never been seen since.With unease,Weβel ordered a scan,which showed a typed carbon copy,with corrections in Koestle's handwriting.The date on the title page,March 1940,was the date on which Koestler is known to have finished the novel.There was no doubt Weβel had come across a copy of the German manuscript(手稿)of Koestler's masterpiece.
32.What is Weβel's main field of research?C
A.A Swiss publisher's papers     
B.The left-wing writers.
C.Arthur Koestlefs works           
D.The publishing house.
33.How dld Weβel feel about his discovery at first?D
34.What do we know about Rubasehow?C
A.The title of a book            
B.A Swiss publisher.
C.A character of a novel       
D.A left-wing fellow writer.
35.Weβel ordered a scan toB.
A.find out the date of the copy  
B.make out the copy's real identity
C.cheek the errors of the copy  
D.examine Koestler's handwriting.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It would have been a success story if Fullerton High School senior Fernando Rojas,the son of Mexican immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade,was accepted to college.But the 17-vear-o1d achieved a surprising clean sweep-he was accepted to every Ivy League (常春藤)schoo1.
"I am so lucky,"Roias told The Orange County Register on Saturday."When I got all  eight,it was a blessing and a curse because I had to choose.I was excited and scared and  everything at the same time."
The first call came from Yale University in February.Within weeks calls,emails and letters followed from the other seven universities.Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools,the University of California,Irvine,and California State University,Fullerton.
He is one of four children of Raul Rojas,59,and wife,Mafia,56,who moved to Fullerton  from Jalisco,Mexico,in the early 1980s.
A national speech and debate champion,Rojas reasoned that if he applied to the eight Ivy  League schools,he might get into one.Sal Tinajero,Rojas'speech and debate coach at  Fullerton,told the newspaper that Rojas is a hardworking self-starter who thrives(茁壮成长)  on competition."His biggest motivation for speech and debate was his parents to know that  their hard work meant something,"Tinajero said.
After visiting several campuses,he settled on Yale,which costs 64,000ayearwithroomandboard.Heisresponsiblefor6,000;Yale scholarships and federal grant money cover the  rest.
He'll mostly take it easy during the summer before heading to Yale in late August.He's considering majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer or in  international affairs.
24.What do we know about Fernando Rojas from Paragraph l?D
A.His schooling stopped in the eighth grade.
B.He often did some cleaning in the schoo1.
C.People were confident that he would be successful.
D.His admission to famous universities was completely unexpected.
25.How many universities accepted Rojas altogether?A
26.How do we understand what Tinajero said?B
A.Rojas is good at speech and debate competition.
B.The hard work of his parents inspired Rojas greatly.
C.Rojas's parents knew Rojas loved them deeply.
D.Rojas's motivation was misundestood by his parents.
27.Why did Rojas choose Yale at last?C
A.Yale is famous for Latin American studies.
B.He wants to be a lawyer as his career.
C.He cares more about the expense.
D.Yale is responsible for all his cost.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Every year in America,high-school students who want to go on to college take a national examination called the Scholastic Aptitude Test,or SAT in a shortened way.Their score is an important factor in determining which colleges will admit them.The Scholastic Aptitude Test measures one's mathematical ability and use of the English language.Traditionally,the English part involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading comprehension.
But the SAT folks have added a single question to be answered in an essay,handwritten on the spot.That's an interesting way to test writing ability,but content aside,have you ever seen young people's handwriting lately?Or anyone's for that matter,in this age of computer keyboards?Students write numbers and sign their names on bank checks.They scribble class notes in what can generously be described as the written word.
Yet today's kids are asked to write,thoughtfully and clearly,for several minutes on this SAT Test.Good luck to the text scorers who must work out difficultly the scrawl(潦草的笔迹) of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three!Teachers insist that good handwriting can not only help one's score on the SAT,but also,later on in life,impress potential employers.And don't forget,we all have to use handwriting from time to time,as computers go down when the power goes out.
Then how to improve the handwriting?Well,with a few simple steps you can improve your handwriting.
Position the pen,you should hold the pen between the forefinger and the thumb.You should then rest it near the first knuckle(指节) of the middle finger.The rest of your fingers should be curled(卷曲)under your hand and your hand should remain relaxed.
Evaluate your writing.What do you like and what you don't like about the way you write?Make changes to your letters till you like how they look.
Take your time.Make sure that,while you are writing,you take your time.Speed is sure to make your writing messy-looking.If it is worth writing well,then take your time.
Practice.Practice it a lot; it's not enough to do it once and hope for the best.It has to be something you work at to make great improvements.
32.The SAT tests students onB.
A.math,English,reading and writing.
B.math,grammar,reading and handwriting.
C.math,foreign languages and writing.
D.math,foreign languages and handwriting.
33.According to the text,good handwriting canD.
A.help students pass the test.
B.make a student more popular.
C.show students'ability.
D.assist students in getting a job.
34.Which of the following should you avoid when improving your handwriting?B
A.Practicing writing a lot.
B.Writing as fast as you can.
C.relaxing your hand when holding the pen.
D.changing your letters till you like how they look.
35.The text is to present the fact thatC.
A.writing seems to be very important in the SAT
B.those who will go to college have to take the SAT
C.students should practice handwriting more often
D.kids don't know how to write in the computer age.

