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科目: 来源:黑龙江省肇东市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

1.---Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week!

---- Sorry, sir, but I was held _______ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.

2.This kind of desk can be adjusted ___________the height you need..

3.I will not put up___________ your bad behavior any longer.

4.The police are appealing_________ the public for any information about the missing boy.

5.She has gone ________ a lot of things,so she knows exactly how to deal with such a person.

6.Eating too much fat can contribute________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

7.These books are intended ________ young children under12.

8.They were lost at sea,________ the mercy of wind and weather.

9.The hotel is not responsible ________ any loss or damage to guests’ personal property.

10.He took his little daughter to Disneyland in order to cheer her_________.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省肇东市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

1.Only then _______________ I realize that I had made a terrible mistake.

2.How long do you suppose it is ________ he arrived there?

3.No sooner had the boy spoken these words ___________the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.

4.The company required that all the applicants_____(hand)in their materials before Monday.

5.In our class there are 54 students, _______whom half wear glasses.

6.Fortunately,he ______(come)back home just on time. Otherwise,we wouldn't have met each other.

7.It is ________ he failed the driving test again that made him so unhappy.

8.The bowls never needed __________ (wash), as the boys cleaned them with their spoons, trying to eat every bit of soup.

9.—Are you firmly against any independent move by Taiwan?

—Of course. That's________ our basic interest lies.

10.The students are listening to the teacher with their eyes________ (fix)on the blackboard.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省肇东市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假设你是肇东一中的学生会主席李华,从新闻得知2016年诺贝尔文学奖得主Bob Dylan要来中国。你们学校准备在2017年3月6日下午1:00—3:00在学校会议厅举办一次主题为“音乐与文学”的英语演讲比赛,来自各个年级的十位优秀学生将会参赛。请你代表学校学生会写一封电子邮件,邀请他来做评委。


2. 可适当增加细节,使文章内容充实、连贯。

3. 词数:100词左右。

提示词:诺贝尔文学奖 Nobel Prize in Literature 会议厅 conference room

Dear Bob Dylan,

I’m very glad to know from the online news that you will visit China soon._____________________










Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解



FOUND:Cat,6 months old,black and white marking. Found near Linden and South U.Steve,800?4661.


Own room near campus.

Available December 1.

Rent $80 per month until March 1st.

$129 Thereafter.

Call Jill for details.800?7839.

LOST:Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800?2896.

Need person to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus,$92/mo.Starting Jan.1st.Call 800?6157 after 5pm.



MOVING:Must sell. TV b/w 12,$50;

AM/FM transistor radio A/C or battery,$15;cassette tape recorder,$10;music records. Call John or Pat,800?0739 after 5 pm or weekends.


If you are available a few hours during the day,some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school?age children,please call Gayle Moore days 800?1111,evenings and weekends 800?4964.

USED FUR COATS and JACKETS. Good condition.$50?$125.Call 800?0436 after 12 noon.

WAITRESS WANTED:10am?2pm or 10:30 am?5pm.Apply in person,207S.Main,Curtis Restaurant.

1.What was lost in campus area according to the LOST AND FOUND ads?

A. A pair of glasses. B. A radio.

C. A Cat. D. A cassette tape recorder.

2.You will call ________ if you want to buy a radio.

A. 800?0436 B. 800?0739

C. 800?4661 D. 800?4964

3.If you want a job of taking care of children,which ad will you answer?




科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

For a year and half, kids sent hurtful messages like “You are ugly.” or “Why are you still alive?” to Rebecca Sedwick. In 2013, Rebecca, then 12, couldn’t stand it anymore. She took her own life near her home in Florida. Soon afterward, Trisha Prabhu read about the story. “I was surprised and heart-broken,” said Trisha, now 15, who is from Naperville, Illinois, “I know that I had to do something to stop this from ever happening again.”

Trisha did some research. Studies show that one fourth to half of all teens in the US have been cyberbullied (网络欺凌). Experts say that if you are ever bullied online, you should tell a trusted adult. Tell the cyberbully to stop, and prevent him or her from contacting you again. Print and save messages to share with the police. This is good advice, agrees Trisha. But these methods all take place after the bullying has already happened. Trisha had a different idea. Why not teach cyberbullies to stop before they post these messages?

Trisha’s research won awards, including a prize in the Google Science Fair. Then, Tresah built the ReThink app (应用软件). It is programmed to recognize words or phrases that could be hurtful. When that happens, different warning messages come out. “Don’t say things that you may regret later!” says one message. Others ask, “Are you sure you want to say this?” and “Are these words really yours?”

Now Trisha is working on a version(版本) of ReThink for computers. “I am a big dreamer,” she says. “I want to stop cyberbullying before the hurt is done.”

1.What do we know about Rebecca Sedwick?

A. She was one of Trisha's best friends.

B. She sent hurtful messages to others.

C. She ended her life at the age of 12.

D. She went to Florida to study further.

2.What is Trisha’s suggestion for stopping cyberbullying?

A. Stop talking with the cyberbully.

B. Stop the messages before they are sent.

C. Turn to your parents or close friends

D. Show the messages to the police at once.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. People's attitudes to the ReThink app.

B. Trisha's research on cyberbullying.

C. How the ReThink app works.

D. The Google Science Fair.

4.Which of the following can best describe Trisha?

A. Honest and careful. B. Helpful and clever.

C. Proud and impolite. D. Strange and impatient.


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Do you drink water that's been left sitting out overnight or even for another day? Have you noticed it tastes different?

Tap water that has been left to sit out slowly begins to acquire(获得) off taste. Many people think that this is because of microorganisms. But that's not what makes old water taste not fresh. For that we can thank carbon dioxide. After about 12 hours, tap water starts to go flat as carbon dioxide in the air starts to mix with the water in the glass, lowering its PH and giving it an off taste. But it's most likely safe to drink.

However, back to those microorganisms. If you use a dirty glass day after day, there is more of a chance of bacteria making themselves known; a risk that increases if you share the glass with another mouth as well. But assuming(假设) you use a fresh glass every few days, you probably won't have a problem unless the glass has been touched by dirty fingers, and especially if those dirty fingers went unwashed after using the bathroom.[

As for plastic water bottles that have been left out in the sun or in the car, step away from the bottle, warns Dr. Kellogg Schwab, director of the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute. "A chemical called biphenyl-A, or BPA, along with other things used to make plastic can leach(过滤) into your water if the bottle heats up or sits in the sun," he explains. BPA, as you probably know, has been linked to everything from heart disease to cancer. Schwab also adds that plastic used for commercial bottled water isn't meant to be washed or refilled, so use only one time and recycle. Or don't buy them at all; use refillable water bottles instead.

1.Tap water begin to acquire an off taste because of______ .

A. carbon dioxide B. BPA

C. the glass D. the microorganism

2.According to Paragraph 2, tap water that's been left sitting out for 12 hours____.

A. contains few microorganisms B. is still safe to drink

C. tastes better D. is most likely undrinkable

3.What should we do with plastic water bottles that have been left out in the sun or in the car?

A. Use them after they cool down.

B. Clean them and use them again.[来

C. Throw them away.

D. Refill them with fresh water

4.Which of the following is true about BPA?

A. It is safe for people to use.

B. It is a kind of new material.

C. It is the main material to make plastic.

D. It can cause great harm to people.


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Getting older is a natural part of life. Changes as you get older are usually gradual. Certain physical changes are common. How fast your body can burn calories slows over time, which means that your body needs less food energy than before.

How much and how well you sleep will likely change. Most people start needing reading glasses around forty, and many have some hearing loss later in life. Starting in your fifties, bone aging increase. How you feel as you get older depends on many things, including what health problems run in your family and the choices you make.

If your family members have diseases or chronic (慢性的) health problems like high blood pressure, then you may have a greater chance of having those problems yourself. But it doesn’t mean you will definitely have the same problems. Actually, the lifestyle choices you make can help reduce your chances of getting illness that run in your family. And even if you do get a family illness, choosing to be physically active, to eat healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can keep the illness from destroying your ability to enjoy your golden years.

What do you need to do to feel your best as you age? One of the most important things you can do for your health at any age is to be physically active. Physical activity keeps your body strong, and it helps with how you feel. People who stay active are less likely to get depressed.

Your mental and emotional health is also important. Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family, and the community. People who feel connected to others are more likely to feel happy than those who do not.

1.When people get older, they will __________.

A. need some help B. look back to their past often

C. consume(消耗)more calories D. go through some physical problems.

2.Which of the following can NOT mostly affect old people’s health?

A. Their family illness. B. The money they have..

C. Their eating habits. D. Their relationship with others

3.The underlined phrase “golden years” in paragraph 3 refer to a person’s ________.

A. future B. holidays

C. later life D. leisure(空闲的) time

4.How can old people avoid loneliness according to the text?

A. To make new friends. B. To have enough social connections.

C. To be physically active. D. To live with their family members.


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Food safety is a problem in all places around the world and people in different areas of the world prepare foods in different ways. The WHO released five simple rules for preparing food in a safe way. 1.

Key 1: Keep clean.

The first key tells about the importance of washing. People should wash their hands often—before touching food, while they are preparing food, and any time after they go to the toilet. People should wash all surfaces and equipment used for preparing food. 2.

Key 2: 3.

People should separate raw, or uncooked food from foods that are already cooked and foods that will not be cooked. People should store raw meat, chicken, and fish in containers, or in separate areas. Raw foods should not touch prepared foods.

Key 3: Cook completely.

People should cook eggs and meat, like birds, seafood, and animals, especially carefully. These foods may carry more micro-organisms than other foods. Food like soup must be boiled for at least a minute to make it be cooked completely. It is also important that people re-heat cooked food completely.

Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures.

When people are finished with eating, they should keep the left food in a refrigerator below 5℃ and shouldn’t store it for too long. At room temperature, about 20℃, the amount of micro-organisms can increase very quickly. 4. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment.

Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials.

5. Damaged or old food may develop harmful chemicals as it gets older.

A.Eat cooked food immediately, while it is still hot.

B.They call these rules the “Five Keys to Safer Food.”

C.Separate raw and cooked.

D.People should use safe water and choose fresh foods.

E.Keeping everything clean helps people to avoid micro-organisms.

F.People should also protect cooking areas and food from insects and animals.

G.But temperatures above 60℃ or below 5℃ control the growth of micro-organisms.


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Last year I introduced my new policy on absences to my classes: None would be ______ except for illness or personal emergency. Even though this was against the ______ rules, my students didn’t ______. When those who missed classes received warning notices from me, they knew I was_______. Most students seemed to realize that it ______ their own studies, and followed the rule. ______, it was also a rule that they should follow throughout their lives.

I told my class that ______ students want to do well in school, they have to go to classes ______. Like other teachers, I feel ______ when I carefully prepare for a class but only a few students come, I want my students to get the ______ that I care about their learning and ______ them to care about my professional (职业的) effort.

To my ______, students performance in my classes improved in the end. Such a result is surely worth______. There are also other advantages having a ______ classroom. For example, discussions are ____, homework is generally ______ on time, and very few students miss tests. Of course, I was a little _____ than usual, especially at first I ______ or mailed notes to several students about their cuts (缺课), some more than once.

There is no ______ that this kind of policy is easier in a small school. But it can work almost any place where a teacher cares enough to make it work. The ______ thing is caring.

1.A. accepted B. found C. invited D. allowed

2.A. club B. company C. school D. family

3.A. help B. care C. know D. forget

4.A. brave B. serious C. excited D. nervous

5.A. made use of B. got along with C. did good to D. kept away with

6.A. In fact B. In time C. At first D. At most

7.A. after B. if C. though D. until

8.A. hardly B. suddenly C. completely D. regularly

9.A. impatient B. impolite C. unhappy D. unlucky

10.A. praise B. chance C. message D. suggestion

11.A. agree B. choose C. promise D. expect

12.A. anger B. surprise C. regret D. shame

13.A. giving up B. thinking over C. showing off D. breaking down

14.A. full B. big C. bright D. clean

15.A. easier B. clearer C. livelier D. shorter

16.A. given B. marked C. finished D. corrected

17.A. busier B. kinder C. richer D. cleverer

18.A. stopped B. called C. returned D. followed

19.A. doubt B. time C. need D. risk

20.A. boring B. strange C. interesting D. important


科目: 来源:福建省泉州市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

1.(keep) a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities.

Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes2.(little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we keep doing this,3.(gradual)we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English,we will certainly meet many difficulties. First, it often happens that we have difficulty4.(find)proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind.5.(two), there are so many idioms(成语)in Chinese6.it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.

In my opinion,my7.(suggest)is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something8.(beat)us,we can first put it down in our notebook and then refer 9. our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help,if necessary. In short,I believe that it is of great use to keep10.diary in English for the development of our writing skills.

