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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】John was studying when he heard【1】(尖叫声).When he rushed 【2】(出来),he found Anne Slade was lying in her front garden bleeding 【3】.Her hands had almost been cut off. John immediately asked a number of nearby people for 【4】(绷带),and, when nobody could put their hands on any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to 【5】(治疗)the most severe injures to Ms Slade's hands. He 【6】the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds 【7】the police and ambulance arrived.

“I am proud of【8】I did, but l was just doing what I'd been taught ,”John said.

“There is no doubt 【9】 John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school save Ms Slade's life. It shows that a 【10】(知识)of first aid can make a real difference.”Mr. Alan Southerton said.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal walking _____two feet like a human being and moving _____ amazing speed and strength.

A. with; at B. by; at

C. on; with D. on; at


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Social and economic development has contributed to an increasing______ for future

A. demand B. curiosity

C. anxiety D. Arrangement


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】My aunt is thought very fashionablefor she is always wearing a sweater______ on TV these months

A. advertising B. having advertised

C. being advertised D. to be advertised


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】— You shouldn’t have told everybody my secret.

— Wait a minute! I didn’t tell anyone... I promise!

— Oh, ________! You big mouth!

A. I don’t buy it B. I mean it

C. You don’t forget it D. You got it


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】The government has declared a state of e____________ following the earthquake.

【2】The organization works to rid the world of h____________ and disease.

【3】Costs have been r____________ by 20% over the past year.

【4】He is fond of ipad games, which has made his eyesight f____________.

【5】She leaned over and w____________ something in his ear.

【6】C ____________killed the cat.

【7】C____________ to our expectation, the exam is difficult.

【8】Body language v____________ from country to country.

【9】She goes on a diet constantly to p____________ good figure.

【10】The koala is u____________ to Australia.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Fish are ________ in ice and salt until they are salt.

A. preserved B. served C. freezing D. reserved


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you are sick with the fluyou’11 have to stay home to prevent it______ to others

A. spread B. to spread

C. Spreading D. to have spread


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The uninvolved dad, turning up his nose at diapering(换尿布) and too busy to bathe, dress and play with his kids, is mostly a myth(神话) , a big government survey suggests. Most American fathers say they are heavily involved in hands-on parenting, the researchers found.

The results are encouraging and important " because others have found the more involved dads are, the better the outcomes for their children. " said researcher Jo Jones of the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. She co-authored the report released Friday.

"Times have changed," said Robert Loftus, 34, of Yonkers, NY. He quit a six-figure sales job a year ago to care for his two young children while his wife works full time. "We are trying to rethink our priorities (优先考虑的事) and family seem to be N0 1 priority while in the past maybe people were more focused on career. "

The study involved nearly 4.000 fathers who were interviewed in person between 2009 and 2013.

Key findings among fathers living with children younger than 5 :

*9 in 10 bathed, diapered, helped them use the toilet or get dressed at least several times weekly .

* Even higher numbers played with them and ate meals with them that often

* Almost 2 0ut of 3 read to them at least several times weekly.

Among dads living with kids aged 5-18.

* More than 9 0ut of 10 ate meals with them at least several times weekly and talked with them about what happened during the kids' day that often.

* Almost 2 0ut of 3 helped with homework several times weekly.

* About half took their kids to or from activities that often.

Dr. David Hill, a Wilmington, N. C. pediatrician (儿科医生) said the survey reflects what he's seen among his patients' fathers. Increasingly, fathers rather than mothers take their kids to the doctor. Some "are anxious about changing a diaper, " he said.

Census(调查) numbers show that there were almost 190,000 stay-at-home dads nationwide last year versus 93,000 in 2010. Loftus, the New York stay-at-home dad, said, "I feel fortunate to be able to be such a hands-on father. I'm doing the most significant occupation in the world. "

【1What can we learn about the research?

A. It aimed to study fathers' influence on kids.

B. It showed most fathers often helped kids learn.

C. It found most fathers played with kids every day.

D. It mainly surveyed fathers' living with young kids.

【2According to the text, Robert Loftus would agree that______.

A. time is important for success

B. it is harder to find a job than before

C. family is more important than work

D. today's people are under much pressure

【3Dr David Hill seems to consider the findings of the report ______ .

A. surprising B. misleading

C. convincing D. unimportant

【4What can we learn from Loftus' s words in the last paragraph?

A. He is proud of his efforts.

B. He prefers to work full time.

C. He needs his wife' s support very much.

D. He finds it hard to be a stay-at-home dad.

【5Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. More stay-at-home dads in America

B. Parents spend more time with children .

C. The importance of family for Americans

D. American dads more involved in parenting


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Did Jack come back early last night?

Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______ he arrived home.

A. when B. before C. that D. Until

