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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Virtue and crime are before you;________leads you to happiness,________to misery.

A.the former;latter B.a former;a latter

C.the former;the latter D.former;latter


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】—How is the man injured in the earthquake?

—The doctor said if ________in a proper way,he was likely to be saved.

A.treated B.treating C.is treated D.to be treated


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】帮助他们学数学是我的责任。(be up to)



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20years, numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption, say, one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of Medicine added strong new evidence in support of that theory. More importantly, the work provided the first solid indication of how alcohol works to protect the heart.

In the study, researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvad Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men and women who had suffered recent heart attacks with those of healthy people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection : those who drank alcohol had higher blood levels of high density lipoproteins (脂蛋白),the so called good cholesterol (胆固醇),which is known to prevent heart disease.

As evidence has mounted (增长),some doctors have begun recommending a daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not ready to recommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of teetotal ling (绝对戒酒)are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troublesnot to mention violent behavior and traffic accident. Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer. Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose(吸收剂量)of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a doctor's prescription to the neighborhood bar or liquor store.

【1】 The report mentioned in the first paragraph indicates __________.

A. the way in which alcohol can help the heart

B. that a couple of cocktails daily can help stop heart problems

C. why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one's health

D. that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misled

【2】 Experiments showed that nondrinkers had __________.

A. larger amounts of good cholesterol

B. smaller amounts of good cholesterol

C. higher blood pressure

D. lower blood pressure

【3】 According to the passage, moderate drinking __________.

A. is recommended by most doctors for heart patients

B. should be allowed on prescription

C. is still not medically advisable

D. is not related to liver problems

【4】 The main theme of this passage is __________.

A. the change in recent drinking habits

B. the connection between cancer and alcohol

C. whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers

D. whether alcohol may be good for one's health


科目: 来源: 题型:


I'm not buying it. __________,1 couldn't afford it.



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. If it weren't for my job I would immediately move out for the open spaces and go back to nature.

Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population lives in many tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of flats. Children become aggressive and nervous as they are shut up at home all day, with nowhere to play ; their mothers feel isolated (孤立的)from the rest of the world. Strangely enough, in the past the residents(居民)of one street all knew each other, but nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don't even say hello to each other.

Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the residents of small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities. There's little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go a long way to the nearest large town. The city people who leave for the country often can't bear the stillness and quiet there.

What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off;the city gives people a feeling of isolation, and constant noise can nearly drive you mad. But one of its main advantages is that you are at the center of things, and that life doesn't come to an end at half-past nine at night. Some people have found a compromise (折中)between the two : leave cities and move to villages within commuting(乘车往返)distance of large cities. It sounds great !

【1】 It seems that the writer prefers to live in the country mainly because __________

A. the city is somehow polluted

B. the country folks are more friendly

C. one can get better sleep in the country

D. it's hard for people to find jobs in the city

【2】 The biggest disadvantage of living in the country is that __________

A. life there is inconvenient

B. shopping is almost impossible

C. you can not see a movie or a show

D. life comes to an end at half past nine

【3】 As to which is better, city life or country life, the writer __________

A. did some explanation

B. made some comparison

C. described both of them vividly

D. talked a lot about his preference

【4】 The underlined word binds" in the third paragraph is similar in meaning to __________.

A. attracts B. drives

C. prevents D. unites


科目: 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处。

Once, a man got on a bus to New York. Because he did not want to pay, so he hid in the toilet. But a passenger saw her. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and say, There's a bum(流浪汉)in toilet. Tell the bus driver. The message was passing on from person to person. But somewhere along the way, it was changed. The bus driver told that there was a bomb in the toilet. He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police. When the police came, they told the passengers to get off the bus or stay far away. Then they closed the highway. As a result, a traffic jam of15 mile long was soon caused. In the help of a dog, the police searched for two hours. Of course they found no bomb.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Improving your spoken English by talking much with foreigners from Britain would ________,for practice makes perfect.

A.make sense B.make sure

C.make believe D.make public


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】We're trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we __________ your number incorrectly,

A. looked up B. took down

C, worked out D. brought about


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Alice, why didn't you come yesterday?

I __________,but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had B. would

C. was going to D. did

