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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The manager says he needs an assistant that he can __________ to deal with the problems that may occur in his absence.

A. depend B. turn up

C. count for D. count on


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】We __________ the old scientist __________ his contribution __________ the country.

A. admire; for; to

B. admire; at; for

C. respect; on; for

D. respect; on; at


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】-How did you find the film The Flowers of War?

-It's very moving. I couldn't __________ my tears.

A. hold back

B. hold on

C. hold up

D. hold out


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many people believe that all ice cubes are created equal, but they are not. At least that’s what the folks at California’s Glace Luxury Ice Company would like us to believe. The Davisbased company says that the ice cubes they make are healthier and last longer than the ones that we throw into our drinks on a daily basis. What’s more, the company also says that their ice cubes do mot leave behind an aftertaste(余味)in drinks, like regular ones do.

In order to create these unique ice cubes, Glace Luxury begins with water that has been rid of the hazardous impurities(杂质)that the company says can lead to cancer and exist in regular ice. They then freeze it in large blocks. Once ready, the ice is carved into perfect cubes and each cube measures 2.5 inches across. Besides being healthier, these ice cubes apparently also take longer to melt. The company says that each ice cube can last up to 30 minutes.

Of course, those ice cubes do not come cheap. Those that wish to have a taste of this “tasteless” frozen perfection will have to pay $325USD for a bag of 50 ice cubes. That comes to $6.50USD for a single cube of ice!

The unique product is the brainchild of Robert Sequeira, a former business school lecturer who said that he wanted to establish a profitable business that could be easily scaled. Given that he can make as mush Glace Luxury ice as he needs for as little as $0.12USD per cube, he thinks that the idea certainly meets the standard. Now, if he can find that the few people can afford to buy this Glace Luxury ice, life would be great!

【1People at California’s Glace Luxury Ice Company probably want consumers to believe that _____.

A. ice cubes are healthy for people to use

B. their ice cubes add tastes to drinks

C. all ice cubes are created the same

D. their ice cubes are different

【2What does the underlined word “hazardous” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Active B. Regular C. Dangerous D .Powerful

【3Compared with regular ice cubes, the ice cubes created by Glace Luxury Ice Company_____.

A. taste much bette

B. look much more beautiful

C. have more different shapes

D. are healthier and melt more slowly

【4What does the author think of the ice cubes created by Glace Luxury Ice Company?

A. They will be a big success

B. They are too costly to make.

C. They are just regular ice cubes.

D. They are too expensive for consumers


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】When asked to explain __________ he did to make his students so fascinated with his lessons, the teacher paused and thought deeply.

A. what was it that

B. that what it was

C. what it was that

D. what was it


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Chinese people take their food and eat it extremely seriously. Eating is a communal (公共的), social, human experience in China. Sharing a meal is a sign of friendship and trust. Eating plays a central role in friendship, business, medicine, family and love. In short, food is life.

When eating, the rice is separated into your own personal bowl, but the dishes are placed in communal bowls in the center of the table and everybody helps themselves with chopsticks. It's considered polite, and sign of respect and friendship, to encourage other people to eat plenty of the good bits, even to pick up food with your chopsticks and drop it into their rice bowls for them.

Food is an important component of weddings, funerals and almost all Chinese festivals. New Year is the time for dumplings, the Dragon Boat Festival is the time for sticky rice Zongzi wrapped in leaves, and Mid-Autumn Day is the time for Moon Cakes. The dinner table is the best forum (公共讨论场所) to close business deals, and it's the number one thing to do with friends.

Chinese women express their admiration for the opposite sex by cooking delicious meals of many courses, and these days it's the other way round.

In short, if you want to get to know Chinese people, understand Chinese culture and thinking and get into Chinese life, you have to eat and appreciate Chinese food.

【1】 What is the best title of this passage?

A. Eating Food in China

B. How Do Chinese People Eat Food

C. The Importance of Chinese Food

D. Different Foods for Different Chinese Food

【2】 In the first paragraph, what does the author mean by saying "food is life"?

A. Without food, there will be no life

B. food is as important as life

C. we must take food seriously

D. we must eat food every day

【3】 What is the representative food for the Dragon Boat Festival in China?

A. Dumplings B. Moon Cakes

C. Jiaozi D. Zongzi

【4】 If you want to learn Chinese culture well, one main thing is __________.

A. Making friends with Chinese

B. Eating Chinese food

C. Studying Chinese history

D. Adapting to Chinese customs


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Although she is pretending hard to be young, grey hair and the lines on her face __________.

A. give her away

B. pick her up

C. take her away

D. hold her up


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Knowledge Society

According to American economist Peter Drucker, every few hundred years in Western history a sharp transformation takes place in which society rearranges itself. One such period happened between 1455 and 1517, beginning with the invention of the printing press, and included the Renaissance, the European discovery of America, a reawakening of science, and the Protestant Reformation. All these events had significant effects on the development of Western society. The next period lasted from the American Revolution and the Perfection of the steam engine in 1776 until Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo in 1815. During this time, the Industrial Revolution took place, public schools systems were established on a large scale, the first modern university was founded in Berlin in 1809, and both capitalism and communism emerged as economic and political ideologies. Again, society had been altered.Drucker suggested that another services to them.

【1Those are the events which happened between 1455 and 1517 EXCEPT __________.

A. the Industrial Revolution

B. the invention of the printing press.

C. the European discovery of America.

D. a reawakening of science and the Protestant Reformation.

【2What is the major characteristic of the new society today ?

A. Labor will be the basis of wealth.

B. Class conflict will appear.

C. Knowledge will be used as an economic resource.

D. People who provide various types of services must be socially and economically disadvantaged.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The machine is ____________________ (很难修). (repair)


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mr. Sankaram, a physics teacher, was known for his antics(滑稽动作)in his classroom to make the dull lessons in physics lively and interesting. Mixing different chemical drugs in the lab to become new substances in chemistry makes students excited. While studying botany or zoology, students can visit a garden or zoo. But physics limits students to listening to the boring lectures which are hard to understand. For example, why an apple dropping from a tree travels downwards but not upwards. But Mr. Sankaram’s classroom antics to cause students to listen to topics such as how sound travels in air or why light travels faster than sound made him stand out from the rest of the teachers.

At that time, most students in our school attended the college to please their parents, and some parents were proud of their children for simply attending a college, no-matter whether they benefited or not. They didn’t study hard. But a few students were diligent and they wanted to study pre-medical courses to gain admission into the medical school. The schooling of pre-medical courses was very expensive. The college was next to the medical school. The wall separating them was about four feet high. Few tried to jump over the wall to get free pre-medical courses. Doing this was at risk of injuries and the climbing was forbidden.

The college where Mr. Sankaram taught was known for unruly and naughty students. The unruly students usually sat at the back of the classroom. When a student from the back of the classroom tried/span> to disrupt the class, Mr. Sankaram would say, “Dare you go ahead to make noise? Can you jump over the four-foot wall to get into the medical school?” The student’s face went red and he became silent. In the physics class . I sat in the first row to escape from the troublemakers at the back. One day during the class. Mr. Sankaram unexpectedly asked me, “Can you jump over the four-foot wall?” I shook my head and answered, “No, sir, I couldn’t jump over a one-foot wall, let alone a four-foot wall.” Mr. Sankaram wasn’t satisfied with my reply but waved his hand for me to sit down. He looked at me in the eyes hard and said, “If you can. Believe in yourself!”

There were stories about Mr. Sankaram’s past history. As a student at same college years ago, he went into much depression for some time when he couldn’t get into the medical school. In fact he could have been admitted by the school by his ability of studying. Because his family couldn’t afford his pre-medical courses and he didn’t dare to climb the wall, he often walked back and forth along the four-foot wall talking to himself and sometimes cried over his failure. Whether this story was true or false it was passed on from year to year. So Mr. Sankaram had a nickname “four-foot.” It was true that he left his dream to his students and he began challenging the students’ ability to jump over the four-foot wall to get into the medical school.

A a student I failed at my attempt to get admission into the medical school. In fact not all students wanted to be a doctor. And years later I ended up as a chemistry teacher at the same college. I thank Mr. Sankaram for his encouragement to me, and I am determined to follow his example to make my class interesting. Mr. Sankaram passed away years ago. He will always be remembered for his wonderful teaching techniques such as dancing movements and his encouraging words.

【1Which subject was boring in the author’s opinion?

A. Botany B. Physics C. Chemistry D. zoology

【2Most of the author’s schoolmates went to college to _____.

A. make their parents happy

B. learn a skill of making a living

C. study abroad after graduation

D. find a good job after graduation

【3Why wasn’t Mr. Sankaram satisfied with the author’s reply?

A .He didn’t think the author was diligent.

B. He thought the author lacked confidence.

C .The author didn’t know what he meant

D .The author was shy while answering it.

【4Mr. Sankaram’s failing to get into the medical school______.

A. resulted in getting his nickname “four-foot”

B. caused him to be forever depressed and to cry every day

C. made him work hard to let his students realize his dream

D. made him complain the life was unfair and he was not lucky

【5We can infer from this passage that the author_____.

A. wanted to become a doctor very much in fact

B. regretted that he didn’t respect Mr. Sankaram

C. was bornspan> in a rich family and once a good student

D. is a good teacher in the college where he once studied

