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科目: 来源: 题型:

Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who ___ to visit the museum _____required to be at the bus station at 6:30.

A. are ; is           B. are ; are              C. is ; are          D. is ;is


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A while ago my family and I went sledding. As I watched my children climbing up the slope, I started  36 .

    Many people are  37  that most of today’s social problems are because of the “me ” generation; youngsters are just out for  38  and pay no attention to others or their needs. Indeed, a common belief is that today’s youngsters won’t do anything  39  there is something in it for them.

    Yet, while sledding, I saw a  40  side to youngsters. I watched my two oldest children  41  my youngest by the hand to help her up the slippery slope each time they  42 . They would have been faster  43  her, but not once did they try to  44  her without helping.

    Don’t get me wrong; these children  45  fight among themselves and, on occasion,  46  horribly. But I can take them  47  and know that they won’t ask for anything; I can talk to them about hurricane victims and know that they will  48  to donate some of their own money.

    Perhaps, therefore, the “me” generation is to  49  for many social problems — not the youngsters who want everything, but the  50  in their lives who have taught them to selfishly think only of themselves. Most adults have been  51  at some time or another. In this case, they are really cold towards others.  52 , many pass it down to their children. Then the children learn to put themselves first!

Most young children want to help. We can  53  that feeling to continue into adulthood by teaching the  54  my children learned while sledding: Life is a slippery slope with  55  of bruises(受伤), but we can all make it to the top if we remember to help those who need it.

36. A. planning                   B. crying                            C. teaching                  D. thinking  

37. A. proud                       B. content                    C. convinced                D. frightened

38. A. others                       B. everything               C. themselves               D. everybody

39. A. unless                       B. when                       C. if                            D. until

40. A. far                                   B. wrong                            C. dark                       D. different

41. A. take                          B. leave                       C. notice                      D. find

42. A. gave away                 B. went up                   C. looked out               D. put down

43. A. without                            B. for                          C. with                        D. beyond

44. A. drop by                    B. call on                            C. go for                      D. pass by

45. A. never                        B. sometimes                C. finally                    D. especially

46. A. speak                        B. respond                   C. behave                    D. want

47. A. fishing                      B. shopping                 C. studying                  D. playing

48. A. offer                         B. refuse                      C. compete                  D. allow

49. A. blame                       B. support                   C. praise                      D. judge

50. A. teachers                    B. parents                    C. adults                            D. children

51. A. inspired                    B. fortune                    C. retired                    D. disappointed

52. A. Surprisingly              B. Similarly                 C. Hopefully                D. Sadly

53. A. understand               B. share                       C. encourage               D. describe

54. A. advice                       B. technique                C. mistake                   D. lesson

55. A. wishes                       B. possibilities              C. means                            D. imaginations


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Have you noticed that the majority of human beings seem to focus on the negative? Bad news is often seen in the newspapers, television shows and magazines, but good news are often overlooked.

I saw a woman I was not very familiar with. She is a beautiful woman; every time I see her, I am struck by the smile on her face that can light up a whole room. So at one time I walked up to her and said, “You know, you are like liquid sunshine! Every time I see you, you give me so much joy.” I was not quite prepared for her reaction. She was blown away. Her eyes seemed about to shed tears, and she said, “That is so sweet! That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!” It was as if nobody had ever told her how beautiful her appearance was. I was extremely moved by the moment I had shared with this woman.

Why not take notice of the positive and spread a little sunshine? When you are looking for beauty, you will begin to see it more and more. When you discover it, don’t be afraid to appreciate it. Not only will it make them feel good, it will make you feel good as well. I truly believe the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” When you show kindness and sincerity, you will receive it back. You may even discover — much to your surprise — that you become the friend of someone you would never have expected to get along with.

65. The woman had tears in her eyes because __________.

A. the man’s behavior was so rude

B. she was nervous about the man’s words

C. the man told her the fact she didn’t know

D. she was so excited at the man’s praise

66. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined sentence in the third paragraph?

A. The wise appreciate one another. 

B. Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.

C. There is kindness to be found everywhere.

D. Everybody should learn to praise others.

67. The best title for the passage probably is _____.

A. Pay attention to the positive   B. Everyone likes to be praised

C. Spread a little sunshine       D. Each of us has good points


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)







       An Australian farmer found the kangaroo caught in the fence around his farms.He

thought the poor animal was injured, but the kind farmer took off his jacket and put on the

animal.Then he started trying to cut the fence to free the animals.But as soon as the kangaroo

were free, it jumped up and ran away with the jacket.The farmer was worried because of his

wallet was in the pocket.But, to my surprise, when he gets home, he saw the animal waiting at

the door, still wore his jacket with the wallet in the pocket.


科目: 来源: 题型:

13.Busy _______ she is, Rita ______ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with her son.

       A.though, sets out     B.as, sets aside 

       C.as, sets down                D.though, sets off


科目: 来源: 题型:

–Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?

–Sorry. ______.

       A. It’s repaired   B. It has been repaired        C. It’s being repaired   D. It had been repaired


科目: 来源: 题型:

Barack Obama has taken personal blame ________ the security failures which led ________ the attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day.

       A.of; to       B.for; to      C.on; on      D.in; on


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What can I do for you, Sir?

     —I’d like to have this bag _______ and post it to Shanghai.

     A. to be weighed      B. weighed    C. tested          D. to be tested


科目: 来源: 题型:

After going into the concert hall, the mother ________ a friend and went over to greet him.

  A. searched  B. knew C. realized  D. spotted


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is known to us that doing eye exercises ________ our eyes, and that is to say, our eyes can ________ doing eye exercises.

A. benefits; benefit from B. benefits to; benefit

C. benefits from; benfit  D. benefits; be benfited from

