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科目: 来源: 题型:

You will ______ sooner or later if you keep working like that.

  A. break off           B. break down    C . break into   D. break out


科目: 来源: 题型:

Painted red ____ white walls, the houses look wonderful.

A. over                 B. against                            C. in                                   D. on


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

UNICEF reports that 40 million children below the age of 15 suffer from abuse(虐待) and neglect. The USA National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse finds 3 million new reports of child abuse or neglect every year.

       According to such information on human rights abuses of children, the United Nations declared 2010 as the International Year of Youth. In answer to the common human rights abuses of young people, Dr. Mary Shuttleworth of Youth for Human Rights International(YHRI) recently completed her seventh annual World Tour to five continents in eighty days. The purpose of the tour is to promote the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to tens of thousands of children and officials.

       According to UNICEF, 1.2 million children are illegally traded all over the world every year.

Sold as goods, these children are forced into inhuman labor, denied basic education and robbed of their childhoods. Youth who do not know their rights are easily cheated by ill-intentioned men. That is why YHRI thinks highly of education.

       “When the United Nations declared 2010 as the International Year of Youth, I knew that their human rights had to be greater than ever,” Dr. Shuttleworth said. The tour reached Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, South Africa, Swaziland, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Greece, Taiwan, Japan, Hawaii and Los Angeles.

       The YHRI World Tour 2010 has reached tens of thousands of students as well as officials, educators, and religious leaders and thus promotes human rights education to millions more.

2010 was declared as the International Year of Youth because ______.

       A. 3 million children reported their information to the UN

       B. many children are suffering from ill-treatment and neglect

       C. children are illegally traded throughout the whole world

       D. human rights abuses of young people have been avoided

According to para. 2, Dr. Shuttleworth first started her annual World Tour in _____.

       A. 2000                 B. 2004                 C. 2008                 D. 2010

Youth for Human Rights International is paying attention to education because _______.

       A. education should serve most children

       B. too many children are forced to leave school

       C. children who know their rights will make more money

       D. children who know little about their rights are easily cheated

According to the passage, the YHRI World Tour 2010 _______.

       A. has almost stopped the child abuse            B. has reached different areas and people

       C. has found more forced child labor             D. was neglected by some political leaders


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lichens (地衣) are difficult to see. They don’t move. They often mix into the living place. You might not even recognize one if you are looking right at it.

Lichens live on rocks, branches, houses, and even metal street signs. You can find these colorful organisms (微生物) almost everywhere — from deserts to rainforests, and from Antarctica to Africa. They’ve traveled in outer space, and some scientists think there might even be lichens on Mars.

What you probably don’t realize is that a lichen is more than a single thing. It includes two different types of living organisms: a fungus (菌类) and an alga (藻类). Neither of these organisms is a plant, so the lichen isn’t a plant either.

Through photosynthesis (光合作用), the alga gets the sun’s energy to make food for the fungus, which is the place for the alga to live in. However, the alga cannot leave the fungus.

Around the world, scientists have found tens of thousands of types of lichens. Many may not even have been discovered yet. As scientists continue to find new kinds of lichens, they are also working to understand how they are connected to one another. By putting together a lichen family tree, they hope to understand why so many different types of lichens have grown in so many places around the world.

Many researchers are trying to understand basic facts about the organisms and their connections. Researchers are also using lichens to examine the health of the environment.

What do we know about lichens according to the passage?

A. They will die if they leave Earth.

B. There are more lichens than plants on Earth.

C. They look similar to the environment around them.

D. They are too small to be easily seen by people.

What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The way lichens live.

B. The natural environment of lichens.

C. The way lichens work as organisms.

D. The family tree of lichens.

Which of the following statements is NOT the scientists’ purposes of studying lichens?

A. To understand basic facts about them.

B. To creat a lichen family tree.

C. To understand how lichens are related to each other.

D. To understand why lichens can live in different places.

We can know from the passage that __________.

A. lichens can be used to better understand the environment

B. lichens don’t have any differences in colors or sizes

C. lichens don’t use photosynthesis like a green plant

D. scientists have discovered every kind of lichen


科目: 来源: 题型:

根据下面提示,以 Travelling to Hainan Island 为题,用第一人称写一篇100 词左右的游记。






科目: 来源: 题型:

In the USA, the students who study business is more than _______ those who study agriculture.

    A. as many as ten times   B. as ten times than

  C. ten times as many as   D. than ten times


科目: 来源: 题型:

Our daughter doesn’t know what to ____at the university; she can’t make up her mind about her future.

A. take in        B. take up        C. take over          D. take on


科目: 来源: 题型:

– Jenny , how was your trip to Beijing ?

  - Oh , I missed it . I wish I ________ my vacation there .

 A. am spending    B. will spend    C. have spent   D. had spent


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is not rare in ____ for people in ____ fifties to go to university for further education.

   A. 1990s ; the        B. the 1990s ; /     C. the 1990s ; their    D. 1990s ; them


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



People in Shanghai can quench their thirst with high quality water if the Shanghai Water Authority (SWA) is able to make good on its word. It has vowed to make the city’s water match its status as a world class city.

   “The current tap water quality meets national standards, but, compared with that of the European Union and the United States, it still needs to be improved.” said the SWA’s director general, Hang Jiayi.

    In other developed countries, water fountains can be found almost everywhere—people do not bother with bottled drinking water.

    By 2020, the water of the Huangpu River will be treated to reduce the amount of organic waste in it. Major water works that draw water from the Huangpu will need more treatment facilities to improve the colour, texture, ammonia(氨)and nitrogen content before 2010.

    These treatment facilities are expected to cost 4 billion yuan, something that could affect the price of water, according to Chen Yin, SWA’s deputy director general.

    Chen said that replacing water pipes was also a key project. The city’s aged pipes are mostly to blame for the bad water quality.

    The SWA has started the water facilities renovation(更新)work, including the more than 14,000 kilometres of indoor piping, 107,000 tanks on top of the buildings, and more than 6,000 underground facilities.

    World Water Day came on March 22, and this year’s theme is “Water for the future”. Beijing is also drawing up plans during China’s Water Week, which runs until March 28.

    By 2010, the water for the Shanghai EXPO is to be above World Health Organization standards. And, the people of Beijing will be able to drink their tap water as well.

People in Shanghai can drink their tap water_____.

   A. by 2020       B. in the first half of this year     C. by 2010      D. by 2008

What step need not be taken in order to improve the tap water?

A. The water of the Huangpu River will be treated.    B. Aged water pipes will be treated.

C. Water facilities must be renovated.                   D. Water fountains must be found.

Which is the correct statement according to the passage?

A. The tap water quality in Shanghai hasn’t met national standards.

B. World Water Day fell on March 22 this year.

C. The people of Beijing cannot drink their tap water now.

D. The treatment of the water of Huangpu River has been finished.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The cost of treating the tap water.

B. How to reach the water standards of developed countries.

C. The project for making tap water drinkable in Shanghai and Beijing.

D. The progress of treating the water of Huangpu River.

