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科目: 来源: 题型:



An American bestseller has been popular among the students in our      

school ______(最近). It is so inspiring that I would like to recommend         1. _________      

it to you. This book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, w______ by Jack               2. _________      

Canfield, first appeared _______1993 and soon became a bestseller.             3. _________      

It will surely inspire readers of all ______(年龄). It has been put into               4. _________      

many languages, spreading love to all over the world. B_________, an English    5. _________      

version is of g_________help to us English learners as it will help improve    6. _________      

our English. It costs 64 yuan,_________you can get it for 54.4 yuan through    7. _________      

online shopping, which will _________ (节省) you 9.6yuan. You can order    88. _________      

it at www.dangdang.com, and g_________the book within one week after           89. _________       

your payment. For more_________please visit the website.                       10. ________


科目: 来源: 题型:

________enough money for his schooling, Tom worked part-time in a supermarket every evening.

  A.Making          B.Having made       C.Made          D.To make


科目: 来源: 题型:

After I told her the news, she _____ me in astonishment.

A. glanced at                   B. glared at

C. watched at                   D. stared at


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is __________ that everyone in the country likes to play it.

    A. so an interesting game   B. so a interesting game

    C. such interesting a game   D. such an interesting game


科目: 来源: 题型:

Unemployment in USA is likely to remain high in 2011, and _______ for the next few years.

A. possibly         B. necessarily              C. gradually            D. normally


科目: 来源: 题型:

, Franks never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

A. As hard he tries B. Try hard as he might

G. As hard as he tries  D. Try as hard as he might


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech. At some point in every speech, every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners. Why? Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say. They hear only what the speaker does say. If you lose your place for a moment, wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences, or forget to pause at a certain point, no one will be any the wiser. When such moments occur, don’t worry about them. Just continue as if nothing happened.

   Even if you do make an obvious mistake during a speech, that doesn’t really matter .If you have ever listened to Martin Luther King’s famous speech — “ I have a dream”, you may notice that he stumbles(结巴)his words twice during the speech. Most likely, however, you don’t remember. Why? Because you were fixing your attention on his message rather than on his way of speech-making. People care a lot about making mistakes in a speech because they regard speech-making as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication. They feel the listeners are like judges in an ice-skating competition. But, in fact, the listeners are not looking for a perfect performer. They are looking for a well-thought-out speech that expresses the speaker’s ideas clearly and directly. Sometimes a mistake or two can actually increase a speaker’s attractiveness by making him more human.

   As you work on your speech, don’t worry about being imperfect. Once you free your mind of this, you will find it much easier to give your speech freely.

The underlined part in the first paragraph means that no one will ______ .

   A. be smarter than you        

B. notice your mistakes

   C. do better than you         

D. know what you are talking about

You don’t remember obvious mistakes in a speech because ___________.

   A. your attention is on the content

   B. you don’t fully understand the speech

   C. you know what the speaker plans to say

   D. you find the way of speech-making more important

It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.

   A. giving a speech is like giving a performance

   B. one or two mistakes in a speech may not be bad

   C. the listeners should pay more attention to how a speech is made

   D. the more mistakes a speaker makes, the more attractive he will be

What would be the best title of the passage? 

   A. How to Be a Perfect Speaker        

B. How to Make a Perfect Speech

   C. Don’t Expect a Perfect Speech       

D. Don’t Expect Mistakes in a Speech

Which of the following statements is true?

   A. If you are careful enough, you can make a perfect speech.

   B. Speech-making is a kind of performance.

   C. Listeners are not judges and they pay more attention to the message.

   D. Martin Luther King is not a good speaker.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I took the bus to work for many years. No one knew each other; the passengers all sat there sleepily in the morning. The bus was cheerless and silent.

One of the passengers was a small grey man who took the bus to the center for senior citizens every morning. No one ever paid very much attention to him. One July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled. The driver nodded guardedly. The rest of us were silent.

The next day, the old man boarded with a big smile and said in a loud voice, “A very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured “ good morning” in reply.

The following weeks, our friend was dressed in a nice old suit and tie. The thin hair had been carefully combed. He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.

One morning he even had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver turned around smilingly and asked, “Have you got yourself a girlfriend, Charlie?” We never got to know if his name really was “Charlie”, but he nodded shyly and said yes. The other passengers whistled and clapped at him. Charlie waved the flowers before he sat down on his seat.

Every morning after that Charlie always brought flowers. Some passengers also brought flowers for him. The bus became a happy place.

Then, one morning, as autumn was closing in, Charlie wasn’t waiting at his usual stop. When he wasn’t there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or hopefully---on holiday somewhere. When we came nearer to the center for senior citizens, one of the passengers even asked the driver to wait.

We all held our breaths when he went to the door. The old gentleman was fine, but one of his close friends had died over the weekend. How silent we were the rest of the way to work.

The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop, and without a tie. Inside the bus was silent.

The story is mainly developed by ______.

A. time   B. logic    C. comparison    D. cause and result 

Greeted with “good morning” from the old man, people aboard the bus at first _____.

A. felt tired and sleepy and didn’t want to talk   B. greeted him back loudly and politely

C. guarded against the conversation from strangers D. felt surprised and became angry with him.

When the passengers found the old man was not waiting at the bus stop as usual, they did NOT _____.

A. buy flowers and wait for him to come   B. feel anxious and worried about him 

C. miss him and expect to see him    D. hope he was going on holiday rather than falling ill

It can be inferred from the text that _____.

A. the driver didn’t like the old man at first  B. people usually wear a tie when they are happy

C. passengers brought flowers to express gratitude(感激) to the old man 

D. the old man had a great influence on the passengers’ emotion

The purpose of the passage is to _____.

A. introduce the old gentleman and praise his good deeds

B. persuade us to become friendly and considerate to people around

C. tell us to keep silent when somebody passes away

D. criticize those who remain silent when they are greeted


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ he driven more carefully, the accident would not have happened the other day.

A. Be     B. Had        C. Has      D. Would have


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Have you been to the Great Wall?

   —Perhaps not in my memory. ________, it might have been during my early childhood.

  A. If any            B. If so            C. If ever            D. If not

