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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People like different kinds of vacations. Some go camping. They swim, fish, cook over a fire and sleep outside. Others like to stay at a hotel in an exciting city. They go shopping all day and go dancing all night. Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as Disneyland, the Tai Mahan or the Louver.

Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don’t want to be “tourists”. They want to have an adventure--a surprising and exciting trip. They want to learn something and maybe help people too. How can they do this? Some travel companies and environmental groups are planning special adventures. Sometimes these trips are difficult and full of hardships, but they’re a lot of fun. One organization, Earth watch, sends small groups of volunteers to different parts of the world. Some volunteers spend two weeks and study the environment. Others work with animals. Others learn about people of the past.

Would you like an adventure in the Far North? A team of volunteers is leaving from Mormons, Russia. The leader of this trip is a professor from Alaska. He’s worried about chemicals from factories. He and the volunteers will study this pollution in the environment. If you like exercise and cold weather, this is a good trip for you. Volunteers need ski sixteen kilometers every day.

Do you enjoy ocean animals? You can spend two to four weeks in Hawaii. There, you can teach language to dolphins. Dolphins can follow orders such as “Bring me the large ball.” They also understand opposites. How much more can they understand? It will be exciting to learn about these intelligent animals. Another study trip goes to Washington State and follows orcas. We call orcas “killer Whale”, but they’re really dolphins—the largest kind of dolphin. This beautiful animal travels together in family groups. They move through the ocean with their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Ocean pollution is chasing their lives. Earth watch is studying how this happens.

Are you interested in history? Then Greece is the place for your adventure. Thirty-five hundred years ago a volcano exploded there, on Santorum. This explosion was more terrible than Karate or Mount Saint Helens. But today we know a lot about the way of life of the people from that time. There are houses, kitchens, and paintings as interesting as those in Pompeii. Today teams of volunteers are learning more about people from the past.

Do you want a very different vacation? Do you want to travel far, work hard and learn a lot? Then an Earth watch vacation is for you.

The Tai Mahan may be _______.

A. a shopping center      B. a hotel        

C. a dancing hall    D. a place of interest

From the passage, on an adventure trip, people ______.

A. may not spend much time on sightseeing

B. won’t meet some difficulties or hardships

C. can’t enjoy them

D. can’t learn something

If you want to learn something about people of the past, you can _______.

A. join the team to Hawaii

B. join the team to the Far North

C. join the team to Washington

D. join the team to Greece

The word intelligent in paragraph 4 means _______.

A. exciting     B. beautiful

C. large   D. clever

Which of the following is false?

A. Some people find sightseeing trips boring.

B. Earth watch is planning all these special adventures.

C. The number of orcas is decreasing.

D. 3 volcano explosions in all broke out 3, 500 years ago in Greece.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A German taxi-driver, Franz Bussman, recently found his brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years before.

  While on a walking tour with his wife, he stopped to talk to a workman. After they had gone on, Mrs Bussman said that the workman was closely like her husband and even suggested that he might be his brother. Franz laughed at the idea, pointing out that his brother had been killed in action during the war. Though Mrs Bussman knew this story quite well, she thought that there was a chance in a million that she might be right.

  A few days later, she sent a boy to the wokman to ask him if his name was Hans Bussman. Needless to say, the man’s name was Hans Bussman. And he really was Franz’s long-lost brother. When the brothers were reunited, Hans explained how it was that he was still alive.

  After having been wounded towards the end of the war, he had been sent to hospital and was separated from his unit. The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed. Hans returned to his family house, but the house had been bombed. Guessing that his family had been killed during an air-raid. Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away where he had remained ever since.

69.Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?

       A.Living Not Far.               B.A Chance in a Million

       C.Coming Back to Life   D.Back after the War.

70.Walking along the street, _______.

       A.Mr. Bussman recognized his brother at the first sight.

       B.Mrs. Bussman thought of her long-lost brother.

       C.Mr. and Mrs. Bussman talked to a workman because he looked like his brother.

       D.Mr. Bussman happened to meet a work-man and talked to him.

71. Which of the following order is RIGHT?

A.He walked back to Western German

B.He was wounded when the war was coming to the end.

C.The hospital was destroyed by bombs.

D.He came back to his family house.

e. He was sent to hospital.

f. His unit of German didn’t exist any longer.

A.b, a, e, d, f, c            B.b, e, c, a, f, d   

C.b, e, a, c, d, f            D.b, c, f, d, a, e


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Nice picinic, isn’t it? -----_____.

    A. I don't think so    B.Yes, really     C. Thank you     D.Yes, but I don't like the food


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hor- mones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

“Damaging emotion” means that _________.                                 

       A.the emotion is harmless               B.the emotion is harmful                              

       C.the feeling is very strong              D.the feeling is hard

What statement is right?                                                    

       A.Were you angry, you would be cancered (得癌症).           

B.Once you are angry, you must be cancered.

C.Angry as you are often, you can't be cancered,            

       D.Anger may cause you a cancer.

Expressing anger violently _________ repressing it according to some scientists.

       A.is just the same as               B.is more harmful than                           

       C.is no better than               D.is much better than      

According to the author, you'd better _________.                              

       A.never be angry                        

       B.cool it down before you express it 

       C.laugh and laugh when you get angry    

       D.admit you are wrong when you are angry


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Almost every child is scared of something, from monsters in the cupboard to dogs in the park. But the fact that such fears are common and normal doesn’t mean they can be taken lightly. Kids experience fears and phobias (恐惧症) much more strongly than adults. And the influence of the fear can be physical as well as psychological (心理的). It can build up so they almost seem scared of everything-a kind of childhood anxiety. Dr. Creswell says:"Your child may always seem to expect the worst to happen and lack confidence in his or her ability to deal with any challenge.” So don’t make the same old mistake of treating them as if they’re silly for being “a scared cat”(胆小鬼). Handing the fears is essential.

Children can be born nervous and., if you have such a baby, you’ll tend to prevent them from getting worried. So if they fear dogs, you’ll keep them away from dogs, but in fact that can just confirm to the child that dogs are scary. What is worse, keeping your child away from what they fear can turn that feeling into a phobia. Instead, you should encourage them to get in touch with the thing they fear, in a safe and supportive environment. Dr. Andy Field, a researcher of childhood fears, says: “You shouldn’t force, for example, a dog anxious child to go up to a dog. But you can approach it yourself, show them there is nothing to be afraid of, stroke (抚摸) it, and talk about the dog being friendly. Once your child dares to stroke a dog-one that’s good with children, of course-then you should encourage them to carry on until they feel calmer, and reward them for ‘being brave’.”

Children’s fears are usually taken lightly because     .

A. they will not develop into phobias

B. their influence is psychological

C. they exist widely in the world

D. they will disappear gradually

If we fail to help children to overcome fears, they will    .

A. make the same old mistake

B. overcome them by themselves

C. experience the worst of things

D. grow up lacking self-confidence

According to Dr. Andy Field, if a child is afraid of a cat, parents should     .

A. tell the child not to be afraid of it 

B. show the child how to approach it

C. keep the child away from it

D. ask the child to stroke it


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A “lost tribe” that reached America from Australia may have been the first Native Americans, according to a new theory.

If proved by DNA evidence, the theory will break long established beliefs about the southerly migration of people who entered America across the Bering Strait, found it empty and occupied it.

On this theory rests the belief of Native Americans to have been the first true Americans. They would be classified to the ranks of escapee, beaten to the New World by Aboriginals (土著人) in boats.

To a European, this may seem like an academic argument, but to Americans it is a philosophical question about identity, Silvia Gonzales, of Liverpool University said .

Her claims are based on skeletons found in the California Peninsula of Mexico that have skulls quite unlike the broad Mongolian features of Native Americans. These narrow-skulled people have more in common with southern Asians, Aboriginal Australians and people of the South Pacific Region.

The bones, stored at the National Museum of Anthropology (人类学) in Mexico City, have been carbon-dated and one is 12,700 years old, which places it several thousand years before the arrival of people from the North. “We think there were several migration waves into the Americas at different times by different human groups,” Dr. Gonzales said. “The timing, route and point of origin of the first colonization of the Americas remains a most contentious topic in human evolution.”

But comparisons based on skull shape are not considered conclusive by anthropologists, so a team of Mexican and British scientists, backed by the Natural Environment Research Council, has also attempted to take out DNA from the bones. Dr. Gonzales declined yesterday to say exactly what the results were, as they need to be checked, but indicated that they were consistent(一致) with an Australian origin.

It is generally considered that the first Native Americans came from ________.

A. North Asia                           B. Australia

C. South Pacific                               D. South Asia

The skeletons found in the California Peninsula of Mexico have ________.

A. the broad skull shape

B. the narrow skull shape

C. different features of Aboriginal Australians

D. the same features of Native Americans

The underlined “contentious” is similar in meaning to “________”.

A. likely to cause great interest            B. difficult to solve

C. well-known to all                           D. likely to cause argument

Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A. Research on skulls can draw an exact conclusion.

B. DNA tests have proved the fact that the first Native Americans came from Australian.

C. Scientists are still not sure about the origin of the Native Americans.

D. People began to enter America across the Bering Strait about 12,700 years ago.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The pen I _______ I _______is on my desk, right under my nose.

    A. thought; had lost     B. think; lost C. think; had lost      D. thought; have lost


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The snow has paralysed(使瘫痪) transport in China during the country’s most important vacation period, the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Not only have transport delays hindered personal trips, but they have also slowed the delivery of fresh produce to markets. Consequently, in Zhengzhou, the capital city of the Henan province, tomato prices have doubled, and the cost of 47 other vegetables has increased by 36%, as reported by local media at the end of January.

     According to an inside PR source, “wholesalers in Beijing were quoted as saying that only about 20% of the usual fresh vegetable supplies were reaching the city.” As an Asian country with a diet based on fresh produce, the shortage of vegetables and the rise in prices is not only affecting fresh food producers, but also the final consumers.

     In terms of production, this is the worst snow disaster to hit China in the last 50 years, affecting a total of 9.4 million hectares of farmland in the country, according to a report published on 4 February 2008 by Feng Tao of Xinhua News, at the Chinese government website. Most of the crops devastated(毁坏)by the frost are located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the traditional natural border between North and South China.

Chen Xiwen, Director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Rural Work, pointed out at the end of last week that “the blizzard disaster in the south has had a severe impact on winter crops, and the impact on fresh vegetables could be catastrophic in certain areas”, as stated in the Xinhua News report.

     The Chinese government has been quick to take extreme measures. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has sent 13 teams of experts to 8 of the areas most seriously affected by the harsh weather. The aim of this initiative is to provide farmers with technical assistance to minimize their losses.

From this passage, we can know that the snow happened _____.

   A. During the Spring Festival

   B. In the coldest days of the winter

   C. In the North of China.

   D. It’s not mentioned here.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph four?

   A. worst  B. snowstorm  C. cold weather  D. biggest

This passage mainly tells us _____ .

   A. The snow in the south of China caused many problems.

   B. The effect of the snow in the south of China on the fresh food

   C. The snow in the south of China slowed the delivery of fresh produce to markets.

   D. The Chinese government has taken extreme measures to help the suffered farmers.

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has sent 13 teams of experts to 8 of the areas to _____ .

   A. help the farmers plant crops          B. give money to the farmers

   C. give directions to the farmers with their technic(技术;技巧).

   D. deliver crops for the farmers.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Oh my god! You__ wear slippers to attend the conference.

         —I'm sorry I forgot there is a conference.

         A.must  B.can     C.should        D.shall


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

High school dropouts(辍学者)earn an average of $ 9,000 less per year than graduates. Now a new study dispels a common belief why they quit. It’s much more basic than flunking out(不及格).

    Society tends to think of high school dropouts as kids who just can’t cut it. They are lazy,and perhaps not too bright.So researchers were surprised when they asked more than 450 kids who quit school about why they left.

    “The vast majority actually had passing grades and they were confident that they could have graduated from high school.” John Bridgeland, the executive researcher said. About 1 million teens leave school each year. Only about half of African-American and Hispanic(美籍西班牙的)student will receive a diploma(证书),and actually all dropouts come to regret their decision. So, if failing grades don’t explain why these kids quit, what does? Again,John Bridgeland:"The most dependable finding was that they were bored.” “They found classes uninteresting; they weren’t inspired or motivated. They didn’t see any direct connection between what they were learning in the classroom to their own lives, or to their career aspirations.”

    The study found that most teens who do drop out wait until they turn sixteen, which happens to be the age at which most states allow students to quit. In the US,only one state,New Mexico,has a law requiring teenagers to stay in high school until they graduate. Only four states: California, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, plus the District of Columbia, require school attendance until age 18, no exceptions, another researcher,says raising the compulsory(义务的)attendance age may be one way to keep more kids in school.

  “As these dropouts look back,they realize they’ve made a mistake. And anything that sort of gives these people an extra push to stick it out and it through to the end, is probably helpful measure.”

    New Hampshire may be the next state to raise its school attendance age to 18. But critics say that forcing the students unwilling to continue their studies to stay in school misses the point-the need for reform. It's been called for to reinvent high school education to make it more challenging and relevant, and to ensure that kids who do stick it out receive a diploma that actually means something.  

Most high school students drop out of' school because__.

A. they have failing grades                                B. they take no interest in classes

C. they are discriminated against                        D. they are lazy and not intelligent

Acceding to the passage,which state has a law requiring school attendance until they graduate?

A. New Hampshire        B. Utah  C. New Mexico    D. The District of Columbia

The underlined words “stick it out” probably means“__”.

A. complete schooling                                      B. solve the problem

C. love having classes                                       D. believe in themselves

From the passage,we can infer the following EXCEPT that_.

A. the grades of most dropouts at school were acceptable

B. about 500, 000 high school dropouts are black and Spanish

C. classes don't appeal to dropouts

D. on average dropouts cannot get good jobs

