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科目: 来源: 题型:


在世界环保日到来前夕,联合国教科文组织就如何处理垃圾向世界中学生征文。请以Saving Our City为题,写一篇100-120词左右的短文。











科目: 来源: 题型:

The engines of the ship were out of order and the bad weather____ the helplessness of the crew at sea.

A. resulted from         B. turned out    C. made up               D. added to


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I am not appealing for myself. I am appealing ________ all the ordinary teachers.

   A. on behalf of    B. in the opinion of   C. with a view of    D. in terms of


科目: 来源: 题型:





科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last year, a report by a committee of education experts said that a lot of American students cannot write well. The report noted the concerns of business leaders and teachers. The experts said that more students should have to pass a writing test before they can finish high school. They pointed out that major college entrance tests are changing now to include a writing part.

  Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies have developed computer programs. These can grade student writing much more quickly than a person can. Writing tests can also cost less to carry out by computer than paper-and-pencil. These computer systems are known as e-readers. They use artificial (人工的) intelligence to think in a way like teachers. In the state of Indiana, computer grading of a statewide writing test began with a test of the system itself. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and those given by the human readers.

  The entrance test commonly used by business schools, the GMAT, already uses e-readers. The GRE and TOEFL tests might start; officials are deciding. The GRE is the Graduate Record Examination. TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

  Systems are also being used to grade writing in college classes. The computers read a few hundred examples of student writing already graded by humans. Then the systems compare new writings against those already examined.

  How do teachers feel all about this? Many say machines can never do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and grammar mistakes. But these teachers say it can never really understand what a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a thought or judge humor or understand a beautifully expressed idea.

  But inventors of the programs say computer grading guarantees that each piece of writing is graded in the same way. They also say the systems are meant to judge knowledge more than creativity.

What do the teachers think of the computer system?

       A. They think highly of the computer systems.

       B. They think that computers cannot grade writing as well as people.

       C. They believe that computers can understand a writer’s idea well

       D. They are glad computers will spare their effort to correct students’ school work.

From the first paragraph we can conclude that _________.

       A. American students’ writing ability is being improved

       B. American students’ writing ability is not satisfactory

       C. business leaders and teachers are not worried about students’ writing

       D. all college entrance tests will include a writing part

Which of the following is NOT the advantage of e-readers?

       A. Saving much of teachers’ time.     B. Saving a lot of money.

     C. Being fair and objective.   D. Appreciating humor and beauty

The best title of this passage might be _________.

       A. Computer-graded Writing B. Human-graded Writing

       C. How to Improve Students’ Writing   D. Advantages of E-readers


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The financial climate, the job market, family tensions, Obama moving into the Lincoln bedroom. Even the climate’s getting in on the list. Yup, change is everywhere in 2009.

If you’re not careful, all kinds of strange things might happen in your otherwise ordered life, so it’s best to work at avoiding change whenever it rears its head.(抬头)

Here are 5 ways to do just that:

1. Ignore any opportunities.

How many times have you taken a chance, only for things to go wrong? How many times have you seized an opportunity only for it to slip between your fingers?

There’s always another screw-up(皱脸) waiting for you, so it’s better to stay right where you are. Where you are right now is a known quantity - it’s safe, warm and comfortable. Doesn’t that sound better than going out there, screwing up and looking stupid?

2. Set your expectations low.

If you’re one of the people out there looking to make a change in 2009 rather than having change made for you, you’d better set your expectations low.

3. Keep on running and don’t look back.

The best thing to do is to set things out so that you can do everything. It’s good to be busy and running around after everyone else will mean that everyone’s happy and there’s no room for change to happen. It’s a win-win!

4. Recognize that most changes are too big.

Face it; there are some tasks you’re just not up to. Landing that exciting new job, getting a promotion, taking on the ‘big project’ or building a relationship that really works -these are all big challenges and you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew.

5. Ignore that little voice inside

You might sometimes hear a little voice in your head that tells you you’re not happy or that something has to change. This little trouble maker can speak up at any time and throw the Spanner of Confusion in the works, and it has only one thing on its mind -to take you out of your comfort zone and make you change.

Imagine if everyone went around listening to what they really wanted and acted on it - chaos.

No, best to ignore it and carry on with what you’re doing.

64.The purpose of writing this passage is _______.

 A.to attract the readers’ interest in change in 2009    

B.to introduce ways to avoid change in 2009

C.to discuss whether people should change in 2009       

D.to tell the readers the news of American New President- Obama

65.Supposing you are safe, warm and comfortable now, you should _______.

A.set your expectations low       B.keep on running and don’t look back 

C.ignore any opportunities        D.ignore that little voice inside

66.The underlined sentence “You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew” implies_____.

A.you are too small to eat too much food.

B.you have big challenges to fight.

C.you are afraid of challenging some difficult tasks.

D.there are some big challenges you can’t fight.

67.The best way of dealing with that little voice inside is _______.

A.to change something at once                         B.to have a chat with the speaker

C.to ignore it and go on with what you are doing    D.to discuss it with the trouble maker


科目: 来源: 题型:

He always brings me a pretty gift ____ he comes to visit me.

A by the time        B sometimes                C every time                D at times?


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Great attention must be devoted ________ agriculture(农业), especially in China,

______ population is the largest in the world.

A. to be developed; whose            B. to develop; which

C. to developing; whose        D. to developing; which 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



  When I was twelve, I suddenly developed a strong feeling for writing poetry(诗歌). I gave up all my other hobbies, such as   41  stamps, and spent all my   42  time reading poetry and writing it. The   43  of writing poetry on every possible occasion (机会) soon   44  me into trouble at school. If a lesson did not  45  me. I would take out my notebook and start writing poems in class. Of course I did this very   46  , but it was not long before I got   47  . One day while I was busy writing a poem during a  48  lesson, I looked up to find the teacher standing   49  me in   50    because I was not   51  attention. He tore the poem up, with a  52  not to waste time in his lesson.   53  I was sure that I had written a good poem, 54  that evening I wrote it out from memory again. Not long after, I  55  about a poetry competition and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later, long   56  I had given up hope, I got a letter informing me that I had won the first  57  . Everyone at school    58  me for it except the geography teacher, who  59  me more carefully than ever. He was quite  60  that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson!

41.A.keeping      B.collecting  C.gathering  D.getting

42.A.other              B.rest                     C.free              D.more

43.A.habit               B.kind                       C.means              D.type

44.A.came            B.entered                   C.arrived            D.got

45.A.interest            B.surprise                  C.understand       D.develop

46.A.silently            B.carelessly                C.carefully          D.quickly

47.A.held                B.caught                    C.taken            D.improved

48.A.Chinese          B.English                   C.maths              D.geography

49.A.over                B.on                          C.below              D.after

50.A.pride            B.anger                   C.care                 D.satisfaction

51.A.calling             B.making                   C.noticing           D.paying

52.A.warning           B.smiling                   C.suggestion     D.demand

53.A.As usual     B.In other words         C.By the way      D.All the same

54.A.however     B.so                          C.thus                 D.even

55.A.read                   B.got                         C.noticed            D.looked

56.A.before            B.after                       C.ago                 D.until

57.A.position           B.reward                    C.victory            D.prize

58.A.praised            B.thanked                  C.surprised          D.puzzled

59.A.saw                 B.watched                  C.looked at         D.cared about

60.A.afraid             B.angry                         C.sure                 D.sorry


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ opening ceremony of 2008 Olympic Games was _____ great success.

   A. The; a         B. The; \       C. \; the       D. The; the

