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科目: 来源: 题型:

Most of the students have hardly ever been to the Grand Canyon, __      ?

       A. haven’t they      B. have they   C. aren’t they        D. are they


科目: 来源: 题型:

After graduation I’d like to find a job        I can use what I have learnt at school.

         A.whose        B.which          C.where         D.that


科目: 来源: 题型:

Is this the girl_____________ whom I can turn for help? Is she good at this subject?

A. to                   B. with              C. in             D. at


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Language is a major problem for the European Union(EU).The agreement or treaty (条约) which created the organization that eventually became the EU, the Treaty of Rome,stated that each country’s language must be treated equally.The original six countries had only three languages between them:French, German and Dutch . However, there are now 15 countries in the EU, with a total of 12 languages. EU documents must be translated into all these languages,and at official meetings, the speeches must be translated into all the languages by interpreters.

    All this translating is very expensive and time consuming . It is said that nearly half of all employees of the EU are engaged in translating documents and speeches, and nearly half of the EU’s administrative (管理方面的) costs are spent on this task.In the near future it is probable that several more countries, most of them having their own languages, will join the EU, thus making the situation even worse.

    The problem is not just cost:there are practical difficulties as well. With 12 languages,there are 132 possible “translation situations” that might be needed.It is often difficult to find people in the right place at the right time who can translate from (for example) Danish into Greek, or Dutch into Portuguese, at a high professional standard.

    In practice, the problem has been made less severe by the use of English in many contacts between EU officials,since almost all of them speak some English. However, any action to reduce the number of official languages (perhaps to four or five) would be a blow to the pride of the smaller countries. Another commonly suggested solution is to make English the official language for all EU business. However, this is strongly resisted by powerful member countries like France and Germany.

What’s the main purpose of this passage?

    A.To give a solution to a problem.

    B.To find out a problem and show how severe it is

    C.To criticize the European Union for inefficiency.

    D.To show that the problem cannot be solved.

According to the writer,the use of English in contacts among EU officials has _________.

    A.angered the officials who don’t speak English

    B.increased the number of official languages

    C.reduced the effect of the problem

    D.been supported by powerful member countries

The writer mentions “Danish into Greek” as an example of ________.

    A.a situation that might be difficult to deal with

    B.a situation that occurs at times

    C.one of the 12 situations that requires an interpreter

    D.languages easily being interpreted

The writer suggests that if the number of official languages were reduced, ________

    A.the EU would not know which official languages to choose

B.countries whose languages were not used officially would be unhappy

    C.only easy languages would be used officially   

    D.the smaller member countries would be pleased


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little son’s curious about those roses you grow.

—________. You are welcome.

A. Yes, I do       B. Never mind     C. Yes, please   D. Not at all


科目: 来源: 题型:

24. I was spending my holidays at the time, so I have no idea how it________

     A. was happening      B. happened       C. happens  D. has happened


科目: 来源: 题型:

One must have a wide range of knowledge to ________ the changing market.

   A. meet            B. count           C. fit          D. accustom


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms(习语), though my teacher emphasized the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown   41  an amusing experience.

One day, I   42   to meet an English man on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I   43   about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be   44  , gently shaking his head, shrugging (耸一耸) his shoulders, saying, “You don't say!” “You don't say!” I was puzzled. I thought, perhaps this is not an proper topic. Well, I'd  45   change the topic. So I said to him. “Well.   46   we talk about the Great Wall?   47   the way, have you ever  48   there?” “Certainly , everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing   49  . It was magnificent.” He was   50   in thought when I began to talk  51   a tourist guide, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very   52   of it.” Soon I was interrupted again by his order... “You don't say!” I couldn't help asking, “Why do you ask me   53   about it”? “Well, I didn't request you to do   54  ,” he answered, greatly   55   . I said, “Didn't you say 'you don't say'?”   56   this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to   57  , “ 'You don't say' actually means 'really?' It is an   58   of surprise. Perhaps you don't pay attention to English idioms.”   59   then did I know I have made a fool of   60   . Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions.

 41. A. in          B. for             C. by           D. to

 42. A. came       B. happened        C. seemed       D. wanted

 43. A. would talk   B. had talked       C. was to talk    D. was talking

44. A. understood  B. understanding    C. surprised      D. surprising

 45. A. to          B. better           C. not          D. like

 46. A. Shall       B. Will            C. Must         D. Do

 47. A. On         B. In              C. All          D. By

 48. A. gone       B. visited           C. seen         D. been

 49. A. it          B. them            C. anything      D. something

 50. A. losing      B. lose             C. lost          D. losed

 51. A. as         B. to               C. with         D. like

 52. A. glad       B. satisfied          C. proud        D. familiar

 53. A. not talk     B. to not talk        C. not to talk     D. not talking

 54. A. this        B. so              C. anything       D. me a favour

 55. A. encouraged  B. frightened        C. please        D. surprised

 56. A. Heard      B. To hear          C. Hearing       D. Listening

 57. A. explain     B. shout            C. prove         D. say

 58. A. experience  B. expression        C. explanation    D. example

 59. A. From      B. Since            C. By            D. Only

 60. A. me        B. myself           C. mine          D. somebody


科目: 来源: 题型:

Nowadays many young people get into ____ habit of smoking in ____ public and can't kick it.

  A. the; the          B. / ;/          C. / ;the          D. the;/


科目: 来源: 题型:

Sophie whispered to me,” Martin is said to          the murder.”

   A. be related to             B. link to

   C. be relating to            D. be linking to

