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科目: 来源: 题型:


. The power to our region has been _______ by the heavy snow.

  A. cut off                         B. cut down                  C. cut away                  D. cut up


科目: 来源: 题型:


 They ________ to finish the project before Sunday, but they didn’t make it because of the heavy snow.

  A. succeeded    B. tried      C. managed     D. thought


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第二部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Where is that noise coming from? Not sure? Try living with your eyes closed for a few years. Blind people are better at locating sounds than people who can see, a new study says, without the benefits of vision the ears seem to work much better.

Previous studies have shown that blind people are better than others at reaching out and touching the sources of sounds that are close by. Researchers from the University of Montreal wanted to see if blind people were also better at locating sounds that are far away. Twenty-three blind people participated in the study. All had been sightless for at least 20 years. Fourteen of them had lost their vision before age 11. The rest went blind after age 16. The experiment also included 10 people who could see but were wearing blind-folds.

In one task, volunteers had to pick the direction of a sound coming from about 3 metres away. When the sound was in front of them or slightly off center in front, both groups performed equally well.

When sounds came from the side or the back, however, the blind group performed much better than the blindfolded group. The participants who had been blind since childhood did slightly better than those who lost their sight later.

Recognizing the locations of distant sounds can be a matter of life-or-death for blind people,say the researchers. Crossing the street, for instance, is much harder when you can’t see the cars coming.

Still, the researchers were surprised by how well the blind participants did, especially those who went blind after age 16. In another experiment, the scientists also found that parts of the brain that normally deal with visual information became active in locating sound in the people who were blind by age 11. These brain parts didn’t show sound-location activity in the other group of blind people or in the sighted people. The scientists now want to learn more about the working of brains of “late-onset” blind people.

36. The recent study shows blind people are better at telling ________________.

A. The sources of loud sounds.          B. the locations of distant sounds

C. the direction of sharp sounds         D. the distance of a sound in front of them

37. Which would be a proper title for the passage?

A. A Research on Blind People         B. Where is That Noise Coming from?

C. Hearing Better in the Dark          D. What If Living Without Your Eyes?

38. If people were asked to tell the direction of a sound from the side, who would perform best?

A. Those who are blind.                  B. Those who have gone blind since children.

C. Those who went blind at age 16.      D. Those who are blindfolded.

39. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Whether to be able to locate the sounds can be of vital importance for the blind.

B. All the volunteers in the experiment are sightless.

C. All the participants did equally well when picking sounds from whatever direction.

D. The later people become blind, the better they can perform in telling the direction of sounds.

40. What do we know about that parts of brain dealing with visual information are active in locating sounds?

A. This happens in almost all the testers.

B. This only occurs in the people who were blind after age 16.

C. It remains nothing new to the scientists any more.

D. It remains a mystery why it is so.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?    71    The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

* Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.

* Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.    72   .

* When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.

*   73   . These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.

*    74   . Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.

* Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.

* Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.    75   .

What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.

B. On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.

C. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.

D. These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.

E. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.

F. There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.

G. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.


科目: 来源: 题型:


 —Your school is really wonderful.

—Yes, it’s very modern. And every student has free ________ to the school library.

A. access                      B. chance                     C. privilege                  D. right


科目: 来源: 题型:


. It is good to ________, for people will always believe in you.

     A. keep your word   B. hold your breath  C. take a chance   D. play jokes


科目: 来源: 题型:


As a matter of fact, ___is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.  

A. this               B. that              C. there              D. it  


科目: 来源: 题型:


 I feel like ________ a long walk. Would you like ________ with me?

A. taking; going     B. taking; to go        C. to take; to go        D. to take; going  


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


    Our neighbour’s son was getting married in 2009 at an out-of-town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a    36   , and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little    37   , but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and I would     38    a few pounds.

    June 29 came and, of course, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had    39    two. But I    40    a nice new girdle (紧身内衣) would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we     41    once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a   42    large girdle. The clerk found the box with the     43    girdle marked “LG”, and asked if I would like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I    44    try it on.”

    The next morning was rather hot, one of those thirty-four degree days, I suppose, so I    45   to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I opened the box only to   46      a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn’t     47    right without a girdle, a fight    48    in the hotel room between me and the girdle. Have you ever tried to    49    20 pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag? That’s it. Finally my husband,      50    like crazy, got hold of each side and shook me down into it. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn’t    51    very well with my red face, and was ready to go.

    Finally we got to the    52   . I heard one of the people say that they were having a High Mass (大弥撒). I turned to my husband and asked, “What is a High Mass?” He shrugged his     53   .

        54   , I learned that this particular mass would last one hour, twenty-two minutes and eight and one half seconds - the priest (神父 ) was going to bless     55    except my girdle.

 36. A. hotel         B. store         C. church               D. office

 37. A. long        B. tight         C. little          D. perfect

 38. A. put on          B. gain          C. lose          D. miss

 39. A. won          B. received       C. gained        D. lost

 40. A. think         B. suggested     C. demanded       D. figured

 41. A. went          B. arrived      C. stopped         D. entered

 42. A. size           B. length       C. width          D. depth

 43. A. described      B. bought      C. sold           D. talked

 44. A. can’t         B. needn’t     C. shouldn’t       D. mustn’t

 45. A. wanted         B. expected      C. tried           D. waited

 46. A. find           B. notice       C. search          D. look

 47. A. work         B. use           C. fit           D. wear

 48. A. broke down   B. broke out     C. broke up      D.broke away

 49. A. pull           B . lay          C. push           D. shake

50. A. laughing         B. crying       C. shouting        D. smiling

 51. A. do             B. go         C. work           D. look

 52. A. town         B. store         C. church          D. hotel

 53. A. shoulders      B. arms         C. head           D. hands

 54. A. Happily        B. Generally     C.Luckily          D.Unfortunately

 55. A. something    B. nothing     C. anything        D. everything


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Fatimah Bamun dropped out of Balizenda Primary School in the first grade, when her father refused to buy her pencils and paper. Only after her teachers said to him that his daughter showed unusual promise(有希望) did he change his mind. Today, Fatimah, 14, tall and slender, studies math in a dirt-floored fourth-grade classroom.

    Whether she will reach the fifth grade is another matter. Fatimah is facing the realities of a school with no toilet, no water, no hope of privacy (隐私) other than the shadow of a bush, and no girlfriends with whom to share feelings. Fatimah is the only girl of the 23 students in her class. In fact, in a school of 178 students, she is one of the only three girls who have made it past the third grade.

    “I have no friend in the class,” she said. “Most of my friends have dropped out to get married. So during the break, I just sit in the classroom and read.”

    Her father, however, now says he is fully behind her. “The people from the government are all the time telling us to send our daughters to school, and I am listening to these people,” he said.

    But in many cases, parents don’t listen. Parents think that if the girls stay home, they can help with the harvesting, fetch the water and collect the firewood. So they take them out of school.

    In a region where poverty, tradition and ignorance make about 24 million girls not even have an elementary school education. There are many other barriers (障碍) that prevent girls going to school, such as the lack of school toilets and water.

   The issue is not only equality. The World Bank thinks that if women in sub-Saharan Africa had equal education, land and other wealth, the region’s economy could improve greatly. There is a connection between growth in Africa and sex equality. It is of great importance but still ignored by so many people.

68. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to _______.

A. find the cause of Africa’s poverty

B. describe the poor education conditions of African girls

C. prove the inequality in African society

D. reform the present schooling systems in Africa

69. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Fatimah is a girl who shows signs of success for the future.

B. Fatimah’s father is now giving a lot of support to her.

C. Fatimah is the only girl who has made it past the fifth grade in her school.

D. Fatimah has no friends at school because they most of them have dropped out to get married.

70. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.  

A. most African girls are treated equally in society

B. African governments don’t care whether girls go to school or not

C. most African girls would rather get married than go to school

D. African girls can’t enjoy equal chances for education

