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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


At expert in time management was speaking to a group of students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration(演示)those students will never  36  .

Standing in front of the group, he   37   a wide-mouth jar and about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one  38  , into the jar. When the jar was filled to the   39  and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, ”Is this jar   40  ?" Everyone in the class yelled, "Yes" The expert replied, “Really?” He took out a bucket of gravel(沙砾), dumped some gravel in and   41   the jar,   42   pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the   43    between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more, "Is this jar full?"  44   this time the class understood him." Probably not." one of them answered. "Good." He replied. He brought out a bucket of   45  , dumping it in the jar and it went into all of the spaces   46   between the rocks and the gravel. Once again he asked the question, "Is this jar full?” “  47  " the class shouted. Once again he said "Good." Then he began to   48   a pitcher of water in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the   49    of this illustration?" One   50   student raised his hand and said, “ The point is, No matter how full your   51   is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!"

"No," the speaker   52  , “The truth this illustration   53   us if you don't put the big rocks in first ,you'll never get them in at all. What are the "big rocks" in your life? Time with your loved ones, your education, your dreams, a   54   cause or teaching others? Remember to put these   55   in first or you'll never get them in at all."

36.A. forget        B. remember   C. regret      D. make

37.A. took out           B. made out    C. put out           D. gave out

38.A. at the time    B. by the time C. at a time     D. in no time

39.A. bottom      B. top         C. surface       D. middle

40.A. empty       B. small      C. full         D. big

41.A. filled         B. washed       C. blew       D. shook

42.A. ordering      B. making      C. causing      D. realizing

43.A. distance     B. spaces     C. shapes     D. entrance

44.A. In                B. At          C. By          D. On

45.A. sand          B. water      C. earth       D. stone

46.A. remained      B. created       C. saved      D. left

47.A. Yes           B. No          C. Not a little  D. No problem

48.A. pour          B. throw      C. store       D. spread

49.A. possibility     B. point       C. use         D. definition

50.A. worried     B. clever     C. eager      D. anxious

51.A. work         B. jar          C. class       D. schedule

52.A. replied      B. requested    C. reminded    D. required

53.A. orders       B. demands     C. teaches       D. suggests

54.A. common           B. reasonable  C. deeper     D. worthy

55.A. bit rocks           B. gravel     C. water      D. hope


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Good evening. I have come to Jerusalem today as a novelist, which is to say as a professional

spinner of lies.

Today, however, I have no intention of lying. I will try to be as honest as I can. There are only a few days in the year when I do not engage in telling lies, and today happens to be one of them.

So let me tell you the truth. In Japan a fair number of people advised me not to come here to accept the Jerusalem Prize. Some even warned me they would instigate a boycott of my books if I came. The reason for this, of course, was the fierce fighting that was raging in Gaza.

Finally, however, after careful consideration, I made up my mind to come here. One reason for my decision was that all too many people advised me not to do it. Perhaps, like many other novelists, I tend to do the exact opposite of what I am told. If people are telling me-- and especially if they are warning me-- “Don’t go there,” “Don’t do that,” I tend to want to “go there” and “do that”. It’s in my nature, you might say, as a novelist. Novelists are a special breed. They cannot genuinely trust anything they have not seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands.

And that is why I am here. I chose to come here rather than stay away. I chose to see for myself rather than not to see. I chose to speak to you rather than to say nothing.

Please do allow me to deliver a message, one very personal message. It is something that I always keep in mind while I am writing fiction. I have never gone so far as to write it on a piece of paper and paste it to the wall: rather, it is carved into the wall of my mind, and it goes something like this:

 “Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg.”

I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on the System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. I truly believe it is the novelist’s job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories--stories of life and death, stories of love, stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter. This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.

46.What made the writer decide to come to Jerusalem?

       A.He wanted to accept the Jerusalem Prize.

       B.A fair number of people advised him to.

       C.too many people advised me not to do it and he chose to some here rather than stay away.

       D.He wanted to write novels in Jerusalem.

47.From the passage, we can know the writer is man who_____________

       A.is afraid of others’ opinions.

       B.braves to express his opinions.

       C.trusts anything others talk.

       D.hates anything and writes to the pubic.

48.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.the purpose of writing for the writer is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the

surface and shine a light upon it.

       B.Novelists hardly trust anything they have not seen with their own eyes or touched with

their own hands.

       C.The writer’s writing stories just wanted to make people cry and quake with fear and shake

with laughter.

       D.The writer comes from Japan and chose to speak to the public.

49.What did the writer mean by saying : “I always stand on the edge of the egg?”

       A.He thought he was so weak.

       B.He wanted to be an egg.

       C.He didn’t like the wall.

       D.He wanted to fight with the strong society for his dream.

50.Where does this passage come from?

       A.a speech from awarding meeting

       B.a discussion from a novelist

       C.a debate from Japanese

       D.a warning from a meeting


科目: 来源: 题型:

——Mike, have you heard that Mr. Black knocked down a girl and hurt her badly yesterday morning.

   ——Yeah. He_____too fast to stop his car while the girl was crossing the street.

A. was driving           B. drove                  C. had driven           D. would drive


科目: 来源: 题型:

. We all write _______, even there’s not much to say

A.  now and then       B. more or less        C. step by step       D. at least


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Americans are proud of their variety and individuality (个性), yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of a lift operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?

Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform is likely to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, or a waiter to lose professional identity (职业身份) than to step out of uniform?

Uniforms also have many practical good points. They are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes.

Primary facts among the argument against uniforms is their lack of variety and the loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they are likely to think, speak, and act similarly on the job at least.

Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.

68. What surprises us is that Americans _______.

A. still judge a man by his clothes        

B. think highly of uniforms

C. less prefer wearing civilian clothes     

D. respect a elevator operator in uniform

69. People are likely to think that a man in uniform ________.

A. suggests quality work              B. shows his social position

C. appears to be more practical         D. looks more fresh and attractive

70. Those who are against uniforms believe that people wearing uniforms ______.

A. are usually helpful                     B. have little freedom

C. lose personal character                  D. enjoy greater popularity

71. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A. people generally trust a person in uniform more

B. people enjoy wearing comfortable uniform

C. the cost of the uniform is acceptable to people

D. people wear uniforms to show they should be respected


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


I like watching TV very much for I think it has many advantages(长处). First of all, watching TV is a good rest. After a day of hard work, we need a good rest. Watching TV can make our mind and body not tired any more because of the pleasant music and TV plays.

    Besides, watching TV is entertaining(娱乐消遣). There are many kinds of entertainment, such as sports activities(活动), singing and dancing concerts, plays and films all over the world at every time. It's not possible for us to go to every place to enjoy all the activities within a short time. We need at least over ten hours to fly from New York to Paris, a week by train from Beijing to Moscow and an hour to drive from Queens District to Manhattan District. But within just one second, TV can bring us from an NBA game in New York to a fashion show in Paris by changing the channels.

    Most important, watching TV is educational(教育). Our children can learn every kinds of subjects through the educational programmes and the special reports on TV, and it's easy for them to learn Chinese from a Chinese teacher in Beijing and to learn Russian lessons from a Russian teacher in Moscow. Even we can learn how to behave well from the TV plays. Meanwhile, a teacher can teach millions of students without a huge classroom.

56. The best title for the text is_______ .

  A. TV brings good rest         B. The advantages of watching TV

   C. Today's TV programmes      D. How to use TV in schools

57. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  A. The writer likes watching TV than others.

   B. There are different kinds of programmes on TV in China and Russia.

   C. There are many kinds of entertainment programmes on TV.

   D. It's not easy to drive from Manhattan to Queens District.

58. According to the writer what is the most important reason for watching TV?

  A. We can learn something useful.    B. Watching TV is a good rest.

   C. We can see whatever we like.     D. We can enjoy ourselves.

59. In the second paragraph the writer wants to show_______.

A. TV brings different parts of world in front of us

  B. TV stations send programmes quickly     

C. how to go to different places and enjoy ourselves

  D. how long it will take a man to drive to different places

60. The writer writes the text to_______

 A. persuade us to buy a TV            B. tell her ideas about TV

  C. introduce some TV programmes      D. tell us how to learn from TV


科目: 来源: 题型:

Visit Forest Zoo

Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from Northeast of China. The beautiful birds from England are ready to sing songs for you, and the monkeys from Mount Emei will be happy to talk to you. The lovely dogs from Australia want to laugh at you. Sichuan pandas will play balls for you. The giraffes from Africa (非洲) are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets                                Opening time

Grown-ups(成人):   ??3                9:00 a.m.~4:00 p.m.

Children: Over 1.4 m:   ??2                except Friday

        Under 1.4 m:  Free              10:00 a.m.~3:00 p.m.

Keep the zoo clean!

Do not touch, give food or go near to the animals.

71.Why does the writer introduce(介绍)so many animals from different places to us?

       A. To frighten us in the zoo.       B. To make us lovely in the zoo.

       C. To attract us to the zoo.        D. To show animals can do everything.

72.How much does Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?

              A. ??3.              B. ??4.            C. ??5.     D. ??6.

73.At which of the following time can we visit the zoo?

              A. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.              B. 9:30 a.m. Friday.

              C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday.                   D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.

74. From the passage we can infer (推断) a giraffe must be a very    _   animal.

              A. fat              B. short          C. strong        D. tall

75.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

              A. To touch the monkeys.         B. To give some food to the animals.

              C. To go near to the tigers.        D. To watch the animals carefully.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


注意:   1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数:120左右。


科目: 来源: 题型:

____ no cash for food, he broke into an old woman's house, hoping to steal some money.

  A. Because            B. As                          C. Since                      D. With


科目: 来源: 题型:

Those who have _____ money than sense may sometimes act foolishly.

A. much                B. more                        C. most                        D. many

