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科目: 来源: 题型:

 You don’t want _______ and neither do others.

  A. to make fun of   B. making fun of     C. to be made fun of    D. being made fun of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He has been heavily _______ to the bank since he bought that big house in Beijing.

A. in debt       B. in peace     C. in danger    D. in cash


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was after careful consideration        we decided to take action.

A. which B. that     C. why    D. when


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节  完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

Part A: 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第36至第47小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

On the night of the play, Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a suit of policeman’s clothes long 36 the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he admired (欣赏) himself in the mirror.

Then he suddenly felt 37. After all, it was his first time to have a part in a play. How could he face all those people watching the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to 38 his lines (台词), but nothing came to his mind.

A knock on the door made him look 39. He was to go on stage (舞台) in the second scene. “ Have I missed my part and ruined (破坏) the play for everybody?” he thought to himself. But 40 was only the manager. She 41 how nervous he was and 42 he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play. It was a good way of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right; it seemed to work. In fact the more he watched the play, the more he felt himself part of it.

At last the 43 came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again, 44 worried as she placed a hand on his arm to hold him back. “Has anything gone 45?” Jack asked, “I’m afraid you’re going to be 46, “she said. “ They have jumped three pages of the play and have 47 your part out completely.”

36. A. before      B. by          C. after           D. at

37.A. nervous     B. sad         C. pleased           D. fine

38.A. read          B. remember   C understand       D. learn

39.A. away         B. up          C. out             D. down

40.A. this          B. that        C. she             D. it

41.A. wondered     B. imagined    C. noticed           D. examined

42.A. agreed       B. suggested   C. persuaded       D. encouraged

43.A. hour          B. minute     C. moment         D. period

44.A. feeling      B. looking      C. sounding        D. growing

45.A. bad               B. late         C. mad            D. wrong

46.A. frightened     B. excited       C. disappointed      D. pleased

47.A. talked        B. got         C. spoken           D. missed


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Doctors recognize obesity as a health problem.So why is it so hard for them to talk to their patients about it?

The results of two surveys, one of primary care physicians and the other of patients, found that while most doctors want to help patients lose weight and think it is their responsibility to do so, they often don’t know what to say.

So while doctors may tell patients they are overweight, the conversation often ends there, said Christine C.Ferguson, director of the Stop Obesity Alliance.Without being told about options for diabetes, she said, “Doctors don’t feel they have good information to give.They felt they didn’t have adequate tools to deal with this problem.”

The lack of dialogue hurts patients, too.The patient survey, of over 1,000 adults, found that most overweight patients don’t even know that they’re too heavy.Only 39 percent of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.

Of those who were told they were overweight, 90 percent were also told by their doctors to lose weight, the survey found.In fact most have tried to lose weight and may have been successful in the past — and many are still trying, the survey found.And many understand that losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive impact on their health and reduce their risk of developing obesity-related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Dr.William Bestermann Jr., from Holston Medical Group, said the dialogue had to be an ongoing one and could not be dropped after just one mention of the problem.“If you’re to help your patients successfully, you have to talk to them at actually every visit about their progress, and find something to encourage them about and coach them,” he said.

He acknowledged that many doctors find it hard to be optimistic.

“Part of this is that it’s commonly believed, even by doctors, that overweight people are weak-willed and just don’t have any willpower and are self-indulgent and all that business,” he said.“If you think that way, you’re not going to spend time having a productive conversation.”

61.What is most probably Stop Obesity Alliance, as in Paragraph 3?

       A.An organization of doctors specializing in obesity.

       B.An organization of patients suffering from obesity.

       C.A research group that conducts special surveys about overweight people.

       D.A research group dealing with doctor-patient relationship.

62.How many of the patients surveyed have been advised by their doctors to lose weight?

       A.About 350.      B.About 390.      C.About 900.      D.1000.

63.What can be inferred about obesity patients in Paragraph 5 ?

       A.They are not as hopeless as doctors think they are.

       B.Most of them have tried hard to lose weight, but in vain.

       C.Without their doctors’ constant coaching, there is little chance of their succeeding in losing weight.

       D.Most of them have just given up their hope of becoming less heavy.

64.According to the passage, which factor contributes to the lack of dialogue between doctors and patients?

       A.Most doctors just never think of warning their patients about their weight problem.

       B.Many doctors find it difficult to persuade overweight people to lose weight.

       C.Most patients are too weak-willed to do anything about their weight.

       D.Many patients tend not to trust their doctors about their weight problem.

65.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

       A.Obesity in the U.S.                                    

B.Trouble of overweight Americans

       C.Talk more, help better             

       D.Doctors or patients — who to bear more blame?


科目: 来源: 题型:



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反    对



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Last autumn , Peking University released a name list of 39 high school principles who are recognized to recommend their students to be enrolled without taking national college entrance examination.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节 信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


The Travel Pavilion. Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different way of life. Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing. . .

The Future Tower. This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we’ll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator for the journey to Mars!

The Nature Park. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Bruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to the Monkey Park to watch the monkeys. And then there is still the Aviary.

The Pyramid. This is the centre of Adventure land. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps? For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping centre. Come here for information and ideas too.

The Ancient Village. In the village you will find people live a simple life just as the ancient people did. They wore ancient clothes and were selling the old goods and food. You can even watch an old dance performed by some actors and actresses.

The Underwater World. Here you will find a variety of fish and even some kinds of sharks. You will think you are in the water but of course this is not true. If you are interested in fish I suggest that you pay a visit to it.


56. Michelle    I am interested in science and I hope very much to know what our life will be like in the days to come.

57. Harry    After visiting the Adventure land I want to buy my friend and parents some souvenirs.

58. Maria    I am Nostalgia and I often recall the past days. I think people used to live more happily than us.

59. Dick    I am tired of the unchanged and dull life now and what I look forward to is a completely new life.

60. Alice    I read a lot about the whales but I haven’t seen them for myself. I hope this dream can come true in Adventure land.

         人名                           游览地

56. Michelle                       A. The Travel Pavilion

57. Harry                         B. The Future Tower

58. Maria                         C. The Nature Park.

59. Dick                          D. The Pyramid.

60. Alice                          E. The Ancient Village

                                 F. The Underwater World


科目: 来源: 题型:

Don't worry._____ and we will complete the task you assigned to us.

       A.An hour later             B.In an hour 

       C.After an hour             D.Another hour


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I’m quite able to afford the clothes. It’s _______ that I don’t want to put you into the trouble of changing a large note.

    A. likely                B. simply                        C. slightly                      D. extremely


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For a song to become popular, people need to hear it. In order for people to hear it, the program directors at radio stations have to play it on the air. A song’s popularity is directly related to how often it is played. That is a big responsibility for program directors. How do they decide what gets played and what doesn’t?

       In the past, disc jockeys(音乐节目支持人) decided what music was played on the radio. These DJs had an ear for music and an understanding of what their audience wanted to hear. Today, that is all changing. Most major radio stations are owned by a few large national businesses. The decision of what gets played on the radio is made by executives(主管) who have little or no interest in music. They do, however, know how to run a business, and they know what sells. So, the music industry designs and creates pop entertainers, and executives in the radio industry make sure that their music is played on the radio. This explains why you do not often hear anything new and fresh on the radio. The executives do not want to give air time to music that has not been tested on the market. It is too risky. They prefer to go with music that they already know will sell. They know it will sell because it sold last week and last month and last year. They just have to change it a little.

       One of the most criticized(批评)practices in the music industry is the practice of “payola”. This is when record companies pay radio stations to play the music of a given artist. This practice makes many people lose trust in the music industry and is therefore against the law. A radio station can accept money in exchange for air time of a song, but they have to make clear that the song is being played because its air time was paid for. They cannot present the song as if it were part of the normal play schedule.

       Payola affects both artists and audiences. The artists who work with small record companies that cannot pay a lot of money to radio stations have a much harder time getting exposure. It creates an unfair playing field. Music lovers suffer because they are not able to hear all the music that is available.

67. According to the passage, most major radio stations belong to _______.

       A. national businesses    B. program directors     C. pop entertainers        D. record companies

68. “Payola” is the practice of ________.

       A. artists paying radio stations to play their songs

       B. record companies buying air time for certain music

       C. radio station paying record company for new songs

       D. program directors deciding what music gets played

69. Who can make the largest profits from payola?

       A. Disc Jockeys.    B. The given artists.      C. Business executives.      D. Program directors.

70. It can be concluded from the passage that the author _______.

       A. has a positive attitude towards the practice of “payola”

       B. is dissatisfied with the present situation in music industry

       C. is calling for a change in the normal play schedule

       D. thinks that the radio stations are doing the right thing

