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科目: 来源: 题型:

Entirely       to the Party,he gave his life for his country.

A.devote          B.devoting          C.devoted           D.to devote


科目: 来源: 题型:

According to the map,we know the two towns are 150 miles          

A.across          B.beyond         C.apart           D.far


科目: 来源: 题型:

It         unusual courage and determination for him to break away from his family.

A.spent          B.paid          C.cost         D.took


科目: 来源: 题型:

           what was going to happen,I would never have left her alone.

A.Should I know         B.If I knew          C.Had I known        D.If had I known


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The bed was about 45 years old when Morn passed it along to me s few years after my father died.I decided to remove the  1  and repair it for my daughter Melanie.The headboard was

full of  2    3  starting to take the paint off  4  that one of the marks was a date:September 18,1946,the day my parents  5 .Then it   6   me——that was the first bed

they had as husband and wife!

  Right above their wedding date was  7   name and date“Elizabeth,October 22,1947.”

  “Who is Elizabeth.”I asked my mother on the phone,“and what does October 22,1947


    “She is your sister.”My mother   8   the phone.

    I knew Mom   9   a baby,but I never Saw this as anything more than a   10  for my

parents.  11   ,they went on to have five  12  children.

    “You gave her a name? ”I asked.

    “Yes.Elizabeth has been    13 us from heaven for45 years.She is as much a part of me as

  14  of you.”

   “Mom,there are other dates On the headboard.I  15  it is full of stories.How  16  you

give it tome?”

    “Your dad and I  17  our first date on the headboard the night we married.  18   ,it

was a  19  four life together.when Dad died,our life together was over.But the  20  never die.”

1.A.dust                   B.paint                C.pictures               D.stories

2.A.names                B.dates                C.numbers              D.marks

3.A.Long after          B.Soon after        C.Just before         D.Just now

4.A.reminded            B.caught              C.thought              D.noticed

5.A.were born          B.were married                                    C.were brought up D.got to know

6.A.struck                B.beat                 C.hurt                   D.hit

7.A.other’s               B.other                C.some               D.another

8.A.called                 B.answered          C.heard                 D.replied

9.A.had sold             B.had sent           C.had saved           D.had

10.A.chance              B.mistake            C.misfortune          D.joke

11.A.Above all          B.After a11          C.All the same        D.In all

12.A.more                B.an other            C.others              D.some

13.A.staring             B.noticing            C.watching            D.frightening

14.A.some               B.any                  C.many                 D.most

15.A.sense               B.touch               C.smell                   D.taste

16.A.might               B.would              C.could                 D.dared

17.A.remembered    B.carved              C.stayed                 D.remained

18.A.From then on     B.At that time       C.Just then            D.Even then

19.A.duty                 B.task                 C.diary                  D.work

20.A.interest          B.marriage           C.headboards        D.memories


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to the Arctic f It includes the Arctic Ocean and the land near it.The Arctic is a habitat where many animals live.The walrus(海象),polar bear,snowy owl(雪鹗)and arctic fox ore a few of those animals.They have different ways to survive the cold.


A walrus spends most of its time in the icy water.This marine animal has a thick layer of blubber(海兽脂)under its skin to keep it warm.When a walrus swims,its body works in a special way to stay warm.Blood flows away from its skin to important organs inside its body.They include the heart and brain.That keeps heat from leaving the walrus’s body,and the animal’s skin turns white.When the walrus is walrus again,its skin tunas a pink color.

Polar bear

A polar bear has special fur to keep it warm.Each hair is shaped like a straw.The shape helps direct sunlight toward the bear’s black skin The black skin collects and holds in heat.Polar bears also have a layer of blubber under their skin.

Snowy owl

How does a snowy owl stay warm? It has two layers of feathers.They cover the owl’s entire body,including its legs and feet.The bottom layer of feathers,called down,is soft.The outer layer of feathers is thick.In strong wind,the snowy owl may hide on the ground behind a pile of snow or rocks to block the wind.

Arctic fox

The arctic fox’s adaptation to its cold habitat includes a compact body with short legs,shortears,dense fur,and thickly haired feet,which protect against the cold and provide traction(摩擦)on ice.The arctic fox has short legs and short ears.Less surface area reduces heat loss Some animals in desert areas have larger ears for more surface area in order to keep cool.

1.Which of the following animals have a lot of fat?

      A.Walrus and polar bear.                    B.Walrus and arctic fox.

      C.Polar bear and snowy owl.                 D.Polar bear and arctic fox.

2.What purpose does a polar bear’s hair serve?

      A.To block the wind.                         B.To transfer heat to its body.

      C.To reduce heat loss.                          D.To store heat.

3.The arctic fox’s feet are covered with thick hair so as to       

      a.protect against the cold                      b.protect its skin

      c.float on ice                                         d.make it easy to walk on ice

      A.a,c                B.b,c                C.a,d                  D.e,d

4.Which of the following do you agree with according to the passage?

      A.Most Arctic animals depend on their feathers to survive the cold.

      B.There are few animals living in the Arctic.

      C.Many animals’ large ears are of no practical use.

      D.The skin color of some animals is related to their body temperature.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When Dr.Robert Metcalf first used a solar cooker,the future changed for millions of Africans.He knew that billions of poor people around the world depend on the use of wood for cooking.As they take more and more firewood from wild areas.they are destroying habitats around the world.Wood collection is one reason why many animals have become endangered.

   “But sunshine can be an alternative to fire.”Dr.Metcalf says.Since his first solar cooked meal,he has helped people around the world to use simple new technologies to cook their food.

    Each morning in villages across East Africa,small children and their mothers wake up and walk several miles to collect firewood to cook their food.It takes much of the day,and the heavy firewood they carry home on their heads lasts only a few days.

    This is why Dr.Metcalf spends each summer in Africa.He teaches women and children in villages how to cook with the sun.So far,more than thirty thousand African families now have solar cookers,and new programs will introduce solar cookers to millions of families.

    To find water,women and children may have to walk long distance to dig holes in dry riverbeds or to gather water from streams and shallow wells.

      They fill their buckets(桶)and carry them home on their heads.The buckets often weigh as

much as forty pounds.Not only is finding water hard work,but the water is often polluted with

germs(细菌)that make people sick.

      Dr.Metcalf and others developed a simple,reusable tool that people can use to make sure their water is safe∞drink.The tool is calked a WAPI,which stands for“Water Pasteurization Indicator”.The pasteurization process is named after Louis Pasteur,who developed it in the 1800s.

1.Why did Metcalf help Africans use solar cookers?

      A.He wanted to help them to fight poverty.

      B.He found it a dangerous job to collect firewood.

      C.He realized using firewood is not good for the environment.

      D.He realized using solar cookers would save Africans a lot of money.

2.The underlined word“it”in the third paragraph probably refers to“         ”.

      A.collecting firewood                             B.cooking food

      C.cooking with the sun                          D.introducing solar cookers

3.Each summer Metcalf stays in Africa to              

      A.do research on water

      B.take care of sick people

      C.spread the technique of using solar cookers

      D.find out why some animals are endangered

4.Water Pasteurization Indicator was developed to         

      A.kill the bacteria in water

      B.honor Louis Pasteur

      C.make waste water reusable

      D.dig holes in riverbeds

5.It can be inferred from tile passage that          

      A.Africans find it hard to learn to use solar cookers

      B.women and children in Africa usually lead a hard life

      C.the water Africans drink is not clean though it is easy to get

      D.the water in Africa is polluted because of industrial development


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Megan was a very important person to me.She was my role model.She was the strongest person I knew.Though she developed cancer in the seventh grade,she never complained about it;instead she often cheered up the other children in the hospital.

    When the cancer spread to Megan’s hip,shoulders,and lungs,she knew she would be in heaven soon.Megan spent her last days with her family at home,shopping on the Internet,reading Harry Potter books,eating Cookie Crisp,and watching movies.She died peacefully in her living room holding her brother’s hand on July 11,2007.

    I spend the rest of the summer alone and felt depressed and then it was time for the new school year.I decided that I didn’t want to sit around and cry any longer;I was ready to make a difference.I thought about Megan and it hit me that we’d start an organization to help kids in the hospital who were sick as she had been.I told my friends about my idea.We decided to weave friendship bracelets from string and deliver them to the hospital.

    Two months later,when we had made 100 friendship bracelets,I started making calls.The

hospital Megan was in said they would love to have us,and we arranged to come on Halloween.That day when we arrived at the hospital,we went room to room on the pediatric floor to deliver the candy and bracelets,and watch the children’s faces light up.At the end of the hour,we were empty-handed but felt wonderful.

   We asked to return On Thanksgiving,and the organization took off from there.We named our

organization Lovelets:Megan’s Bracelets Of Hope.We now use donated money to bay small gifts

like markers,pillows,animal toys,books,art projects,and other items for kids with cancer. I

know Megan is smiling from heaven and giving US a thumbs up.We love keeping Megan’s spirit alive and making sick children feel better.

1.What was Megan’s reaction to her getting cancer?

      A.She complained about it sometimes.

      B.She cared more about other patients than herself.

      C.She focused on the need of herself.

      D.She tried exciting and adventurous things.

2.What can we know about the visit to the hospital on Halloween?

      A.Megan’s friends taught children there to make friendship bracelets.

      B.Both the children and Megan’s friends were pleased with this visit.

      C.The visit is helped by Lovelets:Megan’s Bracelets Of Hope.

      D.After the visit,the hospital received many donated gifts.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Megan?

      A.Sensitive and curious.                      B.Strong and kind.

      C.Friendly and creative.                       D.Independent and modest.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

      A.For Megan.                                     B.Against cancer.

      C.At hospital.                                     D.With children.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Safe online shopping starts here.

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flight,holiday,city break,hotel or car rental from our excellent travel section.



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    If you’re looking for late holiday deals or cheap holidays then Direct Holidays is an ideal choice.Discount deals direct from the tour operator,meaning there’s no middleman,so you get the right holiday for less money.

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    Responsible Travel handpick inspiring holidays from all over the globe.It helps local people to earn a fairer income from tourism,supports local conservation and ensures that any negative environmental impacts are reduced.

Virgin Holidays


    Virgin Holidays offer holidays to mainland USA,Canada,the Caribbean,the Far East,South

Africa,the Middle East,Indian Ocean,Mauritius,New Zealand and Australia.They also have a well-established ski programme.

1.The text is mainly written to              

      A.introduce some tourism spots

      B.persuade people to travel abroad

      C.advertise some online travelling shops

      D.prove the advantages of online shopping

2.According to the text,what is special about Hotelopia?

      A.It provides both online and offline service.

      B.It offers both economy and first-class hotel.

      C.Its discount is mainly from the middleman.

      D. Its destinations spread all over the world.

3.     pays special attention to the relationship between economy,environment and tourism,

      A.Haven Holidays  B.Direct Holidays

      C.Responsible Travel                             D.Virgin Holidays


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What do we think with? Only the brain? Hardly.The brain is like a telephone exchange.It is

the switchboard,but not the whole system.Its function is to receive incoming signals,making proper connections and send messages through to their destination.For efficient service,the body must function as a whole.But where is the“mind”?Is it in the brain? Or perhaps in the nervous system? After a11, can we say that the mind is in any particular place? It is not like a thing;like a leg,or even the brain.It is a function,an activity.Aristotle,2,300 years ago,observed that the mind was to the body what cutting was to the axe.

When the axe is not in use,there is no cutting.So with the mind.“Mind”,said Charles H.Woolbert,“is what the body is doing”.If this activity is necessary for thinking,it is also necessary for carrying thought from one person to another.If you have never done this with great efforts,you have a surprise in store,for good conversationalists are almost constantly in motion.Their heads are continuously nodding and shaking sometimes so energetically(精神旺盛地)that you wonder how their necks can stand the strain(过度劳累).Even the legs and feet are active, As for the hands and arms.they are seldom still for more than a few seconds at a time.These people,remember,are not making speeches.They are only common people trying to make others understand what they have in mind.They are not conscious of movement.Their speech is not studied.They are just human creatures in a human environment,trying to adapt themselves to a social situation.Yet they converse,not only with oral language,but with visible actions that involve practically every muscle in the body.In short,because people really think all over,a speaker must talk all over if he succeeds in making people think.

1.The best tide for the passage is probably              

      A.Body Communication                         B.Written Language

      C.Spoken Language                               D.Conversations

2.The statement which the author agrees with would be that        

      A.thinking is a social activity

      B.thinking is only a brain function

      C.thinking is a function of the nervous system

      D.thinking is the total sum of body activity

3.It can be inferred from tile passage that the basic function of bodily activity in speech is to


    A.make the listener have strong feeling

    B.make tile speaker understood

    C.attract the listeners’ attention

    D.convey the speaker’s implied meaning to the listeners

4.Which of the following is true?

      A.The brain is compared to a telephone exchange.

      B.The mind is an activity of the nervous system.

      C.Some people remain still while talking to others.

      D.Many people move their bodies on purpose while talking.

