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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bringing up children is hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad behavior of your children.If so, Judith Rich Hams has good news for you.Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the development of the personality of their children.Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions.Ms Harris takes to bits the assumption which has dominated(支配)developmental psychology for almost half a century.

Ms Harris’s attack on the development talists “nurture” argument looks likely to reinforce(加强)doubts that the profession was already having.If parents matter, why is it that two adopted children, reared in the same home, are no more similar in personality than two adopted children reared in separate homes? Or that a pair of identical twins, reared in the same home, are no more alike than a pair of identical twins reared in different homes?

Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing, it may be harder to measure the exact influence of the peer(同龄人)group in childhood and adolescence.Ms Harris points to how children from immigrant homes soon learn not to speak at school in the way their parents speak.But acquiring a language is surely a skill, rather than a characteristic of the sort developmental psychologists hunt for.Certainly it is different from growing up tensely or relaxedly, or from learning to be honest or hard-working or generous.Easy though it may be to prove that parents have little impact on those qualities, it will be hard to prove that peers have vastly more.

Moreover, mum and dad surely cannot be ditched completely.Young adults may, as Ms Harris argues, be keen to appear like their contemporaries.But even in those early years, parents have the power to open doors: they may initially choose the peers with whom their young associate, and pick that influential neighborhood.Moreover, most people suspect that they come to resemble their parents more in middle age, and people’s child-rearing habits may be formed partly by what their parents did.So the balance of influences is probably complicated, as most parents already suspected without being able to demonstrate it scientifically.Even if it turns out that the genes they pass on and the friends their children play with matter as much as affection, discipline and good example, parents are not completely off the hook.

1.According to Ms.Harris,         

       A.parents are to blame for any bad behavior of their children

B.children’s personality is shaped by their friends and neighbors

C.nature rather than upbringing has a significant effect on children’s personality development

D.parents will greatly affect the children’s life in the long run

2.The word “ditched”(Line1, Para.4)could best be replaced by       

      A.proved                                                B.emphasized

       C.compared                                           D.ignored

3.The developmental psychologists think     

       A.children are more influenced by their peers

B.identical twins raised in the same home are different in personality

C.twins raised in two separate families are different in personality

D.upbringing has a less significant effect on children’s personality development

4.According to Paragraph 3, we know that           

      A.it is easier for children to gain a language at home

B.it is harder to follow the effects of parental upbringing

C.immigrant children avoid speaking the same way as their parents at school

D.it is proved that peers have a greater effect on children’s qualities

5.What does the author mean by saying “parents are not completely off the book” at the end of the passage?

       A.Parents should control the situation.

B.Parents should give their way to children.

C.Parents should spend more time on children.

D.Parents should take on their responsibility.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you ask me for my biggest impression of what America’s like over the last three years, I’d say it is how rich and diverse the student life is.For example, at Princeton, we have more than 100 student organizations planning all kinds of campus activities—from sports, band dancing to juggling and acting to translation, design, publishing, volunteering and camping.You name it.

My freshmen year, I tried a lot of activities, from dancing to design to newspapers.Then I found my passion in the environment and volunteerism.I joined Greening Princeton and Student Volunteer Council.A year later, I’d become the publicity chair and project coordinator(协调员) of these two clubs.

Student activities give us a chance to do things we care about and are good at.If we have good idea, we can propose it at a meeting, find interested people to form a team, then apply for funding from the school.We have full control of the project and the ability to make our ideas happen.For example, I came up with the idea of Daylight Dining and was supported by my club Greening Princeton.I wrote a proposal, presented it in front of the college master, and communicated with the head of Dining Services.After a few follow-ups, this project was carried out.

One other benefit of extra curricular(课外的) activities is the friendship that comes with them.Once you become part of a group, it is much easier to adjust to college life.You realize you are not alone.This will most likely increase your study efficiency and in turn help your academics.My headmaster once told me: “Stand on your tiptoes.” In that way, we not only have a better view of life, but will also put out our comfort zone.Getting involved in extra curricular activities has given me the opportunity to stand on my tiptoes.

Make yourself try new things and stick to the things that matter to you.This is one piece of advice I have.Remember, college is a color palette.You are the artist who can add your own colors.

1.The author tried a lot of activities during his freshman year because        

       A.he intended to find out the things he was interested in

B.he wanted to become popular in college

C.he wanted to become a student leader

D.he would like to make more friends and adjust to college life

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.Taking part in the activities after class has three advantages.

       B.Students can do what they care about and good at in class.

       C.Students can balance their college life with these activities.

       D.Each of the students has to take part in more than two items.

3.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

       A.show the diversity of American life

B.advertise the American college

C.say something interesting in America

D.introduce college life in America


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Electric cars are dirty.In fact, not only are they dirty, they might even be more dirty than their gasoline-powered cousins.

People in California love to talk about “zero-emissions(排放)vehicles,” but people in California seem to be clueless about where electricity comes from.Power plants most all use fire to make it.Aside from the few folks who have their roofs covered with solar cells, we get our electricity from generators(发电机).Generators are fueled by something — usually coal, oil, but also by heat generated in nuclear power plants.There are a few wind farms and geothermal(地热的)plants as well, but by far we get electricity mainly by burning something.

In other words, those “zero-emissions” cars are likely coal-burning cars.It's just the coal is burned somewhere else so it looks clean.It is not.It’s as if the California Greens are covering their eyes — “If I can’t see it, it’s not happening.” Gasoline is an incredibly efficient way to power a vehicle; a gallon of gas has a lot of energy in it.But when you take that gas (or another fuel) and first use it to make electricity, you waste a nice part of that energy, mostly in the form of wasted heat — at the generator, through the transmission lines, etc.

A gallon of gas may propel your car 25 miles.But the electricity you get from that gallon of gas won't get you nearly as far — so electric cars burn more fuel than gas-powered ones.If our electricity came mostly from nukes, or geothermal, or hydro, or solar, or wind, then an electric car truly would be clean.But for political, technical, and economic reasons, we don’t use much of those energy sources.

In addition, electric cars’ batteries which are poisonous for a long time will eventually end up in a landfill(垃圾).And finally, when cars are the polluters, the pollution is spread across all the roads.When it’s a power plant, though, all the junk is in one place.Nature is very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated, but it takes a lot longer when all the garbage is in one spot.

1.What does the author mean by using “ignorant” in paragraph Ⅱ?

       A.The California Greens are covering their eyes.

B.People in California love to talk about zero-emissions vehicles

C.People in California love to have their roofs covered with solar cells

D.People there have no idea that so far electricity mainly comes from burning coal, oil, etc

2.According to the passage, why the California Greens hold the idea “If I can’t see it, it’s not happening?”

      A.They do not know those clean cars are likely coal-burning cars.

B.They do believe that the coal is burned somewhere else so it look clean.

C.They tend to hold that electricity is a nice part of energy

D.They tend to maintain that gasoline is a good way to run a vehicle.

3.Compared with cars using gas, electric cars        

       A.do not burn fuel and more environmental.

B.are dangerous and it is difficult for nature to clean it up when their batteries are buried in one spot.

C.are very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated.

D.are poisonous for a long time and will eventually end up in a landfill.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that         

      A.being green is good and should be encouraged in communications.

B.electric cars are not as clean as people assume in that electricity is mainly got by burning something.

C.zero-emissions vehicles should be chosen to protect our environment.

D.electric cars are now the primary vehicle compared with gasoline powered cousins.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


1.Mr. Smith won          (两倍的奖杯)in 2006 as the year before.(medal)

2.The mine explosion in Heilongjiang Province caused 104 deaths, with four other miners still


3.Hong Xingge,         (已赢得)the recommendation of the headmaster for an interview at Peking University, is the youngest of the 90 students nationwide.(win)

4.        (无论何时开会)makes no difference to me.(whenever;hold)

5.When Edison died, it was suggested that the American people        (关掉)all power for several minutes in honor of this great man.(turn)

6.Our eating habits have changed,            (我们的生活方式也是如此), and the fuel we need for our body is also different.(as)

7.It was four o’clock in the afternoon           (他们到达)the museum, where an official warmly received them.(reach)

8.The mother rather than the twins          (在动手术)by Doctor Thomas now.(operate)

9.By the time this letter reaches you, I          (已离开)the country.(leave)

10.There’s nobody here.They         (必定回家了).(must)


科目: 来源: 题型:

















My fellow students,

       As head of the group, I would like to report to you on the event.                       








科目: 来源: 题型:

----Did you happen to see ____ black and ____ white cat?

----Is she missing? I told you to take care of her.

A.the; the     B.the; /           C.a; /     D.a; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

Of the two, I would prefer ____ camera, which is very easy for me to carry.

A.a small    B.a smaller         C.the small    D.the smaller


科目: 来源: 题型:

____ you want to remember its usage, you’d better make a sentence with the new word.

A.Unless    B.While      C.Now that        D.Even if


科目: 来源: 题型:

I _____ on a sofa because my grandparents have come for the weekend.

A.slept    B.was sleeping         C.have slept         D.am sleeping


科目: 来源: 题型:

I am glad that you have managed to come. You ___ have brought wine. We’ve got plenty.

A.wouldn’t    B.couldn’t    C.mustn’t      D.needn’t

