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科目: 来源: 题型:

---There must be a dozen pens in this house, but I can never find one when I need one.

---Keep looking.  is sure to turn up.

A.One                 B.It               C.That          D.This


科目: 来源: 题型:

       several times, but he still doesn’t know to do it properly.

A.Being shown                                       B.Having shown

C.Having been shown                              D.I’ve shown him


科目: 来源: 题型:

Why did you just sit and watch? You        me.

A.might help                                           B.could have helped

C.should help                                         D.must have helped


科目: 来源: 题型:

I’ve visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them  

this one.

A.makes          B.beats        C.compares         D.matches


科目: 来源: 题型:

We carved their names on the stone so that the younger generation should know what their forefathers            for the nation.

A.did          B.had done           C.were doing           D.have done


科目: 来源: 题型:

I’ll stay at home all day         there is news of admission to the college.

A.in case           B.for fear that          C.in case of           D.so that


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live.These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call__1__ and love.

I don't remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool.But he did__2__ the water.Any kind of __3__ ride seemed to give him pleasure.__4__ he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.

But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father__5__.I liked being at the water, moving through it,__6__ it all around me.I was not a strong__7__ , or one who learned to swim early, for I had my  8  .But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father's office and__9__ those summer days with my father, who__10__ come by on a break.I needed him to see what I could do.My father would stand there in his suit, the__11__person not in swimsuit.

After swimming, I would go__12__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me__13__ anything I found in his top desk drawer.Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk__14__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn't be playing with his __15__.But my father always__16__ and said easily, "Oh, no, it's__17__ "Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get__18__ an ice cream ...

A poet once said, "We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is__19__ "And I think it is not only what we "look at once, in childhood" that determines our memories, _20__who, in that childhood, looks at us?

1.A.desire                 B.joy                  C.anger             D.worry

2.A.avoid          B.refuse               C.praise               D.love

3.A.boat              B.bus              C.train              D.bike

4.A.But               B.Then          C.And               D.Still

5.A.expected             B.desired          C.wished             D.did

6.A.having            B.leaving          C.making           D.getting

7.A.swimmer          B.rider            C.walker         D.runner

8.A.hopes                B.faiths          C.rights            D.fears

9.A.spending          B.saying           C.wasting          D.ruining

10.A.should              B.would           C.had to            D.ought to

11.A.next           B.only           C.other               D.last

12.A.away from       B.out of              C.by                D.inside

13.A.put up              B.break down     C.play with         D.work out

14.A.the moment      B.the first time       C.while               D.before

15.A.fishing net         B.office things      C.wooden chair   D.lab equipment

16.A.stood up           B.set out            C.showed up        D.turned out

17.A.fine                 B.strange           C.terrible          D.funny

18.A.the student       B.the assistant      C.myself             D.himself

19.A.memory          B.wealth            C.experience       D.practice

20.A.as                   B.but                C.or                  D.and


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in from of him fall over and drop all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a basketball and a walkman Mark stopped and helped the boy pick up these things. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of his things. As they walked, Mark knew that the boy’s name was Bill, that he loved computer games, basketball and history, and that he was having lots of troubles with his other subjects and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.

They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was invited in for a c Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed happily with a few laughs and some small talk, and then Mark went home. They often saw each other at school, had lunch together once or twice, and then they both finished middle school. They ended up in the same high school where they sometimes saw and talked with each other over the years. At last just three weeks before they finished high school, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.

Bill asked Mark if he still remembered the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever think why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see. I cleared out my locker because I didn’t want to leave anything for anyone else. I had put away some of my mother’s sleeping pills and I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I began to understand that if I killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, mark , when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot amore. You saved my life.”

1.When Mark met him the first time, Bill was going          .

      A.to have a basketball game                     B.to his classroom

       C.to see Mark                                         D.back home

2.From what Bill was carrying, we can know that he        .

       A.was a good student                              B.liked sports and music

       C.liked all the subjects in school               D.was a good friend

3.Mark and Bill             .

       A.were in the same middle school and high school

       B.were in the same middle school but not in the same high school

       C.often had lunch together at school

       D.had known each other before they began to study in middle school

4.When Mark helped Bill to pick up some of his things, he        .

      A.knew he could save Bill’s life.

       B.knew who Bill was and wanted to help him

       C.didn’t know why he was going to help him.

       D.didn’t know what he was doing was very important to Bill


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


01 April 2009

U.S.President Barack Obama and British Prinme Minister Gordon Brown are calling for global unity as world leaders gather in Lindon for an emergency economic summit(峰会). The president says no one country can fix the economic crisis.

Mr. Obama stressed the need for all participants to seek common ground to deal with the

economic crisis. “I am absolutely confident that this meeting will reflect enormous consensus(一致的意见)about the need to work together to deal with these problems,” said Mr. Obama.

There are signs of tension , as the G20 summit prepares to begin its work in London.Some countries are blaming the United States for sparking the economic crisis through the deregulation(撤销管制规定)of its financial scene - a move that sparked an economic recession(衰退期).The president says the United States has made mistakes, but so did other countries whose regulatory systems could not keep pace with a changing financial sector.He says it is time to look for solutions."At this point, I am less interested in identifying blame, than in fixing the problem," he said.

President says differences are overstated.

France and Germany say the emphasis should be on regulatory reform.French President Nicholas Sarkozy even told an interviewer that he might walk out of the summit, if nations fail to agree on stricter regulation of global financial markets.Brown predicts no walkouts.President Obama says reports of differences are overstated.And, Prime Minister Brown predicts no one will walk away from the summit and its important work." I am confident President Sarkozy will not be here for the first course of our dinner, but will still be sitting as we complete our dinner this evening," said Mr. Brown.Mr. Brown says "Never before has the world come together in this way to talk about an economic crisis," he said." Any of the crises we have seen since the second World War, you have not had this level of international cooperation."

1.According to the news report, the aim of the summit in London is mainly to ________.

       A.seek solutions to the world economic crisis

       B.remove the misunderstanding between world leaders

       C.build up new regulatory systems in each country

       D.strengthen the economic relationship between countries

2.When President Obama says no one country can fix the economic crisis, he wants to stress the  _______.

       A.importance of the USA taking part in the summit

       B.effort to reach an agreement on the economic recession

       C.need for all the members at the summit to work together.

       D.the necessary reform in the regulatory systems

3.Differences between leaders at the summit can be seen from the fact that__________.

       A.President Obama says differences are overstated.

       B.French President told an interviewer that he might walk out of the summit.

       C.Prime Minister Brown predicts no one will walk away from the summit.

       D.nations do not agree on stricter regulation of global financial markets.

4.Mr. Brown seems to see the summit as_________.

       A.the only way to solve the world problems

       B.an unhappy gathering for the world leaders

       C.a high-level international cooperation

       D.a meeting with too many differences


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Feel tired lately? Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you.

Then, consider this: you might be in a state of sub-health.

Sub-health, also called the third state or gray state, is explained as a borderline(界限)state between health and disease.

According to the investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of sub-healthy people are middle-aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-week.

Symptoms include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, insomnia, angry, and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.

The key to preventing and recovering from sub-health, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open air activities.

As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish because they are rich in nutritional elements--vitamins and other elements that are important to the body.

Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract. They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.

1.According to this passage, which of the following is right?

     A.When you are in a state of sub-health, you should stay home and keep silent.

     B.When you are in a state of sub-health, you should go to see a doctor and but some medicine.

     C.When you are in a state of sub-health, you should have yourself examined in foreign countries.

   D.When you are in a state of sub-health, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself.

2.It may be easy for middle-aged people to get sub-health because _______.

     A.they have used up their energy           

       B.they have lost their living hopes

     C.they have more pressure in life and work

     D.they begin to get older

3.The key to preventing you from falling into a state of sub-health is that you should _______.

     A.work hard                            B.sleep more

     C.form good living habits                   D.take more medicine

4.The underlined word “alternate” in this passage is closest in meaning to        .

       A.arrange by turns                                  B.cause to take place

       C.keep up                                              D.take up

