 0  33348  33356  33362  33366  33372  33374  33378  33384  33386  33392  33398  33402  33404  33408  33414  33416  33422  33426  33428  33432  33434  33438  33440  33442  33443  33444  33446  33447  33448  33450  33452  33456  33458  33462  33464  33468  33474  33476  33482  33486  33488  33492  33498  33504  33506  33512  33516  33518  33524  33528  33534  33542  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

With a large amount of housework        ,he would rather       at home,helping his wife with it,than go golfing.

A.remaining to be done;stay                              B.remained to be done;stayed

C.remaining to do;to stay                                    D.remained to do;staying


科目: 来源: 题型:

He came over to us as if            his business cards among us.

A.to pick out               B.to give out          C.wiping out           D.setting out


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was caught in the war and put to prison.I was sure that 1 was to be killed,I became

terribly nervous.I reached in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes(香烟),which had  1 their search.I found one and because of my   2  hands,I could only get it to my lips.But I had no  3 

      I looked   4  the bars(铁栏)at my jailer(狱警).He did not make eye contact with me.I called out to him.“Have you got a light?” He looked at me,and came over to   5   my cigarette.

    As he came close and lit the match,his eyes met with mine.At that moment,I smiled I don't know  6  I did that,Perhaps it was  7  ,perhaps it was because,when you get very close。one to another,it is very hard not to  8  .In any case,I smiled.It was   9   a spark(火花)jumped across the distance between our two hearts.I know he didn't want to,but my smile Jumped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips.He lit my cigarette but stayed near,looking at me   10  in the eyes and continuing to smile

    I kept smiling at him,now   11  of him as a person and not just a Jailer.And his looking at me seemed to have a new   12  ,too.”Do you have kids?” he asked.

    “Yes,here,here.”I took out my wallet and nervously searched for the pictures of my family.He, too,took Out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his   13   and hopes for them.My eyes were filled with   14  .I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again,never have the chance to see them grow up.Tears came to his eyes,too.

    Suddenly,  15   ,he unlocked my cell(牢房)and silently led me out.Out of the prison,quietly and by   16  routes,out of the town.There,at the edge of town,he set me   17  .And without another word,he turned back toward the town.

    My life was   18   by a smile.

    Yes, the smile—the unaffected,unplanned,natural connection between people.I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could   19  each other,we wouldn’t be enemies.We couldn’t have  20  or envy or fear.

1.A.avoided                 B.escaped               C.followed                D.prevented

2.A.interacting             B.trying                  C.shaking                   D.upsetting

3.A.energy                   B.strength               C.daylight                  D.matches

4.A.over                      B.through                C.below                    D.above

5.A.1ight                     B.smoke                 C.accept                  D.operate

6.A.when                    B.where                  C.why                      D.how

7.A.embarrassment        B.confidence           C.disappointment       D.nervousness

8.A.smile                     B.smoke                 C.call                      D.glare

9.A.as though              B.even though         C.if only                    D.what if

10.A.deliberately           B.thankfully             C.directly                  D.immediately

11.A.certain                 B.aware                  C.tired                      D.careful

12.A.motivation            B.belief                   C.response                D.meaning

13.A.plans                   B.procedure            C.accomplishment      D.concern

14.A.admiration            B.shame                  C.tears                      D.ambition

15.A.without difficulty                                      B.without another word

       C.with reason                                               D.with safety

16.A.1eft                     B.front                    C.back                    D.right

17.A.out                      B.up                       C.off                        D.free

18.A.saved                  B.inspired                C.delivered                D.approached

19.A.realise                  B.adapt                   C.comfort               D.recognize

20.A.love                     B.sympathy             C.hatred                  D.worry


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

TOKYO:Elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression(消沉,压抑),probably due to a “feel good” chemical found in this type of tea,Japanese researchers said.

    Several studies have related drinking green tea to reducing psychological problems and Kaijun Niu,of Tohoku University Graduate School,and colleagues found people aged 70 and older who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44 percent less likely to experience depression.

    Green tea is widely drunk in many Asian countries,including China and Japan.

    Niu's team studied 1,058 healthy elderly men and women.About 34 percent of the men and 39 percent of the women had signs of depression,according to the study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    A total of 488 participants(参与者)said they drank four or more cups of green tea a day,284 said they downed two to three cups daily and the rest reported having one or fewer cups daily.

    According to the researchers,the apparent effect of drinking more green tea on alleviating depression did not become less after they considered other factors, such as social economic status,sex,diet,history of medical problems and use of antidepressants.

    There was no link between drinking black or oolong tea,or coffee,and lower degree of depression.

    The amino acid theanine,contained in green tea,which is thought to have a calming effect on the brain,may explain the beneficial effect shown in the current study,Niu noted,adding that more study is needed.

1.Which of the following do you think can best replace the underlined word “alleviating” in paragraph 6?

    A.Lowering the degree of                            B.Raising the degree of

    C.Making…more difficult to bear                    D.Causing more suffering from

2.Which of the following do you think can serve as the most suitable title?

A.Feeling depressed? Coffee can cure.          B.Feeling sad? Black tea does work.

C.Feeling upset? Oolong tea will do.              D.Feeling blue? Green tea may help.

3.What’s the writers attitude towards the result of the study?

      A.He is interested in it and totally supportive of it.

      B.He holds the opinion that it is of little value.

      C.He only reports the fact without mentioning his own opinion.

      D.He seriously criticizes the result of the study.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

SHANGHAI:China’s economic center will replace London as the world’s second-largest economic center after New York in 10 years,according to a recent survey conducted by 1aw firm Eversheds.

        The survey,which interviewed 600 senior business decision-makers in the cities of London,Mumbai,New York,Shanghai and the United Arab Emirates,showed that London was facing a challenge(挑战)from Shanghai in terms of its economic role in the world.

    Most of them said New York would continue to hold the top position as the most important economic center.

    According to London-based Eversheds,91 percent of senior businesspeople in Shanghai are confident of their economic future over the next 12 months,mainly based on signs of growth in business,while in London only 22 percent are confident,the lowest figure among the five cities.

    The report showed that 87 percent of business leaders across the world said the crisis (危机)has changed the structure(结构)of the world economy,and the established economic centers of the West face a growing challenge from the new economies of the East.

    China, ahead of the US and Europe,has had signs of a recovery from the economic crisis.In March the Chinese government decided to try to turn Shanghai into an

international economic center by the end of 2020.

    “There's little doubt that Shanghai would become a world's important economic center within the next decade if the Chinese economy will become No 1 or No 2 in the world and because of the growing value of the yuan,said Hubert Tse,managing director and head

of international business at law firm Yuan Tat.

      Shanghai’s becoming a world’s economic center is affected by when the yuan can be exchanged freely and whether effective laws would be put in place, Tse said.

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

      A.Businessmen in London are least confident of their economic future among the five cities surveyed.

      B.The economic development of the established economic centers of the West has slowed down due to the crisis.

    C.Chinese economy will surely become No 1 in the world by the end of 2020.

    D.China has shown signs of recovery from crisis earlier than the US and Europe.

2.All the following will make Shanghai a world's economic center except         

      A.Chinese early economic recovery from crisis.

      B.The growing value and free exchange of the yuan.

      C.Effective laws to be made.

      D.Businessmen's confidence in Shanghai.

3.What does the passage mainly deal with?

      A.People are confident in Chinese economy.

      B.Shanghai will become the second-largest economic center instead of London.

      C.New York remains to be the most important economic center.

      D.The structure of the world economy has been changed completely.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Donation Proposal

      Caring for disadvantaged school-age children and making donations to build the China Daily Readers Hope School

    Located in a poor remote mountainous area in central Gansu Province,Dongxiang Autonomous County(自治县)has a population of 266,900,of which 83.97 per cent are of Dongxiang ethnic community.Harsh natural conditions and dry weather have left the Dongxiang people living in poverty.To solve all these needs and offer caring and selfless support,China Daily is teaming up with the China Youth Development Foundation to offer the following proposal to China Daily readers:caring for disadvantaged school-age children in a poor mountainous area and make donations to build China Daily Readers Hope School.

    The donations will be managed by the China Youth Development Foundation.The donations will be strictly used for building a Hope School in the area-the China Daily Readers Hope Sch001.According to local situation,about 200,000 yuan(US$26,315) can help enlarge a school and about 300,000 yuan(US$39,500)can help build a new one.

    The names 0f donors whose personal donations are more than 1,000 yuan(US$132) and group donations that are more than 10,000 yuan(US$1,320)will be carved on a monument at the school to mark the contributions.China Daily will also open a special column to follow the development of the China Daily Readers Hope School and give timely reports on the loving and caring stories of the donors.

    Since the start of the China Daily Readers Hope School project in 2002,three schools-the No.1 China Daily Readers Hope Primary School,the Nutuping Hope Primary School and the No.2 China Daily Readers Hope Primary School—have been established and one,Yangling Township Dayang Village Project Hope School,has been expanded thanks to the donations.

    We, on behalf of China Daily,China Youth Development Foundation and the People's Government of Dongxiang County,express our heartfelt thanks and respect to the readers of China Daily,who have been showing care and support for the project.

Donation Address:                          Foreign currency account Numbers:

China Youth Development Foundation              00023608091014(US$)

A一1 Houyuan’ensi Hutong,Jiaodaokou          00023608091013(HK$)

Nandajie,Beijing 100009,China                00038408091027(JPY)

Name of Banking Institution:                    Name on Account:

Agricultural Bank of China,Belling               China Youth Development Foundation

Jiaodaokou Branch(RMB)                     Transaction Context:

RMB Account Number:                        China Daily Readers Hope School

11—191301040003296 Tel:(86—10)84030206,64918366

Name of Banking Institution:                    E-mail:yanshi@cydf.org.cn

Headquarter Office。Bank of China(Foreign Currencies)

1.Anyone can donate money in the following currencies except        

      A.US$                    B.JPY                     C.EURO                   D.RMB

2.What’s the main purpose of writing the passage?

      A.To inform readers of the China Daily Readers Hope Sch001.

      B.To call on readers to donate money for the disadvantaged school—age children.

      C.To introduce the condition of Dongxiang Autonomous County.

      D.To express thanks to the donors.

3.What organization is responsible for managing the donations?

      A.China Daily.                                             B.China Youth Development Foundation.

      C.China Daily Readers Hope School.             D.Dongxiang Autonomous County.

4.What can we infer after reading the passage?

      A.Dongxiang ethnic community makes up about half of the population of the county.

      B.China Daily has covered some loving stories about donors.

      C.Donors of a large sum of money will be remembered forever.

      D.About 700,000 yuan has been raised since 2002.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I passed all the other courses that I took at my University,but I could have never passed botany(植物学).This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope(显微镜)at plant cells,and I could never once see a cell through a microscope.This used to make my professor angry.He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the structure(结构)of flower cells,until he came to me.I would Just be standing there. “I can’t see anything,”I would say.He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope,but he would always end up angrily.claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldn’t. “It takes away from the beauty of flowers anyway” I used to tell him.”We are not concerned with beauty in this course. “he would say.”We are concerned with the structure of flowers.”“Well,”I'd say.”I can’t see anything.” “Try it just once again.”he'd say,and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all,except now and again something unclear and milky.”You were supposed to see a clear,moving plant cells shaped 1ike clocks.”“I see what looks like a lot of milk.”I would tell him.This,he claimed,was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly,so he would readjust it for me,or rather,for himself.And I would look again and see milk.

    I failed to pass botany that year,and had to wait a year and try again,or I couldn’t graduate.The next term the same professor was eager to explain cell一structure again to his classes. “Well,”he said to tile.happily.”we're going to see cells this time,aren't we?” “Yes,sir,”I said.Students to the right of me and to the left of me and in front of me were seeing cells;what’s more,they were quietly drawing pictures of them in their notebooks.Of course.I didn't see anything.

    So the professor and I tried with every adjustment of the microscope known to man.With only once did I see anything but blackness or the familiar milk,and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amazement,something 1ike stars.These I hurriedly drew.The professor,noting my activity,came to me,a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope.He looked at my cell drawing. “What’s that?” he asked.“That’s what I saw,”I said.”You didn’t,you didn’t,you didn’t!” he screamed,losing control of himself immediately,and he bent over and looked into the microscope.He r8ised his head suddenly.”That’s your eye!”.he shouted.”You’ve adjusted the microscope so that it reflects! You've drawn your eye!”

     ——Selected from University Days by James Thurber

1.Why couldn't the writer see the flower ceils through the microscope?

      A.Because he had poor eyesight.

      B.Because the microscope didn’t work properly.

      C.Because he was not able to adjust the microscope properly.

      D.Because he was playing jokes on his professor by pretending not to have seen it.

2.Why does the writer mention “Students to the right of tile and to the left of rile and in front of me were seeing cells” in Paragraph 2?

      A.To express his professor's satisfaction with his classmates.

      B.To prove his professors excellent teaching ability in his class.

      C.To show more clearly his not seeing the cells by comparing them with himself.

      D.To suggest his classmates' gift for drawing pictures,

3.What does the writer mean by “his eyebrows high in hope” in the last paragraph?

    A.His professor expected him to have seen the cells and drawn the picture of then,.

    B.His professor hoped he could perform his task with attention.

    C.His professor wished him to learn how to draw pictures.

    D.His professor looked forward to seeing all his students finish their drawings.

4.What is the thing like stars that the writer saw in the last paragraph?

A.Real stars.                                            B.His own eye. 

C.Something unknown.                               D.Milk

5.In what writing style did the writer write the passage?

      A.Realistic.                                              B.Romantic.

       C.Serious.                                               D.Humorous.


科目: 来源: 题型:


in the world     ask around    push ahead with       apart from        be beneficial to

after all         cheer up      devote oneself to      logoff              additionally

1.I couldn’t find him anywhere.Where           could he be?

2.Turn to the right to see whether there is a hotel.And           you can call 114.

3.Whatever happens,we must          our plans to increase production.

4.She can not spare any time to go for a travel,          her scientific study.

5.Don’t blame him any more.He did come            

6.She works in New York            ,living her family.

7.I do not know,but you may            ,—somebody will know.

8.After downloading the information,he            and went to bed.

9.It's believed that exercise the health.

10.            ,Bob! Smile your tears away.Life goes on.


科目: 来源: 题型:












       3.参考词汇:排放emission n.emit v.    温室气体greenhouse gas

    海平面sea level    全球变暖global warming

       In order to deal with the climate change,the United Nations held the 15th Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen from Dec.7 to Dec.18,2009.



科目: 来源: 题型:

Bill Clinton said during his two terms as president America had moved out of           

industrial economy into          information age.

A.an; an           B.the; an           C.an; the         D.不填;不填

