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科目: 来源: 题型:

When we plan our vacation, mother often offers _____ suggestions.

A. careful            B. practical          C. effective         D. acceptable


科目: 来源: 题型:

I hope you don’t mind me asking, _____ where did you buy those shoes?

A. so    B. and    C. yet     D. but


科目: 来源: 题型:

Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _____ in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A. to form           B. form           C. forming          D. having formed


科目: 来源: 题型:

- I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!

- _____.

A. Nor am I    B. Neither would I    C. Same with me    D. So do I


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is re ported that the United States uses _____ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice    B. twice much    C. twice much as   D. twice as much


科目: 来源: 题型:

In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has _____.

A. turned down          B. turned over   C. fallen down          D. fallen over


科目: 来源: 题型:

I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.

A. since               B. while            C. when            D. as


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“My name’s Jim Shelley and I’m an addict(有瘾的人)…”

With these words I began to  1 the problem, the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people  2 , from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep. I  38 to be phoned, I wanted to phone. Just one more call.

It started socially - a few calls each day. It seemed  4 , just a quick chat. Gradually though, the  5 got worse. Soon it was  6  use, until, finally, addiction.

And it began to affect(影响) my  7 . During the day I would disappear for  8  call. If I couldn’t make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more  8 , in the end, I would ring someone, then someone else,  9  myself just one more call.

I was phoning people and   messages to make sure   calls would see me through the day. I used to arrive at friends’ homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the  10 “Is it OK if I just use the phone…?” At work, I became  11when my fellow workers tried to  12  me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss (with the phone). Finally, the police caught me  13 a phone box that had taken my last one pound coin, and I was  14to see a psychiatrist(心理医生).

I haven’t  15 a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s several days  16 I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV because there are  17  people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

1.A. face                        B. find                     C. accept                    D. notice

2.A. now and then          B. all the time           C. at home                  D. at work

3.A. tried                       B. asked                  C. waited                    D. invited

4.A. polite                      B. important             C. fine                        D. special

5.A. condition                 B. situation              C. result                     D. effect

6.A. frequent                  B. regular                C. unusual                  D. particular

7.A. friends                    B. study                  C. family                    D. work

8.A. a quick                   B. a secret               C. an expected            D. an extra

9.A. hopeful                   B. delighted              C. frightened               D. anxious

10.A. forcing                  B. telling                  C. giving                    D. limiting

11.A. leaving                  B. taking                  C. passing                  D. recording

12.A. long                      B. immediate            C. enough                   D. surprising

13.A. saying                   B. demands              C. wish                      D. words

14.A. careful                  B. mad                    C. determined             D. helpless

15.A. save                      B. reduce                 C. protect                   D. stop

16.A. destroying             B. using                   C. stealing                  D. emptying

17.A. offered                  B. guided                 C. ordered                  D. reminded

18.A. missed                  B. had                     C. received                 D. fixed

19.A. as                         B. when                  C. if                           D. since

20.A. always                  B. just                     C. more                      D. different


科目: 来源: 题型:

The house could fall down soon if no one. _______ some quick repair work.

A. has done           B. is doing

C. does              D. had done


科目: 来源: 题型:

People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _______, she is a great musician.

A. After all                 B. As a result

C. In other words            D. As usual

