 0  35179  35187  35193  35197  35203  35205  35209  35215  35217  35223  35229  35233  35235  35239  35245  35247  35253  35257  35259  35263  35265  35269  35271  35273  35274  35275  35277  35278  35279  35281  35283  35287  35289  35293  35295  35299  35305  35307  35313  35317  35319  35323  35329  35335  35337  35343  35347  35349  35355  35359  35365  35373  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What would you do if you were lost in the dark forest at night? The first sensible lesson is that you shouldn’t bother trying to find your way in the dark at all,but just stay where you are until dawn.Because then you won’t trip over things? No,mainly because you’ll have an idea of direction.The sun rises in the east.But you will be amazed at how many people forget they know that.Apparently,the area underneath a holly bush provides a good makeshift shelter — they are thick,and evergreen.The next thing to do — or rather not to do — is panic,for the obvious reason that unless there is someone there to hear you scream,it will get you nowhere.Just try to think of nice, happy things.

There is always a point in films when a person who is lost in the desert or the snow, dehydrated (脱水的) and exhausted,comes across a set of their own footprints and realizes they have just walked in a huge,round circle.It is wrong to owe it to the unequal strengths or different lengths of your legs.Experiments prove that,without the sun or the moon (or landmarks)as a fixed guide,lots of small errors add up over time so the brain can’t correctly identify the “straight ahead” direction.To just get out of somewhere,pick a spot on the horizon and just head for it.

There are several ways to find directions in the dark,and by far the best is to establish north using the stars.Most people can identify the Plough,which is part of Ursa Major.It looks a lot like a saucepan.The Plough rotates(旋转)through the sky,but let’s imagine the saucepan lying horizontally (水平地),with its handle on the left.You need to trace a line from the star at the right-hand base of the pan, through the star at the right-hand rim (边沿), and follow it upwards; the north star is roughly five times the distance between those two “pointer” stars.Then drop a vertical line from the North Star to the horizon and that’s north.

“Tonight is very cloudy and I can’t see the Plough.” Maybe luckily, it is quite windy.Keep in mind that almost all of our weather comes from a south-westerly direction.(This only works if you are in the British Isles).To find the direction,you can throw light bits of dried-out grass in the air and see which way they blow; or, if there are clouds and patches of clear sky, see which way they blow across the stars.You can also get an idea of direction from leggy plants.If they look as if they have been blown over,they will probably be pointing north-east.If they are simply leaning in one direction as they grow, there’s a good chance that is south (they will be reaching towards the sun).The last thing to do is to judge your direction and off you go.

1.What might be the best title of the passage?

    A.How to survive in the forest

    B.How to protect yourself in the forest

    C.How to direct your way out of the wild

    D.What to do if you are lost

2.Which of the following pictures matches the description of the position of the north star?

3.Why will people often walk in a circle if they are lost in the desert or the snow?

    A.Because without anything to refer to for directions, the brain will be confused by errors.

    B.Because one of the legs is longer and stronger than the other.

    C.Because the desert or the snow usually covers a large area for people to get across.

    D.Because people usually feel dehydrated and exhausted in the desert or the snow.

4.If you were lost in Taklimakan Desert in China, _________ would NOT be dependable for you to identify the directions.

    A.the sun             B.the North Star    C.wind                 D.the moon


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear College Dean

It is my understanding that this college has received a large donation to be used to improve the quality of life for students: expand the bookstore or add computers to the computer lad. It is the tradition of his school to promote education and to be the pioneer of new technology. That is why I strongly argue in favor of the addition of more computers to the computer lab.

Although expanding the campus bookstore to include CDs, gifts, and a snack bar will give a nicer look to the college, we have to think about a greater goal and a more practical way to enhance the quality of life for students. What do we want for our students and our college? Do we want our college to be known as a place with a great bookstore where you can find CDs and gifts, or as a place where the students can explore and research in their field using the best tools provided by technology? In addition, there are already several snack bars on campus, and there are music stores nearby, so students do not depend on the college bookstore for these things.

We live in a highly technological world and computers play an increasingly important role in how we live. As a learning institution, this college has the responsibility to offer its students the best technology to help them prepare for their future. Many students will be expected to be familiar with the latest software and other tools when they go on to work or to graduate school.

While they are in college, students find they are expected to use computers. Many professors expect students to use computers to do homework or to complete projects. Students are asked to create PowerPoint presentations and use spreadsheets and database programs, as well as to research many topics on the Internet. Since students are competing for good grades, those who have limited access to computers are at a great disadvantage. Furthermore, being able to do projects using the computer enhances the process of learning, giving students the opportunity to find information that without a computer would be much more difficult to find.

If there are more computers, students will also be able to complete their work more efficiently. No more will they have to wait in line, paper and disk in hand, while scanning the room for an empty chair and computer. No longer will they have to sit and wait while an outdated computer struggles to follow their commands. Having more new and faster computers available will enable students to finish their work more quickly.

The more computers are used in society the more colleges will depend on them as a tool of teaching and learning. Making computers more available to students facilitates their learning process by making the process easier, more interesting, more engaging, and in the process enhancing their quality of life

1.The purpose of the author in writing the passage is         .

A.to describe the problems caused by lack of computers

B.to explain why students are in great need of computers

C.to tell us what benefits students can gain from computers

D.to persuade the Dean to purchase more advanced computers

2.From the passage we can infer that          .

A.present computers in the college cannot meet the demands of the students

B.computers in the college will be updated to meet the student's demands soon

C.the college has the responsibility to help the students to prepare for their future

D.it is also necessary to expand the college bookstore by using part of the donation

3.In paragraph 4, the author mainly wants to tell us that         .

A.computers are beneficial to students' academic success

B.computers are helpful to student's competition for success

C.students find it convenient to do assignments by using computers

D.students wish to use the money to buy more advanced computers

4.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?

A.            B.

C.           D.

CP: Central Point   P: Point      SP: Sub-point(次要点)        C: Conclusion


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Everyone heard of the San Andreas fault(断层),which constantly threatens California and the West Coast with earthquakes.But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri?

Between December of 1811 and February of 1812,three major earthquakes occurred,and all centered around the town of New Madrid, Missouri, on the Mississippi River.Property damage was severe.Buildings in the area were almost destroyed.Whole forests fell at once,and huge cracks opened in the ground,releasing some strong smell of chemicals.

The Mississippi River itself completely changed character,developing sudden rapids and whirlpools(急流和旋涡).Several times it changed its course,once according some observers, it actually appeared to run backwards.Few people were killed in the New Madrid earthquakes, probably simply because few people lived in the area in 1811:but the severity of the earthquakes were shown by the fact the shock waves rang bells in church towers in Charleston,South Carolina,on the coast.Buildings shook in New York City,and clocks were stopped in Washington D.C.

Scientists now know that America’s two major faults are essentially different.The San Andreas is a horizontal(水平的) boundary between two major land masses that are slowly moving in opposite directions.California earthquakes result when the two masses make a sudden move.

The New Madrid fault,on the other hand,is a vertical(垂直的)fault; at some point, possibly hundreds of millions of years ago,rock was pushed up toward the surface.Suddenly,the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed,leaving huge cracks.Even now, the rock continues to settle downwards,and sudden sinking motion causes earthquakes in the region.The fault itself, a large crack in this layer of rock, with dozens of other cracks that split off from it, extends from northeast Arkansas through Missouri and into southern Illinois.

Scientists who have studied the New Madrid fault say there have been numerous smaller quakes in the area since 1811;these smaller quakes indicate that larger ones are probably coming, but the scientists say they have no method of predicting when a large earthquake will occur.

1.This passage is mainly about_____.

A.the New Madrid fault                      B.the San Andreas

C.the causes of fault                        D.current scientific knowledge about faults

2.Which of the following pictures best describes the type of the New Madrid fault?

A.                          B.                       C.                  D.

3.This passage implies that _____.

       A.horizontal faults are more dangerous than vertical faults

       B.vertical faults are more dangerous than horizontal faults

       C.a lot of people would die if the 1811 New Madrid earthquakes happened today

       D.the volcanoes that caused the New Madrid fault are still alive.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Catherine Destivelle is rock star.She loves rock,but she can’t sing or play the guitar!She is a rock climber and a big star in France and Italy.She is the most famous woman climber in the world because she climbs without ropes.She climbs in many countries but most often in the French Alps near Chamonix,where she lives.She started climbing near her home in Paris when she was five.Then,at fourteen,she joined the French Alpine Club to learn more,but immediately she climbed better and more quickly than the older members of the club.She won her first competition in Italy in 1995.

  Three years ago she found a new route up the Dru Moun-tain near Chamonix.The climb took eleven days and for four days the snow was so heavry that she could not move.Last year other climbers tried to follow the new Destivelle Route,but they failed.They are going to try again this year.

    People always ask her about her climbing.She says,“I climb because I’m in love with mountains.I like touching the rock and reading the face of the rock.I like it a lot.I felt at home on the side of a mountain.I prepare well before I go,so I’m never worried.”

   Catherine chooses new mountain from books-like buying from a shopping catalogue(目录)! “I see a nice mountains and I go to climb it!”Her next mountain is in Pakistan. She is going there next mounth:“It’s much bigger than the Dru, so it’s going to take longer to climb.An American climber,Jeff Lowe,is coming with me to help. ”

1.Catherine Destivelle is called “a star” because__________.

A.she won a competition in 1995

B.she loves rocks

C.she’s a famous woman climber

D.she found a new route up to the Dru Mountain

2.She had great trouble finding a new route up the Dru Mountain because____________.

A.she lost her way                        B.the climb took 11 days.

C.she needed help from an American climber   D.there was heavy snow

3.On the side of a mountain she feels __________

A.worried      B.easy and happy      C.ike going home      D.well

4.We can infer from the passage people often ask her“____________”.

A.Why do you like climbing?

B.Are you in love with an American climber?

C.Do you enjoy reading books on mountains?

D.What do yo do before you go climbing?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although the women’s rights movement in the United States in thought of as a recent development,its beinnings date back over one hundred and seventy years.At that time women were dependents in the eyes of the law,and they did not have the rights of adults.A woman had no property rights,even over what she had got it from her mother or father or over any wages that she earned.Decisions about family matters and about the children were made by her husband,the “head of the family”.

     The first public protests against the low position of women were made in the 1830’s.In 1848 the leaders of this movement(some of whom were antislavery activities as well) assembled  the first Women’s Rights Convention,demanding equality.In this struggle as well as in the long,hard fight for women’s vote,those who took part in the activities were laughed at and insulted.They were said to be immoral,and their ideas were considered dangerous to society.

      Nevertheless by 1900 women had won the right to vote in several states;and in 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution granted them the right to vote throughout the United States.By the time many women were attending college, and increasing numbers were entering professions which had before been forbidden to women. A little number of women even held high academic and government positions.In spie of all this progress,“career women”were largely restricted(受限制)teaching,nursing,and office work.

      The women’s Liberation movement,which developed during the 1960’s,has focused on economic rights such as“equal pay for equal work”.In addition some groups have stressed psychological and social equality.The main purpose of Women’s Liberation to free women from the restricted role which society has given to them.It seeks to enable them to choose between a career and the home—or to choose the two.it claims that society as a whole would benefit if every person were allowed to develop his or her abilities and use them to the full.Women’s Liberation believes that the statement in the United States Declaration of Independence,“all men are created equal”realy means.“all human beings are created equal”.

1.We know from this passage that ___________over one hundred seventy years ago.

A.no women worked outside their homes.

B.women were considered as children by the law

C.women cared nothing about how their family lives were

D.women were not allowed to decide how to spend their money or how to teach children

2.The underlined word“assemble”in the second paragraph probably means____________.

A.to bring a group of people together in one place for a particular purpose

B.to make a public or official statement,especially about a plan,decision

C.to produce many copies of a book,magazine,or newspaper

D.not to take part in an event or not to buy or use something as a protest

3.Which of the following is true?

A.In the 1920s,women were limited to being teachers,nurses of office workers.

B.Women mainly paid their attention to how they were paid in the 1960s.

C.Women asked to change“all men are created equal”into“all human beings are created equal.”

D.No states have ever provided women with jobs in the government.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Women’s Lives in the United States          

B.Equal Pay for Equal Work

C.Women’s Liberation in the United States      

D.Women,their past and Present


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The high noise of modern life may affect speech and language development in the very young,according to a study that found the auditory(听觉的)parts of the brains of young mice are slower to organize properly in the presence of continuous sounds.

   Researchers at the University of California,San Francisco,reared a group of rats in an environment of continuous background noise and found that their brain circuits that receive and interpret(解释)sound did not develop at the same rate as animals that were raised in a quieter environment.

     Edward F. Chang and Michael Merzenich,co-authors of the study appearing in the journal Science,said that the continuous noise delayed the organization of auditory neurons(神经细胞)during a critical two-to-three-week period after the rat pups were born.

    For rats not exposed to the noise,the auditory cortex(皮层)neurons during this period gathered into a smaller area and began developing a selective response to sounds.

   But for the noise-exposed rats,this organization was slowed,causing a delay in the development of the ability to discriminate(辨别)specific sound tones.The researchers said it took three or four times longer for the rats raised in a noisy environment to reach the basic bench marks(基准)of auditory development seen in the rat pups not exposed to noises.

    Although the rat is not a perfect model for what happens in humans,the authors note,the study does suggest that high levels of noise might possibly affect some language learning in babies.

   “These findings suggest that environmental noise,which is commonly preasent in contemporary child-rearing environments,can potentially contribute to auditory and language—related development delays,” the authors wrote in Science.

   The authors noted that although the brain development was delayed in rats exposed to the noise,their brains did eventually mature(成熟的)normally.

1.The scientists at California University studied rats____________.

A.of different age groups                B.with different habits

C.in different environments              D.from different areas

2.The rats exposed to noise,compared to those not exposed,_________.

A.were more sensitive                B.were duller

C.grew up more slowly               D.gathered together more quickly

3.The result of the research mainly tells us that noise_________________.

A.delays brain development           B.stops baby growth

C.affects speech and language         D.destroys brains

4.The finding of the research are said to have special connections with____________.

A.causes of noises                  B.medical science

C.other living things                D.human babies


科目: 来源: 题型:

The U.S.A. is one of the most developing countries in             1.___________

the world.It lies in between two oceans the Atlantic anc the      2.___________

Pacific.North of it is Canada,and south of is Mexico.It           3.___________

has a area of over nine million three hundred and sixty thousand  4.___________

square kilometers.It is made of fifty states.Washington           5.___________

is the capital,which lies in the east coast,face the               6.___________

Atlantic Ocean.It is one of the biggest countries in the          7.___________

world.It has a population of two hundred and thirty               8.___________

million.In recently years the friendships between the               9.___________

Chinese people and the American people have being developing.      10.___________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Soccer is an extremely popular sport through most of the world.However,as with anything that people feel over interested in,strong feelings sometimes get out of hand.English fans have been known __1____ quarreling endlessly and even fighting in the stands.Several violent actions in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964 ____2_____ (动词词组) the death of 309 people.But up ___3___ now at least,there has been only one soccer war.

That war took place between E1 Salvador and Honduras,two Central American countries.The year was 1969,and for many years the Salvador economy had been in a frightening condition:too many people with too little land and too __4____ (little) jobs, created a situation of terrible poverty.As a result,many poor Salvadorans had been ___5____(secret) crossing into Honduras looking for work,and later they formed a strong sense ___6____ (引导词) they were mistreated there.So unfriendly feelings were already very strong at the beginning of a World Cup match between the two countries.

The first game of the three-game play off __7____ (hold) in Honduras,and the home team got __8____1-0 win in the last minute of play.Fighting broke out afterward in the streets,and the stadium was set on fire.The second game was played in E1 Salvador,and the E1 Salvador team won.More violence and fires followed. 9. By the time the third game was played in Mexico City,an actual War appeared certainly by all means(改正句中错误). And that is exactly___10____ (引导词) happened.Immediately after E1 Salvador’s close victory,armies began marching along the border of the two countries.Then E1 Salvador attacked Honduras and bombed its airport.The war was over in less than a week,but ill feelings between the two countries lasted for years and years.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1---20 各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。涂卡时请考生务必注意对应答题卡上相应的题号。

While the rest of the world is sleeping,my dad is dragging my warm covers off me so we won’t be late for my 6 a.m. ice hockey game.What started as a 1 is now my profession passion(a strong liking),and _2_of it would be possible without my dad.

“Let’s go,Brendan.You can do it!” _3_ like that does not go unnoticed.Every game,no matter what the _4_ is,my dad always says“ Good game.”and“ You looked great out there.”I'm _5_ ,knowing that even if I make a mistake or _6_ poorly,my dad will still be there for me. _7_ is one of the greatest things anyone can have.My dad is my support,without _8_ me to become something I’m not.It was my dream to play hockey,and he just _9_ me.

As I get older, _10_becomes fiercer.Each season brings a new schedule with more than thirty games,which my dad eagerly _11 .He gets as nervous as I do,but somehow _12_ in his seat and keeps _13 .He wants to yell(shout in excitement)and scream like most hockey parents, _14_ he is different. __15_each game,we sit down to eat and go over things to work_16_ in the future.Usually he only tells me how proud he is of me. _17_all those early- morning games and later-afternoon skates with Dad,I realize how lucky I am to _18_ him.It’s not easy getting up and driving to rinks(溜冰场)at all hours.My dad not only does that,but also helps me realize my dreams.I make sure that every game he attends,I play my _19 ,just to show him those 6 a.m._20_did me some good.

1.A.gift B.job C.behavior D.hobby

2.A.any B.none C.all D.some

3.A.Encouragement B.Promise C.Advice D.Instruction

4.A.goal B.result C.purpose D.effect

5.A.comfortable B.confident C.careful D.clear

6.A.run B.practice C.1earn D.play

7.A.Support B.Help C.Love D.Trust

8.A.allowing B.forbidding C.forcing D.wishing

9.A.taught B.guided C.ordered D.pushed

10.A.position B.condition C.direction D.competition

11.A.joins B.plays C.attends D.presents

12.A.rocks B.jumps C.swings D.trembles

13.A.quiet B.still C.cool D.happy

14.A.therefore B.because C.so D.but

15.A.Before B.After C.Beyond D.Over

16.A.with B.for C.on D.off

17.A.Recognizing B.Reminding C.Remembering D.Enjoying

18.A.get B.have C.meet D.know

19.A.best B.worst C.quickest D.cleverest

10.A.exercises B.sports C.movements D.games


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Rescuers have found the bodies of over 130 people killed in two ferry disasters in Bangladesh.The accidents happened during a storm that hit the country on April 21.Hundreds more are missing or feared dead.

The two ferries sank in different rivers near the capital city of Dhakfi as strong winds and rain hit the South Asian country.The government has since banned all ferries and other boats from traveling at night during the April-May stormy season. One of the ferries,MV Mitali,was carrying far more people than it was supposed to.About 400 passengers fitted into a space made for just 300,police said.The second ferry carried about 100 passengers.

“The number of deaths is certain to rise.”said an official in charge of the rescue work.“No one really knows how many people were on board the ferry or how many of them survived.” Ferries in Bangladesh don’t always keep passenger lists,making it difficult to determine the exact number of people on board. Besides the ferry accidents,at least 40 people were killed and 400 injured by lightning strikes.falling houses and trees and the sinking of small boats. Storms are common this time of year in Bangladesh,as are boating accidents.Ferry disasters take away hundreds of lives every year in a nation of 130 million people. Officials blame these river accidents on a lack of safety measures, too many passengers in boats and not enough checks on weather conditions. Ferries are a common means of transport in Bangladesh.It is a country covered by about 230 rivers.Some 20,000 ferries use the nation’s Waterways every year.And many of them are dangerously overcrowded.Since 1977, more than 3,000 people have died in some 260 boating accidents.

1.________ people have been found dead in the two ferry disasters.

A、Over 130 B、At least 40 C、About 400 D. Over 3,000

2.The two ferry disasters occurred_______.

A. at noon B. in the morning C. at night. D. In the afternoon.

3.________ passengers was MV Mitali designed to carry?

A.500 B.100 C.400 D.300

4.Officials attribute boating accident to ________

A. strong winds. B. bad weather conditions.

C. the blockages of waterways. D. the lack of safety measures.

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the two ferry disasters?

A. They were overcrowded. B. They sank on April 21.

C. The exact number of deaths could be easily determined.

D. They sank somewhere near Dhaka.

