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科目: 来源: 题型:

假如你叫刘薇,今年六月份将从新华中学高三毕业,打算到美国加利福尼亚大学留学,现在请你根据下面的个人信息,用英语写一封信,申请留学。姓名:刘薇   性别:女   出生年月:1994年6月   毕业学校:新华中学

学业:各门功课优秀   申请院校:加利福尼亚大学申请专业:计算机科学   兴趣爱好:网络和英语   电子信箱:liuwei94@sina.com注意:1. 信件必须包括以上内容,不能逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数:120左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。

参考词汇:加利福尼亚大学:the University of California


科目: 来源: 题型:

短文改错  下面文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


       删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。      修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

       注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;              2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Susan Boyle dreamed of become a professional singer when she was an child. She fail in talent shows from time to time, and she never gave up her dream. When she was 47 years old, Susan took part in Britain’s Got talent on April, 2009. She won over the audience and judge because of his pleasant voice when she sang the song I Dreamed A Dream. Susan finally became famous and realized her dream.

Susan’s story have inspired me greatly. I have learned that we have a dream, we should keep on working hardly on the dream, and it will come true in the end.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

We’ve all got a lot going on in our lives. Some things are fun, some aren’t. I think I’ m a fairly positive person. 71 In fact, being positive means different things to different things to different people. 72

●Focus on what you have not what you don’t. It’s impossible for one to have all the nice things in the world. Focus on what you already have. This can create feelings of happiness.

73 If you can express thanks for everything you have, you leave little room for bad thoughts. It’s a great practice. When you focus on what really matters, so many worries go away.

●Forget the past and don’t cling to(紧紧抓住) the future:   74 If you cannot forget mistakes and missed opportunities from the past, you probably find you blame yourself all the time. Clinging to the future is a bad one, too. It truly may never happen. So pay more attention to the present

75 It always makes me wonder what people are saying about me if they speak so ill of someone else when they aren’t around. If you don’t do this, you never have to worry about what you’ve said getting back to someone. 

A.   Be grateful.

B.   Here are a few key ways to being positive that have really helped me.

C.   Speak about others as if they were in front of you.

D.   The past will never come again.

E.   Being positive doesn’t mean smiling a fake smile all the time.

F.   The past has happened and the future may never come.

G.   Have fun and hug yourself.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although I love my life, it hasn’t been a lot of fun as I’ve been ill for 28 years.

Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my  1 was more manageable , I 2  ten years as a professional singer in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs.  3  that was years ago and times have changed.  4  I live with mother on a country farm

Two years ago, I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to  5 my disability pension (残疾抚恤金).  6 I needed to sleep in the afternoons, I was limited in my  7  . I decided that I would consider 8  to singing in restaurants.

My family are all musicians, so I was  9 when I went into our local music store. I explained that I wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music. I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn’t have a lot of  10  to get started. And 11  you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can  12  use.

When I told the owner of the shop about my  13  ; he gave me a long thoughtful   14  . “This means a lot to you, doesn’ t it?” he said. “Come with me.”

He led me  15 the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it. He placed his large hand 16 on his treasure and said, “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your 17 and I’ll record them for you. That should get you started.”

I  18  . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose  19 that I could sing. I have come full circle with his help.

His  20 still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra, when I have the chance.

1. A. loneliness       B. sadness          C. tiredness         D. sickness

2. A. set           B. enjoyed           C. kept            D. shared

3. A. Gladly          B. Eventually         C. Unfortunately      D. Surprisingly

4. A. Now           B. Then           C. Sometime         D. Meanwhile

5. A. add up to     B. make up for     C. get rid of      D. take advantage of

6. A. If             B. As            C. Though         D. Before

7. A. movement      B. condition         C. choices          D. positions

8. A. reaching out   B. living up          C. getting on         D. going back

9. A. recognized      B. interviewed        C. found            D. invited

10. A. money            B. time             C. energy D. knowledge

11. A. thus          B. once             C. seldom           D. often

12. A. actually        B. hardly            C. nearly            D. formerly

13. A. job           B. family            C. idea            D. offer

14. A. face          B. view             C. look             D. sight

15. A. over          B. along            C. towards          D. through

16. A. unhappily      B. lovingly          C. pitifully           D. gratefully

17. A. pick          B. turn             C. role             D. step

18. A. had to cry B. ought to cry C. should have cried   D. could have cried

19. A. more         B. the ones          C. few             D. the rest

20. A. courage        B. devotion          C. kindness          D. trust


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar (毛虫) and put it in a jar. Each day he fed it with fresh grass and leaves. In a few weeks we discovered it  36  in a cocoon (茧).

Justin was excited. He knew a moth (蛾) or butterfly was about to be  37 , but he didn’t know what kind. He was  38  to know what gift nature was about to give him.

“Dad!” shouted the boy while running to me one day. “Something’s  39 . Come see!”

He led me to his room. The cocoon had become half transparent and we could  40  the wings of the unborn. Soon, a moth broke free from the cocoon, and laid eggs completing the life  41  of the little caterpillar.

The next day, I convinced Justin it was time to set the moth free. He took it  42 , opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It  43  the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justin’s arm. He picked it up, tossed it in the air, and the moth repeated its  44  pattern. He tried over and over, but each time it would  45  to his arm.

Justin  46 . He put his little pet back to the jar. The next day he attempted to set it free again, and after a few repetitions of the same behavior, the moth  47  flew off into the grass.

Like a  48 , I believe the moth was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something  49 , scared to move on and experience something unknown.

I was once that little moth. My cocoon was my mother’s  50 , in which I was comfortable. Like the moth, I didn’t want to fly too far away from it. I was  51  when my first job required me to move to a new city. What would I find there? I liked  52  I was.

Humans are creatures of  53 . We resist change. However, if I hadn’t moved, I would not have experienced many  54  and wonderful things or met many of my friends. So each move gave me the  55  to learn and experience, but best of all, I met friends.

36. A. trapped B. wrapped          C. developed         D. protected

37. A. born             B. changed          C. raised            D. created

38. A. upset B. content C. lucky D. curious    

39. A. disappearing B. happening C. spreading         D. cracking  

40. A. identify B. feel C. count D. imagine

41. A. plan B. task C. cycle D. project

42. A. back             B. down               C. aside D. outside

43. A. explored B. searched C. circled D. abandoned

44. A. flight B. game            C. adventure D. communication

45. A. stick B. cater            C. turn             D. return

46. A. kept up B. gave up C. looked around      D. turned around

47. A. carelessly B. successfully           C. finally D. hesitatingly 

48. A. human            B. butterfly             C. caterpillar         D. pet

49. A. friendly           B. similar           C. pleasant          D. familiar

50. A. love B. instruction C.requirement       D. expectation

51. A. thrilled B. crazy               C. afraid D. annoyed  

52. A. what B. where               C. how             D. who

53. A. emotion B. conscience C. habit D. ambition

54. A. odd B. new                C. funny            D. vital    

55. A. courage B. pleasure          C. motivation        D. opportunity


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What a golden opportunity you missed! It means you'll have to wait for another ten years.

—But I____to Beijing on business!

A.travel       B.would travel      C.was traveling    D.have


科目: 来源: 题型:

______of the land in that district ______covered with trees and grass.

A  Two fifth; is    B  Two fifth; are     C  Two fifths; is    D  Two fifths; are


科目: 来源: 题型:

They are all ____ little children that you are not able to look after ____ many of them.

A.so; so      B.such; so C.such; such      D.so; such


科目: 来源: 题型:

The professor considers ____ no good ____ without understanding.

A.it; to read     B.it; reading C.that; to read D.this; reading


科目: 来源: 题型:

Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56, ____ will forever be the treasure of Apple.

A.of whom the spirit B.spirit of which              

C.spirit of whom D.of which me spirit

