 0  37068  37076  37082  37086  37092  37094  37098  37104  37106  37112  37118  37122  37124  37128  37134  37136  37142  37146  37148  37152  37154  37158  37160  37162  37163  37164  37166  37167  37168  37170  37172  37176  37178  37182  37184  37188  37194  37196  37202  37206  37208  37212  37218  37224  37226  37232  37236  37238  37244  37248  37254  37262  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After an earthquake or any similar disaster, parents and teachers need to help children overcome the effects of this frightening and sometimes devastating experience. Psychologists say that if children go through a disturbing event before the age of ten, they are three times as likely to suffer psychological problems as so teenagers. After a disaster children may become easily upset, shy, aggressive, or afraid of wind, rain, noises, or darkness. They may have trouble letting go of their parents and resist going to school or daycare. Some children may even feel guilty thinking that they somehow caused the disaster through their bad behavior. Because of such common reactions, parents and others should begin as soon after the event as possible helping these children.

Some suggestions include talking to the children about what happened, letting the children express their own feelings, spending extra time with them doing activities together and reassuring them that you love them and won't leave them. For some children expressing themselves through drawing pictures or writing can be useful. Do everything possible to help children get back to a normal routine; however, don't be afraid to "spoil" these children for a while after the disaster. Let them have extra privileges and more attention than usual. Encourage the children to grieve after a loss. It should be OK for them to cry. Caring families and friends can do much to heal children victims of disasters.

51. This passage is mainly about_______.

A. how to help traumatized children to get over

B. the bad effects disasters bring to children

C. the psychological problems children before ten are likely to suffer

D. the importance of caring families 

52. According to the passage, a child who has just experienced a devastating disaster may become______.

A. more mature  B. less dependent   C. willing to help D. ready to attack

53. Which is NOT advisable when dealing with the traumatized children?

A. Allowing them freedom for some time.

B. Asking them to hold their feelings.

C. Encouraging them to show their grief.

D. Talking them into taking care of others.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although men and women have been growing crops for thousands of years, they have not always had enough to eat. Even today, many people in the world go hungry, and even die of hunger. If we are to grow enough for everybody, we have to grow more crops and better crops.

Plants need the right food in order to grow. In particular, they need three chemical substances (物质) in the soil: nitrogen (氮), phosphorus (磷) and potassium (钾). They also need smaller amounts of other chemical substances like calcium. If there is too little of any of these substances in the soil, plants can’t grow well.

When a plant grows, it takes up these basic substances from the soil and builds them into itself. If we remove the plant from the soil and use it for food, we are taking some of these substances away, and this means that future plants will find less of them in the soil. In time, the soil would become too poor for plants to grow in it at all.

To prevent this we must put basic substances back. One way of doing this is putting manure (肥料) on the soil. This contains the remains of plants that have been eaten, and, if we add it to the soil, we are returning some of the basic substances. In Europe and in Japan, manure from animals has for long been used in this way. Unfortunately much of the animal waste in India is used as fuel because there is not enough wood to burn. This means there is less manure for the crops.

Even when we use manure, we can not put back into the soil more of the basic substances than have been taken out. Often the soil does not have enough of them in the first place, and so we must provide extra supplies. We can use chemical fertilizers (化肥). Experiments in India have shown that, if we use a fertilizer containing a mixture of nitrogen and phosphorus, we get half as much rice again from the crops on any one piece of land.

46. According to the passage, how many methods are introduced to improve the soil?

A. One.     B. Two.     C. Three.     D. Four.

47. The underlined word “this” (in Paragraph 4) refers to the fact that ____________.

A. the soil would become too poor for plants to grow in it at all

B. we are taking some substances away from the soil

C. the plant takes up these essential substances from the soil

D. even today many people in the world go hungry

49. To make sure that the soil has enough basic substances, people can _____________.

  A. remove plants from the soil       

B. provide the soil with extra supplies

C. plant as many plants as possible     

D. stop planting in the soil

50. The passage is mainly about _____________.

  A. why more food is needed

B. how to grow better crops

C. the fact that people have not always enough to eat

D. the essential substances that plants need


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failure in career made him a depressed man, often __26_ that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so __27__ with the city that he had to leave.

So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily _28_ up their new home, the light suddenly __29_. Terry was regretful to have forgotten to bring along 30__ and had to wait _31_ in a low mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant 32_ on his door that were clearly audible (听到) in the __33__ night.

“Who’s it?” he wondered, since Terry was a _34__ to this city. And this was the moment he especially hated to be __35__, so he went to the door and opened it __36_. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor. ” “No,” answered Terry in anger and shut the door __37__. “What a nuisance(麻烦事)!” He complained over it with his wife. “No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to _38__ things.”

After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the same girl outside. __39_ this time she was _40__ two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She _41_ me here to give you these.” Terry was very _42__ by what he saw.

At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his _43__ in life. It was his _44_ and harshness (刻薄) with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was _45__ nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred (蒙蔽) by his unsympathetic mind.

26. A. complaining   B. telling     C. hoping   D. pretending

27. A. pleased     B disappointed  C. exhausted  D. encouraged

28. A. looking     B. turning    C. coming   D. tidying

29 A. went on     B. went down  C. went out   D. went through

30. A. candles     B. matches    C. lights    D. flashlights

31. A. happily     B. patiently    C. hopefully  D. helplessly

32. A. steps      B. words     C. knocks   D. screams

33. A. dark      B. quiet     C. noisy    D. crowded

34. A. newcomer    B. stranger    C. guest    D. settler

35. A. called     B. disturbed   C. watched   D. offered

36. A. surprisingly   B. delightedly  C. impatiently  D. willingly

37. A. gently     B. kindly     C. politely   D. violently

38. A. lend      B. sell      C. harness   D. borrow

39. A. And      B. But      C. So     D. For

40. A. holding     B. hiding     C. fetching   D. lifting

41. A. suggested    B. commanded   C. sent    D. forced

42. A. frightened    B. pleased    C. puzzled   D. surprised

43. A. failure     B. success    C. complaint  D. determination

44. A. warmth     B. coldness    C. kindness   D. nearly

45. A. doubtfully    B. hardly     C. actually   D. sympathy (同情)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was growing tired of helping the numerous people who lost their way and parked in front of my house. Almost every night I was  1 during a good night’s sleep to help someone passing through. Many times I was taken for granted by penniless motorists who did not   2 thank me for the help they received and some even   3 that I didn’t do more.

One day, a young man with a-week-old beard   4 out of a broken-down automobile. He had no money and no food. He asked if I could give him some work,  5 him gasoline and a meal. I told him that   6 he wanted to work he could cut the grass, but  7 the work wasn’t necessary.

Though sweaty and hungry, he worked hard.  8 working all day, he sat in the shade and rested. I   9 him for his work and gave him  10 money he needed. I then offered him a little extra money for a task particularly well done, but he  11

I never saw him again. He probably   12 I helped him out that day,  13 that is not the way it was. I didn’t help him; he helped me. He helped me to   14 in people again. He helped me to once   15 want to do something for those who are in   16 . I wish I could thank him for restoring some of my faith in the   17 goodness of others and for giving me back a little of the optimism(乐观) I had   18 . Because of him, I once again felt part of a golden chain of   19 that binds us to others.

I   20 have fed his body that day, but he fed my soul.

1.A.told           B.awakened      C.warned        D.sent

2.A.even           B.also           C.still           D.yet

3.A.insisted         B.pretended      C.wondered      D.complained

4.A.rolled          B.escaped        C.climbed        D.walked

5.A.show          B.sell           C.offer          D.buy

6.A.unless          B.if            C.though        D.as

7.A.lately          B.usually        C.generally       D.actually

8.A.For            B.Without        C.After          D.By

9.A.blamed         B.thanked        C.charged        D.caught

10.A.small          B.left           C.required       D.extra

11.A.forgot         B.hated          C.escaped        D.refused

12.A.thinks         B.remembers     C.discovers      D.knows

13.A.for           B.and           C.but           D.so

14.A.believe in       B.take in         C.depend on      D.wait on

15.A.above all       B.at lost         C.once again      D.in time

16.A.work         B.trouble        C.danger        D.fear

17.A.ill            B.strong         C.real           D.basic

18.A.lost           B.gained         C.had           D.lacked

19.A.excuse        B.kindness       C.strength       D.promise

20.A.must          B.shouldn’t       C.may          D.couldn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One fine day, I was sitting in a quiet room at the Miclroft Hotel, a peaceful place about an hour out of Toronoto. It was just past noon, late July, and I was   1  to the desperate sounds of a life —or— death  2  going on a few feet away.

There was a small fly  3 the last of its short life' s energies in a useless  4  to fly through the glass of the window.The whining (发出嗡嗡声) wings told the  5  story of the fly' s strategy: Try harder.But it' s not working.

The great effort offered no hope for its  6 .Instead, the struggle was part of the trap.It was  7  for the fly to try hard enough to succeed in breaking through the glass: This fly's fate was  8 .It would die there near the window. 9  the room; ten steps away, the door was 10 .By ten seconds of flying, this small creature could  11  the outside world.With only a bit of the  12  now being wasted, it could be free of this self - imposed (自设的) trap.The breakthrough possibility was  13  .It would be so easy.

Why didn't the fly try  14  approach? How did it get so locked in the idea that this  15 route and determined effort offered the most  16  for success? No doubt this approach made sense to the fly. 17 , it was an idea that would kill it.

Trying harder isn't necessarily the solution to achieving more.It  18 offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life.Sometimes,  19  , it' s a big part of the problem.If you stake (拿……冒险) your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may 20 your chances for success.

1.A.listening    B.walking           C.looking       D.talking

2.A.performance  B.struggle     C.competition   D.decision

3.A.giving up         B.saving up   C.bringing out   D.burning out

4.A.fight  B.attempt                C.way       D.spirit

5.A.sad             B.brave           C.funny        D.great

6.A.reality      B.trouble    C.survival    D.death

7.A.impossible   B.difficult  C.unnecessary       D.practical

8.A.determined  B.shortened  C.changed          D.controlled

9.A.From          B..Through C.Across          D.Around

10.A.open         B.left  C.closed          D.guarded

11.A.see        B.reach  C.feel            D.contact

12.A.power       B.hope C.trial           D.effort

13.A.late         B.little C.there           D.wasted

14.A.another        B.the other  C.either          D.any other

15.A.different -       B.difficult  C.familiar         D.particular

16.A.problem       B.excuse C. strength          D.promise

17.A.Probably      B.Regrettably C.Naturally         D.Gradually

18.A.may not B.mustn't C.would not D.can't

19.A.at last        B.intact  C.as a result        D.after all

20.A.kill         B.value C.take           D.have


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dahlia was running around the house screaming and crying. “I hate her! I hate her! I will _1__ play with her again!” Finally, her steps slowed. __2__ she told her father what had happened. He listened attentively. __3__ she stopped, he asked, “Is there __4__ else?” Dahlia added more details and began __5__ bitterly again. Father listened. When Dahlia _6__ talking, he said, “It must __7__ to be made fun of like this by your best friend Tina.” Dahlia __8__ her father embraced(拥抱) and support as she cried __9__ more in his arms. Then as __10__ as the storm of tears began, she was finished. She got up and __11__ announced, “Daddy, did you know that tomorrow Tina and I are going together to the beach? We are __12__ a log house there with Adam and Tom, I will tell Tina before we go that I __13__ ruin her work again, and I’m sure she will be __14__ to me.”

Why was this encounter (sudden meeting) so successful? How did Dahlia __1 5__ her upset so completely and realize her responsibility in the matter __16__ her own?

There were three main parts in her father’s reaction that __17__: (A) Attention (B) Respect (C) Trust. He gave his daughter __18__ attention and took her seriously as she __19__ her feelings. He respected her by not coming with words of wisdom, advice or help. He validated(证实)the feeling she __20__. And he trusted her to do and say what she needed in order to lead herself toward resolution of her emotions.

1. A. hardly         B. seldom    C. ever          D. never

2. A. so           B. but     C. and          D. then

3. A. Before        B. When    C. While         D. Since

4. A. something       B. anything    C. everything      D. nothing

5. A. crying         B. shouting    C. talking        D. saying

6. A. kept          B. started    C. stopped        D. hated

7. A. hurt         B. ache     C. injure         D. wound

8. A. got          B. received   C. accepted       D. admitted

9. A. many         B. some    C. any          D. no

10. A. soon         B. quickly    C. suddenly     D. fast

11. A. surprisingly      B. angrily    C. sadly         D. cheerfully

12. A. building       B. buying    C. making        D. repairing

13. A. shouldn’t   B. won’t    C. daren’t           D. can’t

14. A. polite     B. cruel     C. rude           D. nice

15. A. get over    B. get away   C. get along           D. get through

16. A. for      B. on      C. by           D. of

17. A. did      B. followed    C. went          D. worked

18. A. full      B. incomplete   C. half              D. undivided

19. A. sent out     B. threw out   C. put out           D. poured out

20. A. expressed   B. showed  C. hid               D. strengthened


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a___1___ village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be ___2___ at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and ___3___ to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the ___4___. With several hours to spare, I went to a theater. __5__, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!

I knew Dad would be angry if he ___6___ I’d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I ___7___ there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d ___8___ as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed some major repairs. I’ll never forget the ___9___ he gave me. “I’m disappointed you ___10___ you have to lie to me, Jason. ” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t ___11___, I called the garage to ask if there were any ___12___, and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car. ” I felt ___13___ as I weakly told him the real reason. A ___14___ passed through Dad as he listened attentively. “I’m angry with ___15___. I realize I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about __16___ I’ve gone wrong all these years. ” “But Dad, it’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were ___17___. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, ___18___ him all the way, but he walked silently.

Seeing Dad in so much ___19__and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was ___20___ the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.

1. A. lonely           B. small             C. distant                  D. familiar

2. A. kept             B. washed         C. watched               D. serviced

3.A.agreed           B. planned        C. determined           D. promised

4. A. village         B. community    C. garage                  D. theater

5. A. However     B. Then             C. Therefore             D. Still

6. A. realized          B. found out      C. thought                D. figured out

7. A. went              B. ran                 C. walked                 D. hurried

8. A. started           B. left                 C. arrived                 D. come

9. A. word             B. face               C. look                     D. appearance

10. A. find              B. decide            C. believe                 D. feel

11. A. turn up          B. drive out         C. go away               D. come out

12. A. questions     B. problems        C. mistakes               D. faults

13. A. ashamed       B. frightened       C. nervous                D. surprised

14. A. nervousness   B. sadness          C. silence                  D. thought

15. A. you                B. myself           C. me                       D. yourself

16. A. where              B. how                      C. why                     D. when

17. A. meaningless     B. useless           C. helpless               D. worthless

18. A. asking         B. persuading            C. begging               D. following

19. A. physical           B. practical               C. personal               D. natural

20. A. indeed              B. always                  C. also                      D. almost


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was thirteen years when Dad called my two younger brothers and me into the game room of our house.I was   1  ! I thought we would play games or even see movies together! "Bring a notebook and something to write with," said my dad   2   we reached the game room.My brothers and I   3   dead in our tracks and stared at each other in horror! His   4   was unusual, and our excitement turned to fear.We  5   that games or movies were not the reason we were called out.

       As we went back for a notebook and pencil, we   6   to think about the reason for this gathering.We thought family meeting was not   7   because Mom was out shopping.In the game room, we   8  three chairs facing a huge blackboard.Dad asked us to sit down."I want your full   9 .We are going to have a weekly meeting every Saturday morning.That is why I've called you here," he said,   10  businesslike."I'm going to teach you what I've learned about   11 .So take it seriously."

       For the next five years, rain or sunshine, in sickness or in health.Dad   12   us once a week.He instructed (教导) us on a variety of   13   —manners, the importance of education, respect for others, home repairs, and the   14   goes on.We filled one notebook after another, which we all   15   well.

       As I came to my eighteenth birthday, the lessons became   16   lessons and then every other month, until they slowly drifted away.My brothers and I were older, and we had school activities, sports activities and job responsibilities that became very   17   to manage.

       It's been years now since we had those classes with Dad.We are   18   with careers (事业) and wives of our own.Very often,  19  , one of us has a situation where we need help from Dad.At this time, we   20   take out our notebooks; we needn't call home.

1.A.surprised                  B.excited                    C.disappointed            D.anxious

2.A.before                      B.unless                     C.until                       D.since

3.A.turned                      B.fell                         C.felt                         D.stopped

4.A.reaction                    B.idea                        C.request                   D.invitation

5.A.decided                    B.realized                   C.hoped                     D.admitted

6.A.wanted                     B.refused                   C.continued               D.forgot

7.A.convenient                B.important                C.interesting               D.possible

8.A.found                       B.took                       C.put                         D.shared

9.A.imagination               B.attention                  C.attraction D.consideration

10.A.going                      B.becoming                C.getting                    D.sounding

11.A.nature                     B.school                    C.life                         D.family

12.A.taught                     B.helped                     C.visited                    D.joined

13.A.methods                 B.contents                  C.problems                D.subjects

14.A.list                         B.goal                        C.plan                       D.note

15.A.used                       B.kept                        C.understood             D.knew

16.A.weekly                   B.regular                    C.monthly                  D.informal

17.A.foolish                    B.difficult                   C.necessary               D.unusual

18.A.grown                    B.familiar                   C.bored                     D.careful

19.A.instead                    B.therefore                 C.however                 D.besides

20.A.even  B.seldom      C.still    D.just


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling’s life is like a fairy tale. Divorced, living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, Rowling  1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone  2 a table in a café during her daughter’s naps – and it was Harry Potter  3 rescued her.

Rowling  4 that she always wanted to write and that the first  5 she actually wrote down, when she was five or six, was a story about a rabbit  6 Rabbit. Many of her favorite  7 center around reading – hearing The Wind in the Willows  8 aloud by her father when she had the measles(麻疹), enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of E. Nesbit, and her favorite story of all, The little White Horse.

At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and  9 one year studying in Paris. After college she moved to London to  10 as a researcher and bilingual secretary. The best thing about working in an office, she has said, was  11 up stories on the computer when no one was  12 . During this time, on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990, the idea  13 her of a boy who is a wizard and doesn’t know it. He  14 a school for wizardry – she could see him very plainly in her mind. By the time the train  15 into Kings Cross station four hours later, many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully  16 in her head. The story took further shape as she continued working on it in  17 and cafes over her lunch hours.

After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce, Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and  18 . She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and  19 to finish the book before looking for a teaching job. Wheeling her daughter’s carriage around the city to escape their  20 , cold apartment, she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep. In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers.

1.   A. read           B. recited         C. wrote          D. copied

2.   A. on            B. in             C. around         D. at

3.   A. what          B. that           C. which          D. who

4.   A. remembers      B. thinks          C. reminds        D. supposes

5.   A. book          B. story          C. novel          D. fiction

6.   A. naming         B. published       C. called          D. replaced

7.   A. songs          B. sports          C. things          D. memories

8.   A. spoken         B. said           C. told           D. read

9.   A. cost           B. spared         C. took           D. spent

10.  A. regard         B. consider        C. work          D. treat

11.  A. searching       B. reading         C. listening        D. typing

12.  A. noticing        B. watching       C. observing       D. seeing

13.  A. came to        B. struck to        C. stuck to        D. hit on

14.  A. studies         B. attends         C. builds          D. goes

15.  A. entered         B. pulled          C. reached         D. arrived

16.  A. organized       B. taken          C. formed         D. appeared

17.  A. theatres        B. pubs           C. cinemas        D. concerts

18.  A. chapters        B. books          C. magazines       D. newspapers

19.  A. set about        B. set off         C. set up          D. set out

20.  A. splendid        B. large           C. comfortable      D. tiny


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Teleflora sighed.He could not go to the new school one more day.The kids didn't 1 about his name, but they all played and ate lunch together without him. That was the whole 2

So when Teleflora went to 3 this morning, his head was bowed and his feet kicked at_4_on the sidewalk.As usual, Mrs.Benson asked if anyone had something 5 to show to the class. 6  Mrs.Benson read to the class_ 7  the newspaper, and today Teleflora was 8 when she read about the U.S.Mint (美国造币厂) making five special 9 Levery year to honor each of the 50 states.

He knew all about those shiny new state coins.He and his dad 10 them.Dad gave him a small_11 to hold them.By the end of the year, Teleflora would have all 50.By the time he was ready for bed that night, he  12 to take one of his coins tomorrow.The next day, when the_13_settled, Teleflora 14 _his album and held it high for the class to 15 . “These are the coins Mrs.Benson 16 _about.And this is John Muir on the California coin, "he said, pointing."Muir wanted to save the wilderness."

Teleflora spoke rapidly as he_17_the designs: North Carolina and the first airplane flight.South Dakota, with four presidents carved on Mount Rushmore.

"How can I get some of these coins? Why don't we meet after school? " Josh 18 And Tel can explain everything we need to 19 ."

Tel? Josh just called him Tel? Like they were longtime 20 ? Tel held his album and smiled.So he did have friends.

1.A.worry       B.think      C.learn      D.laugh

2.A.question      B.doubt     C.problem     D.wonder

3.A.school       B.restaurant   C.shop      D.hospital

4.A.everything     B.anything     C.something    D.nothing   

5.A.special B.previous C.strange D.important

6.A.Sometime       B.Some time         C.Sometimes  D.Some times

7.A.about          B.in               C.on             D.from

8.A.shocked        B.frightened         C.surprised        D.moved

9.A.coins           B.bills              C.notes           D.dollars

10.A.gathered       B.collected          C.created          D.found

11.A.drawer         B.bag              C.box            D.album

12.A.wanted        B.required           C.decided         D.hoped

13.A.boys          B.kids              C.girls            D.teacher

14.A.showed        B.held              C.closed          D.opened

15.A.see           B.observe           C.watch          D.notice

16.A.talked         B.read              C.wrote           D.thought

17.A.found         B.draw             C.showed         D.explained

18.A.asked B.ordered C.insisted          D.continued

19.A.learn          B.know             C.have            D.confirm

20.A.deskmates B.classmates C.friends          D.companions

