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科目: 来源: 题型:

There is a common belief ________ the year 2011 will be an excellent year for China.

A.that         B.which

C./      D.when


科目: 来源: 题型:

The old man enjoyed the fresh air and admired the beautiful surroundings.________,he lived a happy life.

A.After all  B.All in all

C.In all       D.Above all


科目: 来源: 题型:

As long as you don't lose heart,you are ________ to achieve your goal.

A.bound     B.sensitive

C.allergic    D.attached


科目: 来源: 题型:

You'd better ________ some time to take exercise.

A.set off     B.set up

C.set out    D.set aside


科目: 来源: 题型:

(2011·山东枣庄高三调研)—See the gathering clouds outside? Please take this umbrella with you.


A.Thanks.Take it easy        B.OK,just in case

C.Well,it just depends     D.All right,I'll try my luck


科目: 来源: 题型:












3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student;自信:self­confidence。

Dear Mr. Zhang,

We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.





Li Ping


科目: 来源: 题型:







During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first time in my life. I usual travel by train or bus. It's both cheaper and safe. But to fly in the sky was something new to me. At the end I felt a little nervous. But very soon I became exciting when I found me high up in the sky among the clouds. I also found that mountains, fields,river and so on were interestingly small. I enjoy the frightening and comfortable journey very much. After all,it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Richard's father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.    __71__    He found  some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.

__72__   It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it. It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away,or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons  at  least  and  the  strongest  young  men couldn't do that.   __73__

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him.   __74__   Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there. To their surprise, the villagers found  the stone was gone the next morning. They didn't know which spirit had moved it away.   __75__

“How could he?” the rich farmer called out, “He's only fifteen! He couldn't move it at all!”

“He dug a big hole beside the stone,”said the old woman,“And then he could easily push it into the hole !”

Looking at each other, the farmers couldn't say a word.

A. There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.

B. The old woman said Richard had done it all.

C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.

D. But the boy didn't lose heart.

E. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.

F. The boy hoped he could do something for the    villagers some day.

G. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew    what to do.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A well­made film offers a whole world of things to watch. First there are the story aspects—the plot, characters, dialogue and themes. Then there are the technical aspects—the camera work, cuttings and special effects. And there are many other things, like the credits, musical score and the acting. A well­made film offers much more than you see in one viewing.

Films are a means of communication. They can tell you things,just as newspapers do,or television,or any other means of communication. Sometimes they communicate important things to you,like ideas or lifestyles or ways of looking at the world. Sometimes people are aware of this, and sometimes not. The more you are aware of this,the better you are.

Notice, for example, the way films sometimes affect fashion. A star dresses or wears her hair in a certain way,and suddenly everyone is imitating her. Boys in the 1950s could sometimes be seen wearing black leather jackets, idling (闲逛) on street corners and smoking cigarettes. They were imitating Marion Brando. His films taught them a certain way to behave.

Films can also teach politics. In Star Wars, the heroes were a bunch of lovable incompetents fighting with guts(胆量) and not much else. They were,in fact, rather like the British in the early days of WWⅡ.Their  enemies,like the Nazis, had a big advantage in equipment and numbers of troops, and they were like the Nazis in discipline and heartlessness too. The whole film, in fact, was a rerun of WWⅡ, and taught values like faith and love of liberty. This is all to the good,but the point is, did you notice it?

67. All of the following are mentioned as noticeable   aspects of a film EXCEPT________.

A. the list of names of actors and directors,etc.

B. the cost of a film

C. the music for a film

D. the language used in a film

68.The last sentence in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.

A. a high quality film can be appreciated repeatedly  from different angles

B. a good film always attracts a lot of viewers

C. a well­made film usually has more than one theme

D. one can never find out how many characters there    are in a good film

69.It can be inferred from the passage that in his film,Marion Brando was ________.

A. a motorist who always wore a black leather jacket

B. a homeless man who died of excessive smoking

C. a rebellious man during WWⅡ

D. an idler who didn't have any serious things to do

70.Star Wars is a film________.

A. about WWⅡ    B. for politics

C. reflecting WWⅡ     D. for peace lovers



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Coolest Hotels in the World

Ariau Amazon Towers

    The Ariau Amazon Towers hotel lets you sleep in a tree house.Eight towers make up this hotel that offers over 300 rooms.If you really want to get into the spirit,book the Tarzan Suite which is large enough for a big family.You'll be thirty feet up in the air and can travel between the towers through their wooden walkways.

    Prices:starting at $300 one night for each person for a regular room and going all the way up to $3,000 for the Tarzan Suite.

    For more information, visit the website:http://www.ariautowers.com

 The Ice Hotel

    Every winter in Jukkasjarvi,Sweden,a special kind of hotel called the Ice Hotel is built.Each year,world­famous artists are invited to design and produce works of art from the ice,many of which can be found in the rooms.You'll have your choice between hot or cold rooms,but you will be well advised to stay at least one night in a cold room for a true experience.

   Prices:starting at $318 one night for each person for either a cold room or a warm one.

    For more information,visit the website:http://www.icehotel.com

 Propeller Island

    Propeller Island City Lodge is a very special hotel that was designed by a German artist.Each room provides you with the possibility of living in a work of art.Every single piece of furniture in the thirty rooms of the hotel has been hand­made and each room is completely different.You'll be able to choose a room based on your own personal tastes.

    Prices:starting at just $91 a night,and an additional(另外)person for only 20 extra dollars.

    For more information,visit the website:http://www.propeller­island.com

For information about other cool hotels in the world,visit the website:http://www.bahamabeachclub.com

63.What is special about the Ariau Amazon Towers hotel?

A.You can sleep in tree houses.   

B.You can choose any of the towers.

C.It is designed for big families.

D.Every room has a walkway.

64.For two persons spending a night in one of these hotels,they have to pay at least ________.

A.$111           B.$182    

C.$600      D.$636

65.Which website should you visit if you want to find out whether there exists a hotel under the sea?





66.Which hotel would invite artists to come to work every year?

A.Propeller Island City Lodge.

B.Ariau Amazon Towers.

C.The Ice Hotel.

D.Bahama Beach Club.

