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科目: 来源: 题型:

If the weather permits,she is ________ to come tonight.

A.possible      B.probable    C.likely     D.probably



科目: 来源: 题型:

The book was written in 1946,     the education system has witnessed great changes.?

A.when        B.during which?   C.since then   D.since when



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Behind every symbol, there is a story. This is the story of a country opening its gates to the future. The story of a city reaches out to embrace humanity. The story of a people invites the world to join them, experience their culture, and share their joy. This is Dancing Beijing---the symbol of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Dancing Beijing is a journey to the future, the emblem (象征) for China developing into a modern country. It represents the heart of an ancient culture embracing 2008 Olympic Games, the spirit of a people moving towards a new destiny. It conveys a message of hope, joy and unity.

Dancing Beijing is a symbol of the city’s promise to make the Games a success and to be unlike any the world has known. The Chinese seal of Dancing Beijing is a promise rooted in honor and trust, character and truth.

Dancing Beijing is the city’s image. The ancient art of calligraphy (书法艺术) expresses the grace and character of the Chinese and the charm and beauty of their traditions. The image of Beijing’s Olympics, inspired by the ancient figure for Beijing, turns the city into a dancing athlete in the graceful sweep of the calligrapher’s hand.

Dancing Beijing is the color of China. Red is the most significant color in Chinese culture: a symbol of luck, of celebration and of new beginnings.

Dancing Beijing represents the spirit of the individual. It is the symbol for every Olympian, every performer, every volunteer and every spectator. Arms extended wide, it invites all people and the world to share in the city’s history, beauty, energy and its future.

Dancing Beijing is in the form of the Chinese dragon, the ancient symbol of Chinese culture that has both power and majesty.

Dancing Beijing is an invitation to China’s celebration. It is a gesture of friendship and hope that the international community will unite in peace through sport.

Dancing Beijing is an emblem of a celebration.


The 1 behind the Symbol of Dancing Beijing


Dancing Beijing is

a(n) 2 of our country’s 3 into a modern country.

Beijing’s 4 to ensure the success.

the image of the city of Beijing, an 5 of grace and character of the Chinese.

a 6 of luck, celebration and new beginnings with the red color.

Dancing Beijing

7 its arms wide to invite the whole world to experience the city.

8 on the form of the Chinese dragon, which is powerful and majestic.

hopes to help the world 9 and live in peace with the help of sport.

represents the Chinese people 10 to a new destiny.



科目: 来源: 题型:

The fruit ________ fresh in his fruit stand sells well.

A.looking    B.looked   C.look     D.to be looked



科目: 来源: 题型:

This machine _______. It hasn’t worked for years.
  A. didn’t work   B. wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working


科目: 来源: 题型:

The company suffered ________ (财政的) difficulties and could not survive any longer.



科目: 来源: 题型:

How beautiful she sings! I have never heard ________.

A. the better voice    B. a good voice  C. the best voice   D a better voice



科目: 来源: 题型:

The black people were against slavery and fought for their ________bravely.

A. free      B. freely      C. freedom     D. freeway



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Nearly all the tourists who come to southeast France make a tour to Monaco(摩纳哥), too. Lying near the French-Italian border, Monaco is not part of France, but a separate principality(公国), though it is surrounded by its greatest neighbour.

Monaco became a principality in the 16th century after being owned by a family member of a certain Italian king. The French and Italians, however, soon came to “protect” it one after another, until 1861, when it became its own master again.

Facing the blue Mediterranean(地中海), Monaco is mainly made up of two cities, Monaco, where the palace of the prince(王子) stands, and Monte Carlo(蒙特卡洛), which is a wonderful place for tourists. Every year, around half a million people from all parts of the world come to Monaco, nearly 25 times as much as its population.

Believe it or not, Monaco has no soldiers or policemen of its own. Law and order is kept by French police, and French stands for it in its foreign affairs, even the money used in Monaco is franc, too.

1. Monaco is _____________ .

A. another name for Monte Carlo

B. mostly visited by French tourists

C. surrounded by France

D. more related to Italy than to France

2. Which is the right order that tells the history of Monaco?

a. owned by the Italians 

b. became a principality

c. controlled by the Italians

d. became a principality again 

e. under the protection of French

A. a,b,c,d,e     B. a,b,e,c,d    C. a,b,c,e,d    D. b,a,c,e,d

3. Monaco has a population of _____________.

A. over 20,000  B. 20,000 or so  C. more than 25,000  D. no more than 20,000

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The national income of Monaco depends mainly on France.

B. Monaco is famous for having no soldiers or policemen of its own.

C. Monaco does not have a seat in the UN because it is too small a country.

D. Monte Carlo City seems more important for the existence of this principality.

5. The Head of Monaco is ___________ .

A. the King                  B. the President of France

C. a member of the royal family(王室)    D. the Emperor



科目: 来源: 题型:

   different life today is     what it was 30 years ago!

  A.what; from  B.How; from  C.How; with  D.What; with


