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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Standard English is the formal(正式的) English that you need to use when you write in coursework or in the exam. Standard English is the form of English you learn in school. All written English should be standard—that means it should be clear enough for anyone in Britain to understand it. Standard English developed as the main form of printed English in the 15th Century. At the time, every region of Britain used to spell words differently, but printers needed a fixed spelling. Printers like Caxton chose the East Midlands dialect form which was used in London and the South East. Soon Standard English replaced(取代) all written dialect forms – the other forms of English spoken around the country. It also replaced French and Latin in law and in academic(学术的) work. In the 18th Century, people wrote dictionaries and grammar books which standardized spelling — Dr Johnson’s Dictionary of 1755 fixed many of the spellings we still use today. All written English should be Standard English — any grammar rules you learn are for Standard English and you will definitely need to learn them to avoid making mistakes in your work. The rules of Standard English mean using the correct forms of words with the correct spellings.

Avoid slang words(俚语)—words that your teachers or friends wouldn’t understand. You’ll lose marks if the examiners can’t understand what you say or write. Don’t use dialect words. Every region has words or phrases that are only used there. Don’t use them in your coursework, because you won’t be understood. Make sure you revise grammar and punctuation(标点) you have learned, and learn the list of commonly misspelled words you have made. Clichés are ideas or sayings which have been used so often that they’ve become boring and unoriginal. Phrases like, “As good as it gets” “At the end of the day” “In the fullness of time” are all clichés. So are images like, “as fierce as a lion” “as cunning as a fox”. If you use them you will sound boring and unimaginative— that could mean you lose marks for writing and speaking style. So avoid clichés.

1. What three things do you have to think about when using English?

a. no slang word or dialect   b. no grammar and spelling mistake. c. no phrase  

d. no cliché  e. no punctuation

A. abc.        B. bcd.    C. ade.   D. abd.

2. What is standard English?

A. the English spoken by British people.

B. the English spoken by American people.

C. the English used in London.

D. the English spoken by British people in 15th Century.

3. What is the cliché according to the passage?

A. the English full of slang words.

B. the boring ideas or sayings because of being used often.

C. the long phrases which are used often.

D. all the English which is used outside of London and the southeast of Britain.

4. Why do we need to use Standard English?

A. Because no one can understand dialect words.

B. Because there are many kinds of English in the world, we need Standard English to make communication easier.

C. Because local dialect belongs to certain region, not every one can understand it.

D. Because standard English has been used for a long time.

5. Which statement is true?

  A. Written English should be formal and standard.

B. Standard English means people should use the words from Dr Johnson’s Dictionary.

  C. All the spoken English should be Standard English.

D. Standard English replaced all written dialect forms in the 18th century.



科目: 来源: 题型:

英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上使用最广泛的语言。对于中学生来讲,学好英语具有重要的现实意义。学完本单元之后,请你结合自己的实际,以“How Can We Learn English in Everyday Life?”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈自己在日常生活中应该怎样学习英语。




科目: 来源: 题型:

He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice, as though his thought _____.
A. was far away B. had been far away   C. were far away     D. went far away.


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ everything to go wrong in advance, and you won’t feel quite so bad when it does.

   A. Having expected     B. Expect       

C. To expect       D. Expecting



科目: 来源: 题型:

Children’s brains can’t develop properly_______ they lack protein(蛋白质).

A. when       B. since         C. because        D. unless



科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom knew that someone had observed him _______ Ryan。

A. meeting     B. to meet   C. has meet     D. is meeting



科目: 来源: 题型:

---“Are you going to leaving now?”

---“Unless you would prefer me __________ here.”

  A. to stay    B. will stay     C. that I’ll stay     D. staying



科目: 来源: 题型:

Thank you for all your hard work last week.I don’t think we     it without you.?

A.can manage               B.could have managed?

C.could manage                D.can have managed



科目: 来源: 题型:

The popular singer who had been praised very highly _______ to be a great disappointment.

A. turned in   B. turned out  C. turned up   D. turned down



科目: 来源: 题型:

   Japan and South Korea, the United States exports a great deal of goods to China and other Asian countries every year.

  A.Adapt from  B.Apart from  C.Across from D.As from


