 0  4384  4392  4398  4402  4408  4410  4414  4420  4422  4428  4434  4438  4440  4444  4450  4452  4458  4462  4464  4468  4470  4474  4476  4478  4479  4480  4482  4483  4484  4486  4488  4492  4494  4498  4500  4504  4510  4512  4518  4522  4524  4528  4534  4540  4542  4548  4552  4554  4560  4564  4570  4578  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although man has known asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160 years ago that it was mined for the first time on the North American continent. H. W. Johns, owner of a New York City Supply Shop for roofers, was responsible for(对…负责) the opening of that first mine.
Mr. Johns was given a piece of asbestos which had been found in Italy. He experimented with the material and then showed its surprising powers to his customers. After putting on a pair of asbestos gloves, which looked much like ordinary work gloves, he took red-hot coals from the fireplace and played with them in his hands. How astonished the customers were to discover that he was not burned at all. You can well imagine that he had increasing business in asbestos roofing materials. However, because it was very expensive to transport (carry) them from Italy to the United States, Mr. Johns sent out a young scientist to seek a source nearer home. This young man found great vein(岩脉), in the province of Quebec in Canada.
Ever since 1881 Quebec has led the world in the production of this unusual mineral, which is made up of magnesium, silicon, iron, and oxygen. When it is mined, the asbestos is heavy, just as you would expect a mineral to be. When it is separated, a strange thing happens; the rock breaks down into fine, soft, soapy fibres(纤维).
Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads(线), but they have found thousands of uses of this fireproof material, of the so-called “cloth of stone”.

  1. 1.

    Which title best expresses the main idea of this passage?

    1. A.
      Asbestos mined in Canada
    2. B.
      Fireproof matter
    3. C.
      A “wonder” mineral
    4. D.
      A new roofing material
  2. 2.

    Johns proved his ability as a salesman by_______.

    1. A.
      going into roofing business
    2. B.
      carrying asbestos from Italy
    3. C.
      sending a trained scientist
    4. D.
      showing the use of asbestos gloves
  3. 3.

    Which is the most important character of asbestos that the author wants to show us?

    1. A.
      It is like thread.
    2. B.
      It feels soapy.
    3. C.
      It burns easily.
    4. D.
      It is unusually heavy.
  4. 4.

    The author’s main purpose in writing this passage was to _______.

    1. A.
      show the need for more scientists
    2. B.
      compare asbestos with other minerals
    3. C.
      increase the sales of asbestos
    4. D.
      present facts about asbestos


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune , largely to the cause of global health , during the course of his lifetime . With an estimated(估计)worth of more than $ 40 billion , according to Forbes , the project will be no small feat (功绩)for Gates . Having already provided the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $ 24 billion to address global health issues , Gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids.”
So what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest ? Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity” in which Americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world . Improving the health of the populations , he says , has proven to be an essential method in helping poor countries to be financially successful . “National borders allow inequalities ,” said Gates : “We all need to take a more global view , rather than just saying my country is doing well . We have to step up these health issues , knowing how few resources are going into them .”
Gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child . His father , William H. Gates , was the head of the local Planned Parenthood , and his mother , Mary , volunteered for the United Way . As he gathered his fortune , Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well , but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
However , Gates , 47 , began to question his ability to wait that long . “It seemed there was a real time urgency,” Gates said . “I started to think , How many lives could I save before then ?”

  1. 1.

    Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is          .

    1. A.
      to set up more foundations for them
    2. B.
      to aid them with natural resources
    3. C.
      to put more effort into the health issues in them
    4. D.
      to help them take a more global view
  2. 2.

    It can be learned from the text that Bill Gates thinks          .

    1. A.
      Americans should care about people in other countries
    2. B.
      Americans should treat fellow citizens well
    3. C.
      Americans should devote themselves to certain projects
    4. D.
      Americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune
  3. 3.

    Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of          .

    1. A.
      his weakening health condition
    2. B.
      his parents’ suggestions
    3. C.
      his great success in business
    4. D.
      his concerns for suffering people


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Researchers believe that the insect(昆虫) is better at managing congestion (拥挤) than humans. Ants are the most many type of animal on earth with brains that contain about 250,000 cells ---- the largest among insects.
Now an intelligence expert Dr. Dirk Helbing says understanding more about ants could help solve one of the headaches of modern life -- road congestion.
His team set up an "ant motorway" with two routes of different widths from the nest to some sugar syrup (糖浆). Soon the narrower(更窄的) route soon became crowded(拥挤的). But when an ant returning along the crowded route to the nest met with another ant just starting out, the returning ant pushed the newcomer onto the other path. However, if the returning ant had enjoyed a trouble-free journey, it did not send the newcomer in a different direction.
The result was that just before one route became clogged , the ants had turned to another route and traffic jams never formed.
The researchers also created a computer model of more complex ant networks with routes of different lengths. The team found that even though ants being sent in another direction sometimes took a longer route, they still got to the food quickly and efficiently.
Dr. Helbing, of the Dresden University of Technology in Germany, said that while you cannot allow cars to meet with traffic coming in the opposite(相反的)direction as a form of traffic control, you could do the next best thing and allow them to communicate.
His plan is to force cars traveling in one direction to tell oncoming traffic what the conditions they are about to meet with-- so they can avoid that situation if necessary.

  1. 1.

    The first paragraph suggests that _______.

    1. A.
      ants have a special way to manage congestion
    2. B.
      ants are clever and good at dealing with the traffic jams because of developed brain
    3. C.
      insects are similar to animals in dealing with the traffic jams because of developed brain
    4. D.
      insects have more advantages than humans
  2. 2.

    The underlined word "clogged" can be replaced by _______ in the following four words.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    If an ant returns along crowded route to the nest, how does the ant solve the traffic problem?

    1. A.
      The ant will change the direction of its own.
    2. B.
      The ant stopped the newcomer from moving ahead and forced the newcomer to wait there patiently.
    3. C.
      The ant can't direct the newcomer.
    4. D.
      The ant will push the newcomer to the other route, so traffic jams won't form.
  4. 4.

    What's the advice that Dr. Helbing gives us?

    1. A.
      The cars cannot be allowed to communicate with traffic coming in the opposite direction.
    2. B.
      The cars can communicate with traffic in the same direction.
    3. C.
      The cars that travel in one direction can tell oncoming traffic about the traffic conditions.
    4. D.
      We should build more routes of different lengths and widths.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A couple had two little boys aged 8 and 10 who were very naughty.They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any trouble occurred in their town their sons were probably involved.
The boys' mother heard that a clergyman(牧师) in the town had been successful in educating children so she asked if he would speak with her boys.The clergyman agreed but asked to see them individually.So the mother sent her 8-year-old first in the morning with the elder boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.
The clergyman, a huge man with a booming (嗡嗡) voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him strictly, "Where is God?"
The boy's mouth dropped open but he made no answer, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed.So the clergyman repeated the question in an even stricter tone "Where is God?" Again the boy made no attempt to answer.So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and shouted" Where is God?"
The boy screamed and escaped from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him.When his elder brother found him in the closet, he asked "What happened?"
The younger brother replied out of breath, "We are in big trouble this time.God is missing--and they think we did it."

  1. 1.

    What were the two boys like?

    1. A.
      They always made trouble.
    2. B.
      They were brave.
    3. C.
      They were easygoing.
    4. D.
      They were honest.
  2. 2.

    What did their parents plan to do?

    1. A.
      They gave up their children.
    2. B.
      They liked their children very much.
    3. C.
      They wanted the clergyman to persuade their children.
    4. D.
      They helped their children to make trouble.
  3. 3.

    What do you suppose the boy felt when he was asked by the clergyman?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What do you think the underlined word "slamming" in Paragraph 5 means?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The flag, the most common symbol of a nation in the modern world, is also one of the most ancient. With a clear symbolic meaning, the flag in the traditional form is still used today to mark buildings, ships and other vehicles related to a country.
The national flag as we know it today is in no way a primitive artifact. It is, rather, the product of thousands of years’ development. Historians believe that it had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to show wind direction.
Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. People’s food supplies were similarly vulnerable. Even after they had learned how to plant grains, they still needed help from nature to ensure good harvests. Therefore they feared and depended on the power of the wind, which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another.
Using a simple piece of cloth tied to the top of a post to tell the direction of the wind was more dependable than earlier methods, such as watching the rising of smoke from a fire. The connection of the flag with heavenly power was therefore reasonable. Early human societies began to fix long pieces of cloth to the tops of totems (图腾) before carrying them into battle. They believed that the power of the wind would be added to the good wishes of the gods and ancestors represented by the totems themselves.
These flags developed very slowly into modern flags. The first known flag of a nation or a ruler was unmarked. The king of China around 1000 B.C. was known to have a white flag carried ahead of him. This practice might have been learned from Egyptians even further in the past, but it was from China that it spread over trade routes through India, then across Arab lands, and finally to Europe, where it met up with the other ancestor of the national flag

  1. 1.

    The best title for the passage would be “________”

    1. A.
      Development of the National Flag
    2. B.
      Power of the National Flag
    3. C.
      Types of Flags
    4. D.
      Uses of Flags
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 means ________

    1. A.
      impossible to make sure of
    2. B.
      likely to be protected
    3. C.
      easy to be damaged
    4. D.
      difficult to find
  3. 3.

    The earliest flags were connected with heavenly power because ________

    1. A.
      they could tell direction
    2. B.
      they could bring good luck to ancient fighters
    3. C.
      they were handed down by the ancestors
    4. D.
      they were believed to stand for natural forces
  4. 4.

    What does the author know of the first national flag?

    1. A.
      He knows when it was sent to Europe
    2. B.
      He believes it was made in Egypt
    3. C.
      He thinks it came from China
    4. D.
      He doubts where it started
  5. 5.

    What will the author most probably talk about next?

    1. A.
      The role of China in the spread of the national flag
    2. B.
      The second ancestor of the national flag
    3. C.
      The use of modern flags in Europe
    4. D.
      The importance of modern flags


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Leehom Wang(王力宏)is different from other pop singers. He has a lot of musical talent. He can play the violin, the drums and the piano.
However, this time it is his environmentally-friendly behavior that is making him stand out. When his latest album Change Me came out, Wang used recycled paper rather than plastie to package his album and went by bicycle to the press conference.  “Everyone can make the world a better place on a daily basis,” he said.
Wang gives 10 pieces of advice in his new album. For example, he suggests that the temperature of an air-conditioner(空调)should not be lower than 28 ℃.
Wang has Captured the hearts of millions of fans by singing, dancing, acting, composing songs, and working as a producer of many major records.  “I admire Wang for his sense of duty, responsibility and hard work,” said Li Xiaoshan, 17, who traveled from Nanjing to see Wang when he was in Beijing to promote (促销)his new CD.
Wang has established himself as a versatile (多才多艺的)musician in the pop scene and a good role model for Chinese youths around the world. He grew up in New York and first became fascinated at the sight of a violin at the age of six. His ambition has always been to be a musician. However, this was not what his parents’ wanted. They hoped he would be a doctor, which they saw as a steady and well-paid job.
Decisions about what Wang should do when he was older created tension in his family. So Wang decided to study biology at university to please his parents. But while he was studying, he continued practising singing and dancing and finally landed a record contract, which was the beginning of his career.

  1. 1.

    Wang rode a bicycle to attend the press conference ________.

    1. A.
      to avoid the traffic jams             
    2. B.
      to show off his cycling skills
    3. C.
      to cut down on the cost of trips       
    4. D.
      to show his environmental awareness
  2. 2.

    Li Xiaoshan travelled to Beijing ________.

    1. A.
      to buy Wang’s latest album          
    2. B.
      to promote his own new CD
    3. C.
      to welcome Wang’s new album       
    4. D.
      to make friends with Wang’s fans
  3. 3.

    Why did Wang’s parents intend him to become a doctor?

    1. A.
      Doctors have a big and stable salary.   
    2. B.
      Doctors enjoy a high social status.
    3. C.
      It is easy for doctors to become famous.
    4. D.
      It is doctors’ duty to save lives.
  4. 4.

    What can we learn from Leehom Wang’s story?

    1. A.
      Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
    2. B.
      The wisest men follow their own direction.
    3. C.
      Determination today leads to success tomorrow.
    4. D.
      Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A guitarist was pleasantly surprised to hear from New York City police that his valuable guitar had been found. It disappeared almost a year ago when he got out of a taxi and forgot to take the guitar with him. Laurence Lennon, 44, said he was running late that day. He was talking to his manager on his cellphone when he rushed out of the taxi. He said that he gave the driver $60 and told him to keep the change. He walked through the front doors of the concert hall, still talking on the phone to his manager.
Upon discovering his loss, Lennon used his cellphone to call the police. The policewoman asked him for the name of the taxi company, the number of the taxi, and the name of the driver. He said that she must have been joking.
She told Lennon that he could apply for a missing item report online. Lennon asked for address. It was www.nypd.gov/toprotectandtoserve/haveaniceday. She told him that finding the guitar might take a couple of years for finding guitars was not as important as finding murderers and marijuana (大麻)smokers. Then she told him to have a nice day.
“This year has been depressing,” said Lennon.  “I had to put off the recording of two new CDs. I’ve been using borrowed guitars. And I was losing hope of ever recovering my guitar.”
Lennon was reunited with his $100,000 guitar yesterday. The guitar had been discovered in the corner of a coffeehouse only two blocks from where Lennon had lost it. Lennon had offered a $10,000 reward for its return. He said he would give the reward to the coffeehouse owner, who had informed the police.

  1. 1.

    Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      Careless guitarist surprised.          
    2. B.
      Valuable guitar found.
    3. C.
      Coffeehouse owner rewarded.        
    4. D.
      Taxi driver still unknown.
  2. 2.

    In the first paragraph, the author explained ________.

    1. A.
      how costly the guitar was           
    2. B.
      how important the concert was
    3. C.
      why the guitarist was late           
    4. D.
      why the guitar was left behind
  3. 3.

    By saying “she must have been joking” in Para 2, the guitarist probably means ________.

    1. A.
      it was impossible for him to answer her questions
    2. B.
      there must have been something she felt funny
    3. C.
      she didn’t believe at all that he had lost his guitar
    4. D.
      she must have felt that his behavior was funny
  4. 4.

    In the policewoman’s opinion, finding the lost guitar _________.

    1. A.
      was not important at all             
    2. B.
      wouldn’t be done online
    3. C.
      could be a long time hunting         
    4. D.
      only depended on the driver


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Foulsham House is a fine, large house of the 1790s.It stands high above the River Byer, in twenty—five hectares(公顷)of the best farmland in the southwest.
The house was built by Smithson, and the story that George, the son of King of Whales, who fell in love with the beautiful Lady Kitty, at one of the first Foulsham’s wild woods(野外)parties.Many years ago many great men rode on the hills about Foulsham.
House, and many fine girls took tea in the Green Room.
The house has eight bedrooms, three bathrooms(浴室), two living—rooms, and a dining—room with a real Adam fireplace.Its library has a good view over the park and the river.All rooms are light and airy, with good, high windows, and wood floors.
At the back of the house there is room for four cars.The third Foulsham once kept there.In many other ways, this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the 1990s.
If you wish to know more about Foulsham House, write to: Harvey.Platt, Longford &Son 6, Castle Green, Gilham, Byreside.

  1. 1.

    Foulsham House_____

    1. A.
      is an old farmhouse
    2. B.
      stands 25 hectares high above the River Byer
    3. C.
      is an old, stone house, standing in very fine farmland
    4. D.
      is twenty-five years old, and is of fine stone
  2. 2.

    People say that _____

    1. A.
      Smithson built the house for Lord Foulsham's wild parties
    2. B.
      Prince George fell in love with KItty Wake at Foulsham House
    3. C.
      Prince George and KItty Wake fell in love with the Green House
    4. D.
      Lord Foulsham fell in love with a lady wales
  3. 3.

    Foulsham House_____

    1. A.
      is an old house that meets many new needs
    2. B.
      though seventy-nine years old, meets new needs
    3. C.
      is a new house that meets many old needs
    4. D.
      is a house of the 1970s as good as new


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

NEW YORK (Reuters Health)--Two years after New York City declared war on artificial trans fats(人造反式脂肪酸), nearly all city restaurants had successfully cut the fats from their menus, health officials reported Monday.
In December 2006, the city’s Board of Health decided to launch a gradual trans-fat phase-out (逐步淘汰)from all licensed eating establishments--including restaurants, school cafeterias and street vending spots. Then many cities like Washington, San Francisco and Philadelphia, reflected it actively.
By November 2008, more than 98 percent of city restaurants had stopped using artificial trans fats for cooking, frying and baking, researchers with the city’s health department report in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Trans fats have become notorious because they not only raise so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol (胆固醇), as the fats in animal products do, but also lower levels of so-called “good”HDL cholesterol.
While some meats and dairy products naturally contain trans fat, most trans fats in people’s diet are artificial; they are formed when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil to make it become solid. These so-called partially hydrogenated oils were main products in foods, like crackers, cookies and pastries, and widely used by restaurants in cooking, frying and baking.
When the restriction was first adopted, the researchers note, some critics claimed it was an Orwellian measure, while others worried that restaurants would have a tough time finding suitable trans-fat replacements.                                                     
However, the transition has been smooth, Angell’s team writes, declaring that trans-fat restriction “is now a largely unnoticed part of New York City life.”
Ridding the food supply of trans fats, the researchers write, could potentially improve the cholesterol levels of millions of people.

  1. 1.

    In which city the local health department first decide to stop artificial trans fats?

    1. A.
    2. B.
      San Francisco.    
    3. C.
    4. D.
      New York.
  2. 2.

    We can learn from the third paragraph that ________.

    1. A.
      in the city most people still use artificial trans fats
    2. B.
      only a few restaurants still use trans fats and the decision win most people’s support
    3. C.
      the city’s decision proves to be useless
    4. D.
      many people think using artificial trans fats is not so bad
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “notorious” in the fourth paragraph means ________.

    1. A.
      having a very bad reputation         
    2. B.
      having a very good reputation
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

    1. A.
      New York restaurants are nearly all trans-fat-free (无……有)
    2. B.
      None of the restaurants in the U.S can use trans fats.
    3. C.
      Most of the restaurants still use trans fats once in a while.
    4. D.
      Trans fats are bad for health.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Don’t’ use a net in landing the fish and release it quickly to prevent it from dying.
—Hold the fish gently. Do not put your fingers in its eyes. Don’t wipe the scales (鱼鳞) off the   fish because it might cause it to develop a disease and reduce its chance of survival.
—Remove your hook (鱼钩) quickly. If the hook is too deep or hooked in the stomach, cut the   line and leave the hook in. The hook left inside will cause no serious problem to the fish.
—Take good care of the fish by moving it gently in water . Release the fish when it begins to   struggle and is able to swim.
—Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are   going to release a fish, do so right away.
With a little care and by following the suggestions given above, you can give the released fish a better chance of survival. 

  1. 1.

    People sometimes set a fish free after catching it because they _________

    1. A.
      don’t want it to die
    2. B.
      hope it will grow quickly
    3. C.
      don’t want to have it as food
    4. D.
      want to practice their fishing skills
  2. 2.

    Which of the following will probably make a fish ill?

    1. A.
      Taking the hook off it.
    2. B.
      Removing its scales.
    3. C.
      Touching its eves
    4. D.
      Holding it in your hand.
  3. 3.

    A proper way to release a fish is to _________.

    1. A.
      move it in water till it can swim
    2. B.
      take the hook out of its stomach
    3. C.
      keep it in a bucket for some time
    4. D.
      let it struggle a little in your hand
  4. 4.

    What is the purpose of the test?

    1. A.
      To show how to enjoy fishing.
    2. B.
      To persuade people to fish less often.
    3. C.
      To encourage people to set fish free.
    4. D.
      To give advice on how to release fish.

