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科目: 来源: 题型:

 So amused _______ that I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the children dressed up as Santa Clauses on Christmas Day.

      A. did I feel               B. had I felt                 C. was I felt              D.I felt


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —Who knocked at the door?

      —I’ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask who ____ was.

      A. he                        B. that                         C. she                      D. it


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Glad to see you back. How long _______ in Russia?

      A. did you stay      B. have you stayed   C. were you staying  D. have you been staying


科目: 来源: 题型:

 When the old woman died, it___ that she was actually very rich.

      A. came to an end      B. went to light           C. came to life           D. came to light


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —I have a favour to ask of you.


      A. Go ahead            B. It’s a pleasure         C. Help yourself       D. Ask, please


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It’s reported that a bus went out of ____ control on a highway _____ east of the city and crashed into a river.

      A. the; the               B. 不填; the             C. the; 不填       D. 不填; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:



Teenagers Expressed Thanks to Their Parents

On May 12th ,students of Class 1 Grade ________________________________________________





科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

【1】 First aid means the aid or the help that can be given to an injured person first, that is, before any other help arrives. Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first things we should do, if a serious accident happens, is___________. Sometimes quick action by us may save someone’s life.

【2】Shock. People often suffer from shock after receiving an injury, sometimes even when the injure is a small one. The face turns gray, and the skin becomes damp and cold. They breathe quickly. They should be kept warm. Cover them with a blanket and give them a warm drink.

【3】Broken bones. Do not move the patient. Send for an ambulance at once.

【4】Bleeding. A little bleeding doesn’t harm. It washes dirt from the wound. But if the bleeding continues, try to stop it by placing a clean cloth firmly over the wound until the bleeding stops or helps arrive.

【5】Poison. A person who has taken poison should be taken to a hospital at once. With some poisons, sleeping pills, for example, it is a good thing to make the patient throw up by pressing your fingers down his throat.

【6】Remember: When an accident happens, telephone for an ambulance at once. Keep the injured person warm and quiet. Give him plenty of air. Do not let other people crowd around him.

76. What’s the best title for the passage? (no more than 5 words)


77. What’s the symptom when someone goes into shock?  (no more than 12 words)


78. Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 6 words)


79. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage? (no more than 12 words)


80. Which sentence in the passage is the same as the one “If someone takes some poisons by accident, a better way is to make the sufferer spit out by using a finger on his throat .” ?.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Self-employed private physicians who charge a fee for each patient visit are the foundation of medical practice in the United States. Most physicians have a contract relationship with one or more hospitals in the community. They send their patients to this hospital, which usually charges patients according to the number of days they stay and the facilities(operating room, tests, medicines that they use). Some hospitals belong to a city, a state or, in the case of veteran’s hospitals, a federal government agency. Others are operated by religious orders(教会) or other non-profit groups.

Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work as hospital staff members, or residents, who are often still in training. They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care for their workers or work for the federal government’s Public Health Service.

Physicians are among the best paid professionals in the United States. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for medical doctors to earn incomes of more than $ 100,000 a year. Specialists, particularly surgeons, might earn several times that amount. Physicians list many reasons why they deserve to be so well rewarded for their work. One reason is the long and expensive preparation required to become a physician in the United States. Most would be physicians first attend college for four years, which can cost nearly $ 20,000 a year at one of the best private institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for four years. Tuition alone can exceed $ 10,000 a year. By the time they have obtained their medical degrees, many young physicians are deeply in debt. They still face three to five years of residency (实习阶段) in a hospital, the first year as an apprentice physician. The hours are long and the pay is relatively low.

Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several physicians will decide to establish a group practice, so they can share the expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These physicians also take care of each other’s patients in emergencies.

Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical procedures, even quite routine ones, involve risk. It is understandable that physicians want to be well rewarded for making decisions which can mean the difference between life and death.

71.According to the passage, it is very unlikely that an American hospital is owned by_____.

      A.a church                B.a corporation          C.a city                  D.a state

72.The expenses for becoming a doctor are spent on ________.

      A.schooling and retraining                              B.practice in a hospital

      C.facilities he or she uses                               D.education he or she receives

73.According to the passage, how long does it take for a would-be physician to become an independent physician in the USA?

      A.About seven years.   B.Eight years.              C.Ten years.            D.About twelve years.

74.Sometimes several physicians set up a group medical practice mainly because

      A.there are so many patients that it is difficult for one physician to take care all of them

      B.they can take turns to work long hours

      C.facilities may be too much of a burden for one physician to shoulder

      D.no one wants to assume too much responsibility

75.Which of the following statements could fully express the author’s view towards physicians’ payment in the USA?

      A.For their expensive education and their responsibility, they deserve a handsome pay.

      B.It is reasonable for physicians to have a large income because their work is very dangerous.

      C.Physicians should be better paid because they work long hours under bad conditions.

      D.Physicians have great responsibility, so it is understandable that they should be well rewarded.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As researchers learn more about how children’s intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been replaced by the home. To begin with, all the factors which are part of intelligence-the child’s understanding of language, learning patterns, curiosity-are established well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after school begins, children’s achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teachers. This is particularly true about learning that is language-related.The school rather than the home is given credit for changes in achievement in subjects such as science.

In view of(鉴于) their power, it’s sad to see so many parents not making the most of their child’s intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents are being asked to contribute both before and after the child enters school.

Parents have been particularly afraid to teach reading at home. Of course, children shouldn’t be pushed to read by their parents, but educators have discovered that reading is best taught individually-and the easiest place to do this is at home. Many four-and five-year-olds who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will create single words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.

66.What have researchers found out about the influence of parents and the school on children’s intelligence?

      A.Parents have greater influence than the school.

      B.The school plays a greater role than parents.

      C.Parents and the school have the equal power.

      D.Neither parents nor the school has any influence.

67.Researchers conclude that________.

      A.it is with the help of the teachers that children have an understanding of language

      B.curiosity is formed after the children enter school

      C.children’s learning patterns are developed at the early age

      D.only the school can give children the opportunity to make achievements

68.According to the text, in which area may school play a more important role?

      A.Moral education.                                    B.Language education.

      C.Physical education.                                  D.Science education.

69.Many parents fail to make the most of their children’s intelligence because________.

      A.they usually push the children to read at home

      B.they only teach them after they enter school

      C.they teach them in a wrong way at home

      D.they were told by educators not to teach their children

70.The author suggests in the text that________.

      A.teaching at home has fully replaced school education

      B.parents should be encouraged to teach reading at home

      C.reading is supposed to be taught in large groups

      D.school education should give way to home education

