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科目: 来源: 题型:

 The "Chinese Dream" is ____ dream to improve people's well-being and ____ dream of harmony, peace and development.

A. the; a              B. a; a                   C. a; the    D. the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:







科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Home to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧). It’s fun to come home. It looks the same. It smells the same. You’ll realize what’s changed is you. Home is where we ran remember pain, live, and some other experiences; We parted here; My parents met here; I won three championships here.

If I close my eyes, I can still have a clear picture in mind of my first home. I walk in the door and see a brown sofa surrounding a low glass-top wooden table. To the right of the living room is my first bedroom. It’s empty, but it’s where my earliest memories are.

There is the dining room table where I celebrated birthdays, and where I cried on Halloween-when I didn’t want to wear the skirt my mother made for me. I always liked standing on that table because it made me feel tall and strong. If I sit at this table, I can see my favorite room in the house, my parents’ room. It is simple: a brown wooden dresser lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side. Their bed is my safe zone. I can jump on it anytime - waking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning.

I’m lucky because I know my first home still exists. It exists in my mind and heart, on a physical property(住宅) on West 64th street on the western edge of Los Angeles. It is proof I lived, I grew and I learned.

Sometimes when I feel lost, I lie down and shut my eyes, and I go home. I know it’s where I’ll find my family, my dogs, and my belongings. I purposely leave the window open at night because I know I’ll be blamed by Mom. But I don’t mind, because I want to hear her say my name, which reminds me I’m home.

58. What can be learned from the passage?

   A. The old furniture is still in the author’s fist bedroom.

   B. The author can still visit her first physical mom in Los Angeles.

   C. The author’s favorite room in her first home is the dining room.

   D. Many people of the author’s age can still find their first physical homes.

59. Sometimes when she feels lost, the author will _______.

   A. Open the window at night    B. lie down in bed to have a dream

   C. try to bring back a sense of home  D. go to Los Angeles to visit her mom

60. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

   A. To express how much she is attached to her home.

   B. To declare how much she loves her first house.

   C. To describe the state of her family.

   D. To look back on her childhood.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tht Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1.How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day-half of the number doctors recommend.

·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

·Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

·Step:Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

54. What is found out American seniors?

A. Most of then have good habits.  B. Nearly 30%of then bathe three days a week .

C. All of then are fighting germs better than expected .

D. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day

55. Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands           .

A. twice a day         B. three times a day

C. four times a day     D. eight  times  a day

56.Which of the following is true according to the text ?

A. We  should  keep from touching our faces .

B. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth .

C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than  a toilet .

D. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle .

57. The text probably comes from             .

A. a guide book      B. a popular magazine

C. a book review     D .an official document


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How to Become Cleverer

   Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him “foolish boy”.

   “That’s easy,” answered the fisherman. “I know one way to make you become cleverer.”


   “Of course. It is said a fish head is good for brain. If you eat one, you’ll become cleverer indeed. Pay only three pounds for one fish head.” The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut off a fish head and handed it to him.

   A raw fish head is not good—not even for a hungry boy to eat but the boy ate it up in two gulps.

   “Do you feel anything?” asked the fisherman.

   “Not in my head,” said the boy.

   The boy lay on the ground and thought. “One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head. Why couldn’t I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?” He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman. “You thief! You are fooling me!” The fisherman laughed, saying, “The fish head works now, you see.”

50. The boy ate up the raw fish head only in two gulps, because he __________.

A. enjoy it                          B. wanted to taste it

C. took it as a good medicine           D. was a foolish boy

51. The boy came to the fisherman in order to __________.

A. buy a fish head              B. ask the fisherman a question

C. become cleverer            D. A and C

52. “Not in my head” means “__________”.

A. The fish head was not in the boy’s head

B. The boy felt nothing came into his head

C. It’s difficult to give an answer right away

D. The boy didn’t feel that he was cleverer

53. __________ helped the boy become cleverer.

A. A good meal      B. The raw fish head

C. Nothing          D. What had happened


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Jackson was tired of living in his old house in the countryside and wanted to sell it and buy a better one. He tried to sell it for a long time, but was not successful, so at last he decided to go to an estate agent房产经纪人).

The agent advertised(登广告) the house straight away, and a few days later, the owner saw a very beautiful photograph of his house, with a wonderful description of his garden in an expensive magazine.

Having read the advertisement through, the house owner hurried to phone the estate agent, saying, “I'm sorry, Mr. Jones, but I've decided not to sell my house after all.” “Why?” the agent asked in a surprised voice. “Because from the advertisement in that magazine I can see it's just the kind of house I've wanted to live in all my life.”

46. Mr. Jackson wanted to sell his house because _____.

   A. he needed some money to support his family

   B. his house was too old to live in

   C. he wanted some money to buy a new one

   D. he didn't want to live in the house any longer

47. The reason why Mr. Jackson went to the estate agent was _____.

   A. he had failed in selling his house by himself

   B. he wanted the estate agent to help him to get a good price

   C. he was sure that the estate agent could help him

   D. he wanted the estate to advertise his house in the magazine

48. At last Mr. Jones _____.

   A. was successful in selling the house

   B. felt sorry to have lost a sale by his doing too good a job

C. was satisfied with what he had done in the advertisement

D. didn’t understand why Mr. Jackson had changed his mind

49. What do you think of the advertisement in magazines?

   A. They are worth reading.

   B. They usually make things far better than they really are.

   C. They are a great help to those who want to buy something.

   D. They describe things as they really are.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After studying English, maths and geography for two years, 17-year-old Henry is about to face his final A-level (Advanced level) exams. They will start at the end of  26  and continue into June. Everyone has said they are the  27  exams he'll ever have to take .

He's been  28  a place to study geography at Manchester University — if he gets an A and two Bs. If he doesn't get the grades , he will go to his second   29  in London, which has _30_  asked for a B and two Cs.

About five months before, he visited lots of universities and  31  six to apply to. His teachers sent these universities his grades  32  on his mock exams (模拟考试), and a report of his _33_ . He wrote a 500-word  _34  statement saying why he should be  35  to each place. Two universities called him in for an  36 . Three others offered him a place straight away. And two refused him. He  37  chose his two top places.

A few months after his exams, Henry's  38  arrive. He hasn't  39  well. He got three Cs and neither of his two choices  40_ him.

All is not lost,  41  . He gets on the phone and calls every  42  he can think of. _43_ they have any spare places, he  44  them to give him a place. Finally, he is offered a place to study computing in Wales. It wasn't what he planned to study,  _45_  where he had wanted to go. But he doesn't care. He has achieved his goal — he is going to university.

26.   A. February      B. March         C. May       D. April

27.   A. longest         B. shortest    C. easiest         D. hardest

28.   A. ordered        B. offered         C. taken            D. longing for

29.   A. school     B. club         C. department       D. choice

30.   A. only         B. hardly             C. nearly          D. almost

31.   A. chose       B. made       C. attended    D. prepared

32.   A. based       B. depended     C. fixed          D. checked

33.   A. grades    B. school       C. manners   D. character

34.   A. secret   B. important         C. personal  D. immediate

35.   A. applied         B. accepted   C. admitted D. received

36.   A. exam        B. agreement        C. education       D. interview

37.   A. strangely       B. curiously        C. finally         D. regretfully

38.   A. letters    B. answers       C. invitations D. results

39.   A. studied          B. got            C. done     D. taken

40.   A. took          B. might take        C. will take  D. had taken

41.   A. therefore       B. finally     C. after all         D. however

42.   A. teacher          B. friend         C. university D. school

43.   A. While     B. As      C. If              D. Though

44.   A. tells          B. begs           C. requires          D. advises

45.   A. nor           B. but      C. and             D. either


科目: 来源: 题型:

Next winter, ________ you will spend in Harbin, I’m sure, will be another exiting holiday.     A. in which     B. when      C. which        D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:

He has four children, two of ____ are workers. He also has three sisters; ____ are doctors. 

A .who; they  B. whom ; who  C. whom; they  D .they; who


科目: 来源: 题型:

 They kept me _____ of the war so that I could give right orders.

A. on informing   B. on informed  C. informing   D. informed

