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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.

The noise that affects sea creatures comes from a number of human activities. It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines. Such noises are added to natural sounds. These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves.

Decibels (分贝) measured in water are different from those measured on land. A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears. In water, a decibel level of one hundred and ninety-five would have the same effect.

Some scientists have suggested setting a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels in the oceans. They have observed that noises at that level can frighten and confuse whales(鲸鱼).

A team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that louder noises can seriously injure some animals.

The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing. This seriously affected the whales' ability to exchange information and find their way. Some of the whales even died. The explosions had caused their ears to bleed and become infected(被感染的).

Many researchers whose work depends on ocean sounds are against a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels. They say such a limit would mean an end to important industrial and scientific research.

Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals. However, many scientists don’t think that noise is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.

36.According to the passage, which of the following is increasingly dangerous to sea creatures?

A. The sound of cars.

B. The sound of voices.

C. Man-made noise pollution.

D. The sound of steps.

37.According to the passage, natural sounds include all of the following EXCEPT________.

A. sounds made by animals themselves               B. ocean drilling

C. underwater earthquakes                                D. the breaking of ice fields

38.Which of the following is discussed in the third paragraph?

A. The same noise level produces a different effect on land and in the ocean.

B. Different places may have different types of noises.

C. The decibel is not a right unit (单位) for measuring underwater noise.

D. Different ocean animals may have different reactions to noises.

39. Which of the following is true of whales?  

A. They won't be confused by noises.

B. They are deaf to noises.

C. Their ability to reproduce will be lowered by high-level noises.

D. Their hearing will be damaged by high-level noises.

40.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future?

A. They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution.

B. They will protect animals from harmful noises.

C. They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels.

D. They will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.

In May 1977, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I 21 a room with two double beds and a bathroom which was too 22 for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dad’s second marriage was  23 and my stepmother had  24 us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no  25_ what to do with me. And that’s when my other family  26 .

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home  27  their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I  28 with them for the next seven years.

Barb washed my skirts the same as Su’s. She  29 I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments, help with homework and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders. 30 I could tell, for the Beaches there was no 31 between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.

When Su and I 32 college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barb presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay on for 23 years.

The Beaches knew 33 about me when they took me in – they had heard the whole story from Su. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to _34 his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches I had believed that life was entirely  35__ and that love was shaky and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

36 the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) woman. They gave me a(n) 37 that allowed me to grow and change. They kept me from being paralyzed(使瘫痪 ,使麻痹 ,使无能力)by my _38  , and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.

I  39 family. For me, it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was  40  , but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s on Interstate 10.

16.A. lived   B. shared    C. possessed     D. bought

17.A. cheap   B. noisy    C. small       D. limited

18.A. in trouble B. in sight    C. in place   D. in parts

19.A. struck     B. removed  C. kicked    D. knocked

20.A. plan     B. choice     C. chance    D. idea

21.A. looked after  B. showed up   C. turned over    D. came cross

22.A. so      B. because    C. until      D. while

23.A. worked    B. traveled    C. lived      D. learned

24.A. worked out   B. called up   C. watched out    D. made sure

25.A. As long as B. As far as   C. As soon as     D. As many as

26.A. change    B. problem   C. conflict     D. difference

27.A. set off      B. left for     C. entered into        D. admitted into

28.A. all    B. little   C. something D. nothing

29.A. supply B. teach C. encourage D. raise

30.A. different   B. unfair     C. easy       D. hopeful

31.A. Thanks to B. In spite of C. Except for     D. But for

32.A. home     B. house     C. ability       D. lesson

33.A. choice    B. failure     C. past       D. present

34.A. doubt about    B. call on    C. center on   D. believe in

35.A. born B. accepted   C. educated   D. deserted


科目: 来源: 题型:

Most highways are lined with billboards of advertisement,which__________by passing car­drivers.

A.are intended to be read            B.are intended to be reading

C.are intending to reading             D.are intending to  read


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I telephoned him twice and I couldn’t get through to him. 

—The line might have been out of order,     ?

A. don’t you          B. wasn’t it            C. do you                D. hadn’t it


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Can we go camping tomorrow,as planned?

—I'm afraid not.The dark clouds ________a heavy rain.

A.promise     B.instruct      C.expect       D.forecast


科目: 来源: 题型:

----I called him twicw and I couldn’t get through to him.

----The line might have been out of order,_____?

A.mightn’t it    B. hadn’t it      C. wasn’t it     D.haven’t it


科目: 来源: 题型:

-----You ______ it up during the meeting

------I_______ know it was so sensitive an issue. 

A.might not have brought ;don’t

B.needn’t have brought;don’t

C.shouldn’t have taken,didn’t

D.shouldn’t have brought ,didn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

A. Moreover          B. Therefore               C. Meanwhile                D. Otherwise


科目: 来源: 题型:

_______she is not so cheerful________she used to be?

A.How it is that;as   B.How is it that;as

C.Is it why;that   D.Why is it that;what


科目: 来源: 题型:

Most scientists seem to agree that ____certain limit should be set on ______consumption of cars to ease air pollution.

A.a;the       B./;the        C.the;/       D.the;the

