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科目: 来源: 题型:

As a young man, Comrade Zhou Enlai ________ the students' movements and  

    later ________ the Communist Party of China.  

   A. joined; took part of

   B. took part in; joined

   C. joined in; took part in

   D. took part of; joined


科目: 来源: 题型:

 -I haven't heard from Henry for a long time. 

   -What do you think ________ to him?

   A. happening   B. to happen   C. has happened   D. had happened


科目: 来源: 题型:

 -David has made some mistakes in the test. 

   - ________ , and ________ .

   A. So he has; so you have

   B. So has he ;so have you

   C. So has he; so you have

   D. So he has; so have you


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It is believed that if a book is _____, it will surely _____ the reader. 

   A. interested; interest       B. interesting; be interested

   C. interested; be interesting    D. interesting; interest


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Yangtze River is almost ______ the Pearl River. 

   A. two times as longer        B. twice longer than  

   C. twice as longer as          D. two time the length of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise ________ .

   A.going on     B. goes on        C. went on         D. to go on


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It’s a good idea that we can ______ the task _____ several parts. 

   A. separate; from    B: separate; into    C. divide; from   D. divide; into


科目: 来源: 题型:


















 Recently, we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best teachers.






科目: 来源: 题型:







On my way to home yesterday afternoon, I happened to witness a traffic accident. When an old woman was crossed the road, she was knocked down by a boy riding bike. The boy was such frightened that he stood still on the road but didn’t know what to do. I quickly went up and saw the old woman lie on the ground, making crying because of pain. I stopped a taxi and told the driver that had happened. The driver drove us to the nearest hospital at once. To our relief, we are told that the old woman wasn’t injured seriously after he was examined carefully. The boy was deep grateful for our help.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Confidence: you’ve either got it or you haven’t, right? Wrong. Most people learn confidence as they go through life.

Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you’ll make a lasting impression if you can come across as confident. Here are some confidence-building tips.

Fake(假装) it! If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don’t and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence. It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit—so get in the habit of    ______     .

Think it. For an instant encouragement to yourself-esteem (自尊心), recall three things that give you positive emotions. It could be a great compliment somebody paid you, a special time when you felt happy and popular, or when you really excelled (胜过别人) at something. Bringing them to mind will help you to feel good instantly—and when you feel good, you have greater confidence.

Focus it. Difficult situations, such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel shy. If you’re feeling anxious about yourself, stop thinking about yourself and focus on something else. It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand—getting the job! Either way, you'll feel less awkward.

Talk it. If you keep telling yourself that you're not good at something, you’ll start to believe it. Next time you blame yourself, ask yourself whether you'd talk to your friends like that. So quit being negative and start recognizing and appreciating the things you are good at.

Walk it. Great posture can signal great confidence. Walk with a purposeful stride, walk with your back straight and with your head held up high!

66.What is the best title of the passage?  (within 8 words)



67.Please fill in the blank in the 3rd paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. 

    (within 6 words.)



68.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

       Stop finding fault with yourself and try to think more about your advantages.



69.How many tips does the writer give us?



70.Please translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.



