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科目: 来源: 题型:

 I caught several fish after four hours, and only then _____ that the secret of success was patience.

      A. I realized        B. I had realized       C. did I realize    D. had I realized


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ____ whether he was going in the right direction.

      A. seeing            B. having seen                C. to see            D. to have seen


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ______ in the leg made it impossible for him to walk home.

      A. Being injured         B. Having injured      C. To be injured   D. Injured


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Hearing the news_____ her son lost his life in an accident, the mother_____ tears.

      A. that; burst into  B. which; burst into        C. that; burst out       D. which; burst out


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The young man has sold most of the goods in the store, ___our manager praised him yesterday.

    A. of what                 B. for what               C. of which         D. for which


科目: 来源: 题型:

 In ____ 1940s, the two countries were at_____ war, so lots of cultural relics were damaged.

      A. / ; /               B. the; the                        C. the; a            D. the; /


科目: 来源: 题型:




1.      旅游景点是公共资源;

2.      更多的人可以享受美景;

3.      涨价会增加人们的经济负担。

1.      景点建设及维护费用增加;

2.      避免超负荷的游客量对景点造成破坏


要求:1. 词数120左右,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

          2. 词汇:景点scenery spot; 维护maintenance。


Last week my class had a heated discussion about whether prices of scenery spots should be raised. The students held different opinions about it. ______________________________



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winter night.

Suddenly they heard a k________ at the door, and one ran to open it.

There, o________stood a child with no shoes on his feet. He asked to

come in and warm________.They agreed. They drew the little stranger to

their warm seat and shared their supper with him, to________they gave

their bed, while they slept ________a hard bench. In the nigh they were

w________up by sweet music. The stranger child stood before them and

said, “I am the Christ Child, ________(漫步) through the world to bring

peace and ________(幸福) to all good children. I’ll give you a gift.” He

broke a branch from the tree and p________ it in the ground. The branch

grew into a great tree, and every year it bore wonderful ________(金色的)

fruit for the kind children.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


An American program called the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) helps millions of people infected with HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS. PEPFAR is considered one of the most successful programs created during the presidency of George W. Bush. Its goal is to make HIV/AIDS change from a death sentence to a disease that, while serious, could be treated.

And for millions of people around the world, that is just what has happened. But researchers say it was not until PEPFAR started using generic drugs (非专利药) that major progress was made in fighting HIV/AIDS. Generic drugs are copies of medicines developed by large drug companies. But they often cost a lot less.

Kartik Venkatesh was the lead author of a report on the study. He says the high cost of patented drugs had an immediate influence on the program after it began. American officials considered whether to provide patented drugs for HIV-infected patients, both in the United States and overseas. Dr. Venkatesh says some people believe that the drug industry wanted the government-financed program to use patented drugs.

But generic drugs were shown to be effective in treating HIV as far back as 2003. Using generic drugs helped cut the cost of treating a person from about 1,100 dollars a year to about 300 dollars a year.

PEPFAR has also been able to save millions of dollars by reducing transportation costs – for example, using ships instead of airplanes to move the drugs. Dr. Venkatesh says, “The PEPFAR model could be used in the fight against other diseases as developing countries begin seeing health problems that until recently had only been seen in richer countries. Maybe the real and perhaps potentially larger burden in the future is going to the chronic diseases (慢性病) like heart disease and cancer. And those are also diseases that require long-term treatment. A lot can be learned form the experience in accessing generic drugs for the treatment for HIV.”

72. Why was PEPFAR established?

       A. To make it possible to cure AIDS.

       B. To study how people are infected with HIV.

       C. To warn people that AIDS is serious.

       D. To help people develop patented drugs.

73. According to Dr. Venkatesh, generic drugs ________.

       A. must be used with the permission of drug companies

       B. contribute more to curing AIDS than patented drugs

       C. are provided for people with AIDS for free

       D. are copies of cheap medicines

74. Which of the following is TRUE about generic drugs?

       A. Generic drugs are much easier to transport.

       B. Generic drugs were created as far back as 2003.

       C. Generic drugs don’t belong to the government-financed program.

       D. Generic drugs can reduce the economic pressure of AIDS patients.

75. From the passage we can know that________.

       A. HIV is considered as a burden larger than any other disease

       B. new health problems will first be seen in developed countries

       C. the PEPFAR model offers lessons for people to treat other diseases

       D. people ought to understand more about fighting long-term diseases


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Fishes are expected to be reduced in size by up to 24% because of global warming, say scientists.

Scientists believe that global warming has a greater effect on marine ecosystems (海洋生态系统) than previously thought. Previous researches have suggested that increasing ocean temperatures would affect both the distribution and the reproductive abilities of fishes. Now scientists believe that fish size would also be heavily affected.

Researchers built a model to see how fishes would react to the lower level of oxygen in water. Ocean temperatures increase and so do the body temperatures of fishes. But, according to the leading scientist Dr William Cheung, the lower level of oxygen in water is the key. Warmer waters could reduce the ocean oxygen level and greatly reduce fishes’ body weight. On the other hand, rising temperature directly increase the metabolic (新陈代谢的) rate of fishes’ body function. This leads to an increase in oxygen demand for normal body activities. So fishes will run out of oxygen for growth at a smaller body size.

The research group also used its model to predict fishes’ movements as a result of warming waters. The group believes that most fishes’ populations will move towards the Earth’s poles at a rate of up to 3.3 km per year.

Taking these factors into consideration, the research team concludes that fishes’ body size will be reduced by between 14% and 24%, with the largest reduction in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

When compared with the actual study of fish size, the model seems to make a lower judgment of what’s actually happening in the seas. The researchers made actual studies on some kinds of fishes living in the Atlantic Ocean. They found that the recorded data on these fishes showed greater reduction in body size than the models had predicted.

Scientists believe smaller-sized fishes could seriously affect the ability of fishes to reproduce (繁殖). Dr Alan Baudron, from the University of Aberdeen, the UK, thinks that smaller fishes produce fewer and smaller eggs and it could affect the reproductive potential of fishes.

68. From Paragraph 2 we can know that ________.

       A. scientists have made two researches on the influence of global warming by now.

       B. researchers suggest that the ocean temperature is increasing at a high rate.

       C. researches suggest that global warming would change fishes’ inner structure

       D. scientists have known three aspects of the influence that global warming has on fishes

69. Which is the most important factor that makes fishes smaller?

       A. Higher body temperatures of fishes.

       B. Lower oxygen level in water.

       C. Slower heart beats of fishes.

       D. Higher pressure in water.

70. According to the group, in 30 years, most fish populations will move about ________.

       A. 30 kilometers                                                    B. 60 kilometers         

C. 100 kilometers                                           D. 200 kilometers

71. Which of the following in the best title for the passage?

       A. Climate change may make fishes smaller.

       B. Global warming has a bad effect on fishes.

       C. Global warming affects the distribution of fishes.

       D. Climate change may affect the ability of fishes to reproduce.


