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科目: 来源: 题型:

 The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of ______

others actually understand.

A. why                        B. that               C. which                     D. what    


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Researchers have failed to find a way to treat such diseases, and it will still be years before they can find ____ is effective.

      A. the one            B. one that       C. the one that         D. one


科目: 来源: 题型:

  _______ there is water, there is life.

      A. That                      B. Where            C. What                             D. Which


科目: 来源: 题型:

The football fans’ behavior was ___________.

A. like-animal                     B. animal-like              C. animal-liking           D. animal-alike


科目: 来源: 题型:

People never ask for ____ second bowl of soup at a dinner party in western countries.

A. the                         B. a                     C. another                  D. the other


科目: 来源: 题型:











In our recent English class, we had a heated discussion about whether computers do more good than harm in our daily life.



科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;               

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第l1处起)不计分。

Today I visited the Smiths — my first visit to an America family. They live in an small town. It were very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me with coffee and other drinks. We have a good time together. They wanted to know everything about China but asked lots of question. In fact, they are planning visit China next year.


科目: 来源: 题型:

       How to find the perfect career

Too many people are not satisfied with their professional career (事业) and are “stuck” in situations that do not make them happy. Here are some wonderful actions you can take to begin the path to a truly happy career.

▲ Talk to your friends.

Ask them, “what do you think I am best at”, or “what do you think I enjoy doing most”.  71  

However, their advice may help you decide what you should do.


Read some interesting magazines, books, newspapers or novels. They will give you a constant flow of ideas and keep the mind rich.

▲ Talk to the happiest and most successful people you know.

  73   Be serious with your questions. And see if there is anything you can learn from them. Have these people become your teachers and friends.

▲ Keep a journal(日记).

Writing down your ideas is an important practice for your career growth.  74  You never know when great ideas will come to your mind!

▲     Develop patience.

You may want a change in your career right now.  75  Anyway, doing the practices mentioned

above will bring about the right chance much faster.

A.      Read as widely as possible.

B.      Talk to your family members.

C.     Changing careers can be very difficult.

D.     Ask them how they realized their dreams.

E.      This may seem like a strange conversation at first.

F.      Carrying a notebook with you at all times is also a great idea.

G.     But it is necessary to be patient and wait for the right chance to come.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Not fond of reading? Do you have trouble finding a novel that takes your interest? Why not follow Ammon Shea’s example and start reading a dictionary?

   Mr. Shea owns over 1,000 dictionaries and he likes to read them for fun.

   He recently spent a year reading all 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary contains more than 20,000 pages and over 59 million words.

   As he read from A to Z, he noted down interesting words in a ledger(分类记录本). This includes words such as happify, meaning to make someone happy, and tripudiate which means to dance, skip or leap for joy.

   Mr. Shea also kept a diary about his experience which has since been turned into a best- seller book. Why did he do this?

   He claims it was fun: “I’ve always enjoyed reading dictionaries; they are far more interesting than people would think.”

   It appears that it was not his goal to sound more intelligent through learning and using larger and more complex (复杂的) words.

   “I’m not against big words or strange or difficult words, but I’m opposed to (反对) using them for their own sake目的.” he said.

In fact, as a result of reading so many words,Mr. Shea often forgot his everyday vocabulary. He wrote, “My head was so full of words that I often had trouble forming simple sentences.”

Mr. Shea is not alone in his love of reading dictionaries. Elaine Higgleton, a representative of Collins Cobuild dictionaries, explained that thousands of crossword and Scrabble fans read dictionaries for fun and to improve their game.

Ms. Higgleton did, however, note that, “It’s probably not the best way to learn English, and you’d learn more than you need.”

It is not known how many of the 59 million words Mr. Shea has remembered but he has certainly made history with his eccentric hobby.

68. Why did Mr. Shea like reading dictionaries?

   A. Because he has many dictionaries.

   B. Because he takes no interest in novels.

   C. Because it was very interesting to him.

   D. Because he may sound more intelligent.

69. Thousands of crossword and Scrabble fans read dictionaries in order to _________ .

   A. improve their games          B. kill time and have fun

   C. follow Mr. Shea’s example     D. learn more new words

70. The underlined word “eccentric” in the last paragraph probably means __________ .

   A. crazy         B. unusual       C. funny        D.usual


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, the in leaf skating didn’t exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making musical instruments. in his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.

    One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball(化妆舞会) He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. There were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the art on wheels while playing the violin.

     On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forget Merlin’s grand entrance for a long time!

64. The text is mainly about ________

A. a strange man

B. an unusual party

C. how roller skating began

D. how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century

65. People thought Merlin was a dreamer because he _________

A. often gave others surprises

B. was a gifted musician

C. invented the roller skates

D. was full of imagination

66. Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to _________

A. impress the party guests

B. arrive at the party sooner

C. test his invention

D. show his skill in walking on wheels

67. What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?

A. The roller skates needed further improvement.

B. The party guests took Merlin for a fool.

C. Merlin succeeded beyond expectation.(预期)

D. Merlin got himself into trouble.  


