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科目: 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010年高考冲刺试题(九)(英语) 题型:阅读理解

What Is Natural Medicine
Natural Medicine is to use the natural environment, the nature of the material itself to cure diseases and restore the health. It involves bettering one’s breathing way, sunbathing, improving one’s diets and so on, which play an important part in our healthcare.
Start a Rewarding Career Today
The Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural Medicine provides you with Nationally Recognized natural medicine courses that can be studied in the comfort of your own home, or at our Brisbane campus in the heart of Stones Corner. AIAS College of Natural Medicine has been providing accredited (官方认可的) natural health courses for more than 20 years, and offers accredited certificate, diploma and advanced diploma level natural medicine, beauty and massage (按摩) courses.
Why Study at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
With over 36 years of specialized training and 120 courses, our Natural Medicine College is Australia’s longest running and most sought after training provider for Natural Medicine Education. Our state of the art facilities, highly experienced instructors and friendly support staff make us the first choice for Distance Education and On-campus study.
Studying at Home
All of our courses are available to study at home. We provide all the material and support you will need to successfully complete your course.
Benefits of Studying at Home
●Work at your own pace.
●No need to travel or relocate closer to a campus.
●No interruption to your existing commitments.
●You are still in full contact with the college via Telephone, Email and Post, so you won’t be out of touch with the latest training techniques.
60. You can learn how to ______ at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural
A. apply science to our life                        B. operate on various patients
C. adjust one’s diet or breath                      D. look after mentally-ill people
61. One of the reasons for your choice of going to the college is that _______.
A. it is the oldest college of this type in Australia
B. it offers more courses than any other college
C. you may find the best art facilities there
D. you will get accredited certificate or diploma
62. If you take the courses at home, you are more likely to _______.
A. focus on your own interests              B. adjust your study schedules
C. get any help from instructors            D. keep up with new techniques


科目: 来源:广东省深大附中2009-2010学年度高二第一学期期末联考 题型:阅读理解

Recently, a survey was done among 288,000 students, which shows that today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的)” than at any time in the 19 years of the poll (民意调查).
Not surprisingly, in these hard times, the students’ major purpose “is to be financially well off. Developing a meaningful philosophy of life is less important than ever.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.
Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.
That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors in her first year on the job---even before she completed her two-year associate degree.
Though it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far beyond our own and that it will be better for our understanding of these other contributions—either scientific or artistic.
Similarly, it is true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.
Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; No job. How shortsighted in the long run!
But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机) : “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”
From the long-term point of view, that’s what education really ought to be about.
51. According to the result of the survey, college students _______________.
A. take developing a meaningful philosophy of life more seriously
B. have a wide range of knowledge in many aspects
C. pay more attention to the study of literature
D. have never been so materialistic as today
52. The students’ criteria (标准) for choosing their majors today are largely based on _________.
A. their own understanding of the courses
B. the financial goals they seek in life
C. the influence of their instructors
D. the vast potential for the future educational development
53. What does the fifth paragraph imply?
A. Knowledge in other fields has nothing to do with one’s career.
B. Business management should be included in educational programs
C. The importance of a broad education should not be ignored
D. A good understanding of the civilization will make students rich.
54. The author’s attitude to the effect of studying the diverse wisdom of others is ______________.
A. positive          B. indifferent             C. doubtful            D. negative
55. The writer wrote the passage in order to indicate that ______________.
A. college students today are not a diligent generation
B. people engaged in technical jobs lead a more meaningful life
C. career seekers shouldn’t focus on immediate interests only
D. working experience outside college counts a lot to one’s future career


科目: 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010年高考冲刺试题(八)(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Modern Manners
Philip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼仪)
Philip Howard,
When my friend and I (two ladies of a certain age) go out to have a meal, she always leaves an extremely large tip. At times, the tip will equal the amount of one of the main dishes—sometimes it comes to about 30 per cent of the bill. I feel 15—20 per cent is adequate for services offered and depending on the type of restaurant. At a cafe I would like to leave 15 per cent or a bit more depending on the service and etc. A larger tip would be appropriate if we are in a big city or a nicer place. My friend says “Well, I am sure they are not driving a Mercedes (奔驰汽车).” Well, neither am I, and how does she know? Who is correct and how can I make changes? I might add I do truly feel tipping should be based on good service, and also if you frequent a place and know the staff a larger tip is OK. I would never hesitate to tip a waitperson. I always leave to the higher side. 
Barbara Bade
Barbara Bade,
Americans are more generous tippers than the British. I suspect that 10 per cent for a tip is about normal in the UK. Tipping is a strange survival in our age of supposed equality and minimum wages. Your friend has a generous nature and deep purse. I do not see why you cannot let her tip whatever she wants, and do your own thing. I agree that a tip should be a reward for good service and general good feeling. If the service is rotten and the meal a disaster, we should withhold a tip and explain why we are doing so. Few of us have the chutzpah (厚颜) to do this. Sensible restaurants have a box for tips, so that they are shared out among the staff, including those in the kitchens whom we do not see. (I trust that the management does not receive the money as extra profit.) I look forward to the day when waiters and other servants are paid a good enough living wage, so that they do not have to depend on the generosity of strangers to survive. To wait at table is just as honorable a way to earn a living in this wicked world. If you are pleased with the meal and cheerful service, you should tip as handsomely as your purse affords. I don’t suppose that your waiter / waitress is driving a Mercedes, even in the States. 
Philip Howard
60. We can learn from the first letter that Barbara prefers ___________.
A. changing her own ideas on how to tip waiters
B. leaving a bigger tip to the familiar waitpersons
C. eating at a café rather than in a nice restaurant
D. saving as much money as possible for herself
61. It can be inferred that Barbara’s friend tips waiters heavily ________.
A. to show that she is well off                              B. because they are thought to be poorly paid
C. to show that she is generous                          D. because they have offered her full service
62. Besides quality of service, Philip regards __________ as principles of tipping.
A. taste of food and amount of one’s money
B. taste of food and the number of servants
C. generosity of strangers and the number of servants
D. amount of one’s money and generosity of strangers


科目: 来源:2010年绥滨一中高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In jokes, the chicken only crosses the road. In Australia, cane toads (蔗蟾) use roads to travel.
A new study finds that Cane toads are using roads to spread across the continent.   They take shelter overnight close to the open corridors (走廊), and then hit the road each evening in their damaging way.
Cane toads were brought into Australia from Hawaii in 1935 to control the spread of beetles (甲虫) that were destroying Australia's sugar cane crop. They are now moving into new places at the speed of 30 miles a year.
Toads can grow as large as dinner plates and can weigh up to 4.5 pounds. Their heads and backsides are covered with rows of warts (疣). They are known to kill snakes, lizards and other animals, including pet dogs. They have no natural enemy in Australia.
According to a research, toads make slower progress through thick plants than along open spaces and they hop (跳) alongside roads and fences whenever possible. Toads use long corridors that are well-suited for them to travel long distances.
Another study recently found that toads have evolved (进化形成) longer legs in recent years and that this is also helping them in their spread.
Efforts to kill toads have been largely unsuccessful, although scientists tried their best.  
Another new finding suggests ways to slow down its population.  For example, roadside borders can be changed to make them less attractive to toads, or allowing thick plants to grow along the sides of highways, thus forcing toads onto the road of themselves.
【小题1】 Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.Ways to kill cane toads in Australia.
B.Cane toads have evolved a lot in Australia.
C.Australian cane toads hit the road.
D.Worse environment forces toads to travel.
【小题2】 At first, cane toads were brought to Australia to_______.
A.kill snakes, lizards and other animals
B.stop pet dogs from spreading
C.protect the sugar cane crop
D.hate a scientific research
【小题3】According to the passage, the ways to slow down the population of toads are based on the fact that cane toads_________.
A.move slower through thick plants
B.have no natural enemy in Australia
C.mainly live near the roadside
D.like traveling at night
【小题4】The underlined word "They" in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.
A.BeetlesB.Cane toads
C.Australia's sugar cane cropD.New places


科目: 来源:广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学2009-2010学年度高一下学期3月统一测试 题型:阅读理解

In 2008, the main candidates(候选人)for President each used this expression: “You can put lipstick(口红)on a pig, but it is still a pig.” This means that it is a waste of time to change something from ugly or unpleasant–looking to beautiful.
There are other expressions about improving a pig’s appearance, like this one: “A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog.” Hogs are similar to pigs, only bigger. Americans use many other expressions about pigs, hogs and female hogs called sows, like this one, “You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” This means you cannot create something valuable from something that has no value. Then there is the expression “Cast pearls before swine(猪).” That means wasting something valuable on someone who will not be thankful or care about it.
Hogs, which are very large animals, take up a lot of space but people should not take up more than their share. If one of your children is taking up too much space sitting in front of the television, other children might say: “Do not hog the couch.” And a road hog is a driver who uses more than his share of the road. Such a driver increases dangers for other drivers.
Pig terms are also used in American politics. Farmers mark their pig’s ears to identify them. In politics, earmarks are money set aside for projects in a congressman’s home state.
In many areas, pigs provide ham, bacon and other pork products to eat. All Americans want to be able to bring home the bacon because they want to earn enough money to provide the necessities of life. Experts say this term was first used in the 1920s. But it is believed to come from the much older game of catching a greased(涂了油的)pig. This was a popular event at country fairs in which the winner was awarded the pig.
41. The author writes this passage mainly to _________.
A. express his support for the Presidential Election
B. introduce some expressions used in Americans’ daily life
C. criticize the bad influence caused by expressions about pigs
D. discuss some problems caused by expressions about pigs
42. If you give a good book to a person who can’t read, which of the following is the most suitable to describe it?
A. Cast pearls before swine.
B. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.
C. A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog.
D. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
43. A driver who takes up too much space on the road is often referred to as _________.
A. a greased pig                                         B. a couch hog
C. a road hog                                             D. a road earmark
44. How many words which refer to the same animal are mentioned in this passage?
A. Three                    B. Four                     C. Five                      D. Six
45. Which of the following expressions are similar to “You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”?
A. When pigs fly!                                            B. To eat like a pig
C. To sell a pig in a pork.                                 D. To sweat like a pig.


科目: 来源:广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学2009-2010学年度高二第一学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

Given Australia’s size and the fact that early settlements were far apart, Australian society is remarkably homogeneous (同种的). Its citizens are fundamentally prosperous(繁荣的) and the way of life in the major cities and towns is much the same however many miles divide them. It takes a sharp ear to identify regional accents.
However, there is some difference in lifestyle between city dwellers and the country people. Almost 90 per cent of the population lives in the fast-paced cities along the coast and has little more than a passing familiarity with the desert. The major cities preserve pockets of colonial heritage, but the overall impression is modern, with new buildings reflecting the country’s youth. In contrast, the rural communities tend to be slow-moving and conservative. For many years, Australia was said to have “ridden on the sheep’s back”, a reference to wool being the country’s main money-earner. However, the wool industry is no longer dominant. Much of Australia’s relatively sound economy is now achieved from natural coal and wheat, and by being the largest diamond producer in the world. Newer industries such as tourism and wine making are also increasingly important. Australians are generally friendly and relaxed, with a self-deprecating sense of humor. On the whole, Australia is a society without hierarchies (等级制度), an attitude generally held to stem from its prisoner beginnings.
Yet, contrary to widespread belief, very few Australians have true prisoner origins. Within only one generation of the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788, Australia had become a nation of immigrants. Originally coming almost entirely from the British Isles, today one in three Australians comes from elsewhere. Australia’s liberal postwar immigration policies led to an influx of survivors from war-torn Europe, most notably Greeks, Italians, Poles and Germans.
The emphasis has shifted in recent years and today the majority of new immigrants are from Southeast Asia. Today Australia is a ‘blend of nations’ and although some racism exists, it has generally been a successful experiment and the country is justifiably proud to have one of the most harmonious multicultural communities in the world.
51. What does the writer mean by saying “It takes a sharp ear to identify regional accents.” in the first paragraph?
A. Australians speak Standard English with no local accents whatsoever.
B. You have to practice a lot to learn to understand the different accents.
C. The Australian regional accents are very difficult to understand indeed.
D. There is not much difference between the accents in different areas of Australia.
52. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Most Australians have ancestors who were prisoners.
B. The Australian economy is dependent on sheep exports.
C. The majority of people living in Australia come from Europe.
D. The pace of life is different in the city and in the country.
53. The underlined pronoun ‘it’ in the final paragraph refers to “_______”.
A. community    B. racism    C. blend of Nations   D. Southeast Asia
54. We can infer from the passage that _____.
A. there are no signs of Australia’s colonial past in its modern cities
B. Australia’s recent immigration policy encourages immigrants from Southeast Asia
C. immigrants from Southeast Asia have brought racial problems
D. “riding on sheep’s back” resulted in slow development in rural communities
55. This passage mainly focuses on Australia’s ______.
A. society       B. economy     C. racial problems     D. history


科目: 来源:浙江省衢州一中2009-2010学年度高一第一学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

It is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one trick. It has seven steps.
First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Lemon Street, you would write down 73.
Next, double it. In other words, multiply(乘) it by two. Then, add five to this doubled number. For example, if your address was 73 and you doubled it, you would get 146. Then, if you added five, you’d get 151.
So, to repeat the first three steps, write down your house number, double it, and add five.
Fourth, multiply this number by 50. In our example here, if you multiply 151 by 50, you’ll get 7550.
The fifth step is to add your age to this total. For example, if you’re 26 years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result would be 7550 plus 26, you’ll get 7576.
Sixth, you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941.  
The seventh and final step is this: subtract(减) 615 from the number that you have. In our example, 7941 minus 615 is 7326.
The result here, 7-3-2-6, is the trick. The first part of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the age that we used.
If you follow these seven steps with any address and the age of any person. You will get the same result.
73 According to the trick, what number can you get if you are 16 years old and your house number is 85?
A. 1685          B. 8516          C. 8165          D. 1658
74. How can your age number appear at the last part of the result?
A. It’s really a trick.
B. By taking all the steps except Step1 and Step 2.
C. By taking Step 6 and Step 7.
D. By taking all the steps.
75. What’s the secret of the trick?
A. It’s impossible to know.
B. By taking Step 2 and Step 4, we get the formula(公式):your address number ×2×50.
C. By taking all the steps except 1 and 2, we get the formula: 5×50+your age number+365-615="your" age number.
D. Both B and C.


科目: 来源:2011年四川省成都市高中毕业班摸底测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Washington D. C. is a great city to live in and visit – partly because D. C.’s public transportation can get you almost anywhere in the city, D. C.’s subway, the Metro, is great for getting you to the main tourist sites, but the bus is also a great resource and is cheaper. Learn how to conquer the D.C. bus system in a few quick steps will help you to have fun in this city.
* Things You’ll Need, cash or a D. C. Smart Trip card, a transfer (转乘卡) and a map of Washington, D. C.
* To choose a bus line to take from home or your hotel, look at the buses that arrive at the closest Metro stations.
Many bus routes start at a Metro subway terminal and make their way across the greater D.C. area.
*Learn to identify bus stops. They are usually located at the intersections(交叉) of streets. Look for a tall sign with a tall sign with the words of “Metro Bus” that is dark blue at the top, white in the middle and red at the bottom. Once you’ve found one of these signs, check the red section at the bottom of the sign. In it, you should see several number or letter combinations written in white. Those are the bus lines that service that stop.
*Be careful of the direction buses are heading for. All buses have an electronic screen on the front, side and back of the bus that let you know which way they are headed and what line the bus is. The signs will list the last stop on the bus route. Know where your bus terminates on each end so you can get on the bus heading in the direction you want to go.
*To board the bus, you'll obviously need some sort of payment. The bus will only accept cash or a SmarTrip card. SmarTrip cards are purchasable at several Metro stations or at Metro headquarters(总部) and cost $5. You can also buy the card online at www.wmata.com.
*If you do order it online, purchase it in advance as it will take time for it to ship. Riding the bus costs $1.35 if you pay in cash and $1.25 if you pay with your SmarTrip card.
*If you pay in cash, ask for a transfer slip. This will allow you to board the bus within a two-hour time period without having to pay again. These machines are located by the escalators that take you to the waiting platforms.
【小题1】To enjoy a wonderful tour in Washington D. C., you won’t need        .
A.a D. C, Smart Trip card                       B.a transfer
C.a map of Washington D. C                    D.a tall sign
【小题2】According to the passage, you can identify bus stops by           .

A.looking at the buses that arrive at the closest Metro station from your hotel
B.checking the red section at the bottom of the sign with a “metro bus” logo
C.checking electronic screens on the front, side and back of the bus
D.checking the machines located by the escalators taking you to the platforms
【小题3】The underlined word “terminates” probably means        .
【小题4】Where can you get a Smart Trip card?
A.At a platform.B.At a post office.
C.At www. wmata. comD.At a bus station.


科目: 来源:2011年广东省高三第三次仿真模拟英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Cyberspace,data superhighway,multimedia,for those who have seen the future,and the linking of computers,televisions and telephones will change our lives for ever.Yet for all the talks of a forthcoming technological utopia,little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.As for all the new high technology,the West concerns itself with the “how”,while the question of “for whom” is put aside once again.

Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communication revolution has affected the world economy.Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries,and transnational corporations take full advantage of it.Terms of trade and exchange,interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods.The electronic economy made by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets — with a destructive impact on the have­nots.
For them the result is unstable.Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine.As “futures” are traded on computer screens,developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies.
So what are the options of regaining control?One alternative for developing countries is to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications.Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries’ economies.
Communication technology is generally exported from the US,Europe or Japan;the patents,skills and ability remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries.It is also expensive,therefore imported products and services must be bought on credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain.
【小题1】From the passage we know that the development of high technology is in the interests of________.

A.the rich countries B.scientific development
C.the local elitesD.the world economy
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that________.
A.international trade should be expanded
B.the interests of the poor countries have not been given enough consideration
C.the exports of the poor countries should be increased
D.communication technology in developing countries should be modernized
【小题3】Why does the author say that the electronic economy may have a destructive impact on developing countries?
A.Because it enables the developed countries to control the international market.
B.Because it destroys the economic balance of the poor countries.
C.Because it violates the national boundaries of the poor countries.
D.Because it inhibits the industrial growth of developing countries.
【小题4】The development of modern communication technology in developing countries may________.
A.hinder their industrial production
B.cause them to lose control of their trade
C.force them to reduce their share of exports
D.cost them their economic independence
【小题5】The author’s attitude towards the communication revolution is________.
A.positive B.critical


科目: 来源:2010年福建省八县(市)一中高一下学期期末联考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

There are some special traditions in Hawaii .People are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They give visitors a lei,a long necklace made of beautiful fresh flowers. Men wear bright flowered shirts and women often wear long flowered dresses. There are traditional Chinese ,Japanese and Fillipino holidays and all the holidays from the United States. They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means both hello and good-bye. It also means “I love you”.

Usually when people from different countries,races and traditions live together,there are serious problems. There are a few problems in Hawaii ,but,in general,people have learned to live together in peace.
Hawaiians get most of their money from travelers,and most of the travelers come from the mainland and from Japan. There are so many peole living in Hawaii now that there are residential(居住的) areas where there used to be farms. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippines,where they don't have to pay workers as much money. The families of the first people who came from the US mainland own the important banks and companies. Japanese are also buying or starting business.
【小题1】What might be the best title for this text?

A.Hawaii ,the Aloha StateB.Living Hard Together
C.The Flower of HawaiiD.The Problems of Hawaii
【小题2】The underlined words “a lei”in the first paragraph here refer to____.
A.a friendly and welcome way
B.a long necklace made of beautiful fresh flowers
C.a bright flowered shirt
D.a long flowered dress
【小题3】The author wants to show that____.
A.we should all go to Hawaii to work
B.it is possible to learn to live together in peace
C.it is not likely to live together in peace
D.Hawaii is the only place where there is peace

