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科目: 来源:2010-2011年辽宁省本溪市第一中学高一下期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I’m sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written?
The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lucasville, USA could tell us the story. Ninety-seven years ago, two of Mr. Archibald Hill’s aunts, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said, “Good morning to you, good morning to you, dear children, good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt, Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲调)of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子). She sang the song like this: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Archie! Happy birthday to you!
Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular, but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplicity in tune(曲调简单)and friendliness in words.
【小题1】Archibald A. Hill was __________.
A. English       B. Russian       C. American     D. Australian
【小题2】Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hill’s __________.
A. son         B. student        C. brother     D. nephew
【小题3】Why did Miss Hiss wrote songs?

A.Because they are musicians.
B.Because they love children.
C.Because they were asked to write for a book.
D.Because their nephew asked them to do so.


科目: 来源:2010-2011年海南省嘉积中学高一下教学质量检测(三)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Your friends might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away. Life has changed for millions of young people across the world who now make friends online. Whether you use chat-rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are a member of this group.
“I don’t often talk with my parents or grandparents, but I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ,” said Fox’s Shadow, the online name used by a girl student in China. “Most of my classmates use QQ after school.”
QQ is the biggest messaging service in China. A record from Tencent, the company which developed QQ, shows that 4 million people used it one Saturday night in October.
And probably Fox’s Shadow was one of them. “I log in on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel everything around me boring. I usually spend about ten hours chatting online every week,” she said. “But I never talk with strangers, especially boys or men.”
Even though she likes chatting, she is careful about making friends with strangers online. “You don’t know who you’re talking to. You should always be careful about whom you believe in online.”
Many people would like to meet offline when they feel they have known someone very well. Fox’s Shadow once met one of her online friends face to face. It was a girl who was a football fan like herself and they went to a football match together.
A 16-year-old Beijing boy, named Bart Simon online, dislikes QQ users. “I used to chat on QQ, but I found that most people were talking about foolish things,” he said. Now he chats online in English, using MSN. “I only chat online because I’ve got friends in Japan, the US and Singapore,” he said. “I want to learn more about foreign cultures.” But he spends little time chatting on QQ as he sees it as a waste of time and money.
“If you are really addicted to it, sometimes you can’t give your mind to your lessons,” he said. “And friends in your real life are always more important than those so-called friends you meet online.”
【小题1】From the passage, we know“…they are all just a few clicks away” means“    ”.

A.it is wonderful to see your friends by clicking
B.it is popular to make friends online
C.it is possible to live much closer to your friends
D.it is easy and fast to get in touch with your friends
【小题2】Fox’s Shadow thinks QQ is     .
A.a good place to spend her time when bored
B.the biggest messaging service in China
C.a safe place to chat with strangers
D.the best place to make friends
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All the people on QQ are talking about foolish things.
B.We should think more of our friends in real life.
C.We should be careful about boys or men online.
D.Chatting online is a waste of time and money.
【小题4】The underlined phrase means     .
A.turn on the computerB.enter in QQ
C.surf the internetD.make friends


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高一下期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Blair: Blair was the first to appear in movies in history. In 1905, Blair appeared in the movie Rescued by Rover (义犬救主). It is a British film that a baby is kidnapped by an old woman, but the faithful family dog Rover saves the baby at last.
Though Rover is a common name, it became popular because of the dog hero in the movie.
Lassie: lassie used to be the most famous dog in the world. She is a character who has starred (扮演) in many movies, TV shows and books over the years.
Lassie was created by Eric Knight and made her way into a short story in a newspaper in 1913 and into a novel in 1940.
Laika: Laika is the first animal that has orbited the earth. On November  3, 1957, Laika was sent to space in the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 2.(苏联人造地球卫星2号). The Soviets admitted soon after the launch that the spacecraft would not return. It meant that the poor animal would die. People argued a lot about Laika’s death. Several countries issued stamps in memory of Laika. She became the first animal to give her life for the exploration of space.
Rin Tin Tin: Rin Tin Tin is the first American dog movie star. He first appeared in WhereThe North Begins in 1925. Rin Tin Tin went on to make 25 movies, he even signed his own contracts with paw prints(爪印). During his best time, he earned about 5 million dollars for those people who worked for him.
Snoopy: snoopy may be the most famous cartoon dog in the world. As a hunting beagle (猎犬) from Charles Schultz’ popular newspaper comic strip (连环漫画), Peanuts, snoopy first appeared in 1950. Though snoopy was at first a minor figure, he grew to become the strip’s best-known character. He is famous for always sleeping on top of his doghouse and sometimes dressing up and pretending himself as a World War I airplane pilot. Snoopy appeared in the Peanuts comic strips until Schultz’s retirement ( and death ) in February of 2000.
【小题1】According to the passage how many dogs starred in movies?

【小题2】Two dogs created by artists are_.
A.Rin Tin Tin and SnoopyB.Blair and LassieC.Rin Tin Tin and Lassie
D.Snoopy and Lassie
【小题3】Which dog is most worth respecting?
A.Laika.B.SnoopyC.Lassie.D.Rin Tin Tin.
【小题4】 Which of the following is the most reasonable?
A.Blair- the first dog movie star; Laika-the greatest dog; Snoopy-No.1 cartoon dog star.
B.Rin Tin Tin- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most disappointing dog; Snoopy-No.1 cartoon dog star.
C.Rin Tin Tin- a dog millionaire; Blair- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most well-known cartoon dog.
D.Laika-the greatest dog; Rin Tin Tin- the first dog movie star; Laika-the most well-known cartoon dog.


科目: 来源:2010-2011年浙江绍兴一中高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.
Since earliest times, people have always been astonished by movement. But not until last century had we managed to take control of movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to retranslate it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector (放映机).
In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible. You can make the characters do exactly what you want them to do.
A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twenties. Felix was a wonderful cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.
Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928. Popeye the Sailor and his girl friend Olive Oyo were born at Max Flcischer in 1933.
But to be an animator, you don’t have to be a professional. It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all. All you have to do is to draw directly onto an empty film and then run the film through a projector.
What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Animal worldB.Movie cameraC.Cartoon makingD.Movement
Which of the following statements is True?
A.People were unable to recreate the movement or record it in the nineteenth century.
B.Pat Sullivan was a famous early cartoon character.
C.It is impossible to make cartoon characters to do what they are designed to do.
D.Only professional animators can make animated films.
According to the passage, Felix the Cat _________.
A.was created by the American cartoonist Felix.
B.was designed by Pat Sullivan in the early twentieth century.
C.was unable to do what natural cats could not do.
D.was created in the United States in the nineteenth century.
It can be inferred from the passage that _________.
A.Walt Disney’s cartoon characters were born earlier than Pat Sullivan’s.
B.only professionals can create cartoon character
C.Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyo were famous cartoonists.
D.the cartoon industry started in the United States.


科目: 来源:2010—2011年广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学高二下期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollyhood, in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be known as Bombay, and so the film industry there is called “Bollywood.” Bollywood makes twice as many movies each year as Hollyhood—more than 800 films a year.
The movies from Bollywood are very different from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action, adventure, mystery, and romance (but usually no kissing). Because Bollywood films contain so many different features, this style of film is sometimes called a “masala” film. (“Masala” is an Indian word for a mixture of spices.)
Another big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script even finished. The director and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. Sometimes they will even write the script by hand instead of taking time to type it.
Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand that they may work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot scenes for several films on the same day using the same costumes and scenery. Since most Bollywood movies follow the same kind of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors or directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies lower than the cost of Hollywood movies. The average Bollywood film, with a budget of only two million U.S. dollars, seems very cheap compared to the average budget of sixty million U.S. dollars for a Hollywood film—thirty times as much!
【小题1】What is the main topic of the reading?

A.famous stars in BollywoodB.how Hollywood movies are made
C.the differences between two movie industriesD.the history of movie-making in India
【小题2】What is NOT true about Mumbai?
A.It is the movie capital of India.
B.The new name is Bombay.
C.More movies are made there than in Hollywood.
D.It is less expensive to make films there than in Hollywood.
【小题3】 Why are Bollywood films often called “masala” films?
A.They have spicy stories.B.They show Indian culture.
C.They are much longer than Hollywood films.D.They mix different styles of movies.
【小题4】 Bollywood movies are cheap to make because ____________________ .
A.they are shorter than Hollywood films.
B.the scripts are written by hand.
C.the movies do not use any special effects.
D.each movie reuses things from other movies.
【小题5】Which of these statements would the writer probably agree with?
A.Most Bollywood movies are very similar.
B.It takes a lot of money to make a good movie.
C.Only Indian people can understand Bollywood movies.
D.Hollywood movies are too violent.


科目: 来源:2010—2011年广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学高二下期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

DJs (disc jockeys) are the people who play and present music on the radio, or in nightclub. A VJ (video jockey) is a person who introduces music videos on television.
VJs were first seen on television in the early 1980s when MTV went on the air. As MTV caught on, and the audience for music videos expanded, a variety of other music video channels started broadcasting. In addition to rock music, there were channels for people who were into alternative kinds of music, such as country music, light rock, and R & B, and all of these channels needed VJs. By the 1990s, international music video channels like Channel V in Asia and VIVA in Europe had started.
The VJs for the new international stations had to be chosen carefully. Although some VJs did shows focused on small audiences and showed mostly local content, other VJs presented shows for international viewers. These VJs, and the material they presented, needed to be popular in several different cultures.
One successful international VJ in Asia is Asha Gill. She is from Malaysia, but parents and grandparents are from India, France, and England. She speaks three languages and has fans across Asia, from Japan to the United Arab Emirates.
Another VJ who has made a big hit in Asia is Lili. She is actually a computer-animated VJ on MTV Asia. An actress wearing special computer equipment makes Lili move like a puppet. The actress also talks for Lili, and her shows can be seen in five languages.
When asked what makes a good video jockey, many successful VJs have given similar answers. To be a good VJ you need to know a lot about music, you need to be funny, and you can’t be shy.
【小题1】What is the reading mainly about?

A.how to become a VJB.the most popular VJ today
C.the differences between DJs and VJsD.some general information about VJs
【小题2】What kind of music did the first VJ probably introduce?
A.classicalB.rhythm and blues C.rock and popD.country
【小题3】What do Channel V and VIVA have in common?
A.They are both owned by MTV.
B.They are music video channels in Asia.
C.They do not use VJs to introduce the music.
D.They have viewers in more than one country.
【小题4】Which is NOT true about Asha Gill?
A.She speaks more than one language.B.Her family were all born in Malaysia.
C.She’s popular in quite a lot of Asian countries.D.She is a successful VJ.
【小题5】 Which of the following does the passage NOT mention as being important for someone who wants to be a VJ?
A.speak many different languagesB.listen to a lot of music
C.talk easily with different peopleD.being able to make people laugh


科目: 来源:2010-2011福建省师大附中高二下期末模块测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Have you seen Jurassic Park? In this film, scientists use DNA kept for tens of millions of years to clone dinosaurs. They find trouble, however, when they realize that the cloned creatures are smarter and more dangerous than expected. That’s nothing more than a fiction.
But could we really clone endangered animals?
To date, the most successful attempt to do so was the cloning of a gaur, a rare ox-like animal from southeast Asia. Scientists used a cow to bring the cloned baby gaur, named Noah. Two days after birth, however, Noah died from a common bacterial infection. Other endangered species that may be cloned include the African bongo antelope (羚羊), the Sumatran tiger, the cheetah (猎豹), and the giant panda.
Next, could we really clone extinct animals?
In theory? Yes. To do this, you need a well-kept source of DNA from the extinct animals such as wool mammoth (毛象), Tasmanian tiger, or even dinosaur, and a closely related species, still living, which could serve as a surrogate mother.
In reality? Probably not. On the one hand, it’s not likely that extinct animals’ DNA could survive undamaged for such a long time. Cloning such extinct animals as wool mammoth, Tasmanian tiger, or dinosaur is much more difficult due to the lack of properly well-preserved DNA. On the other hand, for example, a gaur can have a cow as a surrogate mother, definitely not a monkey. But what about an extinct animal as unique as the panda? What species could possibly serve as a surrogate mother?
Cloning presents many exciting possibilities. However, even if extinct animals were brought back, they could not survive in today’s world. Not only do most extinct animals have no habitat to love in, but the other plants and animals they depended on for food may also be gone as well.
【小题1】 It can be learned from the text that ________.

A.the gaur is an extinct species
B.the gaur lives in Asia and is endangered
C.scientists have cloned the African bongo antelope
D.both the cheetah and the giant panda live in Asia
【小题2】The underlined words “a surrogate mother” probably refer to a female who ______.
A.gives birth to a baby of its ownB.cannot give birth to a baby
C.gives birth to a baby for another femaleD.provides DNA
【小题3】The difficulty in cloning an extinct species is the lack of ______.
A.both the well-preserved DNA and a surrogate mother
B.both the habitat to live in and the well-preserved DNA
C.both the well-preserved DNA and plants to live on
D.both the habitat to live in and plants to live on
【小题4】In the author’s opinion, it is possible that ______.
A.all the extinct species may be cloned
B.extinct species may be cloned and easily survive
C.a gaur can have a monkey as a surrogate mother
D.some extinct species may be cloned, but not survive


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年浙江杭州萧山三校高二上学期期中英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

To face the music
Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way. Our expression today is “to face the music”.
When someone says, “well, I guess I’ll have to face the music,” it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that. Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced. At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children. We can all remember father’s angry voice, “I want to talk to you.” and only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was!
The phrase “to face the music” is familiar to every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. And where did this expression come from? The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper. He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage. When they got their cue to go on, they often said, “Well, it’s time to face the music.” And that was exactly what they did — facing the orchestra which was just below them. And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So the expression “to face the music” come to mean “having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice.”
Other explanations about the expression go back to the army. When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked. Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection? Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection. What else could they do? 
Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done. As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored. The band does not play. Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat. The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.
【小题1】How many ways does the phrase “to face the music” comes from?

【小题2】 What’s the meaning of “to face the music?”
A.To face something far less pleasant.B.To face the stage.
C.To face the back of one’s horse. D.To face one’s leader.
【小题3】Which of the following is a situation of facing the music?
A.When we are playing basketball.B.When we are making a speech.
C.When we are having a party. D.When we are talking with somebody.
【小题4】 The underlined word “hostile” means _______. 
A.unfriendly B.dislikeC.unkindD.unnecessary


科目: 来源:2010-2011福建省师大附中高一下期末模块测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you've ever seen a James Bond movie,you'll know that the hero gets around in a smart Aston Martin car. Even if you know full well that you could never afford such an expensive vehicle, you don't forget the name, or the car.
  Why? You have been affected by product placement.
  Companies pay a film to place their products in the movie. Product placement took off in the West in the 1980s and is now catching on in China. Two Hunan Satellite TV dramas are recent examples:Ugly Wudi and Let's Go Watch the Meteor Shower (《一起去看流星雨》).
  Shampoo, mobile phones, cars and fitness centers–anything can be product-placed. Advertisers value the mass appeal of the movies, knowing that a successful film can showcase their goods to hundreds of thousands of viewers. But when product placement takes over, artistic considerations can take a back seat.
  Cai Zhiyong has been product-placing for years. The Beijing-based advertiser admits there is a conflict between art and business. He explains the way one ad works. In If You are the One (《非诚勿扰》), the actress Shu Qi plays a flight attendant. The movie contains product placement for airline companies.
  Cash-strapped filmmakers often have to give less consideration to the quality of their work because they need money from advertisers. In the original story for Meteor Shower, the heroine's mother owned an ice cream shop. But no ice cream company wanted to sponsor (赞助) the film. For this reason, the story was changed. In the film the man drinks 20 cups of milk tea instead of eating ice cream.
  So you may see the power of business over the movies, since the script (剧本) was perhaps written so that a product could be placed-whether it was ice cream or milk tea.
【小题1】James Bond movies are mentioned in the first paragraph to show_________.

A.how popular James Bond is B.how great the Aston Martin car is
C.how to make a movie more artistic D.how effectively product placement works
【小题2】Product placement can have a bad effect on the_________ of a movie.
A.atmosphere B.mass appeal C.box-office success D.artistic value
【小题3】What does the underlined word "cash-strapped" in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.Short of money. B.Wasting a lot of money.
C.having enough money. D.Trying to save money.
【小题4】We can learn from the example of Meteor Shower that__________.
A.business has a big say in the movie
B.the original story was not suitable for a movie
C.filmmakers are only concerned about making money
D.milk tea is more popular than ice cream


科目: 来源:2010-2011浙江慈溪云龙中学高二上学期期中联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

For those of you who were born in the year of the pig, good luck and much success! This is your year.
When talking to a Westerner, however, you’ve got to be a little careful when you talk about pigs. Chinese people view the pig as a smart and prosperous (rich, lucky) animal. Western ideas tend to be a little more negative(否定的).
A pig in the West is seen as a dirty, lazy, and fat animal. If anyone ever called you a pig, you wouldn’t be smiling. When a person doesn’t like someone, sometimes he will call that person a pig.
If you ever meet a Westerner who was born in the year of the pig, don’t say, “ Oh, you’re a pig!” Most Westerners will be understanding. They will be sure that you made some kind of mistake. However, don’t take any chances. You might just offend (触怒)someone who does not share your positive ideas about pigs.
According to the passage we can see that Chinese people think of the pig as a ________ animal.

A.cleverB.richC.goodD.all the above
A Westerner will call someone a pig if he ______ that man.
A.dislikesB.is afraid ofC.looks up toD.makes fun of
When you call a Westerner a pig, who was born in the year of the pig, most of them _______.
A.will be angryB.will be very surprised
C.can forgiveD.may quarrel with you
From the passage we can conclude that ________.
A.it’s impolite to talk about pigs
B.Westerners do not like pigs as much as the Chinese
C.in general, Westerners and the Chinese don’t like pigs
D.all of the Chinese like pigs better than Westerners

