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科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  Many American presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families. They spent their child-hood in little wooden rooms. They got little education. Washington and Lincoln, for example, never went to school and they taught themselves. Lincoln once did jobs of a worker, shop-keeper and post-master in his early years.


  A large number of American presidents had experiences in the army. The two best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Grant was a general in the American Civil War and Eisenhower was a hero in the Second World War. It happened that they graduated from the same school?--West Point Military Academy (西点军校). One maybe surprised to learn that both of them did not do well in the school. Eisenhower, for example, was once fined (罚款) because he broke the rules of the school.


  The jobs of U. S. presidents are tiring. He must keep an eye on anything important which happens both at home and abroad. Every day, a lot of work waits for him to do and he has to make many important decisions (决定). When Franklin Roosevelt was a child, he was once brought to visit President Taft. The old president said to him, “When you grow up, you should not be president. It's a tiring job. ”


1.How many American presidents are mentioned (提到) in this passage?


[  ]










2.Who regarded the jobs of U. S. presidents as the tiring ones?


[  ]










3.In this passage, “keep an eye on”means ________.


[  ]


A.take care of




C.look at fixedly


D.stare at


4.The second paragraph mainly tells up ________.


[  ]


A.that Eisenhower became famous in the 2nd World War


B.how Grant became a general


C.that Grant and Eisenhower were both schoolmates


D.that many of the U. S. presidents had served in the army


5.Which of the following is true?


[  ]


A.Eisenhower was one of the U. S. presidents in the 19th century.


B.Lincoln was elected the U. S. president after Grant.


C.West Point Military Academy was founded in the 2nd World War.


D.Washington was born in a very poor family.


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  Traffic police in El Paso City, Texas, said they would start pulling drivers over for obeying the law.

  The police plan to reward good drivers with free coupon (票) for things ranging from fast-food meals to tickets for an ice skating ballet show.

  El Paso police said the city's new program me, “Operation Caught in the Act”, was aimed at increasing the value of the public image (形象) of the traffic police.

  “Frequently, the only experience people have with police is a bad one and a costly one, ”police spoke man Bill said, “But look at firemen, everyone loves firemen. They save your life, they save your money. Maybe we, too, can get a better image.”

  The good-driver rewards are planned to start next week and last for a month but Bill said the program me could become a long-lasting future, depending on the public's response.

1.The best title for this passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Police Reward Good Drivers
B.Operation and Action
C.Fireman and Policemen
D.A New Program me

2.What do police want to reward good drivers with?

[  ]

A.A ticket for a performance.
B.Everything they need.
C.Freedom from being punished.
D.Coupons for ice.

3.What's the purpose of the program me?

[  ]

A.To reduce the traffic accidents.

B.To improve the opinions on the police.

C.To pull drivers over for obeying the law.

D.To help poor drivers.

4.Pople usually think ________.

[  ]

A.police will save their lives

B.police are as good as firemen

C.police always reward good drivers

D.police would like to fine them

5.We may infer that ________.

[  ]

A.if drivers obey the law they will become one of the “Operation Caught in the Act”

B.the program me will be very useful

C.if people like the program me, it will be operated for as long as possible

D.all the drivers will support the program me


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  Good health is the most precious in the world. When you've got it, you never think of it, when you haven't got it, you think about it all the time. Our biggest enemies are not terrible diseases and so on. We ourselves are our own biggest enemies because we sometimes destroy our own good health. Some of us eat too much, drink too much and smoke too much.

  You are probably saying, “It's all well for you to talk, but I can't help myself. I need that extra bit of food, that extra drink and that extra cigarette. Life has so many pressures that I can't manage without them.”

1.What is the topic of this passage?

[  ]

A.Good Health

B.Good Health and Self-protection

C.Our Biggest Enemies

D.The Harm of Too Much Food, Drink and Cigarette

2.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Some people never give enough thought to the importance of good health.

B.Diseases are not so terrible.

C.People are becoming more and more selfish in the world today.

D.Bad living habits are more dangerous than diseases themselves.

3.What does “I can't help myself” mean in this passage?

[  ]

A.I'm unable to take care of myself.

B.I can't give any help all by myself.

C.I can't prevent myself from doing so.

D.I'm in a helpless situation.

4.What does “them” refer to in the sentence “I can't manage with them”? It refers to ________.

[  ]

A.pressure in life

B.our best friends

C.terrible diseases

D.that extra bit of food, drink and cigarette

5.The writer seems to suggest that the best way to keep us in good health is ________.

[  ]

A.talking good care of our own health

B.making friends with ourselves

C.getting rid of terrible disease

D.helping yourselves when others won't help you


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  Visitors to Switzerland usually include Basel in their list of cities to visit. It has a population of over350 000, the majority of whom speak German. However, it is considered a kind of international city, because it stands at the point where three countries meet. Many visitors go to the place in the city where a small three side marker stays?   France on one side, Germany on another, and Switzerland on the third. The Rhine, which divides the city, becomes wide and deep enough just at this point for ships to sail all the way up to the North Sea. Basel is quite an old city, too, having risen five centuries ago. The University Basel was founded in 1860, and it is well-known today.



1.Basel is a ________.


[  ]


A.Swiss city


B.Sweden country






2.Basel is know as a place where ________.


[  ]


A.people from three countries often hold meetings


B.the people originally(原来) came from three countries


C.people can stand on the border of three countries


D.the majority of the people can speak three different languages


3.-Why do you suppose people can reach Basel by ship?


-Because they can sail along the Rhine from ________ to the city.


[  ]








D.the North Sea


4.Basel is also well-known for ________.


[  ]


A.being a very modern city


B.having a famous old university


C.having an international market


D.being a city on the Rhine


5.Which is the best title for this passage?


[  ]


   A.Visitors to Switzerland Must Go to Basel

B.Three Countries' Basel

C.Basel, a Visitor's Must

D.Basel. What a Wonderful City


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


    No air means death. Although we can't see it, there is air around us. So air is everything and it gives life to every living thing. Bad air makes people ill. We must have fresh air to keep us in good health.

    In the city there are a great many people and there are too many cars running on the roads. The gas which the cars spread out is full of poison. Every day we breathe it in again and again. This makes us feel sick.

    Besides so many cars, there are many factories too. From chimneys (烟囱) of these factories, we get the smoke usually in black and grey colour. This kind of smoke, when it mixes the air ,is dangerous to our health. It is because smoke contains many poisonous solids and gases. So in order to keep us healthy we have to go out to the countryside to breathe more fresh air. Or we can go up hills to get more fresh air.

1.Which of the following best explains that no air means death?

[  ]

A.Air gives life to every living thing.

B.Air can't be seen anywhere around us.

C.Bad air keeps people healthy.

D.Fresh air keeps people healthy.

2.Where do people usually breathe fresh air?

[  ]

A.On the road.
B.In the country.
C.In big cities.
D.Around factories.

3.Smoke from the chimneys is dangerous to our health ________.

[  ]

A.if it contains poisonous solids and gases

B.no matter how it spreads out

C.because it makes air dirty

D.when it is in black and grey colour

4.According to the passage, we know that ________.

[  ]

A.going up hills is very good to our health

B.smoke from chimneys is more serious than gas from cars

C.we shouldn't go out of doors as much as possible

D.a great many people have to breathe air in again and again

5.The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Fresh Air
B.The Use of Air
C.Breathing Air
D.Bad Air


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


    Mr Thompson did not learn to drive a car until he was almost thirty, because he was a very nervous person who always had the convenience (方便) of someone else to drive him-first his mother and then his wife. But at last he decided to take lessons, and managed to pass his driving test on the second try, although he still wasn't very good at parking.

    A week later he drove into town by himself and was trying to park between two other cars when he damaged one of them slightly.

    When he wrote to the insurance company (保险公司) about the accident, they sent him a form to fill in, and one of the questions on the form was, “How could the drive of the other car have prevented the accident from happening?”

    Mr Thompson thought for a minute and then wrote, “He could have parked his car on. another street. ”

1.Mr Thompson began to learn to drive ________.

[  ]

A.before he took lessons

B.with the help of his mother and his wife

C.when he was not nervous

D.in his late twenties

2.It was obvious that ________.

[  ]

A.Thompson learned quickly and very well

B.Thompson didn't pass the second try

C.Thompson had trouble in parking

D.Thompson worked in the insurance company

3.An accident happened ________.

[  ]

A.when Thompson was passing his second try

B.when Thompson was driving into town

C.not long after Thompson passed his driving test

D.when he was parking behind two other cars

4.The underlined word “him” refers to ________.

[  ]

A.a man from the insurance company

B.the man of the other car

C.the owner of the parking place


5.Who do you think should answer for the accident?

[  ]

A.Mr Thompson.

B.The insurance company.

C.The driver of the other car.

D.Thompson and the driver of the other car.


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  American doctors say that mothers who smoke before their babies are born may slow the growth of their babies lungs. They say reduced lung growth could cause the babies to suffer breathing problems and lung disease later in life. Doctors in Boston, Massachusetts studied 1 100 children. The mothers of some of the children smoked, the other mothers did not. Doctors found that the lungs of the children whose mothers smoked were 8% less developed than the lungs of the children whose mothers did not smoke, and that the children whose mothers smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing diseases than other children later in life.

  Another recent study found that children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked. The study also showed that the danger of lung cancer increased only for sons and not for daughters, and that the father's smoking did not affect a child's chance of developing lung cancer.

1.Doctors in Boston studied 1 100 children to ________.

[  ]

A.examine whether these children were healthy

B.find out whether their mother had smoked

C.find why these children suffered breathing problems

D.look into the effect mothers' smoking had on their children

2.According to the text, which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The lungs of the children whose mothers smoked were 8% less developed than those of other children.

B.Mothers who smoked did not reduce the growth of their children's lungs.

C.The children whose mothers hadn't smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing diseases than other children.

D.The lungs of the children whose mothers didn't smoke were 8% less developed than others.

3.Suppose John's father was a heavy smoker, so was Mary's mother. According to this text, ________.

[  ]

A.John is more likely to develop lung cancer

B.Mary is more likely to develop lung cancer

C.John and Mary have the same chance to develop lung cancer

D.Neither John nor Mary has the chance to develop lung cancer

4.The text is to ________.

[  ]

A.warn us of the danger of smoking before children

B.warn people with breathing problems not to smoke

C.warn us that mothers who smoke may affect their children's health

D.warn us that fathers who smoke may affect their children as mothers


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  New York , May 25?   Millions of volunteers (志愿者)joined in a long chain spreading 4 125 miles across the world's richest nation Sunday and burst into songs , reaching the highest development in the Hands Across America road to raise 50 million for the nation's homeless and hungry.


  The chain began with a 6-year-old homeless girl named Amy in New York's Buttery Park. It spread across 16 states and Washington, D.C. where it crossed the White House   to the Queen Mary's port in California. The last people in the line were Bill and Mary Jones and their five small children, who lived in a family shelter (收容所) for the homeless in Venice, California.


  The chain was not unbroken some gaps were planned for safety, others opened where there were not enough people to cover the ground. But along most of the route, the healthy joined the sick, beautiful film stars , homeless beggars , wealthy artists , poor children and President and Mrs Regan all took places in the long line.



1.What is the main idea of the passage?


[  ]


A.Millions of volunteers support the poor.


B.The longest line is waiting for support.


C.The homeless and poor need help.


D.The richest nation faces the problem.        

2.The underlined word “raise” in the first paragraph means _______.


[  ]


A.try to lift


B.manage to collect


C.bring up


D.join up


3.From the article, we know that the volunteers were made up of ________.


[  ]


A.both the homeless and the poor


B.the government officials, including President Regan


C.people in every field


D.people of 16 states except Amy


4.What do you think of the people in the chain spreading 4 125 miles?


[  ]


A.They were hand in hand.


B.They were in good order.


C.They were troublesome.


D.They were planned for safety.


5.Although the United States is a developed country, ________.


[  ]


A.there is still a rebellion sometimes.


B.there is still many people waiting for jobs


C.there are still some family shelters


D.there are still many social problems to be solved.


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


    Zheng Xiaoying is a famous woman musician, who successfully conducted an orchestra (管弦乐团) at the 4th World Conference on Women, which China hosted in 1995.

    Over 30 years ago, when she was studying music abroad, Zheng had a dream of setting up a women's orchestra in China.

    Her dream has come true. In 1990, on International Women's Day, Zheng and 16 other women musicians announced the birth of China's first women's orchestra. Since then, the orchestra has given hundreds of concerts with great success.

    Zheng, who is in her sixties, considers music as important as life,“It is my duty to spread the seeds of love for music among people. ”she says.

1.This story is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.the 4th World Conference on Women

B.China's first Women's Orchestra

C.Zheng Xiaoying a well-known woman musician

D.International Women's Day

2.The underlined phrase “setting up” means ________.

[  ]

A.putting up
B.building up

3.The 4th World Conference on Women was held in China ________.

[  ]

A.in 1990

B.in 1995

C.in 1997

D.over 30 years ago

4.China's first Women's Orchestra was founded ________.

[  ]

A.on International Women's Day
B.on March 8,1990
C.on March 8,1995
D.when Zheng was 30 years old

5.Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Zheng once studied music abroad as her parents worked there.

B.Zheng is one of the founders of China's first Women's Orchestra.

C.China's first Women's Orchestra has given many concerts successfully since 1990.

D.China first Women's Orchestra is made up 17 women musicians.


科目: 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


  A camera and a computer can “see” something that perhaps millions of pairs of eyes failed to see for 480 years: the Mona Lisa's lost necklace. The discovery about the famous painting was made by an American physicist in 1986.

  The Mona Lisa, painted by the Italian, Leonardo da Vinci (达·芬奇) ,has been on show for many years in Paris. Now a row of white spots on the neck have been “seen”. They are said to be the remains of a necklace which the artist later painted over.

  The painting will be examined further by using infra-red scanning (红外线扫描) techniques. Laser (激光) technology can be used to show what lies directly under the surface of the finished work, too. This will help us to understand how the artist draw the picture. Did he begin with a quick-made drawing or have second thoughts as he painted the picture?

  This kind of knowledge will show us the famous artist at work. It may also help to explain Mona Lisa's smile, which has puzzled art lovers for centuries.

1.The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Leonardo da Vinci

B.The Mona Lisa's Puzzling smile

C.The Mona Lisa's Missing Necklace

D.The Infra-Red Scanning Techniques

2.People will make further research on the Mona Lisa's lost necklace because they want to know ________.

[  ]

A.who stole the necklace centuries ago

B.what the necklace was made of

C.more about Leonardo da Vinci's best paintings

D.more about Leonardo da Vinci and his works

3.The Mona Lisa is ________.

[  ]

A.a famous painting

B.Leonardo da Vinci's good friend

C.a woman who always smiles

D.a photo on show

4.We may know from the passage that the American physicist ________.

[  ]

A.has better eye-sight than most people

B.knows more about computer than most people

C.knows Leonardo da Vinci more than most people

D.has a better taste in art

5.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Lenardo da Vinci finished the painting in 1506.

B.Something new about the Mona Lisa was discovered.

C.Infra-red scanning can see everything hidden.

D.A row of white spots on the neck was the missing necklace.

