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科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy.

  They are in close contact (接触) with nature. They make friends with trees and stones, cows and dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the song of birds.

  This contact with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city, but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sighteddness is almost unknown to country people. Because of the absence of cars. One can walk more freely in the country than city.

  Country life is economical in other ways, too. There are practically no temptations with sincerity (诚意). They do not put on air (摆架子). They do not pretend to have those rediculous (荒谬的) manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.

1.What can't country people often enjoy?

[  ]

A.Musical concerts.
B.Fresh air.
C.Song of birds.
D.close contact with nature.

2.What is probably more expensive in the country than in the city?

[  ]


3.What is not true of country life?

[  ]

A.The traffic accident rate (比率) is very high in the country.

B.Living in the country saves one a lot of money.

C.Country pelple enjoy better health than the city people.

D.Country peole are honest.

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.People living in the country enjoy no advantages.

B.People living in the county are in close contact with nature.

C.people living in the country suffer from more diseases than those living in the city.

D.The prices of farm products are lower in the country than in the city.

5.Which of the following would he the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.The Disadvantages of Living in the Country.

B.The Expenses of Living in the Country.

C.Country Life.

D.Healthy Country People.


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they cannot go to a regular school. How do they get an education?

  In Hollywood, where many TV shows are made, about forty teachers are working. The teacher's job is very important. She is responsible (负责) for making sure that the children work only the permitted hours each week. She is also responsible for making sure that children learn the required subjects. She makes sure too, that the children get enough rest and play, gives lessons to the children in the shows. She teaches wherever the children are working.

  Child actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says that they must be taught from September to the middle of June. If they do not get good marks in school, they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows.

  TV children are usually good pupils, and most of their teachers like this special kind of work. Their classes are held in many interesting places, Sometimes the “classroom” is a Mississippi riverboat. Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become famous stars.

1.TV children have classes ________.

[  ]

A.at a regular school
B.wherever they are working
C.wherever the teacher likes
D.at the school in Hollywood

2.What else does the teacher do besides teaching?

[  ]

A.Making sure that the children don't overwork.

B.Acting in some important shows.

C.Making sure that the children have enough rest and play.

D.Both A and C.

3.How many hours do TV children attend classes each week?

[  ]


4.If they fail in the required subjects, TV children ________.

[  ]

A.are allowed to study for another year

B.must go to a good school

C.must be taught from September to the middle of June

D.are not allowed to work in TV shows any longer

5.What is this talk mainly about?

[  ]

A.The education of TV children.

B.Child actors in TV.

C.How good pupils become TV children.

D.A special kind of school in TV.


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  If you wish to become a better reader, you'd better pay attention to the following important points about rate (速度、速率) , or speed of reading .

  First of all, you should know why you are reading and what you are going to find out. Knowing this will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

  Then you should know some things should be read slowly throughout . Examples are direction for making or doing something, arthmatic problems, science and history books, which are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.

  Besides you should also know some thing should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment, newsy (有很多消息) letters from friends, items (本地的) , or bits of news from local (一条,一则) , or hometown papers; telling what is happening to friends and neighbours .

  In some of your reading, you must change your speed to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas which must be remembered.

1.According to this passage, in your reading you must know ________.

[  ]

A.the rate of reading
B.the speed of reading
C.what and why are you reading
D.what you are reading

2.A tale about fairies should be read ________.

[  ]

A.rapidly throughout

B.slowly throughout

C.carefully throughout

D.change your speed from fast to slow

3.A book about knowledge of the nature should be read ________.

[  ]

A.rapidly throughout

B.slowly throughout

C.either rapidly or slowly throughout

D.neither rapidly nor slowly throughout

4.________ should be read slowly.

[  ]



C.All newspapers and magazines

D.Something full of important information

5.In this passage the author advises us to ________.

[  ]

A.change our speed of reading now and then

B.fit our speed to our needs

C.be better readers

D.remember the important ideas


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  What must you do when you receive a present of your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank - you note . The words ‘Thank you’ are very important. We have to use them on so many occasions . We say them when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us a lift .

  Another important word is ‘please’. Many people forget to use it. It's rude to ask someone to do something without saying ‘please’ . We have to use it when we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or more soup, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, at the bus - stop or the counter. We have to use ‘please’ to make request pleasant .

  We have to learn to say ‘sorry’ too . When we have hurt someone's feelings , we'll have to go up and say we're sorry . When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word . When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. ‘Sorry’ is a healing (和解的) word . We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely .

  These three words are simple but important . Man had to use them long ago . We have to use them now . Our children will have to use them again. They are pleasing words to use in any language .

1.When we receive a birthday present, we have to ________.

[  ]

A.return it
B.give it to one of our friends
C.do nothing
D.write a thank - you note

2.When someone helps us to do something, we should ________.

[  ]

A.thank him
B.say sorry to him
C.use the word ‘please’
D.not say anything

3.One of the important words in any language is ________.

[  ]


4.We have to use the word ‘please’ when we ________.

[  ]

A.hurt somebody's feeling
B.ask for something
C.receive a present
D.have told lies

5.The three important words in any language are ________.

[  ]

A.thanks, hello and goodbye
B.yes, no and really
C.thanks, please and sorry
D.well, please and pardon


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  Different countries and different people have different manners. We must find out their customs, so that they will not think us ill - mannered . Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

  If you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you'll not move before the host says ‘Come in, please.’ After you enter the room, you wouldn't sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea - table before you or sent to your hand, you'll say, ‘Thank you.’ and receive it with your two hands, not one hand, or they'll think you are ill - mannered . Before entering a house. in Japan , it is good manners to take off your shoes . In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a guest never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host, especially the hostess pleasant.

1.We must find out what the different manners are in different countries so that ________.

[  ]

A.we won't be thought in poor health .

B.they won't think we are ill.

C.we can know what to do and what not to do when we go there .

D.we can give some examples

2.In China, when the host opens the door, ________ before he says ‘Come in, please!’

[  ]

A.you won't leave

B.you won't walk

C.you won't stand in front of him

D.you won't get in

3.In Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes ________.

[  ]

A.before your host enters your house .

B.before you enter your host's house.

C.before you visit a family

D.before you sit down and receive a cup of tea

4.In European countries, ________ when you get into a house.

[  ]

A.you needn't take off your shoes

B.you must take off your dirty shoes

C.you are not allowed to wear dirty shoes

D.you should put on clean shoes

5.In a Malay house, a guest leaves a little food ________.

[  ]

A.to show that he has enjoyed it

B.to show that he can't have any more

C.to show that he is not hungry at all

D.to show that he needs some drink


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  Mathew lived in a big city, and he always had his hair cut by the same hairdresser once a month. The hairdresser had a very small shop near Mathew's office, and he worked alone, but he always cut Mathew's hair exactly as Mathew liked .

  The hairdresser was an old man. One day he said, ‘Mathew, I'm going to sell my shop to a young man who wants to be a hairdresser or I'm going to retire next month.’

  Mathew was very sad to hear this, because he enjoyed talking to the old man about football or cricket, and he was also worried that his hair would not be cut as well by the new young man as it had been for so many years by his old friend .

  He went to the shop again. after the young man finished his work, Mathew looked into the mirror, disappointed.

  The next month Mathew went into the shop again. The young man asked him how he would like his haircut, and Mathew answered, “Please cut it very short on the right side, but leave it as it is on the left. It must cover my ear. On top, cut all the hair away in the middle, but leave a piece at the front which can hang down to my chin(下巴).”

  The young man was very surprised when he heard this, ‘But, sir,’ he said, ‘I can't cut your hair like that!’

  ‘Why not?’Mathew asked,‘That's how you cut it last time.’

1.Mathew always had his hair cut ________.

[  ]

A.in a small shop near his office

B.while he was doing some shopping

C.after he finished doing some shopping

D.in the office where he worked

2.The old hairdresser's age might be ________.

[  ]

A.more than 70
B.less than 50
C.80 or so
D.about 60

3.Mathew felt unhappy at the news that a new young hairdresser would be here, because ________.

[  ]

A.he would lose his old friend

B.he was not sure whether the young man's work would satisfy him

C.he would have no man together with to watch football games

D.no one would play cricket with tim

4.How do you think the young hairdresser would cut Mathew's hair the second time?

[  ]

A.Better than the old hair dresser's work .

B.Even worse .

C.Much better.

D.It's hard to say .

5.What kind of haircut is the best according to Mathew's idea?

[  ]

A.The one Mathew enjoyed most.

B.The one the hairdresser liked .

C.Cut it very short on the right side .

D.Leave a piece at the front .


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  One morning, when we had been riding on our bikes for five hours, we came to a bridge where the railway crossed a pond (池塘). For 30 feet there was nothing but the widely-spaced wooden sleepers(枕木)under our wheels, and nothing to stop us falling into the steaming pond below if we lost our balance. Right under the bridge lay the body of a dead cow. I watched Mat as he came near to the bridge and rode straight over, without even slowing down. I stopped.

  ‘What's up?’ he cried out from the other side.

  ‘I'm not riding over that thing, if I slip(滑), I'll be in there with that cow’.

  ‘There is nothing to it. I just did it, didn't I?’

  ‘You're strong and taller. My feet don't touch the ground. You do it for me. ’

  Mat said strength didn't come into it and rode off. I knew he would give me at least an hour before coming to help. The sun burned my face, sweat ran off my forehead into my eyes and stuck my blouse to my body. Try myself rather than wait for Mat to help. I rode back to get a good run-up and over I went. Mat was that right: all the difficulties were in the mind.

1. The bridge looked dangerous to the girl because ________ .

[  ]

A.there was a 30 feet drop to the water below

B.it had nothing at the sides

C.there were pieces of wood all over the road

D.there was a railway line below

2. The reason she stopped was that she________ .

[  ]

A.was tired

B.suddenly saw the dead cow below

C.wanted to let Mat go first

D.was afraid to losing her balance

3. Mat argued that________ .

A.the bridge wasn't at all difficult to cross

B.she had no other choice but to cross the bridge

C.the cow was harmless because it was dead

D.there was no difference between them in strength

4.Mat rode a way leaving the girl because he________ .

[  ]

A.didn't know that he could do to help her

B.felt she should overcome her fear by herself

C.didn't believe she was really afraid

D.couldn't wait and longer for her

5.The girl finally decided to ride across the bridge, for she ________ .

[  ]

A.realized that it was easier than it looked

B.was tired of waiting for Mat to come and help her

C.knew she couldn't stay where she was any longer

D.was afraid that Mat would go and leave her behind


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


Can I have your attention, please? This is a message for years 7-10. Because of the rain the swimming competition will not be held at the new town swimming pool as planned. It will be held at the Jackson Sport Center. Buses will be leaving school at 10 to take you to the Center. It's about 15 minutes'ride. You will be returning to school at 3:15 in time to catch your usual buses home. Now here is the traveling arrangement for this morning. Years 7 and 8 and their home group teachers are to gather at the front gate at 9:35. The first four buses will take you there. Years 9 and 10 and their teachers will assemble at the front gate at 9:45. You will go on the last three buses. Cold drinks will be available at the Sports Center. If you normally order your lunch at the school dinning hall please hand in your order to the teacher before 9:30. Your lunch will be delivered at the front gate of the. Center at 12:30.


1. The swimming competition planned to be held________ .

[  ]

A.at the new town swimming pool

B.in the school

C.at Jackson Sports Center

D.in a university's swimming pool

2. There is a change of the place because ________ .

[  ]

A.the original place is too small

B.the students will not be able to have lunch in the original place

C.it is raining

D.the original place is not available

3. ________ will be present at the competition.

[  ]

A.Students of 7-10 years only

B.Students of 7-10 years and some of their teachers

C.Students of 7-10 years and all their teachers

D.The whole school

4.The children will stay at Jackson Sports Center for________ .

[  ]

A.about 3 hours

B.about 4 hours

C.about 5 hours

D.about 6 hours

5. The purpose of the announcement is________ .

[  ]

A.to inform the students of the swimming competition

B.to tell the students how to get to the competition ground

C.to tell the students when to get back to school

D.to tell the students about the arrangement of the morning's activities


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  Modern zoos are very different from zoos built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places where people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages (笼) with iron bars (栅), cages that were easy to keep clean. However, for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. Although the zoo keepers took good care of them. Many of the animals did not feel comfortable and they often became ill.

  In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural conditions. The animals are given more freedom in large places so that they can live more as they would in nature. Even the appearance(外貌) of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and water flows through the places that the animas live in. There are few bars, instead, there is often a deep ditch(沟), filled with water, which surrounds a space where several sorts of animals live together as they would naturally. In an American zoo, the visitor can walk through a huge special cage that is filled with trees, some small animals and many birds, and large enough for the birds to live naturally. In a zoo in New York, because of special night light, people can observe certain animals that are active only at night, when most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visitors to watch animals that live in the desert, or under water. Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions like the bear from the Arctic.

  Modern zoos not only show animals for visitors, but also keep and save rare (稀有的) animals. For this reason, fifty years from now, the grandchildren of today's visitors will still be able to enjoy watching these animals.

1. Fifty years ago, animals in zoos often became ill because they________ .

[  ]

A.were from different countries

B.lived in dirty cages

C.were not taken good care of

D.lived in unnatural conditions

2. In modern zoos________ .

[  ]

A.different kinds of animals are all kept separately

B.animals are not so well taken care of

C.animals have more freedom than animals did in zoos fifty years ago

D.visitors can walk through large cages as they like

3. In modern zoos________ feel more comfortable than in old ones.

[  ]

A.the animals, not the visitors

B.the visitors, not the animals

C.neither the animals nor the visitors

D.the animals

4. In some modem zoos visitors can________ .

[  ]

A.walk through a huge cage to watch closely all kinds of animals

B.at day time observe those animals active only at night

C.see animals which live in special conditions

D.watch all the rare animal which will not be seen by our grandchildren

5. The main idea of the passage is that________ .

[  ]

A.zoos are now places where animals can live naturally

B.zoos are places where people can see animals from all over the world

C.there are different kinds of modern zoos

D.rare animals are also kept in modern zoos


科目: 来源:2001—2002学年度第二学期形式性练习·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That's what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin. Al Herpin, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves .

  Al Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every moment he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

  The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured(伤害) several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.

  Herpin died at the age of 94.

1.The main idea of this passage is that________ .

[  ]

A.large numbers of people do not need sleep.

B.a person was found who actually didn't need any sleep.

C.everyone needs some sleep to stay alive.

D.people can live longer by trying not to sleep.

2. The doctors came to visit Herpin, expecting to________ .

[  ]

A.cure him of his sleeplessness

B.find that his sleeplessness was not really true.

C.find a way to free people from the need of sleeping

D.find out why some old people didn't need any sleep

3.After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Al Herpin________

[  ]

A.was too old to need any sleep

B.often slept in a chair

C.needn't to sleep at all

D.needed some kinds of sleep

4. One person that might explain Herpin's sleeplessness was________ .

[  ]

A.that he didn't got a bed

B.that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit

C.his mother's injury before he was born

D.his magnificant physical condition

5. Al Herpin's condition could be regarded as________ .

[  ]

A.a common one

B.one that could be cured

C.very healthy

D.a rare one

