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科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050




  Rabat, April 12 (Xinhua) About a billion people in the world today are still facing the danger of malaria (疟疾) and nearly two million people die of the illness yearly, said Prof. Mare Gentilini of France in Agadir, according to local newspaper reports.

  The statement was made at the medicine conference of French - speaking countries held in Agadir, Morocco, this week.


  Las Vegas, Nev., NOV. 21Fire swept from the kitchen through the Casino of the MGM Grand Hotel here just after dawn this morning, trapping about 3,500 guests and employees. Local officials said that more than 80 people were killed, most dying of smoke taking in above the 20th floor of the 26 - story hotel. At least two jumped to their deaths. Several hundred were injured.

  There was little warning as the fire violently spread through the first and second floors with great strength. Thick black smoke through the hotel and rose 5,000 feet above the roof.

  No alarm was sounded, according to fire officials, who said that equipment in the basement had been destroyed before the hand alarm was set off. Many guest said that they were awakened by knocks on the door or the sound of breaking glass as people sought safety from the smoke. There are no smoke alarms in the building, which was built in 1973 in agreement with the 1970 Clark County Building Law.


  Sussex, May 26 (The Daily Mail)Mrs Myra Webb, who was told by doctors that she would never hear again, lived for six years in a world of silence.

  But yesterday she heard a blackbird sing in the garden of her home at Brighton, Sussex. “My hearing is coming backand it's wonderful.” she said.

  Mrs Webb, 26, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture, the needle treatment widely practised in China.

  After six months' treatment she can listen to music again, carry on a conversation with the aid of a hearing said, and she has got a job as a typist with the South Eastern Electricity Board.

  “It's wonderful to hear people talk,” she said at her home in Stanstead Cresent, Woodingdean, Brighton.

  Mrs Webb began to lose her hearing at the age of 12 after a serious illness. “By the age of 20 I had no hearing whatever.”

  “A friend told me about acupuncture and I went weekly for treatment. One night when I was in the kitchen I heard a weak sound and realized it was my musical kettle boiling. I went weak at the knees. My hearing has slowly improved since.”

  Her husband David, a 26-year-old manager, said, “She is so happy and excited by the results and is continuing the treatment.”

1.What do you NOT learn from the news reports?

[  ]

A.Prof. Mare Gentilini attended the medicine conference in Agadir and made a speech.

B.There are no smoke alarms in the MGM Grand Hotel because that was not demanded by the law when it was built.

C.It was acupuncture that cured Mrs Webb of deafness.

D.Mrs Webb is now able to talk with others without difficulty.

2.Why so many people died in the fire on MGM Grand Hotel?

[  ]

A.Because 3,500 guests and employees were trapped.

B.Because they couldn't take in enough oxygen.

C.Because people jumped down from the 20th floor.

D.Because big fire suddenly swept from the kitchen throughout the hotel.

3.Many guests were awakened at dawn because ________.

[  ]

A.they took in thick smoke

B.they felt the heat of big fire

C.they heard the noise

D.the employees rang the hand alarm

4.What does “I went weak at the knees” mean in the last item of news? It means “________”.

[  ]

A.I felt terribly shocked

B.I felt weak and had to drop to my knees

C.I was so touched that I could not move a little

D.I was extremely delighted


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  One day an ordinary dog appeared in the ticket office at Campiglia, a busy railroad station on Italy's main line. A ticket agent named Elvio greeted the strange dog in a friendly way, so the dog decided to stay. From that day on, the dog became Elvio's shadow and was named Lampo.

  Lampo kept Elvio company inside the ticket office. When the weather was warm, he would enjoy himself in the sun on the train platform. When it came time for Elvio to return home on the train at night, Lampo ran after the train for a long way and then sadly gave up and went back to the station.

  One night as Elvio was riding home on the train, he noticed that Lampo was lying at his feet. Afraid that the conductor would see the dog on the train and shout at him, Elvio pushed Lampo under a seat. Luckily, the conductor did not notice the dog. Lampo came home with Elvio and met his family. Then, after a short visit; Lampo boarded the last train and went back to the station. Lampo quickly learned all of the train schedules. He would ride home from work with Elvio every night and then ride back to the station alone. Every morning, Lampo arrived at Elvio's house in time to walk his young daughter, Mivna, to school. The faithful dog would then take another train to campiglia to spend time with his master, then travel again to accompany Mivan home from school at 11:30.

  Soon Lampo began to take the trains all over Italy. Lampo became famous among the men who worked on the railroad, as his journeys became more frequent, complicated and mysterious. No one could explain why he travelled or how he always found the right train back to Campiglia. Poeple decided that Lampo was a unique dog.

Some of the railroad officials were against Lampo's illegal travels. They were afraid he would bite a passenger or cause some other problems. Finally, the station master threatened to call the dog-catcher if Elvio did not get rid of the dog.

  Elvio decided to put Lampo on a train going as far away as possible. Months went by and Lampo did not come back. Mivna missed him very much and prayed for his return. Finally one day, a sad, very thin, tired hampo returned to Elvio's office. Every one, even the stationmaster, was very sorry about what had happened. From then on, Lampo was allowed to ride the trains whenever he wanted. After seven years, Lampo grew old, and he began to need Elvio's help to board the train.

  One day Lampo was seen lying dead on the tracks. A year later, a life - sized statue of Lampo was set up at Campiglia station.

1.Lampo's travelling all over Italy caused people to believe that ________.

[  ]

A.he could look into the train schedules

B.he was famous in the country

C.Elvio secretly helped him

D.he was a very special dog

2.The stationmaster threatened that if Elvio did not get rid of the dog ________.

[  ]

A.Elvio would be fired

B.Lampo would be put on the train track

C.the stationmaster would send him away

D.a dog catcher would be called

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story?

[  ]

A.The dog was sent away by Elvio.

B.The dog finally won the stationmaster's heart.

C.The dog was faithful to his master.

D.The dog died when he was seven years old.

4.The author suggests that a statue of Lampo was set up because ________.

[  ]

A.the stationmaster felt sorry about what had happened

B.he had been a friend to travelers

C.it would bring good luck to the town

D.Elvio offered money to set up the statue


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  What makes a person a scientist? Does he have waysor tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools which makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate (调查), how to discover infomation, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further; he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.

  The scientist's knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, Who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy (正确性) of his mathematics was later tested through investigations. Einstein's ideas were proved to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.

1.What makes a scientist according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The tools he uses.

B.His ways of learning.

C.The way he uses his tools.

D.The various tools he uses.

2.“Knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone.” The author says this to show ________.

[  ]

A.the importance of information

B.the importance of thinking

C.the difference between scientists and ordinary people

D.the difference between carpenters and ordinary people

3.A sound scientific theory should be one that ________.

[  ]

A.works under one set of conditions at one time and also works under the same conditions at other times

B.leaves no room for improvement

C.does not allow any change even under different conditions

D.can be used for many purposes

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Scientists are different from ordinary people.

B.The theory of relativity.

C.Exactness is the core (核心) of science.

D.Exactness and way of using tools are the key to the making of a scientist.


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050


  How good are U. S. drivers?

  The CBSTV “National Drivers Test” showed that many U. S. drivers have a lot to learn. Here's why:

  CBS picked 1,799 samples to take the test in TV studios in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles. More than two out of five of the drivers failed the test. And the average score was the lowest passing mark - 51 points out of a possible 80.

  Chicago drivers did best with an average of 53 points. Los Angeles drivers came next with 52 points. New York and Philadelphia drivers tied with 50 points - a failing score. Drivers with 50 points of less were rated “poorly informed” by the judges.

  Here are some of the test results: (1) Are men better informed drivers than women? Yes. Men averaged 52 points. Women got an average of 49.(2) Are older drivers better informed than younger drivers? No. Drivers under 26 averaged 52 points. Drivers from 27 to 45 averaged 51. Drivers over 45 failed with 48 points on average. (3) Does education make a difference? Yes. College graduates averaged 52 points. High school graduates averaged 50.Those without high school diplomas (文凭) got 48. And people who had taken driver education courses scored an average of 53 pointsthree more than those who hadn't. (4) Does driving experience make a difference? Yes. Drivers with three or more year's experience averaged 51 points. Drivers with less experience averaged 49.

  Here are some surprising facts brought out by the test: (1) More than one out of three drivers did not know that a blinking red light means a full stop. (2) Three out of ten drivers did not know that an eight-sided sign means stop. (3) More than two out of three drivers did not know that to do when being “tailgated”(drive too closely behind another car). The answer: slow down, steer to the right, and let the driver behind pass.

  The results of the test were turned over to the National Safety Council. They will help future safety planning.

1.The author's purpose of writing the passage is to ________.

[  ]

A.prove some safe driving tips

B.show that men are better drivers than women

C.force the readers to take driver education

D.tell the readers the present situation of U. S. drivers

2.From the information in this article, you could say that ________.

[  ]

A.most drivers failed the test

B.experience makes a difference among drivers

C.few people know what a blinking red light means

D.older drivers are better informed than younger divers

3.Which of the following was regarded “poorly informed” by the judges?

[  ]

A.High school graduate drivers.

B.People who had taken driving courses.

C.Drivers from 27 to 45 years of age.

D.Drivers with 3 or more years' experience.

4.We can learn from the text that ________.

[  ]

A.women are better informed than men ________.

B.education makes no difference in the pass rate of the drivers

C.Los Angeles drivers are the best informed noes in America

D.The test results will be used as a guide for future safety planning


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050


  Dunne needed money because someone had found out about him. A man he had once met in prison recognized him. He knew that Dunne had been a thief. He said he would tell people in Brampton about this. Dunne was afraid so he gave him the money. Then the man wanted more. Dunne's jewellery business was good, but the man demanded so much that Dunne couldn't pay him.

  Richard Strong had a lot of valuable old things in his house. Dunne knew this because as a jeweller he often bought old gold and melted it down.

  It was easy to get into the house. In Brampton no one worried about thieves. Dunne knew that the valuable things were in one room, so he climbed up the open window. In the room Dunne filled his pocket with gold pieces. He soon had more than enough.

  He was about to leave when he heard a sound behind him. He turned quickly. The door had opened and Strong was standing in front of him. “Dunne!” It was the only word Strong said. Dunne had been looking at an old knife and he still held it in his hand. He hardly thought before he used it. Dunne pulled the body into the room and closed the door. Then he turned off the light, drew back the curtains and climbed out through the window.

1.Dunne had a jewellery shop in Brampton, but before that ________.

[  ]

A.he and Strong had been together in prison

B.a man he met at his store was demanding money from him

C.he bought and melted gold

D.he had been a thief and put in prison

2.He feared people would know he had been a thief, so he ________.

[  ]

A.decided to kill Strong in order to keep his mouth shut for ever

B.decided to run away from Brampton after he got enough money

C.gave the man he once met in prison money to keep him from talking

D.wanted to move his jewellery business to Brampton

3.When Strong discovered Dunne in his house, Dunne killed him because ________

[  ]

A.he had no choice as he didn't want to be put into prison again

B.he was forced to fight back when Strong appeared

C.he had planned to kill Strong before he went to his house

D.he wanted to get all the money back from Strong


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050


  An experiment was once done by Karl von Frish, in which he studied bee activities when they returned to their home called a hive (蜂房). The experiment showed that there was a means by which a bee communicated to other bees that it had found food. That was dance!

  In fact, bees do two kinds of dances to tell other bees of their food discovery. First, there is a circle dance, in which the bee moves in a circle inside the hive. The circle dance is used when the food is not more than ten meters away. A second kind of dance done by the bee is a waggling (摇摆) dance. That is to say, the bee wiggles (摆动) the end of its body as it moves in a straight line, then it turns in a semicircle (半圆), runs straight again. The waggling dance is used when the food is more than ten meters away. Meanwhile, in the two dances, the bees smell the dancing bee that has found the food. The smell tells them where to find the flower and also what kind of flower to look for.

  For this really interesting work, Karl von Frisch won a Nobel Prize.

1.Karl von Frisch won a Nobel Prize for ________.

[  ]

A.communicating with bees

B.having studied bees' activities

C.setting up an experimental base

D.the discovery of bees' looking for food

2.If the food is ________ away, the bee will move in a circle.

[  ]

A.16 metres
B.20 meters
C.8 meters
D.30 metres

3.Which of the following can show the waggling dance?

[  ]


4.The bees know where to find the food by the ________ of the bee that has found it.

[  ]


5.Which of the following statements may be true?

[  ]

A.Karl von Firsch did the experiment to find out if bees had a language of their own.

B.In their spare time, bees often do two kinds of dances.

C.Bees can communicate to one another as human beings do.

D.In the circle dance, the bee waggles the hind half of its body.


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050


Though the horses got off to a good start, it was not long before over half of them out of the race. As was expected, College Boy and Sweet Seventeen had got well in front with the remaining horses grouped together some way behind. On a sharp bend, three of the horses leading the group fell, throwing the riders behind. As the rece went on, the track became full of horses without riders. Towards the end, there were only three horses left: College Boy and Sweet Seventeen were still leading with an unknown horse, Tom Thumb, a very long way behind. The crowd was very disappointed when on the last jump in the race, the riders of both horses which were expected to win failed to keep in the saddle (马鞍). Everyone shouted with delight when College Boy continued by himself and ‘win’ the race…without his rider! Tom Thumb now took his time and the crowd cheered as he crossed the finishing line without a rival (竞争对手) in sight.

1.After a dangerous corner ________.

[  ]

A.all of the horses going ahead fell

B.few riders were thrown behind

C.most of the horses fell out of the race

D.the remaining horses were grouped together and then fell

2.People had expected ________ to win the race.

[  ]

A.Tom Thumb

B.College Boy and Sweet Seventeen

C.College Boy

D.Tom Thumb, College Boy and Sweet Seventeen

3.Towards the end of the race ________.

[  ]

A.Tom Thumb went in front of College Boy and Sweet Seventeen

B.College Boy and Tom Thumb were a very long way behind

C.the riders of Sweet Seventeen and College Boy fell too

D.there was not any horse left

4.The real winner was ________.

[  ]

A.College Boy
B.Sweet Seventeen
C.Tom Thumb
D.none of the above


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



Star talks of better half

  The British film star Hugh Grant can't seem to work out what women want.

  “There's no girl who only wants bastards (伙计), and no girl who wants a nice guy (伙计). Women want both,” the British star tells the May issue of Talk magazine.

  “And, really, they'd like to alternate (交替) on a weekly basis. Can any man be both? I like to keep women guessing.”

  Since Grant's breakup last year with his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley, the thought of plunging into (投身于) another big relationship doesn't seem like it's in the cards.

  “How easy do you think it is to find someone you can share 14 years of personal jokes with? Not easy. And I don't know that I will,” he says.

  Still, the 40 - year- old star admits he can't help thinking that his clock is ticking.

  “In the end, I want to have kids (children). But in the back of my mind, I never wanted to have kids until I'd done something I'm proud ofwirtten a book, had my name on something really worthwhile,” he says.

  “I'm so determined not to be in front of the cameras anymore.”

  With all of these concerns (心思) inside, has Grant ever considered seeing a psychiatrist to sort things out?

  “I don't think I need therapy (治疗), thank you,” sniffs the star.

  “I'm frightened of those people. And more than that, I don't want to know what lies beneath.”

1.Judging from what Hugh Grant says, the film star may consider himself ________.

[  ]

A.either a bastard or a nice guy

B.both a bastard and a nice guy at the same time

C.a bastard in one week and a nice guy in the other

D.neither a bastard nor a nice guy

2.Hugh Grant ________.

[  ]

A.is looking for another girlfriend at the present time

B.never feels sure of finding a girlfriend who can take the place of Elizabeth Hurley

C.considers it a shame to look for another girlfriend

D.doesn't value much the relationship he had with Elizabeth Hurley

3.The underlined clause “his clock is ticking” possibly means ________.

[  ]

A.he's having a good time

B.he can't stand being single

C.his life is going to end soon

D.he is getting old

4.Hugh Grant thinks that he is not yet successful enough to be ________.

[  ]

A.a father
B.a film star
C.a husband
D.a nice guy


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  Venus is known as the Earth's “twin” because the planets are so like each other in size. The diameter (直径) of Venus is about 7,520 miles (12,100km), about 400 miles (644km) smaller than that of the earth. No other planet comes closer to the earth than Venus. At its nearest approach (接近) it is about 25,000,000 miles (40,2000,000km) away.

  As seen from the earth, Venus is the first planet or star that can be seen in the western sky in the evening. At other times, it is the last planet or star that can be seen in the eastern sky in the morning. When Venus is near its brightest point, it can be seen in daylight. Early astronomers called the object that appeared in the evening Hesperus, and Phosphorus in the morning. Later, they realized these two objects were the same planet. They named it Venus in honor of the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

1.Traveling around Venus in a straight way, you would have a long trip of about ________miles.

[  ]


2.Which of the following is NOT a fact about Venus?

[  ]

A.It's the nearest neighboring planet of the earth.

B.It used to be called Phosphorus and Hesperus.

C.It's usually 25,000,000 miles away from the earth.

D.It can sometimes be seen together with the sun in the sky.

3.Venus is called the earth's “twin” because ________.

[  ]

A.it's almost as big as the earth

B.it's the nearest to the earth

C.they are both planets

D.they are of the same shape

4.The passage shows, that ________.

[  ]

A.Venus is always the last to appear in the sky in the evening

B.Venus is sometimes the last to appear in the sky in the morning

C.The diameter of the earth is nearly eight thousand miles

D.Venus is sometimes the last to disappear in the western sky in the morning

5.The best title for the passage might be ________.

[  ]

A.The Size of Venus

B.Venus and the Earth

C.Venusthe Earth's “Twin”

D.The Nearest Neighbor


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank - issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the “cashless society” is not on the horizonit's already here.

  While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customer for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers far similar reasons. Computer analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.

  Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.

1.According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to ________.

[  ]

A.withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes

B.obtain more convenient services than other people do

C.enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper

D.cash money where he wishes to

2.From the last sentence of the first paragraph we learn that ________.

[  ]

A.in the future all the Americans will use credit cards

B.credit cards are mainly used in the United States today

C.nowadays many Americans do not pay in cash

D.it is now more convenient to use credit cards than before

3.The phrase “ring up sales” most probably means ________.

[  ]

A.make an order of goods

B.record sales on a cash register

C.call the sales manager

D.keep track of the goods in stock

4.What is this passage mainly about?

[  ]

A.Approaches to the commercial use of computers.

B.Conveniences brought about by computers in business.

C.Significance of automation in commercial enterprises.

D.Advantage of credit cards in business.

5.It can be inferred that ________.

[  ]

A.computers will bring disaster

B.computer industry will not develop faster

C.computers will bring about more convenience to people's life


