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科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Bamboo is a giant grass that grows in warm climates. It has many uses. Everything from chairs and fishing rods to rope and paper can be made from it. And that's not all. It can be eaten too.

  In many parts of Asia, bamboo shoots are a favorite food. The winter shoots taste the best. They are soft, with a creamy color. Usually they are boiled in salted water. Spring shoots are darker and harder. They take longer to cook and cost less than winter shoots.

  Fresh bamboo shoots are seldom found outside their native soil. But preserved shoots may be used in their place. They need no cooking and taste almost as good.

1. This story is mostly about bamboo as a__________.

A. decoration B. building material C. tool D. food

2. The story calls bamboo a_______.

A. bush   B. tree   C. grass D. weed

3. Compared with spring shoots, winter shoots________.

A. taste better B. have a lighter color

C. take less time to cook   D. All of the above

4. Spring shoots cost less probably because_______.

A.they need no cookingB. they are softer

C. people don't like them as well D. salt must be added to them

5. Fresh bamboo shoots are most commonly used found in_______.

A. Asia   B. Europe  C. America D. Australia

6. Preserved bamboo shoots are probably________.

A.cooked before being preserved   B.sweetened with sugar or honey

C.made into chairs and tables    D. used to make rope


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  In the past, animals were often hurt, even killed, when films were made. Horses suffered most.

  A favorite scene showed horses falling head over heels. A device called the Running W was sometimes used. Long, fine wires were fastened to bands on a horse's front legs and to a log buried in the ground. The horse was made to gallop. The wires tightened, pulling its front legs from under it. Sometimes a pit was dug. Plants hid the opening. The horse would lose its footing when it hit the trench. Such cruel practices are less used today. But still there are films in which animals have been mistreated. Humane societies list these films as unacceptable.

1.According to the article, films showed horses_______.

A.jumping off cliffs B. falling head over heels

C.overturning a coach carrying passengers D. being injured in battle

2.The wire device used in many such scenes was the_______.

A. Running W   B. Running Y

C. Running Z    D. None of the above

3.Fine wires had to be used so that_______.

A.they would break easily  B.film viewers would not see them

C.the horse could gallop some distance D.the cost of the wire would be low

4.The horse was tripped as soon as_______.

A.it began to gallop   B.the log was pulled out of the ground

C.the rider pulled the reins tight   D.the wires became tight

5.The second way of tripping a horse used a_______.

A.greased platform    B.hidden net

C.hidden pit  D.wire stretched between two posts

6.Humane societies list a film as unacceptable to let people know that_______.

A.animals in it have been mistreated B.there are too many battle scenes

C.the film has been approved    D.Both A and B


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  The sea horse is a fish, but it does not look like one. And it seldom swims. When it does, it swims upright. It is often found with its tail hooked round seaweed. About five inches tall, its body looks like a match stick frame covered with fine cloth. Its brown skin matches the seaweed. This makes it hard to find. It feeds on small worms and shellfish, which it sucks off the weed with a tube-like snout. Both male and female have long hairs on the head, but on the male these hairs extend down the back. When the female lays eggs, the male baby-sits. He keeps the eggs in a pouch until they hatch.

1. Unlike most other fish, the sea horse_______.

A.cannot swimB.is a fast swimmer

C.does not often swim D.swims only in shallow water

2.When fully grown, the sea horse measures about______.

A. three inches B. four inches C. five inches D.six inches

3. The sea horse protects itself from enemies_______.

A.by its speed B. by its color C. with its snout   D.with its tail

4. The sea horse find its food on the ______.

A. seabed B. seaweed C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

5. The writer prefers to use the word tall to describe a sea horse’s size because it is generally______.

A. upright B. long C. fat D. hooked

6. The sea horse was probably so named because it

A. eats weeds B. has a mane C. can trot D. is brown


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  The term best man came from Scotland. It was first used in the 1700s. But the custom of having a best man at a wedding goes back much further. It is thought to have started in the days of marriage by capture. A man might seize the bride of his choice and carry her off by force. He would take a faithful friend with him to help fight off the attacks of the girl's family.

  Then as now, bridesmaids were female friends of the bride. They used to help, or pretend to help, to keep the bride from being carried off by the groom and his best man.

1.The term best man was first used in_______.

A. the 1800s B. Wales C. Scotland D.Both A and, B

2.The custom of having a best man began_______.

A.before the term was used B.in the days of marriage by capture

C.after the 1700sD.Both A and B

3.Which did the groom probably do last?

A.He asked a friend to go with him. B.He chose a bride.

C.He escaped with his bride.  D.He went with his friend to the bride's home.

4.The story suggests that the bride's family tried to________.

A.prepare a good wedding feast B.keep the groom from capturing the bride

C.help the groom and best man escape D. steal the best man's money

5.Sometimes the bridesmaids didn't try very hard to________.

A.protect the bride B.be on time C.march in step D. catch the flowers

6.The story says nothing about the actions of the_______.

A. groom B. bride C. bride's family D. bridesmaids


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  White spots and lines on the fingernails are said to be signs of good luck. But they are really just flaws in the nails.

  A fingernail is formed by the slow changing of living cells into nonliving tissue. The spots result when some of the cells near the root of the nail fail to change into nail tissue. As the nail grows, the spots are pushed out into view.

  The damage can be done by a slight, cut, bruise, or bump near the line where the fresh nail is being formed. Some white spots are caused by poor care of the nails. Or they may result from the nervous habit of biting one's nails.

1 .The writer says fingernail spots are_______.

A.signs of good luck  B.flaws in the nails

C.flecks of dry skin   D.bruises under the nails

2.Fingernails are made up of_______.

A. enamel B.nerve cells C.dead tissue D. bone

3. Fingernail spots begin_______.

A.at the fingertips B.in the bloodstream

C.near the roots of the nails   D. around the edges of the nails

4.Which happens first?

A.The nail grows out.    B. Some cells fail to change.

C.The spots come into view. D. The spots reach the fingertips.

5.The writer doesn't say fingernail spots could be caused by_______.

A.bad eating habits B.poor nail care C. cuts D. bruises

6.One might prevent fingernail spots by______.

A.taking better care of the nails   B. breaking the habit of biting the nails

C.protecting the fingers from bumps D. All of the above


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  From time to time a record company makes a gold record. They give it to a singer or musician. They do this when more than a million copies of one of the artist's recordings have been sold.

  Gold records are not made of pure gold. But they aren't just colored gold either. They are plated with gold. First a metal mold is made of the record for which the award is being made. Then the mold is plated with gold.

  Gold records can be played. But they are meant mostly for show. They are costly. To make a gold record can cost more than one hundred dollars, or over forty pounds.

1.An artist receives a gold record for making a_______.

A.beautiful picture B.popular recording

C.new arrangement D. long tour

2.Gold records are probably given to_________.

A.all artists B. many artists C. only a few artists D. no artists

3.Records made of pure gold would probably be too________.

A. light B. bright C. ugly D. costly

4.The first step in making a gold record is to_________.

A. color itB.make a metal mold

C.print the label  D.plate it with gold

5.Gold records are made mostly for_________.

A. sale B. play C. show D. education

6.The writer doesn't tell us the________.

  1. names of those who have gold records

B.reason for making gold records

  1. cost of making a gold record

D.number of dollars equal to about forty pounds


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Razors were in use in Rome six hundred years before the time of Christ. But they weren't very popular. Then, about 300 B. C., styles changed. Men started shaving every day. Soldiers began to be clean-shaven.

  A trip to the barber could be painful. The Romans had no steel. So their razors were made of iron. And their whiskers were softened just with water.

  Young barbers had to train for a long time before they could open their own shops. Good barbers were those who didn't cut people too much. They were in great demand. They soon became rich. They must have been sorry to see beards come back into style.

IFew Romans shaved at first because shaving was________.

A.not in style B.against the law C. harmful D. painful

2.Shaving became popular in Rome about______.

A.700 B. C.  B. 600 B. C.   C. 300 B. C.   D. 100 B. C.

3.Shaving was painful because______.

A.blades were made of steel    B. whiskers were softened with water only

C.shaving creams were too strong  D. Both A and B

4.The writer suggests that today's razor blades are made of_______.

A. brass B. iron C. plastic D. steel

5.The writer suggests that even good Roman barbers often_______.

A. broke razors B. became poor C. cut people D. lost their hair

6. The writer doesn’t tell _______.

A. whether soldiers were clean-shaven

B. who shaved the men’s beards

C. what young barbers had to do

D. when beards came back into style.


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  People faint when the normal blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut down. This can happen if they are surprised or shocked by sudden news or by something they see. Some people faint if they see others hurt. Some people faint in crowds. Others faint if they are in a room that is hot and stuffy.

  If a person faints while standing, lay him down. If his face is pale, lift his feet. If he is sitting down when he faints, place his head between his knees. Loosen any tight clothing that might keep him from breathing easily. If possible, place a cold, wet cloth on his forehead.

1. The story says that people can faint if they are______.

A. worried B. frightened C. happy D. Both A and B

2.People might faint if they_______.

A.see others hurt B. hear bad news C. are in a crowd D. Any of the above

3.If you feel faint, it is best to______.

A. lie flat B. stand up C.move slowly D. run about

4.If you feel faint when sitting, put your head______.

A.against the chair back   B.between your knees

C.on your chest D.to one side

5.Raise a fainting person's feet if his face______.

A. feels hot B. shows shock C. looks pale D. Both A and B

6.We try to help a person who has fainted by______.

A.tightening his muscles    B.rubbing his head

C.returning blood to his brain  D.holding him in an upright position


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  A snake is a strange animal. It walks on its ribs and it smells with its tongue. Since its teeth are sharp like needles and not good for chewing, it swallows its food whole.

  The snake's jaws can stretch a great deal. Its body, too, can stretch to several times its normal size. So even a small snake can easily swallow a mouse whole, and a snake just an inch across can gulp down a young bird three inches across. Such a large meal might last the snake for months. In fact, some snakes have been known to go without eating for as long as two years.

1.The writer thinks snakes have a strange way of_______.

A. smelling  B. sleeping C. chewing D. Both A and B

2.A snake's teeth are like________.

A. grinders B. ribs C. needles D. knives

3.The second paragraph tells why a snake_________.

A.uses its tongue for smelling B. has to chew its food well

C.has a low temperature   D. can swallow its food whole

4.Compared with its meal, the snake is often much________.

A. shorter B.thinner C.bonier D.slower

5.The story says that a snake's food may include whole________.

A. animals B. birds C. plants   D. Both A and B

6. As a result of its eating habits, the snake_________.

A.walks on its ribs   B.can go for months without food

C.needs a lot of water D.eats only once a year


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  For almost forty years the Empire State Building in New York City was the world's tallest skyscraper. The building reaches a height of 1250 feet. It has 102 floors.

  The use of steel frames made its height possible. Steel walls can rise high without needing to be thick. Steel-frame construction is strong. All plates are fastened together by metal bolts called rivets. When set in place, rivets are usually red-hot. One end is already rounded. A riveter uses a special hammer to shape the other end. Then the rivet cools. It holds the plates firmly.

  High winds can move this strong building. A wind at a hundred miles an hour has swayed it almost one and a half inches.

1.The author says that the Empire State Building_____.

A.was finished in 1931   B.is in New York City

C.has fewer floors than the new World Trade Center D.None of the above

2.The account states that the building______.

A.was for many years the highest skyscraper B. reaches a height of 1250 feet

C.has 102 floors D.All of the above

3.In steel-frame building, the bottom walls______.

A.do not need to be thick  B.must be very thick

C.must be two feet wide   D.need to be propped by wood

4.Rivets are described as being______.

A.picked up by tongs when red-hot B.usually caught in a scoop

C.usually put in place when red-hot D.held by an anvil during hammering

5.The riveter's task is to______.

A.drill holes for the rivet  B.flatten the rounded end

C.shape the flat end    D.cool the rivet

6.The amount of sway from the building's center in a high wind is given as______.

A.1.45 inches B.almost 1 ½ inches C. 2 ½ inches D. 1 ½ feet

