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科目: 来源:人教社新课程2003年审核高一下册练习 人教社新课程2003年审核 题型:050


  In America Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. On that day we send our mothers a special Mother's Day card, and perhaps some flowers or candy, to show our love and appreciation for all they have done for us. Although Mother's Day is a relatively new holiday in America, more and more other countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers.

  I want to tell you today how the idea of having a special day for mothers began.

  It all started over a hundred years ago with a woman named Anna May Jarvis.

  Anna was born on May 1,1864, just before the end of the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln. She was the daughter of a“minister”, which in American English means a church leader. She was a quiet girl who liked to study in school, but she liked everyone and was liked by everyone as well.

  After she became an adult, Anna worked for life insurance company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--a city about halfway between New York City and Washington D.C. Then, in 1906, just two weeks after Anna's 42nd birthday, her mother died. It was the second Sunday in May.

  In the months that followed, Anna began to change. No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy-going. Instead she now had just one goal for her life--to have her mother and all other honored throughout the whole world on the second Sunday of May.

  After more than a year of careful planning, Anna arranged the first Mother's Daychurch service, on May10, 1908, in Crafton, West Virginia. The next year Anna was able to get the city of Philadelphia, where she lived and worked, to proclaim the second Sunday of May as an official Mother's Day -- the first city to do so. After three more years, the state of West Virginia, where Anna's mother had lived, made Mother's Day a statewide observance--for a holiday in the normal sense, but still a day to remember what mothers have done for their children and society.

(1)Which answer is right about Mother's Day?

[  ]

A. In America, Mother's Day is a new holiday.

B. More and more countries are put aside their tradition of celebrating Mother's Day.

C. In America, Mother's Day is on the second Sunday in May.

D. Throughout the world, Mother's Day is celebrated on the same day.

(2)Choose the right explanation of the word“observance”in the last paragraph.

[  ]

A. remark made by people

B. action in accordance with custom

C. performance of certain tradition

D. notice paid widely

(3)How long in all had Anna spent to establish Mother's Day in West Virginia?

[  ]

A. From May 10, 1908 to May 10, 1911.

B. For more than four years.

C. For more than three years.

D. For about three years.

(4)Choose the right understanding of this passage.

[  ]

A. Anna was born just before the assassination of President Lincoln which ended the Civil War.

B. Anna was a daughter of a minister which in English means a church worker.

C. Anna's mother's death had done a little damage to her easy life.

D. The mother's day celebrated in West Virginia is not a normal holiday, but a day with special meaning.

(5)According to the passage, what most probably happened in the paragraph following it?

[  ]

A. The United States Congress proclaimed the Second Sunday in May as Mother's Day forever in the United States.

B. Mother's Day gradually became a commercial celebration.

C. Anna retired from her job with a fortune of over a hundred thousand dollars.

D. People stopped buying candy to their mothers.


科目: 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 高一英语 题型:050


  When Tom finished his studies at the university, he began to look around for a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had worked for the government for thirty years. And he advised Tom to try to get a job of the same kind, so he went for an examination one day. He was successful and his first job was in a large government office in London.

  When Tom had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening. He was pleased that his nephew had managed to get a job working for the government, and he asked him a lot of questions about it.

  One of the questions he asked was, “How many people work in your department, Tom?”

  The young man thought for a few minutes and then answered, “About half of them, Uncle Jim. ”


1.When he graduated from university, Tom was not ______.

[  ]

A.very good at science

B.looking for a good- paying job with excellent hours

C.interested in getting any information from the government

D.good at making decisions

2.What did Tom think of his uncle's advice?

[  ]

A.He thought it was acceptable.

B.He did not like it.

C.He refused to take it.

D.He was unable to follow it.

3.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The exam tired him.

B.The exam made him a successful man.

C.He didn't want to take part in the exam.

D.The result was bad.

4.The uncle was eager to find out ______.

[  ]

A.how the nephew was getting along with his job

B.what his nephew was doing

C.whether his nephew misunderstood him

D.what his nephew had expected

5.Tom's answer to his uncle actually means that ______.

[  ]

A.the people working in the government office were divided into two groups and they worked in turn

B.many of the government workers were not working hard

C.the government office had more hands than needed

D.about half of the candidates (投考人) had been taken in by the department


科目: 来源:高三英语教学与测试(上册) 题型:050

    Crime (罪行) has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2 400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime patterns.

    The pattern (模式) of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high point during July and August, as do rape (强奸案) and other violent (猛烈的) attacks. Murder, besides, is more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.

    Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, burglary (抢劫) has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p. m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. The most uncriminal month of all is May except for one strange statistic. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year.

    Obviously our intellectual (智力的) seasonal cycles are completely different from out criminal tendencies (倾向). Professor Huntington, of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, made careful studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books, attend scientific meetings, make the highest scores in examinations, and propose the most changes to patents (专利). In all instances, he found a spring peak (高峰) and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On the other hand, Professor Huntington's studies show that June is the peak month for suicides (自杀) and admissions to mental hospitals. June is also a peak month for marriages!

    Possibly, high temperatures and high humidity (湿度) bring on our strange and terrifying summer actions, but police officials are not sure. “There is of course, no proof of a connection between humidity and murder,” they say. “Why murder's high time should come in the summertime we really don't know.”

(1) The main idea of paragraph 1 is ________.

[  ]

A.there is a link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns.

B.crime is not linked to the changes in season.

C.2400 towns were studied for five years.

D. the crime patterns have no connections with summer.

(2) The subject of paragraph 2 is ________.

[  ]

B.summer crime

(3) In Paragraph 3 what is the one strange statistic (数据) of May?

[  ]

A.There are more robberies in May.

B.There are more dog bites in May.

C.There is the most crime in May.

D.There are most marriages in May.

(4) In paragraph 4, a graph for our intellectual cycles might look like this:

W = winter Sp = spring Su = summer A = autumn (见P93上图)

(5) The information in paragraph 5 says: ________.

[  ]

A.There may be a connection between murder and hot weather.

B.There is surely a connection between murder and hot weather.

C.There is no connection between murder and hot weather.

D.There must be a connection between cold weather and murder.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

Good evening.Tonight's broadcast brings together music from different corners of the world.The records we have chosen for you are from classical Western music,Indian music,pop and a Negro spiritual(黑人的圣歌).In this broadcast we shall study the language of music.We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.You will hear a Beethoven piano piece,a composition from the sitar(西他,一种弦乐器),and songs sung by a pop group and some others.I shall be trying to explain why they are all good music.

The feeling in each of these four musical compositions is sadness.You can find sadness in words,in paintings,and in music.The word “music” comes from the Greek word “muse”.The muses were goddesses of the arts.Music is only one of the arts.It is like the spoken language,but uses sounds differently.In the spiritual and the pop song you will hear only the piano or the sitar.I shall be saying a few words after each record.Music is now heard everywhere,in shops and buses and at home.We shall be trying to find out more about how music works.It is worth making the effort.Only then can we say why one piece of music is good and another bad.

1.The announcer will be trying to explain_________.

A.that all music is good

B.why each piece of music is good

C.why some people like one piece more than others

D.that different kinds of music are alike in nature

2.Which of the following is NOT correct?

A.In a Beethoven piano piece you can not hear voices.

B.Music is the spoken language with different sounds.

C.It is natural for people to like one kind of music more than the others.

D.In some musical compositions you can hear words.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Krakatau Volcano(克拉克托火山)is in a small island in Indonesia.It had been peaceful for about 200 years before it erupted(爆发)in 1883.

  The first signs of the activity of the volcano appeared in May 1883,when fire and smoke could be seen at the top of the mountain.Great noise could be heard even in Jakarta a hundred miles away.Later the activity grew much greater.The peak(山顶)was covered with smoke and fire;the smoke at one time was seventeen miles high in the air.The lava—soft and hot rock—shot up into the air and roiled down the sides of the mountain.

  The mouth of the volcano was not at the peak of the mountain but on its side,close to the sea.As it grew bigger and bigger with the eruption,the sea water got into it.When the sea water reached the lava inside the volcano,it made the upper part of the lava colder and harder.And this sealed off(封住)the rest of the lava below.As the inside of the lava could not break through the seal,the pressure(压力)built up until the mountain blew up.

  The eruption of the volcano was followed by several earthquakes which brought about bad result.About 36 000 people were killed and many towns and villages near the sea were completely destroyed by the great waves which the earthquake caused.

1.Give the correct order of the course of volcano eruption.

①The peak was covered with smoke and fire.

②Fire and smoke could be seen at the top of the mountain.

③Great noise could be heard a hundred miles away.

④The lava shot into the air and rolled down the sides of the mountain.

A.①②③④       B.①③②④       C.②③①④       D.④①③②

2.What makes volcanoes erupt?

A.The sea water which goes into the volcano.    B.The lava(岩浆).

C.The pressure which is bigger and bigger.     D.All the above.

3.Where is the mouth of a volcano?

A.At the peak of the mountain.

B.On the side of the mountain near the sea.

C.At the foot of the mountain.

D.Inside the mountain.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

   I have a rule for travel:Never carry a map.Iprefer to ask for directions.

   Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don't have name.In Japan,people use landmarks in their directions instead of street names.For example,the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Tun left at the big hotel and go pass a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”

In the countryside of the American Midwest,usually there are not many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat(平坦的). In many places there are no towns or buildings with tell you directions and distance. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east,and then go another mile.”

   People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map: They measure distance by means of time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask.  “Oh,” they answer, “It's about five minutes from here.”you say, “It's about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They don't know.

Peop;e in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions because visitors seldom understand thi Greek language. Instead of giving you the direction, a Greek will often say, “Follow me.” Then he'll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office.

Sometimes a person doesn't know the answer to your question, What happens in this situation? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers, “I don't know.” People in Yucatan think that “I don't know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one.A visitor can get very, very lost in Yucatan!

   One thing will help you everywhere-in Japan, in the United States in Greece, in Mexico, or in any other place. You might not understand a person's words, but maybe you can understand his body language. He or she will usually turn and then point in the correct direction. Go iin that direction, and you may find the post office!

1.The passage mainly tells us that_______.

A.never carry a map for travel

B.there are not many landmarks in the American Midwest

C.there are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world

D.New Yorkers often say, “I have no idea,” but people in Yucatan, Mexico, never say this

2.In which place do people tell distance by means of time?


B.American Midwest.

C.Los Angeles,California.


3.In the passage,_______countries are mentioned by the writer.

A.seven     B.four    C.eight     D.five

4.Which of the following is wrong?

A.Travelers can learn about people's customs by asking questions about directions.

B.A person's body language can help you understand directions.

C.People in some places give directions in miles, but people in other places give directions by means of time.

D.People in different places always give directions in the same way: They usr street namees.


科目: 来源:高一年级人教新课标版必修1第一单元测试题 题型:050


  Many students, feeling that they do not have the experience of self or depth of personal skills to confront the difficult problems of adulthood, show an unwillingness to enter the world beyond collegeThey are afraid of marriage and other adult forms of intimac(亲密), and tremble at having to enter professional lifeThey invent wonderful stories for themselves and their parents about needing time off or wanting to travel after college, but often behind these surprising plans lays a terrible fearthat they simply are not ready for the adult worldThey are not ready because they did not grow up

  Ever since the 1970s when colleges gave up the notion that they should act like parents, they have let students construct their own social and personal lives with few restrictions and little guidanceStudents, of course, welcomed this changeeven demanded it as part of the social revolution(革命)of the 1960sfor it meant that there were no adults around who might challenge their values and behaviorStudents were happy not to be treated as children and faculty

  When Alexander Astin, the most important researcher of college life in America, decided to study how college life affects personality and self concept, he was shocked to find that the most significant(重大的)shift during the college years was a significant increase in the number of students experiencing a decreased sense of psychological well beingHe found that students tended to feel more depressed as seniors than they were as first year students


What is the meaning of the underlined word confront in the first paragraph?

[  ]










What can we learn from the first paragraph?

[  ]


Many college students are afraid of their study


College students dare not face college life and the adult world


College students like traveling alone


College students are not ready for the adult life


What did colleges do during the 1970s?

[  ]


Colleges gave up the notion that they should act like parents


Colleges got students to construct their parents' social and personal lives


Colleges found that no adults around challenged the students' values and behavior


Colleges called for students to be treated as children and faculty


According to Alexander Astin, what was the college students' situation?

[  ]


College life affected students' personality and self concept


Students experienced an increased sense of psychological well being


Senior students tended to feel more depressed than first year students


Many students had significant shifts during the college years


科目: 来源:高一年级人教新课标版必修1第一单元测试题 题型:050


  The phone next to her rang loudly as she sat by the computerSarah picked it up, hoping it wasn't for her, because she really didn't feel like talking to anyoneShe uttered a monotonous(沉闷的)Hello? ”.

  “Hi, Sarah! This is Mindy! What's up? Umm, the reason that I called was that I need help with the English assignmentI've been having trouble coming up with a topic.”

  Sarah's shoulders silently drooped as she realized that she had completely forgotten about the homeworkShe let out a sigh

  As her best friend continued to talk about her topic ideas, Sarah's mind drifted(走神)She thought about how Mindy was moving 500 miles away in less than a monthShe thought about how much she'd miss her friend and how it wouldn't be the same without her

  “So, do you have any idea what I should do about this assignment?Mindy asked, bringing Sarah out of her fogShe answered her own question, suddenly exclaiming, I know! I'll describe what happened today in the lunch line! I just wanted to risk that Jennifer girl's neck! She was so rude!

  Sarah thought back to earlier in the day when they had been in the lunch line, waiting patiently and a snotty(自大的)girl pushed her way up in front of them, causing Mindy and Sarah to lose their place in line

  “That sounds like a good ideaI wish I'd thought of that.” Sarah said softlyThe conversation ended quickly after that and Sarah was feeling betterShe was still sad that her best friend was moving, but she knew that they would keep in touch and always be closeAt just that moment, Sarah was glad that Mindy calledShe now had the perfect topic for her English assignment


What do we know about Sarah when the phone rang first?

[  ]


She was in low spirits


She was busy with her work


She was doing her assignment


She was repairing the computer


Mindy called Sarah to ________

[  ]


inform Sarah of her leaving


say that she was missing Sarah


ask Sarah for help


comfort Sarah


How did Sarah feel about Mindy's moving?

[  ]


She was sad that she would miss her friend


She didn't quite care about it


She was surprised because Mindy hadn't told her earlier


She was sad that Mindy would forget her


Why was Sarah feeling better after their telephone conversation ended?

[  ]


Because she finally thought of what she could write about


Because she knew that she and Mindy would keep in touch


Because Mindy could protect her at school


Because Mindy would never trouble her with a question any more


科目: 来源:高一年级人教新课标版必修1第一单元测试题 题型:050


  The human nose has given to the language of the world many interesting expressionsOf course, this is not surprisingWithout the nose, we could not breathe or smellIt is the part of the face that gives a person special characterCyrano de Bergerac said that a large nose showed a great mancourageous, manly, and wise

  A famous woman poet wished that she had two noses to smell a rose! Blaise Pascal made an interesting remark about Cleopatra's noseIf it had been shorter, it would have changed the whole face of the world!

  Man's nose has had an important role in his imaginationMan has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotionsExpressions dealing with the nose refer to human's weakness, anger, pride, jealousy(妒忌)and revenge(报复)

  In English there are a number of phrases about the noseFor example, to hold up one's nose expresses a basic human feelingpridePeople can hold up their noses at people, things, and places

  The phrase, to be led around by the nose, shows man's weaknessA person who is led around by the nose lets other people control himOn the other hand, a person who follows his nose lets his instinct(本能)guide him

  There are a number of othersHowever, it should be as plain as the nose on your face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling


The passage is about ________

[  ]


an organ, with which people can breathe and smell


the nose, which gives different and useful expressions


the nose giving a person special character


the interesting remarks about the nose made by some people


From the passage we know ________

[  ]


Cleopatra's nose changed the whole face of theworld indeed


Cleopatra had a strong will to change the whole look of the world


Cleopatra's nose was not short


Cleopatra hoped that people would change the whole face of the world


Expressions about nose don't express ________

[  ]


people's shortcomings


people's instinct


people's different emotions


human feeling


A person who follows his nose ________

[  ]


won't take others' advice


is easily controlled by others


is weak-minded


will let his will guide him


科目: 来源:高一年级人教新课标版必修1第一单元测试题 题型:050


  People are talking about the new economy”.It's very different from the old economy”.

  In the old economy, people travel to workThey buy things in storesThey use the post office, the fax and the telephone to send informationThey see people face to face at their jobs or in storesPeople get information from newspapers, radio, television, books and libraries

  In the new economy, people do business through the Net, which is a connection of millions of computers everywhere in the worldIn the new economy, workers often work at homeThey can get information on lineThey can communicate with employers and co-workers by e-mailBusinesses have virtual (虚拟的) stores”.They are web sites on which customers can see the productsBusinesses can sell to customers anywhere in the world

  In the new economy, people live a fast-paced, convenient and colorful lifeThe whole world develops more quickly than beforeBut the new economy is a double edge sword(双刃剑)Its disadvantage is also obviousFor example, the Internet has led to a huge increase in credit card(信用卡)cheatingSome illegal websites offer some cheap or banned(禁止的)goods or servicesOn-line shoppers who enter their credit card information may never receive the goods they want to buy and their card information could even be for sale in an illegal websiteSo people in the new economy should be smarter and more knowledgeable


The cause of the differences between the new economy and the old economy is ________

[  ]


the change of people's idea


the business people do


the use of the Internet


the change of people's life


In the old economy, people can do the following things EXCEPT ________

[  ]


getting information from books


communicating with friends by telephone


meeting people face to face


shopping on line


The underlined sentence in the passage means ________

[  ]


the new economy is as sharp as a sword


the new economy has advantages and disadvantages


the new economy is better than the old economy


both the new economy and the old economy have disadvantages


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


People can get various kinds of information on the Internet


Telephone, radio, television, newspapers and so on will disappear in the new economy


People in the new economy should have more knowledge


Life in the new economy is more convenient than the one in the old economy

