 0  70376  70384  70390  70394  70400  70402  70406  70412  70414  70420  70426  70430  70432  70436  70442  70444  70450  70454  70456  70460  70462  70466  70468  70470  70471  70472  70474  70475  70476  70478  70480  70484  70486  70490  70492  70496  70502  70504  70510  70514  70516  70520  70526  70532  70534  70540  70544  70546  70552  70556  70562  70570  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案.

       A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maliyuwa, a nearby village. They lived with the man's big   family—his parents, his brothers, their wives and children. The   family kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great   interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar.

       Three months later the woman went back to her parents' home,   having quarreled with her husband. Soon the elephant refused to eat   and work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.

       It went to the woman's home. On seeing her, the elephant waved   its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved by   the act of the animal that she returned to her husband's home.

1. The writer wrote the story in order to _________.

[  ]

A. show that elephants are very clever  

B. tell how a woman trained a wild animal

C. show that women care more for animals than men do

D. tell how an animal reunited a husband and wife

2. The woman left her new home _____________.

[  ]

A. to visit her own parents in Maliyuwa

B. to see if the elephant would follow her

C. because she was angry with her husband

D. because she was tired of the big family

3. After the young woman left her husband's home,the elephant ______.

[  ]

A. returned to the forest  

B. was sad because it missed her  

C. went to look for a new home  

D. was sick because nobody fed it

4. The young wife went back to her husband because ________.

[  ]

A. she knew he had sent the animal to her

B. the elephant had come to look for her

C. her parents persuaded her to  

D. she had been away for a long time


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读理解: 下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

         My husband hasn't stopped laughing about a funny thing that   happened to me. It's funny now but it wasn't at the time.

       Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I   wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and   some chocolate and went into the station coffee-shop——that cheap   self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a   place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

       When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next   seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters, with dark glasses   and torn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. Not so   unusual these days. What did surprise me was that he'd started to eat   my chocolate!

       Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble— and really   I was rather uneasy about him—I just looked down at the front page of   the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy   looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate.   I could hardly believe it. Still I didn't start an argument (争论).   When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, "Well, I shall have the last piece." and I got it.

       The boy gave me a strange look, then stood up. As he left he   shouted out,"This woman's crazy!" Everybody stared. That was   embarrassing enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face turned red—as red as his hair—when I   realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn't my chocolate that I'd been   taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.

1. The woman telling the story _______.

[  ]

A. always went shopping with her family on Friday

B. had been very busy and needed some time to recover

C. wanted a newspaper and some chocolates to take home to her family  

D. bought a newspaper and some chocolate so that she could keep a place at the table

2. When the woman came back to the table, she was surprised because   __________.

[  ]

A. she wasn't sure whether the youngster was a boy or a girl

B. the youngster was dressed so strangely  

C. there was already someone sitting in the next seat

D. the youngster's behavior (行为) seemed rude

3. When the woman saw the boy go on eating the chocolate, she felt _________.

[  ]

A. too tired to start an argument

B. too shy to look in the boy's direction

C. more and more disappointed at losing the chocolate

D. more and more angry with the boy

4. The woman's face turned red because _________.

[  ]

A. she realized that she had been quite wrong about the boy

B. she realized that the boy was poor and hungry

C. she saw everyone staring at her  

D. she hated being shouted at

5. Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A. The woman didn't believe that the boy took a second piece of her chocolate.

B. The way the boy was dressed is common in this country.

C. The wild-looking boy was very rude to the woman.

D. The woman finds what happened in the coffee shop very interesting.


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

      Teeth can get knocked out in a fall, a fight or an accident, but with quick action the tooth could be saved. Pick the tooth up and, if it is dirty, rinse (冲洗) it in clean, lightly-salted water or clean milk and put it straight back in its place. Do not use disinfectant (消毒剂)! Then—and only then—start looking for a dentist or a dental hospital. The tooth has a very good chance of surviving (生存). A delay, even as little as 30 minutes, reduces the tooth's ability to heal (愈合) back to the gum (牙床).

      A dental expert writing in the "British Dental Journal" says that a knocked-out tooth has 99 percent chance of survival if reinserted (put back in place) quickly. Putting the tooth back can still be useful even if the tooth itself dies. It helps the damaged(损坏的) flesh to heal and stops neighboring teeth moving to fill in the gap (缺口). This makes it easier for the dentist to repair the damage.

1. The article is mainly on ___________.

[  ]

A. how to save a knocked-out tooth  

B. how to look for a?good dentist  

C. the theory that a tooth has a very good chance of surviving

D. the fact that a delay reduces the tooth's ability to heal back   to the gum

2. The following sentences tell what to do if a tooth is knocked out.   Which is the right procedure (步骤)?

[  ]

1) Pick the tooth up.  

2) Put the tooth straight back in its place.   

3) Look for a dentist or dental hospital.   

4) Rinse the tooth in clean, lightly-salted water or clean milk.

A. 4-2-3-1  

B. 1-2-3-4  

C. 1-4-3-2  

D. 1-4-2-3

3. When the writer says "A delay, even as little as 30 minutes,      educes the tooth's ability to heal back to the gum." he really   wants to express that ________.

[  ]

A. a knocked-out tooth should be put back after 30 minutes

B. it took us 30 minutes to put a knocked-out tooth back

C. a knocked-out tooth must be found in 30 minutes

D. a knocked-out tooth must be put back as soon as possible

4. From this passage we know that it is easier for the dentist to   repair the damage if the gap _____.

[  ]

A. is too large    

B. is too small  

C. remains the same  

D. is not large enough  

5. In saving a knocked-out tooth, one of the followings is warned not to use. It is __________.

[  ]

A. milk      

B. clean, lightly-salted water  


D.any medicine


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。   

      A bar owner locked up his place at 2 a. m. and went home to sleep. He had been in bed only a few minutes when the phone rang. "What time do you open up in the morning?" He heard an obviously drunken man ask. The owner was so angry, he slammed down the receiver and went back to bed. A few minutes later there was another call and he heard the same voice ask the same question. "Listen," the owner shouted, "there is no sense in asking me what time I open because I wouldn't let a person in your condition in..."

       "I don't want to get in," the caller interrupted, "I want to get out."  

1. The business ended ________.

[    ]

A. at two o'clock before midnight   

B. at two o'clock in the afternoon   

C. at two o'clock after noon   

D. at two o'clock after midnight  

2. It's clear that the caller ________.  

[    ]

A. enjoyed himself very much   

B. had eaten a lot of rice   

C. drank a lot of wine    

D. wanted to drink more  

3. At first the owner thought ________.  

[    ]

A. the caller wanted to drink in his bar   

B. it too late to enter his bar   

C. it impolite to phone him at that time   

D. it of no sense to ask him such a question   

4. "What time do you open up in the morning?" means that ________.   

[    ]   

A. the caller didn't know the exact time when the bar opened   

B. the caller was anxious to go to his bar to drink   

C. the caller left something in the bar and wanted to find it   

D. the caller wanted to get out  

5. The drunken man made two phone calls to the bar owner ________.  

[    ]

A. at a phone booth   B. inside the bar    

C. at home        D.outside the bar


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

      What is color? Why do some things look red, others green, others blue?

    Color is caused by reflected (反射) light rays. We see color because objects reflect light. Something that is red reflects mostly red light. White objects reflect all colors of light. Black objects do not reflect any light.

       What happens to the colors of light that are not reflected? They are absorbed by the object. The darker the color is, the less light is reflected and the more light is taken in. Light that is absorbed is turned into heat. For this reason, dark-colored clothes are warmer in the sunlight than lighter-colored clothes.  

1. Color is ________.  

[    ]

A. the object itself      

B. your sense of sight    

C. the light around the object  

D. reflected light  

2. The more light an object reflects, the ________ the object's color is.  

[    ]   

A. light    B. dark  

C. lighter    D. blacker  

3. Which of the following is untrue?  

[    ]

A. Red objects reflect red light.  

B. Green objects reflect green light.

C. White objects reflect all light.   

D. Black objects reflect black light.  

4. Which of the following gets hot slowest if put in the sunlight?  

[    ]

A. coal     B. gold  

C. copper     D. silver  

5. If you want to be warm, you should ___________.  

[    ]

A. wear black clothes  

B. wear more clothes    

C. wear light colored clothes

D.wear white clothes that reflect all colors of light


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

       How much rain has fallen on the earth in the past? Man has not always kept weather records. Because scientists need a way to learn about past rainfall, they study tree rings.

       A tree's trunk grows bigger each year. Beneath its bark (树皮), a tree adds a layer of new wood each year it lives. If you look at a tree stump (桩), you can see the layers. They are called annual rings (年轮).

       On some trees all of the rings are the same width. But the ponderosa pines that grow in the American southwest have rings of different width. The soil in the southwest is dry. The pines depend on rainfall for water. In a year of good rainfall, they form wide rings. In a dry year, they form narrow ones.

       Scientists do not have to cut down a pine to know its rings. With a special tool, they can remove a narrow piece of wood from the trunk without harming the tree. Then they look at the width of each ring to see how much rain fell in the year it formed.

       Some pines are hundreds of years old and have hundreds of rings. These rings form an annual record of past rainfall in the southwest.   

1. The passage mainly tells us about ___________.

[  ]

A. why tree trunks grow bigger   

B. how trees grow    

C. why and how scientists study tree rings   

D. how tree rings are formed  

2. From the passage we can see that ___________.

[  ]

A. a tree grows faster when it has a lot of water   

B. scientists cut down trees to study tree rings   

C. pine trees form wide rings every year   

D. the ponderosa pine only grows in the American southwest

3. A new layer of wood grows in a tree ____________.

[  ]

A. each week  

B. whenever it rains    

C. every year  

D. every season  

4. Why does a ponderosa pine in the American southwest have rings

   of different width? ____________

[  ]

A. Because rainfall differs from year to year.

B. The bigger a pine grows, the wider rings it forms.

C. Scientists control its growth.

D. It grows in the dry soil.  

5. Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A. The trunk of a tree never changes in size.   

B. Young trees have fewer annual rings.   

C. The soil in the southwest is fit for the growth of trees.   

D. It is with a special tool that scientists cut down a tree &


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

       "Tomorrow we'll see the Golden Gate Bridge (金门桥)," said Peter. "I've never seen a golden bridge before."

       Peter's father smiled, but said nothing. Peter would soon see the bridge.   The next morning, his father took Peter to the bridge. How big it looked! And the bridge was red! 

       "It isn't named for its color," said his father. "It's named for the Golden Gate."

       "What's the Golden Gate?" asked Peter.

       "A gate is either an opening, or a thing that closes an opening," said his father. "The Golden Gate is an opening in the land. Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay (海湾)."

       "Oh," said Peter. "And the bridge is over the opening. But why is the opening called the 'Golden Gate'?"

       "Years ago men came here to look for gold (黄金). Many came by ship. For them it was a gate to gold."

       "Well, I still think the bridge should look golden."

       When Peter got home, he sent a letter to a newspaper. In the letter he said: "Red is not the right color for the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge should look golden, the way most people think it does."

       Peter sent all the money he had saved with his letter. "This money is to help paint (油漆) the bridge," he wrote.

       Many people read Peter's letter. Right away, things began to happen! Some people sent money. A Big company (公司) gave real gold.

       But not all the people wanted to change the color of the bridge. Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden?   

1. Peter's father smiled when he heard his son's words because ________.

[  ]

A. he was pleased with his son's words   

B. he had nothing to say   

C. Peter had never seen a golden bridge   

D. Peter didn't know why the bridge was called "Golden Gate Bridge"  

2. The Golden Gate Bridge was ____________.

[  ]

A. golden  

B. an opening in land

C. red

D. both B and C

3. The Golden Gate ______________.

[  ]

A. looked very big    

B. was an opening to gold for men looking for gold years ago

C. was over San Francisco Bay

D. all A, B and C

4. To help change the bridge's color, Peter sent __________.

[  ]

A. his money to a newspaper

B. some of his money to a newspaper

C. his letter to a newspaper and his money to a company

D. all his money to a newspaper after a company had given real gold

5. Peter was sure that ___________ would agree with him.

[  ]

A. some people  

B. all the people    

C. many people

D. one or two big companies


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    Many TV programs are very realistic. One who watches TV often feels that whatever happened in the film could well happen to him. With only a little imagination, every man in the street becomes a thief, a spy or a murderer. Jane had been watching a spy film at a friend's house. In it, a young girl had been followed and murdered. She felt a little frightened walking to the station. She took the train back to the center of the city. There were a lot of people travelling, so she felt much safer. She looked round at the other people in the train.

       A man, sitting opposite her, reading a newspaper, glanced (看一下) at her. She thought nothing of it until she saw him staring at her. Remembering the film and feeling very uncomfortable, she got out of the train and went to the bus stop. When the man got on the same bus as her she found that he was following her. As long as she had been with other people she wasn't frightened, but when she got off the bus, the streets were almost empty. She walked as quickly as she could. She could hear footsteps following her but she didn't dare to look back. After what seemed to have been hours, but was in fact only a few minutes, she reached the front door. She felt for her keys, but was unable to find them, because she was so frightened. The footsteps stopped behind her. She heard a pleasant voice.

       "I apologize if I frightened you. I'm your new neighbor. I thought I recognized you in the train, but I wasn't sure."   

1. Jane felt frightened walking to the station because __________.

[  ]

A. she had seen a murder on television   

B. she was been followed    

C. she had been at her friend's house   

D. what happened on TV could really happen   

2. Jane's friend live ________________ her.

[  ]

A. very near    

B. a short distance from    

C. a long way from

D. next to

3. Jane was really frightened because ________.

[  ]

A. the man who followed her was her new neighbor

B. the man apologized

C. the street was empty

D. she thought she met a murderer

4. The man stopped behind her ______________.

[  ]

A. to frighten her

B. to murder her

C. to make an apology

D. to play a joke on her

5. A girl will be frightened if ________.

[  ]

A. she often watches television

B. she is followed by a stranger for a long time

C. she meets her neighbor suddenly

D. she feels a hand on her shoulder


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    These days experiences, like many other things, are becoming increasingly expensive. One has got to pay a lot to get even an ordinary one.

    Not long ago, I wanted to invite my friends to a lunch. What we really need was a good and quiet place for a talk, not a big meal. So I selected one for people only who belong to a particular club. I   belong to the club, too. What could be nicer? "Let's go to the club," I told my friend.

    When I ordered a day in advance, I was asked whether I would eat a 20 yuan or 30 yuan lunch. I said, "30 yuan". I didn't realize until I was asked to pay after the lunch, that "30 yuan" means "30 yuan for persons each."

    There were five people that day, and all of us were surprised by the quality of the 30 yuan meal (for all, we thought). The bill came at last: it was 216.40 (150 for the five of us plus the money for drinks, fruits and air conditioning). I paid the bill without a word.

    What could I say? It was not the club's fault. It was my own ignorance (无知) that made me pay the largest bill in my life.

    On the whole, it was not so bad; we had a good lunch and a quiet place. Besides, the experience will help in later years.

    To support my idea, I have developed my own calculation (算法): 30 yuan for the lunch and 186.40 for the experience.

This paid experience has made me ten times wiser.

1. Now many things are becoming ______________.

[  ]

A. less expensive    

B. not so expensive as before   

C. as expensive as before  

D. more expensive  

2. I ordered a lunch ________________.

[  ]

A. the day before    

B. so as to have a big lunch   

C. so that we could have a grand party   

D. in order to introduce my friend to the members of the club which I belong to

3. I had thought that I had ordered a meal that cost ____________.

[  ]

A. me 20 yuan  

B. me 30 yuan

C. us 20 yuan each

D. us 30 yuan each

4. What do you think makes me pay the largest lunch bill in my life?

[  ]

A. My fault.    

B. My ignorance.    

C. The club that had managed to make its customers misunderstand.

D. My friend's fault.  

5. "This paid experience has made me ten times wiser." expressed ________.

[  ]

A. the writer's thanks to the club     

B. the writer's pleasure to ten times wiser   

C. the writer's modesty    

D. the writer's anger


科目: 来源: 题型:053

   阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    "Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States, which is the nickname of the country.It is hard to believe that this nickname came out quite by accident and there actually was a man called "Uncle Sam". However, few people have ever heard of such a man. The man called "Uncle Sam Willson" lived in New York and ran a meat-packing business. One day, a mayor (市长) came to his shop and noticed the EAUS in front of the houseand asked what they stood for. And a workmate added jokingly that "US" stood for "Uncle Sam Willson". In May 1813, this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York. Since "Uncle Sam" was a popular man and was an example of hard-working and patriotic (爱国的) American,the idea of Uncle Sam as a name for this kind of men caught on (流行) rapidly. By the end of the war of 1812, "Uncle Sam" had come to symbolize(象征) the character of the nation and the government and the nickname of the U.S.

1. In the U.S., the nickname of "Uncle Sam". _________.

[    ]   

A. was named by the government   

B. was raised and came into being step by step

C. was suggested by Willson and decided by the government

D. had been formed since the U.S. was set up

2. In the U.S., Uncle Sam Willson _____________.

[    ]

A. won the greatest honour   

B. was one of the famous bosses of the restaurants

C. was an ordinary citizen  

D. became the wisest man  

3. In America "Uncle Sam" becomes very famous, ___________.  

[    ]

A. so everybody knows him  

B. but all the people don't know him

C. so everyone likes him   

D. so everybody learns from him

4. Today in the U.S. many people think ___________.

[    ]

A. they are proud that they are called "Uncle Sam"   

B. they should do a lot of things for mankind   

C. they would be unhappy when they are called "Uncle Sam"

D. the name of "Uncle Sam" should be regarded as the most important thing

5. In this text, "nickname" is ____________.

[    ]

A. a name by which a man is called familiarly, other than the real name

B. one's real name

C. Uncle Sam's name    

D. the name of the hard-working people

