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科目: 来源: 题型:053


  As far back as 700 B.C., man had talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the old story twin founders of Rome, were said to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her baby, she tries to get a human child to take its place. This idea did not become believable until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a ten-year-old boy having nothing on walking around in the woods. He didn't walk upright, could not speak, nor could he relate to people. He only growled(嗥叫)and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boy's confidence (信任) and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient teaching, the doctor was able to get the boy to dress, feed himself, recognize and say a number of words, as well as write letters to form words.

1. The French doctor found the boy __________.

[  ]

A. walking in a strange way

B. writing letters to form words

C. dressed in human clothes

D. speaking in an unknown language

2. According to the text we can infer that ___________.

[  ]

A.the boy was actually a baby-wolf

B.the boy was brought up by a she-wolf

C.the she-wolf had changed the boy into a wolf

D.having been brought up by a wolf, the boy could never live a human life

3.People before the late nineteen century didn't believe ___________.

[  ]

A.wolves were man-eating animals

B.a she-wolf would care for a human child

C.a she-wolf would lose her baby

D.she-wolves were kind-hearted

4.The doctor was able to work with the boy because ___________.

[  ]

A. the boy had never lost his mind

B. the boy trusted him

C. the boy liked to dress up

D. the boy worked very hard

5. What do the underlined words relate to mean?

[  ]

D. touch


科目: 来源: 题型:053

  The killer bees are coming! By the time you read this they will have reached Texas. By the mid-1990s, they will have reached all the warmer areas of the United States. Scientists as well as farmers wait for them with a mixture of fear and wonder.

  The killer bees should not be coming at all! Nature did not put them on this direct path for the United States; human beings did. The killer bees are from Africa. But in 1957 a scientist from Brazil got some of these killer bees for his experiments. The aim was to produce a better bee. However, an accident happened: a guest beekeeper let twenty-six of the queen bees escape by mistake. Before long, groups of killer bees took off for the woods.

  Since that time, the wild killer bees have multiplied (繁衍) many times over. By 1988, their population was over . They have spread all over South America, central America, and most of Mexico. The United States is the next stop.

  Are the killer bees really killers? Yes, they are. In their first thirty years in America, they have killed thousands of hens, pigs, and other animals. While no one knows the exact number, it is believed that several hundred people have also been killed.

  So be careful. Killer bees are on the way. Scientists have no idea what to do with them yet. There must be a way.

1.We know from the passage that killer bees will spread to the United States ___________.

[  ]

A.from north
B. from south
C.from west
D. from east

2.The killer bees were brought to Brazil in order to ___________.

[  ]

A.make an African bee
B. kill the local bees
C.produce wild bees
D. develop a better bee

3.The passage suggests that to all the creatures on the earth ___________.

[  ]

A. experiments are often very frightening

B. beekeepers are the most dangerous people

C. the greatest danger often comes from man himself

D. warmer areas are full of fear and wonder


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Fat on human body is distributed(分布) in two different ways. Some fat people have a large chest and no waistline (腰身), looking rather like apples. Others are fatter below the waist, looking more like pears.

  Doctors in Cambridge, England have been examining the relationship between health and fat distribution. They find that the pear-shaped fat people have fewer problems than the apple-shaped people. What seems to be most important is not just how much fat you have but where you have it. The doctors measured the apple-shaped and pear-shaped women and examined them with X-ray scanners(X光扫描器). Human beings have two types of fat——one is outside fat that is the fat below the skin and the other is inside fat which lies inside the body. Using the X-ray scanners, the doctors found that the“apples” have a large amount of inside fat. If this inside fat is much more than outside fat, it will probably cause health problems such as obesity (肥胖病). The best treatment for obesity is to reduce the inside fat. But unfortunately diet treatment(饮食疗法) simply makes and apple-shaped person into a smaller apple and a pear-shaped person into a smaller pear. At the moment there is no effective way of reducing the inside fat.

Multiple choice:

1.According to the relation between health and fatness ___________.

[  ]

A.it's better to be pear-shaped than apple-shaped

B.it's better to be apple-shaped than pear-shaped

C.apple-shaped fat people have fewer problems than pear-shaped people

D.fatness is the most dangerous enemy to health

2.The most important thing about fat people seems to be ___________.

[  ]

A. the amount of fat they have

B. the place where they have the fat

C. the amount of the outside fat they have

D. which type of the fat people they belong to

3.If you are fatter below your hip (臀部) you are ___________.

[  ]

A. either an apple-shaped person or a pear-shaped person

B. neither a pear-shaped person nor an apple-shaped person

C. a pear-shaped person

D. an apple-shaped person

4.The basic reason why some people suffer from obesity is that ___________.

[  ]

A. they take very little exercise every day

B. they eat too much

C. the are examined by X-ray scanners quite often

D. they have much more inside fat

5. According to what is mentioned, the best treatment for obesity at present is ___________.

[  ]

A.to reduce the amount of food and drinks

B.to make the body shape smaller

C.still to be found

D.already known to those people in trouble


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Homesick is a compound (复合的) word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each word means on its own, of course. But think about what the words mean when they are used together. Homesick means SICK FOR HOME.

  Now think for a minute about SEASICK. If you change the word home in the definition (释义) to the word sea, would it be the definition for SEASICK? Does seasick mean SICK FOR SEA? It means something quite different. SEASICK means MADE SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are homesick, the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, the last place you want to be is at sea.

  Have you ever heard of a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesn't mean that something is wrong with a person's heart. People are heartsick when they are hurt deep inside and when they feel as if their hearts are broken.

  But, on the other hand, we have such compound words as handshake, handstand, and handbag. Perhaps you may write definition for them.

1.The word SEASICK means “________.”

[  ]

A.to be eager to go to the sea

B.what has nothing to do with the sea

C.to be sick because of the sea

D.that the sea is terrible

2.When we say a person is heartsick, we mean that ________.

[  ]

A.his hearts it broken
B.his heart needs testing
C.he's sorry at heart
D.he's terribly disappointed and sad

3.“The last place you want to be”is ________.

[  ]

A.where you want to be most

B.where you want to be least

C.where you go the last

D.the last place you go to

4.The definitions of handshake, handstand and handbag are ________.

[  ]

A.easy to know
B.difficult to know
C.impossible to learn
D.unnecessary to learn

5.The author wants to tell us that ________.

[  ]

A.there are many compound words in English

B.the building of a compound word is interesting

C.the definitions of some compound words are hard to guess

D.not all the compound words are what they seem to be


科目: 来源: 题型:053


    Texas was the biggest state before Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. One good way to understand the size of Texas is to learn about its weather. Different parts of the state have different kinds of weather.

    Laredo, Texas, is one of the hottest cities in the United States in summer. The best time to visit Laredo is in the winter, when it is pleasantly warm.

    Amarillo gets very cold in winter. There is sometimes more snow in Amarillo than in New York, which is a northern city. Summer is better, but sometimes it gets quite hot. The best time to visit Amarillo is in the fall when it is cool.

    If anyone asks you about the weather in Texas, ask him, “What part of Texas do you mean?”

1.The largest state in the United States is

[  ]


2.Amarillo is ________.

[  ]

A.cool in autumn
B.near New York city
C.the hottest city in summer
D.the biggest state

3.It doesn't snow in the city of ________ in winter.

[  ]

C.New York

4.There is ________ more snow in New York than in Amarillo in winter.

[  ]

C. sometimes

5.Choose a title for the passage, ________.

[  ]

A.The Size of the USA
B.The Size of Alaska
C.The Size of Texas
D.The Size of New York


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  The Grand Ole Opry. in Nashiville, Tennessee, has always been American's most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the places is filled to the ceiling with country music 1 .

  One 2 in January 1967, was very 3 night at the Opry. For the first time, a 4 man was an attraction 5 music had always been thought of as “White music”. For many, it was a strange 6 to see Charley Pride step 7 the Opry stage. Some people felt 8 about whether a black man could sing country songs. 9 Charley's smooth voice quickly 10 over the Opry 11 Charley was so good that before, 12 , he was country music's biggest 13 .

  Like many country singers, Charley was 14 on a farm. he spent his 15 milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasn't going to make 16 his career. Later he became a baseball 17 .

  In the winter, after the baseball season, Charley sang at a local nightclub. One evening, Red Sovine, a great country music star, 18 Charley sing. Red told Charley to forget about 19 and go for a 20 career.


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科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Americans think that travel is good for you, some even think it can help one of the country's worst problems crime (犯罪).

  Crime worries a lot of people. Every year, the number of crimes goes up and up. And many criminals(罪犯) are young. They often come from sad homes, with only one parent or no parents at all.

  There are many young criminals in prison. But prison doesn't change them. Six or seven in ten will go back to crime when they come out of prison.

  One man, Bob Burton, thought of a new idea. In the old days, young men had to live a difficult life on the road. They learned to be strong and brave, and to help their friends in times of danger. This helped them to grow into men. So Bob Burton started “Vision Quest”. He takes young criminals on along, long journey with horses and wagons, 3 000 miles through seven states. They are on the road for more than a year.

  The young people on Vision Quest all have bad problems. Most of them have already spent time in prison. This is their last chance.

  It's hard work on the road. The day starts before the sun comes up. The boys and girls have to feed the horses. Some of them have never loved anyone before. But they can love their horse. That love can help them to a new life.

  Not all the young people on Vision Quest leave crime behind them. Three or four in ten will one day be in prison again. Bob Burton is right. Travel can be good for you. Even today, Americans still say, “Go west, young man.”

1.In paragraph 7 “leave crime behind them”means ________.

[  ]

A.no longer do a crime
B.leave people who do a crime
C.don't do all the crimes
D.leave criminals behind

2.Why is Bob Burton right?

[  ]

A.Because he can help crime.

B.Because three or four is better than six or seven.

C.Because the young criminals have a hard life on the road.

D.Because he can stop crime in the country.

3.From the passage we may infer that ________.

[  ]

A.getting up before the sun rises can help people out of crime

B.loving can help young people to a new life

C.travelling can help all criminals out of prison

D.being brave and strong can do with crime

4.On “Vision Quest”________.

[  ]

A.young people have bad problems

B.young people grow tall very fast

C.young people often help their friends in times of danger

D.All of the above.

5.Americans still say, “Go west, young man”, because ________.

[  ]

A.if they go west they can have a travel

B.in the west there is a prison

C.there they have to live a hard life to grow into men

D.prison doesn't change them


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  An Australian wild-life park attendant survived a crocodile attack after her father jumped on the huge crocodile's back and dug out its eyes as the horrified tourists looked on.

  Karla Bredl, 21, was in a fairly good condition in good care in hospital with a broken bone , a broken leg and some injuries after attack.

  The 4. 5-metre crocodile, caught Karla Bred l around the leg and then the waist when she fell during a crocodile feeding show for tourists.

  Karla's father seized a long-handled tool and heart the crocodile about the head to force it to let goof her. but the tool was doing nothing. So he jumped on its back and stuck his fingers in its eyes and the crocodile let go of her.

1.Karla Bredl was ________.

[  ]

A.the crocodile's keeper

B.the keeper's daughter who was helping her father feed the crocodile

C.a tourist who tried to feed the crocodile

D.an actress who was doing her performance

2.From the passage we may know the underlined word “survived” means ________.

[  ]

A.led a hard life

B.died from the accident

C.continued to exist

D.was wounded badly

3.Karla's father saved his daughter by _______.

[  ]

A.jumping onto the crocodile

B.beating the crocodile with great strength

C.digging out the crocodile's eyes

D.letting the crocodile go of her

4.The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.The Hateful Crocodile
B.Father Saved Daughter's Life
C.A Terrible Accident
D.The Dangerous Place

5.Which U. Me following is not true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The accident happened in a park.

B.Karla was taken good care of in the hospital.

C.Karla was bitten by the crocodile in full view of the other people.

D.The crocodile was so angry that it pulled the girl into its mouth.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


    Mr Denys Stocks, an old policeman, has just been given a prize for 12 years' research into ancient Egyptian industrial methods. People often wondered how the Egyptians were able to cut such hard stone and how they produced such fine jewellery. Mr Stocks has shown that the Egyptians used saws (锯) and drills (钻). The saws and drills were made of copper (铜), which is very soft. But the Egyptains turned them into very powerful tools. First, an Egyptian made a cut in the stone with a soft saw. Then the Egyptian put some sand into the cut. The hard sand got into the teeth of the saw and did the cutting. In this way, a worker could cut one of the hardest rocks. The sand he used turned into a very fine powder. The powder was then used by jewellers to cut valuable stones to make good jewellery.

1.Mr Stocks has found out ________.

[  ]

A.how Egyptians made saws and drills

B.what Egyptians used to made jewellery

C.how Egyptians cut hard stones

D.what Egyptians used to make their saws and drills

2.What is the correct order of the whole process?

a.cut valuable stones

b.put some sand into the cut

c.used copper to make saws and drills

d.made a cut in the stone

e.made hard sand get into the teeth of the saws

f.made good jewellery

[  ]

A.a, b.c, d, e.f
B.c, d, b, e, a, f
C.c, b, a, d, e, f
D.d, e, a, b, c, f

3.Mr Stocks was given prize for ________.

[  ]

A.his invention
B.his discovery
C.the hard work
D.his powerful cutting

4.________ made saws powerful tools.

[  ]

A.Soft copper

B.The cut

C.Sand power

D.Hard rocks

5.The “cut” in this passage means ________.

[  ]

A.the opening made by a sharp-edged tool

B.the using of a knife or other tools

C.separating a part from an object

D.making the blood come out of a body


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time

 In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to beOf course there are too many carsThe Japanese drive very fast when they can but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in a traffic jams(交通阻塞).Tokyo is not different from London, Paris and New York in thatIt is different when one wants to walk

 At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London's Oxford StreetBut the street near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimes, it is really difficult to walkPeople are very polite, there are just too many of them

 The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at nightThat is when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go homeThere are 35 000 nightclubs in Tokyo, and you do not often see one that is empty

 During the day, most people travel to and from work by trainTokyo people buy six million train tickets every dayAt most stations, trains arrive every two or three minutes, but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trainsAlthough they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very goodThey always leave and arrive on timeOn a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaperIn Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep, whether his journey is long or short

 In Tokyo, I stood outside the station for five minutesThree fire-engines raced(疾驰)past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every dayTokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now

1Tokyo is different from London in that ______.   

[  ]

Ait has a larger population

Bit is a cosmopolitan(世界性的)city

Cit is more difficult to go somewhere on foot

Dits people are friendlier and more polite

2What time does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?

[  ]

AWhen the night-clubs are closing

B8 o'clock in the morning

CWhen the train is overcrowded

D11:30 am

3What does the writer say about Japanese trains?   

[  ]

AThey are very nice and comfortable

BThere are not enough trains

CThey often run behind time

DThey leave and arrive on time

4In Tokyo trains, every Japanese sitting in the seat ______.   

[  ]

Areads a newpaper        Bfalls asleep

Cbrowses through a magazine    Dlooks out the window

5From the writer's observation, we can see that fires break out ______


[  ]

Aquite frequently         Bvery rarely

Coccasionally           Donly several times a day

