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科目: 来源: 题型:053


  A child's birthday party doesn't have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months.

  “Having a party at home usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the parents, and often the birthday boy or girl gets lost in wild excitement. But it really doesn't have to be that way,” said Anaclerio. Last summer, Anaclerio and her friend Jill Carlisle, a Northbrook mother of a 2-year-old, founded a home party-planning business called “A Party in a Basket.” Their goal is to help parents and children share in the fun part of party planning, like choosing the subject or making a cake, while they take care of everything.

  Drawing on their experiences as mothers, they have created(制作)10 ready-to-use, home party packages. Everything a family needs to plan a party, except the cake and ice cream, is delivered to the home in a large basket.

  “Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,” Anaclerio said, “and they're very interactive(互动)and creative in that they build a sense of drama based on a subject. For example, at the Soda Shoppe party the guests become waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice cream creations.”

  The standard $ 200 package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitations, gifts, games and prizes, paper goods, a party planner and the like. For more information, call Anaclerio at 708-864-6584 or Carlisle at 708-205-9141.

(1)The main purpose of writing this text is ________.

[  ]

A. to share information about party planning

B. to introduce the joys of a birthday party

C. to announce a business plan

D. to sell a service

(2)The most important idea behind the kind of party planning described that ________.

[  ]

A. it brings parents and children closer together

B. guests play a part in the preparation of a party

C. parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations

D. it provides a subject of conversation

(3)What does the underlined word “hassle”(paragraph 1)probably mean?

[  ]

A. a party designed by specialists

B. a plan requiring careful thought

C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble

D. a demand made by guests

(4)Which of the following is most likely to be a party planner?

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive price. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labour, and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would need to be doubled, travel by bus or tube would cost 20 per cent more.

  And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart form the fact that seven acts of parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once. If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it represents good value.

  Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

  There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-know television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade.

  If its message were confined merely to information-and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the colour of a shirt is subtly persuasive-advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what well-know television-personality wants.

(1)By the first sentence of the passage the author means that ________.

[  ]

A. he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising

B. everybody knows well that advertising is money consuming

C. advertising costs money like everything else

D. it is worthwhile to spend money on advertising

(2)In the passage, which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of advertising?

[  ]

A. Securing greater fame

B. Providing more jobs

C. Enhancing living standards

D. Reducing newspaper cost

(3)The author deems that the well-known TV personality is ________.

[  ]

A. very precise in passing his judgment on advertising

B. interested in nothing but the buyers' attention

C. correct in telling the difference between persuasion and information

D. obviously partial in his views on advertising

(4)In the author's opinion, ________.

[  ]

A. advertising can seldom bring material benefit to man by providing information

B. advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over

C. there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyer

D. the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement

(5)Which of the following would be the title for the passage?

[  ]

A. Consumers and Advertisements

B. The Features and Importance of Advertising

C. Television Personality and Advertising

D. The Benefits of Advertising


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the pavement (人行道). When he reached the middle of the bridge he thought he could hear someone coming near behind him. He looked back but could see no one. However, the sound continued and Frank began to walk more quickly. Then he slowed down again, feeling shame at having acted so foolishly. There was nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this.

  Just then, he heard short, quick steps closely behind him. By the time he reached the other side of the bridge, he could almost feel someone at his heels (脚跟). He turned round and there stood a man in a large overcoat. A hat was pulled down over his eyes and. very little of his face Could be seen. Frank said something about the weather, trying to sound friendly and calm. The man did not answer but asked rudely where Oakfield House was. Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way.

(1)Frank was feeling shame because________.

[  ]

A.he had walked so quickly

B.he had made a big noise at midnight

C.he had been afraid

D.he had been anxious to go home

(2)Frank said something about the weather to the stranger because________

[  ]

A.he wondered what the weather would be like the next day

B.he wanted to start a conversation.

C.he wanted to show he's polite

D.he wanted to hide his nervousness

(3)The man dressed in a large overcoat was ________.

[  ]


B.not polite at all

C.a visitor to Oakfield House and polite

D.a servant of Oakfield House


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Motivation (动机)to satisfy one's needs is brought a- bout by“drives”. These“drives”do not determine man' s behaviour is very hungry, it will be difficult for him to pay enough attention to anything except his need for food. our (行为),hut rather direct man' s energy towards certain aims. For example, man' s body requires food, which is a biological need.

  When this need comes up, man feels uncomfortable and his thoughts turn to getting food of satisfying that need. If he While all men feel hungry, there is more than one method for helping 'free people of this uncomfortable feeling. How needs are satisfying depends on what we have been taught or what we have learned from our experiences. As we grow, we learn what foods our society considers acceptable, and how they should be prepared and eaten. In some societies, for example, pork (猪肉)is considered a special food while in other societies it is strictly forbidden. In some societies fish is always cooked, but in other societies raw fish is preferred. The way in which we satisfy a drive is a learned response (反应). Nature has not built a food-getting response into man. He cannot just eat whatever he wants or whenever there is food, his satisfaction of the hunger drive, for example, is limited by the rules of a society. Although we are hungry, according to the rules of society, we should not steal food, even if it belongs to someone weaker than we are.

(1)According to the passage,“drives”________.

[  ]

A.can be brought about by motivation

B.can always decide man' s action

C.direct man's energy toward certain goals

D.follow man' s motivations

(2)________ is a biological need.

[  ]


(3)The writer hopes to tell us that________.

[  ]

A.man should satisfy his biological needs whenever necessary

B.man's needs should always be satisfied without any condition

C.what man should do if he feels hungry

D.man' s satisfaction of needs is limited by the rules of a certain society


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Australia, the last continent, was discovered by ships belonging to some European nations in the seventeenth century. These nations were less interested in changing it into a colony(殖民地)that in exploring it. As in the early history of the United States, it was the English who set up the settlements in Australia. This history and the geography of these two British colonies have some other things in common as well.

  Australia and the United States are about the same in size, and their western lands are both not rich in soil. It was the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled, and both colonies soon began to develop towards the west. However, his westward movements took place more because the English were searching for better land than the population was increasing. Settlements of the western part of both countries developed quickly after gold was discovered in America in 1849 and in Australia two years later.

  Although the development of these two countries has a lot in common, there are some striking differences as well. The United States gained its independence from English by revolution while Australia won its independence without having to go to war. Australia, unlike the United States, was firstly turned into a colony by English prisoners and its economic development was in wheat growing and sheep raising. By 1922 ,for example, Australia had fifteen times more sheep than it had people, or almost half as many sheep as there are people today in the United States. Yet, in spite of these and other main differences, Australia and the United States haw

more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world.

(1)Who turned Australia into a colony? ________.

[  ]


B.Several European countries

C.The United Stales of America

D.None of the above

(2)In the early history of American and Australia, both colonies developed towards the west firstly for the reason that ________.

[  ]

A.the population was increasing rapidly in the east

B.the English thought there might be richer land there

C.gold was discovered there

D.fewer people lived there

(3)In the early 1920s,________.

[  ]

A.Australia had one fifteenth as many people as sheep

B.there were more sheep in Australia than in the United States

C the population in Australia was greater than that of the United Slates

D.the United States had twice as many sheep as people

(4)Australia, unlike the United States, ________.

[  ]

A.won its independence by peaceful meant

B.was the last and biggest continent to be discovered

C.its economic development was in wheat growing and sheep raising

D.was not rich in gold in its western part

(5)The last sentence in the last paragraph“... Australia and the United Stales have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world.”means ________.

[  ]

A.The United States and Australia do not have any main differences

B.The United States and Australia have much more in common than they have with other countries

C.The United States and Australia have nothing in common With the rest of the world

D.In common with the rest of the world, the United States and Australia have a lot of differences


科目: 来源: 题型:053


A Most Remarkable Oil

  When Johnson called again, the manager received him very politely.“That is a most remarkable oil you brought us. Mr. Johnson,”he said. Johnson nodded his smooth, dark head. That was something he knew very well.“I've never seen anything like it.”the manager admitted. Johnson nodded again.“No?”he said polity. Then he added,“But I think you will, Sir. A very great deal of it.”He appeared to think for a moment.“I think you will find will be on sale seven, perhaps, eight years from now.”He smiled.

  The manager thought that was uncertain. He said,“It is bet than our fish oils. I admit that.”“So I am told, sir,”agreed Johnson.

  “Have you any plans to produce it yourself, manager?”Johnson smiled again.

  “Would I be showing it to you if I had?”

  “We might add some chemicals to one of our own fish oils.”said the manager,“It would be expensive to do that, even if you could.”Johnson said gently.“Besides,”he added,“I am told that this oil will be much cheaper than your best fish oils. Cheaper than any vegetable oils, in fact.”

  “Perhaps,”said the. manager.“Well, I suppose you want to make an arrangement, Mr. Johnson. Shall we discuss it?”

  “Of course,”said Johnson.“There are two ways of dealing with a situation of this. The usual one is to prevent it altogether at least to delay it as long as possible. That is, of course, the beat way.”The manager nodded. He knew plenty about all that.

  “But I am so sorry for you, because, you see, that is not possible this time.”The manager had his doubts, but all he said was M Inquiring,“Oh?”

  “The other way,”continued Johnson,“is to produce yourself before the trouble starts.”

(1)The manager thought of adding chemicals to the fish oil to make it ________.

[  ]

A.cheaper than the new oil

B.more quickly

C.more expensive

D.as good as the new oil

(2)Johnson's new oil would be________.

[  ]

A.more expensive than fish oil, but better

B.less expensive, and better

C.less expensive, hut not good

D.more expensive, and not so good

(3)Johnson expressed his regret that the manager ________.

[  ]

A.could not stop the new oil being made

B.would never know how to make it

C.had spent a lot of money on it

D.didn't know enough about it

(4)Johnson showed his new oil to the manager because he wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to produce it himself

B.to prevent it being produced

C.to be paid not to produce it

D.the manager to produce it


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  A man led his two children and wife to safety as a fire swept part of their home. The first fire happened early yesterday as Jim Eastwood and his wife lay asleep in their home at Price Read. Mrs. Eastwood, who was first to wake, got up and felt heat coming from downstairs. As soon as Mr. Eastwood jumped off the bed, he rushed downstairs to try to put out the blaze (n.火焰;烈火;火灾)but the smoke and heat were too intense (adj.强烈的,剧烈的).

  Mrs. Eastwood got her children from their bedrooms and they hung out of a window gasping (vi.喘 ,喘气)for fresh air.

  Mr. Eastwood, who dialed 999 while downstairs, then decided to climb out of his bedroom window to lead his wife and children to safety. He got out of the window first and climbed onto a ledge above the downstairs living room. He then lifted and helped the children and his wife out. At that time, their next door neigh boor were awake and opened the window of the bedrooms to let them in.

(1)The big fire probably broke out ________.

[  ]

A.at noon
B.in the afternoon
C.during the night
D.at dark

(2)When the fire started ________ .

[  ]

A.the family had been out of danger

B.the parents were sleeping in their bedroom

C.Mr. Eastwood was already downstairs

D.the children were above the living room

(3)Who noticed the fire first? ________.

[  ]

A.Mr. Eastwood.

B.The children.

C.Mrs. Eastwood.

D.Their next door neigh boor.

(4)During the course of the accident, Mrs. Eastwood had never been to ________.

[  ]

A.her own bedroom

B.the children's bedrooms

C.their neighbor's bedroom

D.their own living room

(5)When the fire was over ________.

[  ]

A.there was not any great loss to the Eastwoods

B.none of the family was hurt, but their house was somewhat destroyed

C.Mr. Eastwood was badly wounded in both the head and the limbs

D.Mrs. Eastwood was still worrying about their children


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  People faint(昏厥)when the normal blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut down. This can happen if they are surprised or shocked by sudden news or by something they see. Some people faint if they see others hurt. Some people faint in crowds. Others faint if they are in a room that is hot and stuffy (窒息的).

  If a person faints while standing, lay him down. If his face is pale, lift his feet. If he is sitting down when he faints, place his head between his knees Loosen (解开) any tight clothing that might keep him from breathing easily. If possible, place a cold, wet cloth on his forehead (前额).

(1)The passage tells us that people may faint if they are________.

[  ]


(2)If you feel faint, you' d better ________.

[  ]

A.lie flat
B.stand up
C.move slowly
D.run about

(3)If you feel faint when sitting, put your head ________.

[  ]

A.against the chair back
B.between your knees
C.on your chest
D.to one side

(4)Raise a fainting person' s feet if his face ________.

[  ]

A.feels hot
B.shows shock
C.looks pale
D.both A and B

(5)We try to help a person who has fainted by ________.

[  ]

A.tightening(系紧)his clothing

B.pressing a hot handkerchief on his forehead

C.returning blood to his brain

D.leaving him alone


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the water, if he isn't breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed. Support his neck, tilt (使翘起)his head back and press his chin(下巴)upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the air- way in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesn't work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils (鼻孔)together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives.

  To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue gray colour, and you can feel no pulse (脉搏),then pressing is the last chance of saving his life.

  With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breast-bone. Don' t be too hard or you may break a rib (肋骨). Check how effective you are seeing if his

colour improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until rescue arrives.

(1)This passage is mainly about________.

[  ]

A.how to save people out of the water

B.how to give first aid to people who are drowning

C.how to do mouth-to-mouth breathing

D.how to save a child from a river

(2)Once you get a drowning man out of the water, if he isn't breathing, you must first ________.

[  ]

A.get him breathing again

B.take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible

C.find someone to help you

D.call the First Aid Centre

(3)In the last paragraph, the word“rescue”means ________.

[  ]


(4)If the drowning boy has no pulse,

[  ]

A.pressing his chin upwards is enough to get him breathing

B.blowing air into his mouth is sure to save his life

C.pressing his nostrils together with your fingers can work

D.pressing is the last chance of saving his life

(5)Which of the following statements is true? ________.

[  ]

A.If a man does not breathe for four minutes, his brain will be completely destroyed.

B.If you see someone drowning, you must give him mouth-to-mouth breathing.

C.Don' t stop pressing his chest, if the drowning man starts breathing again.

D.When pressing, you can do it as hard as you can.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


Recent researches show that Hong Kong is still “the best place to do business” and most foreign investors (投资者) say that they want to increase investment and continue business after the handover on July 1.

  It is reported that 93% of the British companies will still be operating in the year 2000 and 70% will add to their business. Only  7% said they are unsure. Most British companies believe that after the handover, the business will at least remain unchanged Britain is so far the largest investor in Hong Kong with an investment of $ 40 billion, followed by Japan with $ 14.3 billion and the United States with $12 billion.

  The British Senior Trade Commissioner in Hong Kong said that after the handover Hong Kong would be a place full of opportunities (机会). Like the British, the American companies also think Hong Kong's return to China is not an interruption. It is said that they increase their investment both in Hong Kong and on the mainland.About 95% of American companies will continue their investment in Hong Kong. A Japanese official in Hong Kong said that the handover is a great affair either to the Asia-Pacific area or to the whole world and that Japan believes firmly in the rapidly growing trade between them. A school was set up earlier this year for children of these Japanese working in Hong Kong as their number keeps growing.

  Researches show that the number of foreign companies operating in Hong Kong has been on a firm rise. It's believed that Hong Kong has been, and will continue to be, a window for China.

reported on May 20th, 1997

(1)According to the passage, what's going on with Hong Kong's business?

[  ]

A.No changes have taken place in Hong Kong recently.

B.Great changes will take place when it is handed over to China soon.

C.Most businessmen are taking back their investment.

D.Everything goes on well with the business in Hong Kong.

(2)What's the opinion of the American companies?

[  ]

A.The handover will keep Hong Kong's business from developing.

B.About 5% of them will still be operating.

C.Hong Kong's return to China will not stop foreign investment from gong on.

D.Hong Kong's return to China is against American interests.

(3)It can be seen clearly that Hong Kong ________.

[  ]

A.plays a very important part in the world's trade

B.will get less investment from foreign companies

C.will increase investment on the mainland

D.has an uncertain future

(4)What does the third paragraph mainly tell us about Japan?

[  ]

A.Japan thinks the handover is also a great event to Japan.

B.Japanese set up a school for their children in Hong Kong.

C.Many Japanese are working in Hong Kong now.

D.Japan is sure of Hong Kong's bright future.

