 0  70418  70426  70432  70436  70442  70444  70448  70454  70456  70462  70468  70472  70474  70478  70484  70486  70492  70496  70498  70502  70504  70508  70510  70512  70513  70514  70516  70517  70518  70520  70522  70526  70528  70532  70534  70538  70544  70546  70552  70556  70558  70562  70568  70574  70576  70582  70586  70588  70594  70598  70604  70612  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15,1929. He became a minister like his father, Martin Luther King, Sr.

  Many laws in southern states were not fair to African-Americans. They could not vote, so they could not change the laws. It was not possible for one person alone to change this.

  Martin Luther King, Jr. was a powerful speaker. People listened to him. “Many people working together can change things,” he said. “Use love, not violence,” he said. He made speeches. He wrote books. He helped black people to register to vote. He was arrested and put into prison. When he got out of prison, he continued to make speeches. It was dangerous work. His house was destroyed. Schools and churches were destroyed too.

  In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. received one of the world's greatest honors, the Nobel Peace Prize. He worked for all poor people, white and black. On April 4, 1968, King was in Atlanta, Georgia to lead a march for poor workers. He was shot and died. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great American. His most famous speech was at the March in Washington, on August28, 1963. “… I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

  Many laws have changed since 1963, but Martin Luther King's dream is still a dream.

(1) Choose the right order of the following events.

a.King was killed in Atlanta on a march for black people.

b.He received the Nobel Peace Prize.

c.Martin Luther King became a minister after he left college.

d.Many laws have been changed after struggles by the blacks.

e.He was put into prison for his speeches for civil rights.

f.King made the famous speech “I have a dream” in 1963.

[  ]

A.c, b, f, d, a, e
B.e, b, c, f, a, d
C.c, e, f, b, d, a
D.c, e, f, b, a, d

(2) Which of the following is right?

[  ]

A.Neither Martin Luther King, Jr. nor Martin Luther King, Sr. was a minister.

B.Martin Luther King was a minister, but his father wasn't.

C.Martin Luther King, Jr. his father and Martin Luther King, Sr. were all ministers.

D.Not only Martin Luther King, but also his father was a minister.

(3) King was a powerful speaker. The sentence means ________.

[  ]

A.he was a strong man
B.he was good at making speeches
C.he liked to make speeches
D.he had the right to speak

(4) King was killed because ________.

[  ]

A.he liked fighting and killing
B.he was respected by blacks
C.his enemies hated him
D.he broke the law

(5) From the passage, we may infer (推断) ________.

[  ]

A.King liked to dream

B.the blacks have already had equal rights

C.there is still a lot of work for the blacks to do

D.nothing is better for the blacks than before


科目: 来源: 题型:053


Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe published her book Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852. It reminded people that Negroes were human beings and that slavery could and often did lead to inhuman treatment, including the breaking up of families whose members might be sold to different owners. The book was strongly emotional (情感的), and few books ever published have had so great an exercise of such power. Anger in the north against southern slavery became stronger and stronger, though the south continued to refuse to consider bringing it to an end. Soon it became clear that the north could not allow the continuation of slavery within the United sates. The Civil War was fought over the claim by the southern states to the right to withdraw from the Union and form a separate nation where slavery would continue; for the north the war was a just one in support not only of the maintenance (维持) of national unity, but also of the unity of a nation from which the shame of legal slavery should be done away with.


(1) Mrs. Stowe wrote the book Uncle Tom's Cabin in order to ________.

[  ]

A.treat black people a slaves

B.buy and sell slaves as animals

C.call on the people to fight against slavery

D.break up a great number of families

(2) In the sentence, “… consider bringing it to end”, “it” refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the book
C.the war

(3) The southern states fought the war because ________.

[  ]

A.they had a new nation
B.they wanted to get rid of slavery
C.they wanted to keep slavery
D.they wanted to keep the national unity

(4) Which of the following is NOT the reason why the north was at war?

[  ]

A.They wanted to build a free state for all the people.

B.They did not want the nation to be divided.

C.They wanted to do away with slavery.

D.They wanted to break away from the Union.

(5) Mrs. Stowe seemed to think that ________.

[  ]

A.black people should get human treatment

B.black people could be sold to different owners

C.it was right for the south to continue slavery

D.it was not right for the north to be against slavery


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  It was during a weekend. Mum gave me two tickets for a film and told me she was too busy with the endless housework to go with me. She told me to keep the money if I could sell the extra ticket. I was very happy, of course. At that time, a ticket only cost 20 fen. But to me, a little girl of 12,20 fen seemed quite a lot.


  I reached the cinema in a great hurry. Holding the ticket in my hand, I began to look for a buyer. A handsome young man noticed me and the ticket in my hand. He came towards me with a big smile, “You've got an extra ticket?”


  “Yes,” I nodded.


  “That's great. Say, how much?”


  “Twenty fen.”


  “Oh”, he thought for a while and then, took out a ten-yuan note from his wallet. “I'm sorry, but I have only got this note,” Seeing I was confused, he added. “Then, how about waiting for a while and I'll give you the money after I have changed it in the cinema's store?”


  Without much thinking, I agreed. Then we went to the cinema together. He walked fast. I could hardly keep up with him. By and by, he left me farther and farther behind. Soon he disappeared in the gents (男厕所). I stood there without knowing what to do. Suddenly I seemed to realize the handsome fellow had cheated me. He had saved twenty fen, but lost his honor.

  It seemed to be a funny or even ridiculous (可笑的) experience. But it did cast a dark shadow on my young mind.


(1) When do you think the story probably happened at the time?

[  ]

A.On a Monday
B.On a Saturday
C.On a Sunday or a Monday
D.On a Thursday or a Friday

(2) The sentence “20 fen seemed quite a lot to me” suggests that ________.

[  ]

A.the writer did not have much pocket money

B.the writer cared much for the money

C.20 fen could buy a lot of things

D.the writer had had as much money as that

(3) The man took out a ten-yuan note from his wallet, for ________.

[  ]

A.he thought the writer would be happy at the sight of the note

B.he really had nothing but the ten-yuan note

C.he was not sure if the writer would sell him the ticket

D.he knew the writer was not able to give him back the change

(4) How did the writer realize that she was cheated? ________.

[  ]

A.The man walked too fast for her to keep up with

B.The man went to the gents and was not seen again

C.The man asked her to wait for a while

D.The man said that he only had a ten-yuan note

(5) Which is the best title for this passage? ________.

[  ]

A.An Unpleasant Experience
B.An Interesting Experience
C.An Unforgettable Experience
D.A Terrible Experience


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  William Lehmann was a writer. When he was a boy, writing came as naturally to him as walking. He enjoyed playing with works, in the same way that other boys played with a football. He wrote stories whenever he had the chance, stories that most of his teachers couldn't hope to write, with the experience of a person two or three times his age. He wrote some quite striking poems, too.

  At school, Wlliam always did best in English exams in his school, but not in subjects like history. As he was never satisfied to stick to the facts, he preferred to imagine how things might have been.

  At home, William was always writing. He wrote in bed; he wrote while the others were watching television, in the half darkness , he would even write at the breakfast table if his mother let him. What a quiet boy: different from others!


(1) From this passage we know that ________.

[  ]

A.William was a boy to whom walking came naturally

B.Willaim was good at history as well as English

C.writing came naturally to William when he was very young

D.William enjoyed imagining things while other boys liked playing a football

(2) To William words ________.

[  ]

A.were what a football was to other boys

B.were like a game, not to be taken seriously

C.came more naturally than walking

D.came almost as naturally as playing football

(3) The stories that William wrote were ________.

[  ]

A.about the experiences of someone two or three times his age

B.two of three times better than the stories that most people write

C.of the sort that most people older than William hope to write

D.of a sort that few people can write, even after year of experience of life

(4) William did better in English than is history because ________.

[  ]

A.he was unable to describe how things were

B.he was not interested in history

C.he always stuck to the facts

D.he preferred to imagine how things might have been rather than to stick to the facts

(5) At home, William wrote ________.

[  ]

A.about his family members

B.whenever he had the chance

C.except when he was watching the television

D.even at the breakfast table


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  The following table shows some results of a survey (调查) in which 800 Japanese school pupils were asked to give their impressions (印象) of their classroom teachers. The pupils' impressions were found to differ depending on whether the teacher was new (with less than three years' experience), middle-standing (ten to twenty years), or a veteran (有经验的人) (twenty to thirty years). The numbers in the table show the percentage of the pupils who answered “very satisfied” or" extremely satisfied” for each question item (项目).


(1) As for Question Items ________, pupils' evaluations (评价) can be said to rise at a steady rate (比率) as their teacher's experience increases.


[  ]


A.1 and 4

B.3 and 5

C.6 and 8

D.9 and 10

(2) In contrast (对比) to the new teaches, the middle-standing and veteran teachers seem to have made a remarkable (显著的) improvement in their ability to ________.


[  ]

A.be fair to any pupil


B.evaluate pupils' progress


C.present materials clearly


D.understand and play with pupils


(3) Pupils seem to regard the new and the middle-standing teachers as being more ________ than the veterans.


[  ]

A.relaxed in class


B.interested in pupils' ideas


C.neat in appearnce


D.skillful at explaining


(4) According to the table, which of the following is right? ________.


[  ]

A.In the new teachers' classes, pupils seem to ask questions more freely

B.Pupils seem to be quite satisfied with the amount (量) of time their teachers spend with them between classes

C.The evaluation of the middle-standing teachers is lower than that of the veterans in seven items

D.Though veterans do not play games with pupils during breaks, their teaching is rated highly


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    Spider silk is very strong. It can be stretched to 13% of its   normal length without breaking. It resists water and it is not affected   by extreme temperature changes. Spider silk also does not react to   chemicals. It is so thin that one piece of spider silk long enough to   reach around the world would weigh less then 1 half kilogram. The   publication "Discovery" reports it would take the life's work of 5000   spiders to produce enough silk for one woman's dress.


    Military researchers, makers of medical supplies and clothing   designers are very interested in spider silk research. American army   and navy scientists believe spider silk could be used to make stronger   parachutes (降落伞) and bullet proof coats. Medical equipment companies   believe it could be placed inside the body and clothing makers think it   could make a strong, light weight material.


    Researchers are trying to find a way to produce large amounts of   spider silk without using spiders.



 (1)  The best headline for this article is ________.     [  ]     A. Something About Spider  B. A New Discovery    C. Silk Research       D. Spider Silk

 (2)  Medical researchers are interested in spider silk because_________.                                [  ]    A. they think it could be used to make woman's dress     B. they suppose it could be used to make proof coats    C. they believe it could be put inside the bodies    D. they imagine it could be used to make a new strong material

 (3) Researchers want to get large quantities of spider silk by ______.                                 [  ]    
   A. raising many spiders   
   B. collecting 5000 spiders   
   C. raising large amounts of silkworms   
   D. finding a new way we don't know now  

(4) "Discovery" may be ________.              [  ]    A. a writer or a professor  B. a story or a novel    C. a book or a magazine     D. a slide or a film 

(5)  What character does spider silk have?    
   A. Water-proof        
   B. Unaffected by different temperature   
   C. Has no effect on chemical  
   D. All of the above                       


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Because plants cannot move or talk, most people believe that they have no feelings and that they cannot receive signals (信号) from outside. However, this may not be completely true.

  People who studied plants have found out that plants carry a small electrical charge (电荷). It is possible to measure this charge with a small piece of equipment called“galvanometer”. The galvanometer is placed on a leaf of the plant, and it records any changes in the electrical field of the leaf. Humans have a similar field which can change when we are shocked or frightened.

  A man called Backster used a galvanometer for his studies of plants and was very surprised at his results. He found that if he had two or more plants in a room and he began to destroy one of them-perhaps by pulling off leaves or by pulling it out of its pot?-then the galvanometer on the leaves of the other plants showed a change in the electrical field. It seemed as if the plants were signalling a feeling of shock. This happened not only when Backster started to destroy plants, but also when he destroyed other living things such as insects(昆虫).

  Backster said that the plants also knew if someone had destroyed a living thing some distance away, because they signalled when a man who had just cut down a tree entered the room.

  Another scientist, named Sauvin, achieved similar results to Backster's. He kept galvanometers fixed to his plants all the time and checked regularly to see what the plants were doing. If he was out of the office, he telephoned to find out about the signals the plants were sending. In this way, he found that the plants were sending out signals at the exact times when he felt strong pleasure or pain. In fact, Sauvin could cause a change in the electrical field of his plants over a distance of a few miles simply by thinking about them.

(1) Most people believe that plants have no feelings because ________.

[  ]

A.they do not move or speak

B.they cannot receive signals from outside

C.this may not be completely true

D.this is unbelievable

(2) Backster was surprised at the results of his studies because ________.

[  ]

A.he destroyed an insect

B.he destroyed a plant by pulling off its leaves

C.he found that plants could express feelings of shock

D.he found that plants could move and speak after all

(3) The plants sent out signals ________.

[  ]

A.only when Backster started to destroy plants

B.when Backster destroyed plants or other living things

C.only when he destroyed things such as insects

D.only when Backster placed the galvanometer on the leaves of the plants

(4) The scientist called Sauvin ________.

[  ]

A.did not agree with Backster's ideas

B.did not get the same sort of results as Backster did

C.got different results from Backster's

D.found out some of the same things that Backster did

(5) Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The electrical charge plants carry may shock or frighten us

B.A tree will signal when it has been cut down

C.Sauvin could make his plants send out signals some distance away

D.Plants have feelings because they can receive signals without moving


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  George had worked for the Bank of Ruritanis for ten years and was still only a clerk. He was not satisfied with the position(职位) and wanted to find something better. Yet he did not want to lose his position in the bank before he had got another one. So he prepared a letter about himself, with the words “HELP! I AM A PRISONER OF THE BANK OF RURITANIS!” in big letters across the top. Then he sent it to several other banks, asking them for a job.

  A few days later, one of these letters came into the hands of George's boss at bank. Someone had given it to him at a party. the next morning, George's boss asked him to come into his room and said, “George, I have some very good news for you. The bank of Ruritanis is setting you free!”

(1) From the first paragraph we know that ________.

[  ]

A.George was looking for a better job

B.he got a new jab

C.he wrote a letter to himself

D.he was a prisoner in Bank

(2) George did not want to leave the Bank of Ruritanis immediately because ________.

[  ]

A.he liked the work there

B.he had not found a better job yet

C.he wished his boss to give him some good news

D.he was waiting for the bank to set him free

(3) Which sentence is not true?

[  ]

A.He waited for some other bank to give him a job.

B.He thought the Bank of Ruritanis was not good to him.

C.In the letter he wrote, there were only the words “HELP! I AM A PRISONER OF THE BANK OF RURITANIS!”

D.He would go on working at the Bank until he found a better job.

(4) A few days later, ________.

[  ]

A.George's boss found one of these letters in his office

B.George's boss was given a letter as he came into the bank

C.someone at the bank handed one of George's letters to his boss

D.George's boss went to a party and got one of George's letters

(5) The boss asked George to come into this room as he decided to ________.

[  ]

A.tell him some very good news

B.set him free

C.fire him

D.help him


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  There were some people in the southern part of Greece called Spartans, who were famous for their simple habits and their bravery. The name of the area in which they lived was Laconia, and so they were also called Lacons. One of the strange rules which the Lacons had was that they should speak briefly, and never use more words than those needed. And so a short answer is often spoken of as a Laconic answer.

  There was in the northern part of Greece a land called Macedon; and this land was once ruled over by a warlike king named Philip.

  Philip wanted to become the master of all Greece. So he raised a great army, and made war upon the other states, until nearly all of them were forced to call him their king. Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia, saying, “If I go down into your country, I will level your great city to the ground.”

  In a few days, an answer was brought back to him. When he opened the letter, he found there was only one word.

  That word was “IF”.


(1) The Spartans in southern part of Greece were well-known because ________.

[  ]

A.it was one of their habits to live a simple life

B.whenever they made an answer, it was short

C.they had simple habits in life and were brave in fighting

D.they lived in Spartans and they were called Lacons

(2) What do you think the word “briefly”means ________?

[  ]

A.very brave
B.slowly and clearly
C.in short
D.too simple to understand

(3) Which title best gives the idea of the passage? ________

[  ]

A.Simple Habits.
B.Laconic Answer.
C.Something about Lacons.
D.What Does IF Mean Here?

(4) Which of the following is correct according to the passage?________

[  ]

A.Philip wanted to rule southern part of Spartans.

B.Both Spartans and Macedon belonged to Greece.

C.The master of Macedon disliked the war but he had to fight.

D.All Greece was ruled over by Philip at one time.

(5) “IF” in the letter of Lacons means:________

[  ]

A.If the war broke out, the Lacons, would fight to one to drive the enemies out of their state.

B.If the enemies came, the Lacons would level their cities to the ground and let enemies get nothing.

C.If the enemies brought the war to Spartans, Lacons would fight so that they could become masters of the whole Greece.

D.If the Lacons had not been famous, their enemies would have come earlier.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  No one knows why we sleep, but it's certain that we need to. People who are prevented from sleeping begin to suffer obvious effects after a few days----they think less clearly, and they fall asleep during the working hours; some may have hallucinations(幻觉).

  There are no rules about sleep. Generally speaking, grown-ups sleep about 7 and half hours each night and probably more than 60 percent get between seven and eight hours. But perhaps eight per cent are quite happy with 5 hours or less, and four percent or so find that they want ten hours or more. If you feel all right, you're probably getting enough sleep. The important thing is not to worry how much other people get----their needs may be different. Exercise doesn't seem to increase the need for sleep----office workers, for example, sleep for about as long as people doing physically active work.

  Children sleep more than grown-ups----perhaps 14 to 18 hours soon after birth, going down to grown-up levels by early teen-age. Sleep patterns also tend to be different in the elderly, who may sleep less at night than they did when younger, find sleep getting more broken, and often make it a rule to sleep during the daytime.

(1) According to the passage, some people are unable to think clearly because ________.

[  ]

A.they have hallucinations

B.they feel sleepy during the working hours

C.they don't have enough sleep

D.they are certain to be kept from going to bed

(2) Which of the following is true? ________.

[  ]

A.All grown-ups must have at least eight-hour sleep

B.Most of grown-ups sleep for seven or eight hours

C.Quite a few people need only 5 hours or less for them to sleep

D.No grown-ups sleep more than ten hours

(3) Whether you have got enough sleep is judged by ________.

[  ]

A.how many hours you have slept

B.how many hours you need to sleep

C.whether you do exercise and physical work

D.whether you feel fresh and energetic

(4) According to the passage, a boy of 14 years old sleeps ________.

[  ]

A.as long hours as a grown-up

B.much longer hours than a grown-up

C.for 14 hours each night

D.for less than 8 hours per night

(5) Who finds they sleep less during the night and must take a nap during the day? ________.

[  ]

C.Young people
D.Old people

