 0  70434  70442  70448  70452  70458  70460  70464  70470  70472  70478  70484  70488  70490  70494  70500  70502  70508  70512  70514  70518  70520  70524  70526  70528  70529  70530  70532  70533  70534  70536  70538  70542  70544  70548  70550  70554  70560  70562  70568  70572  70574  70578  70584  70590  70592  70598  70602  70604  70610  70614  70620  70628  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:053


 “Floyd, bring me the vase from the dining-room, the one with the pink-and-white lines on itI want to have these roses decorating your Momma's roomThere's nobody I know who loves flowers more than your Momma

 Having done so, Floyd skipped (jumped with short steps) across the kitchen floor to the screen doorWhen do you think they'll be here? What time did Uncle Herman leave? Do you think Momma will be back home?

 “I say, boy,laughed Aunt Josie, how do you expect me to answer all those questions at once? You're just a walking question mark this morning

 “I'm sorry, Aunt Josie, Momma used to say that I asked more questions than a riddle(谜语)book when I was littleWhen do you think they'll be here?

 Aunt Josie arranged (put in order) the flowers in the vaseI expect they'll be here by the time you get back from putting these flowers in your Momma's room

 Hardly had the vase been set on Arlene's table when the boy heard a car drive up to the houseQuickly he ran out into the yard, where he saw a dark, thin woman sitting in the back seat, her head raised against pillows(枕头).

(1) From the passage we can see that Arlene was ______.   

[  ]

AAunt Josie's mother

BUncle Herman's wife

CFloyd's mother

Dthe women who had Floyd bring back the vase

(2) Which of the following sentences is untrue?   

[  ]

AFloyd's mother was very fond of flowers

BBefore Floyd was asked to bring back the vase, he had already known his mother would be back

CAunt Josie thought of Floyd as a walking question mark

DFloyd's mother had the same opinion of Floyd as Aunt Josie

(3) The underlined word "decorating" in the first paragraph means ______

[  ]

Aputting in   Bgrowing

Ctaking up   Dmaking beautiful

(4) According to the passage we can guess that ______.   

[  ]

AFloyd thought Aunt Josie had more questions than anyone else

BFloyd's mother was coming back from a hospital

CFloyd heard a car drive up before he had time to set the vase

Da dark, thin woman was sitting in the back seat supporting Floyd's mother with pillows

(5) The writer wrote the story to ______.   

[  ]

Agive an opinion about boys who ask questions

Bpresent a picture of a family scene

Cadvise you to act like Floyd

Dgive you information about roses


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 One dark and stormy night, the wind was whipping through the trees, scattering (causing things to go about in different directions) leaves across the forestThe sound was like lonely wolves howling (making long loud cries) in the distance

 Two men, tired and hungry, were stumbling along(蹒跚前行)through the forest with their shoes covered with mud.“How much farther to the house, Ira?”Hank had to shout to be heard over the howling wind.“I don't know, HankI would have said we weren't more than fifteen minutes away when the storm struck, but it seems to me we've been battling this for half an hour now.”

 Hank stopped where he was under a tall tree, but the branches offered little protection from the beating rain.“Ira, are you trying to tell me we're lost?”

 “Now, HankDon't get so upsetI'm not saying we're lost --- exactlyI'm just saying that where we were seems to have been farther away than where I thought we wereThat's not quite the same as being lost.”

 “But to me, said Hank sadly, It's so close to being lost that I can't tell the difference.

 They started walking again. “Look!shouted Ira suddenly, who was a few steps in front of HankHe began to run, but stumbled, falling to his knees on the glowing, yellow light that shone from the house windows

(1) Hank and Ira were ______

[  ]

Asearching for lonely wolves howling in the distance

Bscattering leaves across the forest

Ctrying to find something to eat because they were hungry

Dtrying to go back to their house

(2) Hank seemed to be ______

[  ]

Aclear about the distance between the house and the place where they were

Bmore worried than Ira

Cvery much afaid of the wolves howling in the distance

Dbattling the storm more bravely than Ira

(3) As we can learn from the text, ______

[  ]

AHank was sure that they would soon find their way back

BIra had lost the hope of finding their way back

CIra was wondering where they were

Dthe wind was too strong for them to hear each other

(4) In fact, Ira told Hank that ______

[  ]

Athey were lost

Bthe bad weather would last for another half an hour

Cit had taken them longer to get back than he had expected

Dthey would get to their house in 45 minutes

(5) What words best describe Ira?   

[  ]

ATired and upset

BCalm and practical

CHappy and strong

DUpset but full of hope


科目: 来源: 题型:053

Italy Finally Defeats UKin Football

 TURIN, June 14 (AP).— Italy defeated England tonight for the first time in 40 years scoring(得分)a 2-0 victory in an exhibition game which meant a lot to the pride of Italian football

 Asellout(客满的)crowd of 70,000, filling the Turin Municipal Stadium, saw Italy's first victory over England in nine gamesThe eight previous(先前的)games ended in four victories for England and four ties.(平局)

 Center-forward Pietro Anastasi put Italy ahead at the 38th minuteInside-right Fabio Capello scored Italy's second goal(进球)at the 52nd minuteBoth Capello and Anastasi play for Italian champions Juventus of Turin

 The game celebrated the 75th birthday of the Italian Football Federation in this north Italian industrial cityIt was also the world record 107th game with the English national team for its captain Bobby Moore

 In the closing minutes, the English missed two good chances to scoreEven Moore tried to shoot at the Italian goal form far outThe play became a bit rough and the referee(裁判)booked Englishman Mcfarland

(1) Where was the game played?

[  ]

AIn England.

BIn an Italian city in the west.

CIn china.   

DIn an Italian city in the north.

(2) How many people watched the game?

[  ]

ASeventeen thousand.

BSeven million.

CSeventy thousand.

DSeventy hundred.

(3) How many times has Bobby Moore played for England?   

[  ]

A107   B108   C109   D106

(4) How many victories did Italy win in the eight previous games?   

[  ]

AEight.   BZero.   CSeven.   DFour.

(5) Which two of the following are Italian players?   

[  ]

ATurin, McFarland   BAnastasi, Moore

CAnastasi, Capello   DCapello, Juventus


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 The Yellow River is the second longest river in ChinaIt rises in the mountains of Qinghai and flows right across China to the Yellow SeaBoth the river and the sea are called yellow because of the yellow mud which carries down form the desert into the sea, making the water a dirty, yellow colourWhen the river reaches the flat plain and flows less fast, it drops much of its mud, filling up the river-bed and forcing the water to overflow(溢出)its banks and flood the countryside for milesThese terrible floods wash away crops and destroy whole villagesThey have brought death and hunger to so many people that the river is sometimes called "China's sorrow"In order to prevent the floods, they have built banks of earth, called dykes(堤)along both sidesAs the river brought down more mud and broke through the dykes, people repaired them and built them higher, until now in some parts the river flows as much as twenty feet above the field on each sideToday dams(坝)and waterworks have been built to prevent these floods, and farming has been carried on for centuries

(1) The Yellow River is ______

[  ]

Athe longest river but one in China

Bthe longest river in China                    

Cthe second longest river that flows to the Yellow Sea

Dthe second longest river that flows to the East China Sea

(2) Where does the yellow mud come from in the first place?   

[  ]

AFrom the desert.   BFrom the river-bed.

CFrom the sea.    DFrom the river banks.

(3) The flood comes when ______.   

[  ]

Athe river flows fast

Bthe river overflows its banks

Cthe river reaches the plain

Dthe river drops its yellow mud

(4) Which of the following is not true?   

[  ]

AThe terrible floods used to destroy many villages

BMany Chinese people suffered a lot from the river in history

CFarming can't be carried on till now

DFloods often brought hunger and death to the people

(5) To prevent the floods, people today ______.   

[  ]

Ahave built higher banks all along the river

Bhave moved away the mud on the river-bed

Chave built dams and waterworks

Dhave moved to other parts of the country


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 Gravity holds us so close to the earth's surface that nobody can jump more than a few feet into the air with the force of gravity pulling him downIt takes a powerful engine to keep an aeroplane up in the airIf you throw a ball upwards as hard as you can, you will notice that it travels in a curved(弯曲的)path before it comes back to the groundIf the earth had no gravity, the ball, instead of traveling in a curve, would move away in a straight line; in fact, it would never come back to the groundIf the earth were to lose its pull of gravity, we should all fly off it as it spins(旋转)round in spaceThe earth has a strong pull, but modern rockets going out into space are able to escape from the gravity, because they travel so quicklyWith the ball thrown into the air, the height reached by the ball depends upon how hard it is thrownThe greater the starting speed, the higher the ball will goIf it could be thrown so that it travelled fast enough, the ball would escape into space and never come backNobody can throw a ball as fast as this, but powerful rocket engines can send spaceships away from the earth at such a speed that the earth's gravity is not able to pull them backThis is how we can now send rockets to the moon

(1) Gravity holds us close to the earth's surface, and as a result, ______

[  ]

Awe can lift ourselves no more than a few feet above the earth

Bnobody can jump a few feet into the air

Cno one will be pulled down

Dany one of us can jump as high as expected

(2) If there were no gravity, a ball thrown upwards would ______.   

[  ]

Aspin round in space

Bfall in a curved path

Cfly off into space

Dmove towards the earth

(3) The ball thrown into the air would never come back to the ground ______

[  ]

Awithout a powerful push

Bif it were thrown upwards as hard as you can

Cshould it travel in a curved path

Dwere it not for gravity

(4) The height the ball will reach depends on ______

[  ]

Athe escape speed

Bits starting speed

Cthe limiting speed

Dits traveling speed

(5) What is it that makes it possible to put a spaceship into orbit(轨道)?

[  ]

AThe earth's gravity

BA powerful engine

CA strong pull

DThe powerful rocket engine


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。


    Emily's wedding (婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the   evening, just seventeen hours before the wedding.


    "I just try it on, mother!" she cried, as she ran upstairs. Three   minutes later Emily's cries brought her mother up. The dress was much   too big for her. Emily was in tears.


    "Take it back to the dressmaker's." Mrs. Bale said. "She must alter   it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go."


    The dressmaker's shop was closed." CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK HOLIDAY"   said a notice on the door. Fresh tears rose to Emily's eyes. She ran   home again to her mother.


    "This is unlucky," Mrs. Bale said. "But what are we going to do?   Shall I ask Mrs. Peter to help? She was a dressmaker once. I'm sure she   could alter it for you."


    Mrs. Peter was brought in and began to work. She could see what was   wrong. She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was   a big job. In fact, she almost made it again. At about ten o'clock the   work was finished, and Emily tried her dress on. It fitted her   beautifully.


    The three women were having a cup of tea when the door bell rang.   Mrs. Bale answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a young woman.   The woman was carrying a large box.


    "Does Miss Emily Bale live here?" she asked.


    "Yes, she is my daughter."     "Oh, I am glad I've found you. There's been a mistake. Your   daughter has my wedding dress, and I've got hers. And I'm getting   married tomorrow!" She held out the box to Mrs. Bale.


(1)  When she tried her wedding dress on, Emily ______.


[    ]


A. let out a cry of joy because it fitted her beautifully        

B. burst into tears because the dress was too big for her        

C. gave a cry of surprise because it was made too big for her

D. was satisfied, waiting for her marriage to begin  

(2) The sentence "She must alter it tonight" in the third paragraph probably means "___________."

[    ]

A. She must pay for it     B. She must make it different        

C. She must give it away   D. She must give us another     

(3)  The dressmaker could not alter Emily's wedding dress because she ___________. 

[    ]

A. was too busy  B. had something else to do        

C. was too lazy  D. would be on holiday     

(4) Which of the following sentences is not true? 

[    ]

A. Mrs. Peter was the dressmaker.        

B. Mrs. Peter was a friend of the Bale family.        

C. Mrs. Peter was able to help Emily.        

D. Mrs. Peter did a good job in altering the dress.     

(5)  What do you think would happen at the end of the story? 

[    ]

A. Neither Emily nor the young woman would have a fit wedding dresses.      

B. The two wedding dresses would fit only Emily.      

C. The two wedding dresses would fit only the young woman.      

D. The young woman would leave in satisfaction.


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    "Here, waiter! Look, look at your soup. What's this? Is it   vegetable soup? No... It's fly soup! Look at the bluebottle!   Terrible!... Pour it onto the face of the cook. Who wants such a   'wonderful' soup?" shouted a middle-aged lady.

    In less than a second, the customers had gathered around her table.   A young waiter was already holding the soup plate searching for the   fly with a spoon. The lady was full of fire. The manager came over to   see what was the matter. Bring her another bowl of soup was his order.

    The lady wanted to show the fly to the manager. As she reached for   the bowl, she let out a cry and pointed to a dark green thing in the   spoon. "Look, that's it……the fly."

    The crowd pressed closer and stared at the spoon in the young   waiter's hand. Just before they could see it clearly, the man put the   spoonful of soup into his mouth, biting slightly. After a while, he   smiled and nodded, "It's really a piece of burnt green onion. I firmly   believe that we are worthy of our fame."

    On hearing this, people laughed and scattered.

(1) The bluebottle is _________.

[    ]   

A. a kind of fly      B. a kind of bowl     

C. the name of the soup   D. the name of the cook     

(2) Seeing what had happened, the manager __________.     

[    ]   

A. knew that it was such a fault that his restaurant would lose face    

B. scolded the waiter so as to smooth down her anger   

C. apologized to the woman for it   

D. decided to dismiss his cook who had caused so much trouble

(3) The young waiter ate the bluebottle, smiling   and nodding,because ___________.

[    ]   

A. what he ate was a piece of green onion   

B. he didn't want others to drive the woman out of the restaurant

C. the soup was really very nice   

D. he pretended to prove what he ate was nothing but a piece of green onion  

(4) Infer (推断) which of the following would probably happen. The      woman _________ after people scattered.   

[    ]   

A. continued to shout that it was nothing but a fly   

B. didn't know if she should drink the soup or leave it there   

C. admitted she had been mistaken

D. was laughed at by the waiter  

(5) What would the manager probably do with the matter? He would __________.

[    ]   

A. dismiss the young waiter

B. give the young waiter a raise   

C. not allow the cook to use green onion   

D. go to the lady and look into the matter


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    You believe that all liquids flow downwards, don't you? Try the   following experiment and you will think again.


    Get a bottle filled with the gas helium (氦) and plug it up. Cool   it to a very low temperature. The gas will form a liquid. Now pull out   the plug at the top. You will be astonished to see the liquid   immediately escape by moving up the inner side of the bottle and then   down the outer side. If you want to fill a bottle with liquid helium,   simply stand it in the liquid. The liquid will start climbing into the   bottle by itself until the levels outside and inside are the same.


    So, the first requisite for a scientist is: DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING   FOR GRANTED.


   (1) What is the major difference between liquid helium and other liquids?                           [  ]      A. It becomes active at a very low temperature.      B. It can escape from a closed bottle.      C. It moves upwards as well as downwards.      D. It moves upwards instead of downwards.    (2) What will happen if you pull out the plug of the small bottle      which is inside the big jar in Figure 1? Which picture in      Figure 2 represents (表示) the result?        [  ]         (3) What is the main purpose of the passage?      [  ]      A. To teach people a lesson in chemistry.      B. To tell people how to do an experiment.      C. To interest people in an unusual scientific fact.      D. To encourage people to ask for facts to support correct       statement (陈述).


科目: 来源: 题型:053

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    A long time ago, when ancient Rome was still an empire, people of that time used same weights and measures. The standards(标准)of those weights and measures were found by the Romans, who kept these standards in a temple in Rome. All standards for measuring weight or distance were the same, whether in Spain or in Syria. But then the   Rome Empire fell, and these standards disappeared. Today, standards are different from place to place throughout the world.

    Tourists who drive from the United States into Canada, for example, are surprised when they buy gas for their cars.

    A gallon (加仑) of gas cost more than they are used to paying.They complain (抱怨) that prices are much higher in Canada than in the United States. Then they discover that they can drive farther on a Canadian gallon than on a United States gallon.

    Is it a different kind of gas? No, it is a different kind of gallon. Canada used the British gallon that is about one-fifth larger than the United States gallon.   Four quarts (夸脱) equal a gallon and two pints (品脱) equal a   quart in both countries. But Canada's quarts and pints are larger than quarts and pints in the United States. The gallon equals 277.42 cubic (立方) inches while the gallon in the United States is equal to   231 cubic inches. Measured in ounces (盎司), Canada's larger gallon holds 160 fluid ounces, while the smaller United States gallon holds no more than 128 fluid ounces.From these figures, it is easy to see why Americans can drive   farther on the Canadian gallon than on the American gallon.

    Some day, countries may follow the example of the ancient Romans and make weights and measures the same for every nation.

   (1) The whole passage tells about __________.       [  ]      A. the standards for weights and measures found by Romans      B. the gallon in Canada and the United States      C. surprised tourists in Canada      D. the larger American gallon    (2) The British gallon is about __________ larger than the United      States gallon.                    [  ]      A. 277.42 cubic inches   B. 160 fluid ounces      C. 128 fluid ounces    D. 1/5    (3) Which statement does the passage lead you to believe?                                [  ]      A. It would be good to use the same measure in the whole world.      B. The Americans hate the Canada gas.      C. The Canadian gas is better than the United States'.      D. Buying gas in Canada is more expensive than in the United       States.                                           

   (4) Six United States' gallons of liquid is about _________

British  gallons of liquid.                 [  ]

     A. seven  B. four      C. five   D. three     

   (5)After reading this passage, you can have an impression that      __________ .                    [  ]      A. different measures can be a problem      B. people like different measures      C. there are all kinds of measures in the world      D. Americans should not travel too much


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 Since 1985, prices have risen in China for many reasonsHowever, inflation has not badly affected people' s lives because living standards have improved

 Inflation is not an unbeatable beastIn fact, economists from all over the world have found ways to stop or reduce itThere are now several methods of controlling inflation

 Reduce the amount of money being issued

 Many experts believe inflation happens because too much money is printedThe more money the central bank issues, the more inflation there isTherefore, the most important thing to do for any government is to control the amount of money being issued

 Cut down on government spending and increase government income

 Overspending and overexpanding of governments can make inflation worseTherefore it is helpful to reduce the size of big government bodies, cut down on their spending and pay fewer and smaller subsidis (津贴) to prevent inflation from accelerating (加速)

 Slow down the increase of salaries

 It seems that giving bigger salaries to workers helps them manage when prices of their shopping are going upIn fact, as salaries increase, the central bank will have to issue more money to pay for the increaseThus, increasing salaries may not be so good as it sounds. It' s like cheatingSalaries should only be increased if workers produce more

 Increase bank interests (利息)

 Interest increases can make more people put money into banksAt the same time, enterprises (企业) take out fewer loans (贷款)Demand for money on the whole is lower

 Keep prices under strict control

 Prices can be lowered by setting ceilings --- the highest prices --- for most goods and freezing prices on most goods

(1) The wordissuein the article means______.   

[  ]





(2) The writer usesmethodsto refer to ______.   

[  ]

Aways to reduce inflation

Breasons of inflation

Csomething to treat patients

Dprices without control

(3) What is probably the best way to reduce inflation?   

[  ]

AThe amount of money being issued will be controlled

BSalaries will be reduced

CMore products will be produced

DPrices will be lowered

(4) What is not mentioned to reduce inflation in the article?   

[  ]

AControlling prices

BControlling the amount of money being issued

CImproving people' s living standards

DAdjusting (调整) bank interests

