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科目: 来源:新教材理念设计高中二年级英语下 题型:050



  In the summer of 1936, people all over the world heard the name of Jesse Owens. That summer, Jesse joined the best athletes from 50 nations to compete in the Olympic Games. They met in Germany, in the city of Berlin.

  There was special interest in the Olympic Games that year.

  Adolf Hitler was ruler of Germany. Hitler and his Nazi Party believed that white people--especially German people--were the best race of people on earth. They believed that other races of people--especially those with dark skin-were almost less than human. In the summer of 1936, Hitler wanted to prove his beliefs to the world. He wanted to show that German athletes could win every important competition.

  Jesse Owens was black, too. Until 1936, very few black athletes had competed in the Olympic Games for the United States. Jesse was proud to be on the team. He was very sure of his ability.

  Jesse spent one week competing in four different Olympic track and field events in Berlin. During that time, he did not think much about the color of his skin, or about Adolf Hitler. At last, Jeese Owens won the highest award--the gold medal-in all four of the Olympic competitions he entered. In the hundred meter run, he equaled the fastest time ever run in that Olympic event. In the long jump and the 200-meter run, he set new Olympic records. And as part of a four-man team, he helped set a new world record for the 400-meter relay race.

1.How many nations took part in the Olympic Games in 1936?

[  ]


2.What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]

A.Hitler thought of Jesse Owens as a black hem.

B.Hitler believed black people were worse than white people.

C.Jesse Owens was a black, who was a famous basketball player.

D.Jesse Owens was not confident in himself in the Olympic Games.

3.In which country was the Olympic Games held in 1936?

[  ]

A.In America.

B.In Britain.

C.In Germany.

D.In South Africa.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

[  ]

A.Hitler's belief that German people were better than any other races of people in the world.

B.Jesse became famous by winning four gold medals in the Olympic Games in 1936.

C.Jesse succeeded in the Olympic Games because of his hard training.

D.Hitler hated black people , especially Jesse Owens.


科目: 来源:新教材理念设计高中二年级英语下 题型:050



  Some of the most beautiful caves are formed in glaciers (冰川).Streams of melting ice and snow tunnel through the glaciers the same way that water from a faucet melts its way through an ice cube. Water from the surface drips down through cracks , hollowing out the tunnels and decorating the caves with crystal icicles (冰柱). The smooth walls and floors are so glasslike that pebbles frozen six feet deep can easily be seen. Crystal-clear icicles draping from the ceilings flash blue green, as though they were carved from precious jewels instead of ice.

  Although most of the cave ice in the United States is found in lava caves, there are a number of limestone ice caves as well. Some people believe that this ice was formed thousands of years ago, when temperatures were much colder than they are today. Others think that the cave ice broke off from the ancient glaciers as they spread over the country.

  Today many cave scientists have another idea. They believe that cold water sinks down through cracks into these caves until temperature is chilly enough to freeze the water that seeps (渗人) in. The ice that forms keeps the cave cool, and that helps build up still more ice. Many caves become covered with so much ice that no one knows just how thick it is. In some, such as crystal Falls Cave in Idaho, there are frozen rivers and even frozen waterfalls. Native Americans and early settlers used to store food in these underground refrigerators and chip out blocks of ice to melt for drinking water.

1.What is the main idea about this passage?

[  ]

A.Characteristics of glacier.

B.Uses for ice caves.

C.The origin of cave ice.

D.Where glaciers can be found.

2.What causes ice to build up in caves?

[  ]

A.Rivers and waterfalls water.

B.Icicles accumulate on the ceilings.

C.Cave ice breaks off glaciers.

D.Cold water seeps in and freezes.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that the early settlers appreciated the ice caves for their________.

[  ]


B.beautiful interiors

C.historical value

D.precious jewels

4.The author compares icicles to precious jewels based on________.

[  ]



C.method of formation



科目: 来源:新教材理念设计高中二年级英语下 题型:050


  Rome-Doctors and medical group around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is on the brink of cloning the first human baby.

  Dr. Severino Antinori, who is the head of a hospital in Rome, has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant (怀孕) with a cloned baby.

  Antinori refused to comment on the reports, but in March 2001 he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo (卵) for implantation within two years. So far seven different kinds of mammals have already successfully cloned , including sheep , cats and most recently rabbits.

  Doctors showed their doubt and were strongly opposed although they admit that human cloning would finally come true unless there was a world wide ban on the practice.

  Professor Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it will not be a normal baby. It is using humans as guinea pigs. It makes people feel sick. ”

  But Ronald Green, director of the Ethics Institute at Darmouth College in the US, said it is unlikely that an eight-week-old pregnancy would lead to a birth.

  So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, many of them dying soon after their births.

  Doctors are opposed to human cloning because they are worried about the welfare of the cloned child if there is one.

  “There are no benefits of cloned human beings, just harm,” said Dr. Michael Wilks of the UK.

1.What do the underlined words “on the brink of” in the first paragraph most probably mean?

[  ]

A.on the side of

B.on the point of

C.in search of

D.in favour of

2.What is the doctors’ general attitude to cloning of humans according to the passage?

[  ]

A.They are against it.

B.They support it.

C.They are doubtful of it.

D.They pay no attention to it.

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Dcotor Severino Antinori is strongly opposed to cloning human beings.

B.Up to now, seven kinds of animals have been cloned, including human babies.

C.Professor Jaenisch is carrying on an experiment on cloning an eight-week-old embryo.

D.Ronald Green doubts about the future successful birth of the so-called cloned embryo.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.The Reaction to Cloning Humans

B.The Anger at Cloning Animals

C.The Success of Cloning Humans

D.The First Cloned Human Baby


科目: 来源:新教材理念设计高中二年级英语下 题型:050


  The more time scientists spend designing computers, the more they wonder at human brain. Tasks that puzzle the most advanced supercomputer-recognizing a face, reading a handwritten noteare child's play for the 3-pound organ. Most important, unlike any ordinary computer, the brain Can learn from its mistakes. Researchers have tried for years to program computers to imitate the brain’s abilities , but without success.

  Now a growing number of designers believe they have the answer: if a computer is to work more like a person and less like an over-grown calculator, it must be built more like a brain, which distributes information across a vast interconnected web of nerve cells, or neurons.

  Ordinary computers work by following a chainlike sequence of detailed instructions. Although very fast, their processors can perform only one task at a time. This approach works best in solving problems that can be broken down into simpler logical pieces. The processors in a neural-network computer, by contrast, form a network much like the nerve cells in the brain. Since these artificial (人造的) neurons are interconnected, they can share information and perform tasks at the same time. This two-dimensional approach works best at recognizing patterns.

  Instead of programming a neural-network computer to make decisions, its maker trains it to recognize patterns in any solution to a problem by repeatedly feeding examples to the machine.

  Neural networks come in all shapes and sizes. Until now most have existed as software simulations (模拟品) because redesigning computer chips took a lot of time and money. By experimenting with different approaches through software rather than hardware, scientists have been able to avoid costly mistakes.

1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the most advanced supercomputer ________.

[  ]

A.can recognize a face and read a handwritten note

B.can learn from its mistakes on its own

C.weighs only 3 pounds like a child’s brain

D.can not distribute information across the web of nerve cells

2.An ordinary computer can usually do the following except that________.

[  ]

A.it can be programmed before it works.

B.it can only solve one problem ~at a time

C.it can break down problems into simpler logical pieces

D.it can be trained to recognize patterns instead of making decisions

3.The main feature of a neural-network computer is that ________.

[  ]

A.its processors act as an interconnected web of neurons

B.it is programmed to make different decisions

C.its networks are of all shapes and sizes

D.its neurons are artificial

4.The expression “this two-dimensional approach” in the second paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the old computer and the neural computer

B.making decisions and recognizing patterns

C.sharing information and performing tasks

D.the computer and the human brain

5.Scientists use software rather than hardware in their experiments because ________.

[  ]

A.it can avoid redesigning computer chips

B.it can save a lot of time and money

C.it can avoid making any mistakes

D.it is more like human brain


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


  In Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, there is an unusual Children Restaurant. It is run by children. From the manager to the cooks, waiters and other members are all children from 6 to 12 years old. They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These children are selected in Amsterdam. After training they may serve in the restaurant for four weeks.

  This restaurant was founded in 1983 by a woman cook who wanted to give children chances to learn to be useful to the public(公众). And now she is the only adult there, but her job is just to take care of the children.

  The restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in it, it is always full of people. If yon want to have a meal in it, you must tell them ahead of time. The charge of a meal is different to different people, usually 4 dollars for each adult but much cheaper for children. And its business hours are only Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.

1.The underlined word“serve”most probably means ________.

[  ]

A.supply food and drinks
B.bring on the food
C.cook all food by themselves
D.provide service

2.According to the passage we know that the Children Restaurant is opened ________ a week.

[  ]

C.four times
D.seven times

3.The oldest person in the Children Restaurant is ________.

[  ]

A.the manager
B.a man cook
C.the founder
D.the child aged 12

4.Which of the following statement(叙述)is NOT true?

[  ]

A.The Children Restaurant is big and important indeed.

B.The Children Restaurant is completely managed by children.

C.The Children Restaurant is liked not only by children but also by adults.

D.These children should be trained before they serve in the Children Restaurant.

5.If you are an adult and want to have a meal in the Children Restaurant, you must

[  ]

A.give the restaurant an order and pay more for it than children

B.place an order(预定)before you go to have it and pay less than children

C.tell the restaurant in time and pay more than children

D.tell the restaurant on time and pay less than children


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


  It hasn't always been easy to know the time. A long time ago people looked at the sun, the sun was their clock. They could tell the time of day by the position of the sun in the sky: morning, Boon, or afternoon.

  After many years people began to see something else about the sun. When the sun shone on something, it made a dark shadow behind it. This was the place that didn't get sunlight. As the sun moved across the sky, the shadow moved too. People could tell time better by the shadows of things than by the sun. They set something long and pointed in the ground so the shadow was easier to see.

  About the same time people began to make sundials. A sundial has round flat part called a dial. A long, thin, pointed stick stands in the center. There are 12 lines in the dial to divide the day into 12 parts. When the shadow of the stick fails on a certain part, people know it is a certain part of the day.

  Around the year 1250, someone made the first mechanical(机械的)clock. It was a mechanical clock because it was a machine that ran by itself. It did not need the help of anything in nature.

  People began to use the hourglass around 1400. An hourglass is made from glass, and is wide at the top and bottom but very narrow(狭窄的)in the middle. There is sand in one part. When people want to keep time, they place the hourglass on the table with all the sand on top. The sand takes an hour to run from the top into the bottom part. At the end of every hour people turn the glass over and begin again.

  People carried the first watch in their pockets. Then during World War I men started wearing their watch on their wrists(手腕), not in their pockets. It was easier and faster to tell the time in this way. Now almost everyone wears a wristwatch.

  Today people want to know the exact time. The time they have must be the right time, not a few minutes early or late. Radio and TV stations, train, airplanes, science, and business all need to know that they have the same exact time.

1.After many years in ancient times, people found they could tell time better by ________.

[  ]

B.the shadows
C.the sky

2.The mechanical clock was invented ________.

[  ]

A.in the 13th century B. C.
B.in the 12th century A. D.
C.more than 800 years ago
D.more than 700 years ago

3.An hourglass is ________.

[  ]

A.made from glass and is narrow at the top

B.made from sand and is narrow in the middle

C.made from glass and wide at the top and bottom

D.is full of sand and narrow at both ends

4.The timepiece which is more popular than most others is ________.

[  ]

A.the wristwatch
B.the electric clock
C.the pocket watch
D.the hourglass

5.Choose the best title for the passage.

[  ]

A.From Ancient Times to Modern Times
B.From the Sun to the Clock
C.The History of the Watch
D.Telling the Time


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


  The following is about the BBC and some other broadcasting stations in Britain.

1.On which radio can you hear a commercial?

[  ]

A.Radio 3.
B.Radio 4.
C.Capital Radio
D.Radio London.

2.You need to listen to ________ for a programme on outer space.

[  ]

A.Radio 2
B.Radio 3
C.Radio Wales
D.LBC(64-65 CB)


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


  Men arc the cleverest and most dangerous animals on earth. Rats come second. Men kill their enemies. They have killed millions of men since ancient(古代的)times—but rats have killed hundreds of millions of men. Rats carry diseases. Black rats carry fleas(跳蚤), and these fleas give men bubonic plague(淋巴腺鼠疫). Bubonic plague still kills thousands of Asians and Africans today—us it killed millions of Europeans in the past, until brown rats came to Europe and pushed the black rats out. There is no plague in Europe, but brown rats carry thirty-five other diseases—typhus(伤寒)for example. Typhus has killed 200 million people in the past 400 years. Rats are dangerous. They not only carry diseases into men's homes, they also take men's food. They eat 33 million ton of grain every year. That is enough grain to feed 200 million people—so men died of hunger because rats eat their food. Rats are clever, too. They have good leaders. Men try to poison them, but if their leaders tell them that food is dangerous they do not eat it. So our cities ad villages are full of rats. We can go to the moon, but we can not kill this dangerous enemy. Why? Is it because we are not clean?

1.There are no black rats in Europe today because ________.

[  ]

A.they got plague in the Middle Ages

B.Europeans are cleaner than Asians or Africans

C.men killed them all with diseases

D.brown rats took their place

2.Rats are clever enough to ________.

[  ]

A.know when food has got poison in it

B.have good leaders and tell them what to do

C.eat food that has been poisoned

D.kill men who are dangerous to them

3.In the last 400 years, about how many people were killed by typhus each year?

[  ]

A.200 million people.
B.33 million people.
C.Half a million people.
D.400 million people.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Rats not only carry diseases but also eat huge amounts of grain every year.

B.Men can not go to the moon without killing the rats.

C.The amount(量)of grain which rata eat every year can feed about 4% of the world population.

D.Rats are dangerous enemy to people.


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


  In the United States, boys and girls start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school until they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen years old when they graduate(毕业)from secondary school. Another name for secondary school is high school.

  Most children go to public elementary schools(小学)and secondary schools. The parents of public school pupils do not have to pay directly for these children's education because tax(税)money supports the public schools. If a child attends a private(私立的)school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.

  Today about half of the high school graduates go on to college and university. Some colleges and universities receive tax money from the government. A student at a state university does not have to pay much if his parents live in that state. Private colleges and universities are expensive, however. Almost half of college students in the United States work while they are studying. When a student's family is not rich, he has to earn money for part of his college expense.

1.Students in State Universities ________ if their parents live in that state.

[  ]

A.cost more
B.cost less
C.pay more
D.pay less

2.The parents of children who attend private schools ________ for their children's education.

[  ]

A.have to pay
B.have to make preparations
C.don't have to pay
D.don't have to make preparations

3.Nearly half of all college students ________ while they are in school.

[  ]

A are free
B.are busy
C.have part-time jobs
D.have full time jobs

4.The best title for the passage would be ________.

[  ]

A.School in the USA
B.Colleges and Universities in the USA
C.Secondary Schools in the USA
D.Elementary Schools in the USA


科目: 来源:讲与练·知识精讲与能力训练·高一英语 题型:050


When You Speak

  Everyday we go to school and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat with friends—you are in a slightly unnatural situation where a large group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. You must speak so that they can hear you—loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself.

  Remember, too, mat it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official(政府官员)who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease but the situation is somewhat different from that of n ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can be heard.

1.When you speak to the class, you should speak ________.

[  ]

B.as loudly as possible
C.in a low voice

2.Usually, when you speak to the class, the class is ________.

[  ]

D.having a rest

3.The situation in the class is ________ that in your house.

[  ]

A.not very different from
B.sometimes the same as
C.sometimes not the same as
D.not the same as

4.If you are having a conversation with an official, the most important thing for you is ________.

[  ]

A.to make sure that you can be heard
B.to put the official at ease
C.to show your ability
D.to be very gentle

5.The main idea of this passage is that ________.

[  ]

A.we must speak loudly

B.we must use different ways at different situations

C.we must keep silent at any time

D.we must talk with the class

