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科目: 来源:必修一导学英语译林 译林版 题型:051


Directions:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.There is one extra heading which you do not need.

________ 1.Clara Barton was a small woman.Yet she made a big difference in many lives.Today her work continues to be important to thousands of people in trouble.

________ 2.Clara Barton was an unusual woman for her time.She was born on Christmas Day, December twenty-fifth, eighteen twenty-one.In those days, most women were expected to marry, have children and stay home to take care of them.Barton, however, became deeply involved in the world.

________ 3.By the time of her death in 1912, she had begun a revolution that led to the right of women to do responsible work for society.Clara Barton really began her life of caring for the sick when she was only eleven years old.She lived with her family on a farm in the northeastern state of Massachusetts.As a nurse, she cared for thousands of wounded soldiers.She began the American Red Cross.And, she successfully urged the American government to accept the Geneva Convention.That treaty established standards for conditions for soldiers injured or captured during wartime.

________ 4.In 1836, she passed the teacher’s test and began teaching near her home in North Oxford, Massachusetts.She became an extremely popular and respected teacher.After sixteen years of teaching, she realized she did not know all she wanted to know.She went to a special school for girls in Massachusetts.While in that school, she became interested in public education.After she graduated, a friend suggested she try to establish the first public school in the state of New Jersey.Officials there seemed to think that education was only for children whose parents had enough money to pay for private schools.

________ 5.Within a year, Clara Barton had lost her voice.She had to give up teaching.She moved to Washington D.C.to begin a new job.Clara Barton started her life as a nurse during the early days of the Civil War in eighteen sixty-one.One day, she went to the training center in Washington to meet a group of soldiers from Massachusetts.Many of them had been her friends.She began taking care of their wounds.For four years, Clara Barton was at the front lines of the bloodiest battles in the war between the North and the South.When she returned to Washington, Clara Barton found she was a hero.She had proved that women could work in terrible conditions.She made people understand that women could provide good medical care.She also showed that nursing was an honorable profession.


科目: 来源:必修二导学英语译林 译林版 题型:051


  An American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e-mails before most of us had even heard of the concept.If any information he was sent was vital enough, his lack of response would ensure the sender rang him up.If the sender wasn’t important enough to have his private number, the communication couldn’t be that important.My friend is now even more senior in the same company, so the strategy must work.

  Almost every week now, there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e-mail.If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.

  ________.Firstly, you junk anything with an exclamation mark or a string of capital letters, or from any address, you don’t recognize or feel confident about.

  Secondly, e-mails don’t all have to be answered.Because e-mailing is so easy, there’s a tendency for correspondence to carry on for ever, but it is permissible to stop an endless discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowledging it.

  Thirdly, a reply e-mail doesn’t have to be the same length as the original.We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mails, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply.The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post.You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a brief reply.

1.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails.


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a popper sentence.(within 10 words)


3.What advice is given in the last paragraph?(within 10 words)


4.For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1?(within 10 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



科目: 来源:设计必修五英语译林版 译林版 题型:051


  Saying in great, comfortable lodgings(租房)while on a summer vacation doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to spend a lot of money.

  So if you want to stay in a decent hotel for your summer vacation, but you are on a tight budget, then here are some tips for you to follow:

  ●If you are heading for a big city, stay over on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights.In cities attracting a lot of business clients, many local hotels lower their weekend rates.You may be able to bargain for a good price at a four-star hotel in a city during the weekend if the hotel isn’t full.Check out websites such as priceline.com, which offer discounts on hotels.

  ●Find accommodations that are an extra 10 minutes or so from the nearest tourist attraction.Close-by hotels, resorts and inns usually cost more than those further away.Lodging on the outskirts can be as much as 25 percent to 30 percent lower

  ●Book very late or very early.The further you book the better deal you can get.But ________, you can also get a discount.

  ●Compare services.Hotel X may have a higher price tag per room than Hotel Y, but you may be better off staying at the former.That all depends on the type of free services you get.Check to see if the hotel serves free breakfasts and offers free transportation services to tourist spots.

  Lastly, for those who want to swap apartments or do time shares, there are plenty of sites that can be checked out.For swapping, there is homeexchange.com, which has an annual membership fee of $49.95 and gives you access to more than 6000 listings of homes worldwide.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.What can the underlined phrase “on a tight budget” in the second paragraph be best replaced by?(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Besides staying at a hotel, what else can you do if you want to save money on a summer vacation?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.



科目: 来源:设计必修五英语译林版 译林版 题型:051


  High school graduates planning to study in certain countries will have to do well in the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE), because certain foreign universities are considering NCEE results, according to overseas education consultants(顾问).

  Many famous foreign universities began to consider applicants’ NCEE scores and school academic records more carefully as they noticed the NCEE had changed for the better, with universities putting higher emphasis on results for newly graduated foreign applicants

  “The continuous reform of NCEE has made it a quite reasonable way ________, so it has begun to gain more international recognition,” said a CCTV senior education journalist, Chen Xiaomei.

  Official figures showed that, among the 815 000 students that went overseas by the end of(2004, 2823 went to Australian universities, 1013 to Canadian institutions, 700 to Singapore and 442 to Germany.

  Chen said having a high NCEE score was important for students who wanted to go to the top five Canadian universities including the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto and McGill University.

  The University of Toronto required applicants to earn a NCEE score higher than 600, a level qualified for a Chinese regular university program.The two leading Singaporean universities, the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technology University, even required Chinese high school graduates to get a NCEE score 20 points higher than the bottom mark of China’s regular university requirement.

1.What is the best title of the passage?


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

In order to study in a famous foreign university, the school, graduates must get higher scores in the NCEE.


3.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.


4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.



科目: 来源:设计必修五英语译林版 译林版 题型:051

  Whether we find a joke funny or largely depends on where we have been brought up.The sense of humor is mysteriously(神秘地)bound up with national characteristics(性格).A Frenchman, for instance(例如), might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke.In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.

  Most funny stories are based on comic(滑稽的)situations.In spite of national differences have a universal appeal.No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charplin’s early films.However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from the USA, has recently come into fashion.It is called “sick humour”.Comedians(戏剧演员)basic their jokes on tragic(悲惨的)situations like violent death or serious accidents.Many people find this sort of joke distasteful(讨厌的).The following example of “sick humour” will enable you to judge for yourself.

  A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering(纠缠)his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home.He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.Though the doctor did his best, the patient’s recovery(恢复)was slow.On Christmas Day, the man still had his right leg in plaster.He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing.The following day, however, the doctor consoled by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations(庆祝)were good.The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year’ Eve he was able to hobble along to a party.To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him.In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.

How do you think about “sick humor”?

1.A senior citizen’s view:This sort of joke is distasteful(使人不愉快的).

2.A humanist’s view:Too much this kind of humour will make people hard-hearted(铁石心肠).It is especially harmful to the growth of the juvenile(青少年).

3.A housewife’s view:It’s just a humorous story.We need not take it seriously.

4.A teenager’s view:We do not care the form of the humour, only if it can make us laugh.

5.A writer’s view:It is a form of art, just like we need tragedies(悲剧)as well as comedies(喜剧).

My view:________ ________


科目: 来源:必修二训练译林英语 译林版 题型:051


  Welcome to Edinburgh.We have some suggestions for ways in which you might like to spend your day in and around the capital.

  Edinburgh Zoo has Scotland’s finest collection of wild animals and is open between 9 a. m.and 6 p. m., 365 days a year.The largest colony of penguins in any zoo shares a beautiful parkland setting that includes over 300 different species.Bring the family and spend the day at the zoo.It’s only a few minutes’ walk from the city centre.Buses to and from the zoo are numbers 12, 26, 31 and 86.Car parking facilities are also available.

  Your entertainment at the Ross Open Air Theatre in Princes Street Gardens begins today at 3 p.m.with a concert given by the Regimental Band of The Queen’s Own Hussars.From 7 p.m.John Wilson and his band provide the music for the Old Time Dance Championships “Coming Dancing”.

  The historical Duddingston Kirk beside Duddingston Loch is open to visitors today.Teas will be served in this twelfth-century church in the afternoon.It will be open from 10 a. m.until 6 p. m.today.

  One of the best ways to see this beautiful and historic city is by joining one of the many coach tours organized by Lothian Regional Transport.These tours cover all parts of the city and leave from Waverley Bridge, just off Princes Street, throughout the day.For details, please phone 5544494.

  Most of Scotland is on Edinburgh’s doorstep.You will be surprised at just how much you can see of the city in one day.Scottish Omnibus operates an extensive and varied programme of day and afternoon tours every day from St.Andrew’s Square.Phone 5568464.

  We do hope you enjoy your day in the capital and thank you for calling.

(1)There are ________ routes of buses going to the zoo.

(2)The dance in Princess Street Gardens band starts playing at ________.

(3)Duddingston Kirk was built about ________ years ago.

(4)Lothian Regional Transport’s telephone number is ________.

(5)Tours of the countryside around Edinburgh leave from ________.?

(6)Edinburgh Zoo is open ________ the year.

(7)A tourist will see each part of the city of Edinburgh by ________ tour provided by Lothian Regional Transport.

(8)________ can be seen in any zoo in Edinburgh.


科目: 来源:必修二导练英语译林 牛津版 题型:051


  Building a skateboard ramp(斜坡)is hard work and requires a lot of care and precision, but it’s worth it.Here are a few guidelines and tips on how to start.

  Assuming that you plan to build a wooden jump rather than just pack some earth together for a dirt jump, you will need lots of plywood(胶合板), which can be expensive to buy.However, people in the neighborhood may have spare pieces left over from recent domestic improvement projects.So ask around, and borrow some power tools, too!You may need some professional help with the design, from an architect, a designer or maybe just your mathematics teacher!Then ________ very carefully:

  ◇The first thing you need is a base, so work out the base size and then calculate how long, wide and tall you want the jump to be.We know that medal-winning skateboard jumpers make it look as if jumping 30-metre walls is easy, but what they do is highly skilled and dangerous.For amateur enthusiasts, the jump should be 1.5 metres or two metres maximum on the sides.The distance from wall to wall should be no more than five metres.You can always extend the length and the height later.

  ◇Now you need to build the base and the ends.To allow for adjustments, the base panel(嵌板)of plywood should be in at least two parts, so there is always the chance that you can add a middle panel when you want to extend the jump.

  ◇Lay the ground panel and attach it to some strong wall panels at either end, with wooden posts at each corner.Don’t forget that you need a flat spot on top at either end, where you will start your ride.

1.What’s the title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


4.Which paragraph does the following sentence belong to?(Please answer within 10 words.)

A great ambition might result in some potential danger!


5.Please mark the length and height where necessary according to the passage.



科目: 来源:必修二导练英语译林 牛津版 题型:051


  You seem to be a Wet Blanket(a person who doesn’t enjoy himself/herself and thus prevents others from enjoying themselves)when it comes to nature and your kid.You are most likely a caring, protective parent who wants to keep your child safe and sound.You may be so determined to protect your kid from dirt, sunburn, frostbite, or scratches that you try to avoid the outdoors.Or you may just find muddy clothes and sandy toes require too much extra work.Perhaps you hate to get dirty yourself.The natural world may just make you nervous and you might worry those bugs and bats will suck you dry.It may be that you just never got the chance to be outdoors when you were a kid and now know nothing about what to do with your kid.

  While it is every care-giver’s job to protect their kid, your worries may cause your child to grow up as a Wet Blanket as well.If you prefer the indoors yourself, you may be keeping your kid from outdoor experiences without even realizing it.Your attitudes about nature have a huge influence on how comfortable your kid will feel outside.You may need to go against your own nature and “open the door” to get your kid outside!

  You may already see the value in helping kids spend time outside in nature and know that playing in natural settings helps children grow up mentally.Perhaps you already introduce your child to nature through books, museums, and zoos.Maybe you just need some ideas of what to do with kids outside.Try some simple nature activities with your kid, or sign-up for professionally-led nature programs to develop your skills.While it may be a challenge for you to overcome your own nervousness about nature, you can raise a child who ________.

  One of the easiest ways you can get your kid outside is to become a Door Opener.Even if you don’t enjoy playing in the mud you can take breath and let them loose!Undirected time to explore nature is an important part of raising a caring kid.This might be free time in the backyard, allowing him to wander ahead on a walk or simply providing her with materials for a project.Putting aside your own nervousness and providing “in-the-wings” support will enrich your child’s journey as a nature lover!Belt out a song, build a snowman, watch the clouds, or plant a seed with your child.Help your child connect his creative side with nature.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Maybe you’ve known the benefits of playing outside and realized that it can help build up your kid’s inner world.

3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)

4.Which do you think is the best way to get you and your kid outside?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


科目: 来源:必修二导练英语译林 牛津版 题型:051


  A beautiful, expensively dressed lady complained to her psychiatrist(精神病医师)that she felt that her whole life was empty; it had no meaning.

  So the psychiatrist called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors, and then said to the rich lady, “I’m going to ask Mary to tell you how she found happiness.All I want you to do is to listen.”

  So the old lady put down her broom, sat on a chair and told her story, “Well, my husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed by a car.I had nobody…I had nothing left.I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t eat; I never smiled at anyone; I even thought of taking my own life.Then one evening, a little kitten followed me home from work.Somehow I felt sorry for that kitten.It was cold outside, so I decided to let the kitten in.I got it some milk, and it licked the plate clean.Then it purred comfortably and rubbed against my legs, and for the first time in months, I smiled.Then I stopped to think:If helping a little kitten could make me smile, maybe doing something for people could ________.So the next day, I baked some biscuits and took them to a neighbor who was sick in bed.Every day I tried to do something nice for someone.It made me so happy to see them happy.Today, I don’t know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do.I’ve found happiness, by giving it to others.”

  When she heard that, the rich lady cried.She had everything that money could buy, but she had lost the things which money couldn’t buy.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 5 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

I’m sure that nobody eats or sleeps as well as I do.


3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Do you agree with the old lady, why?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.



科目: 来源:必修二导练英语译林 牛津版 题型:051


  Staying positive through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill, new study findings suggest.In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a generally sunny character were less likely to fall ill.

  The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive feeling style”can help get rid of the common cold and other illnesses.Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness improving immune(免疫)function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a throat ache or runny nose.

  “People with a positive feeling style may have different immune responses to the virus,” explained Dr Sheldon Cohen.“And when they do get a cold, they may stop their illness from being more severe.

  Cohen had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less easy to catch a cold.However, some questions remained as to whether the feeling itself had the effect.

  For the new study, the researchers ask 193 healthy adults to complete some standard measures of personalities and feeling styles.Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive feeling style, while those _________________ had a negative style.

  The researchers gave them some drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, or sneezing they had, while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus(黏液)production.Cohen and his partners found that warm people were likely to keep cold at bay.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

But it was not certain that the feeling was able to keep people away from cold.


3.Fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Why are happy people more likely to get rid of some common illness?(Please answer within 20 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.


