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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On June 21, 1982, Prince (王子) William, the future King of England, was born. Since then, he has won all the hearts of the public.
When he was very small, he got a number of nicknames (绰号):King Tot, Willys, Billy, and William the Terrible!He was often found climbing into wastebaskets, trying to flush (冲刷) Dad’s shoes down the toilet (厕所) and pressing buttons, which often made alarm ring!
Prince William has a lot of rules to follow:no drinking in public, no smoking or taking drugs, no kissing girls in public. William was especially close to Diana. However, he has been brave beyond his years since his mother’s sudden death because of the car accident.
Prince William’s fans are growing in number every day. He got more than 12, 000 fan letters a week. When he made a trip to Canada, thousands of girls went frenetic and screamed, “William, will you marry me?” His favorite drink is coke and his favorite foods are burgers, fries, pizza, and chocolate. William also loves to search the World Wide Web. So next time when you’re online, you might be chatting with the future King of England.
Want to write to him? Here it is:
HRH Prince William             
Kensington Palace  Kensington, London W8 4PN  Great Britain
小题1:William’s mother died when he was_____.     .
A. 13                   B. 20                C. 19                  D. 15
小题2:What does the underlined word “frenetic” mean?  
A. Angry.               B.Excited.           C. Stupid.                D. Comfortable.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Prince William loves his mother very much.   
B. Prince William likes western food.
C. Prince William has two brothers.    
D. Prince William loves to use the computer.
小题4:Where can you probably see the article?
A. In a magazine       B. In a textbook      C. In a sports report   D. On TV


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was a quiet village in which there was a military camp (军营). It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around. Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers. But it was difficult for the young men to go outside. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.
Once Mr. White was ill in bed. He couldn’t work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt, began to train the new soldiers instead of him. He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. It was five to twelve when Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening to the young men. He started the car quickly and set off. At that moment the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they drank wine. Of course they found the officer was angry.
“I’m sorry, sir,” said the first soldier. “I left the town on time. But something was wrong with my bus on my way here. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back.”
And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons. It was the last soldier’s turn. He said, “I’m sorry, sir. I got on a bus on time, but....”
Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, “If you say something was wrong with your bus, I’ll punish you at once!”
“No, no, sir,” said the young man. “My bus was all right, but the dead horses were in its way!”
小题1:The military camp was built in the village to ________.
A.stop the soldiers from going to towns
B.stop the soldiers from meeting their friends
C.train the new soldiers
D.make the young men live quietly
小题2:Mr. Hunt let the nine soldiers have a holiday because ________.
A.he was kind to themB.they felt lonely
C.they had something important to doD.they were the best of all
小题3:The young officer was worried because ________.
A.a traffic accident had happened
B.he was afraid something happened to the nine soldiers
C.the nine soldiers would come back
D.the nine soldiers drank too much in the town
小题4:Which of the statements do you think is true?
A. You’ll believe only the last soldier.
B. The officer believed the nine soldiers.
C. You’ll believe none of the nine soldiers.
D. The officer wouldn’t punish his soldiers.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After the Summer Olympics are over, when all the athletes have gone home and the television audience has switched off, another group of athletes and fans will arrive at the host city, and another competition will begin. These are the Paralympics, the games for athletes with a disability. But in Beijing in 2008, for the first time, one of the greatest Paralympics athletes did not take part.
She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thormpson. Born with spine hifida (脊椎裂) which left her paralysed from the waist. Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7. at first, she did not like sports, apart from horse-riding, which gave her a sense of freedom. But in her teens, she started taking sports more seriously. She tried swimming, basketball and tennis. Eventually she found she began to love athletics, and never looked back.
Indeed, Tanni’s athletic career took off . In 1984, when she was 15, she pulled off a surprise victory in the 100metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.
In 1988, Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul. She won bronze in the 400 metres. Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelonn. Paralympics. Tanni won gold in the 100, 200, 400 and 800 metres relay, setting two world records in the process. In the same year she achieved the first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.
Tanni’s success had been part motivation(动机), part preparation, “The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to see…. I am still competing at a very high level, but as I get older, things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.”
Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007. Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
In spite of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. In her splendid life, she has won an amazing eleven gold medals, four silvers and one bronze in series of Paralympics- a top level athletic career covering two decades. She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times, more than any other competitor, and she has set over thirty world records.
What advice does she have for young athletes? “Work hard at your studies, and then train, train and train again.”
小题1:Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?
小题2:When did Tanni win her first Olympic gold medal?
A.In 1984.B.In 1988.C.In 1992.D.In 2007.
小题3:The underlined word “that” in the 5th paragraph refers to _______.
A.fifty weeks’ training
B.being a good sprinter
C.training almost every day
D.part motivation and part preparation
小题4:What can we learn from Tanni’s success?
A.Union is strength.B.Never too late to learn.
C.Well begun is half done.D.No pains, no gains.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling. Last week I was invited to a doctor’s meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a  patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to   36  , but he came up to me and placed his right foot close mine on the floor.
“Frank!” I cried in astonishment. He couldn’t   37   , as I knew, but all the time   38  his foot against mine.
My   39   raced back more than thirty years to the   40   days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The   41  was an air-raid shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two of the regulars were Mrs. West and her son Frank.
  42   wartime problems, we shelter-dwellers got to   43  each other very well. Frank West   44  me because he wasn’t   45 , not even at birth. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he had   46  of a mind than a baby has. His “  47 ” consisted of rough sounds—sounds of pleasure or anger and   48  more. Mrs. West, then about 75, was a strong, capable woman, as she had to be, of course, because Frank   49  on her entirely. He needed all the   50  of a baby.
One night a policeman came and told Mrs. West that her house had been flattened by a 500-pounder. She   51  nearly everything she owned.
When that sort of thing happened, the rest of us helped the   52  ones. So before we   53   that morning, I stood beside Frank and   54  my right foot against his. They were about the same size. That night, then, I took a pair of shoes to the shelter for frank. But as soon as he saw me he came running and placed his right foot against mine. After that, his   55  to me was always the same.
A.learn fromB.talk toC.helpD.know


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day Marilla said, “Anne, your new teacher, Miss Stacy, spoke to me yesterday. She says you must study for the examinations for Queen’s College in two years’ time. Then if you do well, you can study at Queen’s in Charlottetown for a year, and after that you’ll be a teacher!”
“That doesn’t matter, Anne. When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago, we decided to look after you as well as we could. Of course we’ll pay for you to study.”So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school, and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work. Diana didn’t want to go to Queen’s, so she went home early, but Gilbert stayed. He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they were enemies, because they both wanted to be first in the examination. Secretly, Anne was sorry that she and Gilbert weren’t friends, but it was too late now.
For two years, Anne studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning, and Miss Stacy was pleased with her. But she didn’t study all the time. In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends, or walked through the fields with Diana, or sat talking to Matthew.
“Your Anne is a big girl now. She’s taller than you,” Rachel Lynde told Marilla one day.
“You’re right, Rachel!” said Marilla in surprise.
“And she’s a very good girl now, isn’t she? She doesn’t get into trouble these days. I’m sure she helps you a lot with the housework, Marilla.”
“Yes, I don’t know what I’d do without her,” said Marilla, smiling.
“And look at her! Those beautiful grey eyes, and that red-brown hair! You know, Marilla, I thought you and Matthew made a mistake when you adopted her. But now I see I was wrong. You’ve looked after her very well.”
“Well, thank you, Rachel,” replied Marilla, pleased.
That evening, when Matthew came into the kitchen, he saw that his sister was crying.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, surprised. “You haven’t cried since… well, I can’t remember when.”
“It’s just… well, I was thinking about Anne,” said Marilla. “I’ll…I’ll miss her when she goes away.”
“When she goes to Queen’s, you mean? Yes, but she can come home at weekends, on the train.”
“I’ll still miss her,” said Marilla sadly.”
In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlottetown to take their examinations.
“Oh, I do hope that I’ve done well,” Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables. “The examinations were very difficult. And I’ve got to wait for three weeks before I know! Three weeks! I’ll die!”
Anne wanted to do better than Gilbert. But she also wanted to do well for Matthew and Marilla. That was very important to her.
Diana was the first to hear the news, she ran into the kitchen at Green Gables and shouted, “Look, Anne! It’s in Father’s newspaper! You’re first… with Gilbert… out of all the students on the island! Oh, how wonderful!” Anne took the paper with shaking hands, and saw her name, at the top of the list of two hundred. She could not speak.
“Well, now, I knew it,” said Matthew with a warm smile.
“You’ve done well, I must say, Anne,” said Marilla, who was secretly very pleased.
For the next three weeks Anne and Marilla were very busy. Anne needs new dresses to take to Charlottetown.
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?
A.To be a teacher was one of Annes’ dreams.
B.Both Anne and Diana studied hard for the special examination.
C.Matthew and Marilla were Anne’s parents.
D.Anne was adopted by Matthew and Marilla.
小题2:Why are Anne and Gilbert enemies? Because _____________.
A.they were competitors in school B.they didn’t like each other
C.it wasn’t mentioned in the passage D.their parents were enemies
小题3:The paragraph “Oh Marilla! I’d love to be a teacher! But won’t it be very expensive?” should be put between___________.
A.paragraph ③ and ④B.paragraph ⑦ and ⑧
C.paragraph ① and ②D.paragraph ⑨ and ⑩
小题4:What will be written in the following paragraph?
A.Anne’s summer holiday.
B.What will Anne talk about her college life with Diana
C.How will Miss Stacy help Anne study.
D.What will Anne do before attending college.
小题5:From the passage, we can learn that _____________.
A.Miss Stay liked Anne very much
B.when Anne became a teacher, she would have lived in the family for six years
C.Marilla cried because Anne would leave for ever
D.Rachel was a teacher of Anne’s


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day Jack broke his mother’s mirror. When she saw the broken___41___ she cried. “Jack, you are too careless and because of that, father is going to punish you.”
“I’m too angry to ___42___ him a beating now,” said Jack’s father as he examined the broken mirror, “I’ll do it after supper.”
When supper was over, his father took ___43____ to the garden. “I’m going to ___44___ a branch that is just the right size,” he said. They looked everywhere but found___45___.
Then Jack had ___46___. “Father, I think your walking stick will be just __47____.”
“Yes, that’s a good idea. Now come along to my room and we’ll try it.”
Up in his room Jack’s father took ___48___ his coat. Jack was __49____. But to Jack’s great surprise, his father turned to his bed and hit it again and again with the walking stick. He hit it like this for a while and then stopped. “Well, I think that’s enough,” said his father. “You must be careful in future. You will be a good boy, won’t you?” Jack __50____ he would be and never forget it because it was such an unusual punishment.



A.no oneB.noneC.a big oneD.a small one
A.a stickB.an ideaC.an actD.a mind
A.upB.awayC.offD.with them
A.promisedB.allowedC.was toldD.hoped


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Everyone in the village knew who Ugly was. Ugly was a_1_with many     injuries. His left foot appeared to have been badly broken .Ugly only loved two things in this world: eating garbage and ,shall we say ,__2 __.However, every  time someone saw Ugly there was the__3__reaction. All the children were warned not to___4_him, and the adult threw rocks at him when he tried to follow them. Whenever he found children, he would come running and putting his head against their hands. If you ever _5___him up he would immediately begin suckling(允吸).on your shirt, fingers, whatever he could find . One day, Ugly shared his love with the neighbour’s___6_dog . They did not respond __7__,and Ugly was badly treated . Even from the end of the__8_I could hear his screams, and I tired to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was __9__,it was clear Ugly’s life was almost at an end. It must be_10__him terribly, I thought . Then I felt a familiar sucking feeling on my _11__. Ugly, in so much ___12_, was trying to suckle my ear. I pulled him closer to me , and he_13___suckled my fingers and watched me .Even in the greatest pain, that ugly cat was asking only for a little love ,perhaps some ___14_.At that moment I thought Ugly was the most 15____and loving creature I had ever seen .Never once did he bite me, or even try to get away from me. He just _16___me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain. Ugly died in my __17__before I could get inside. He taught me more about __18__than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show ever could . He had been __19__on the outside ,__20 I was on the inside .To give my pity and love to those I cared for.
A.running B.foodC.loveD.playing
小题11:A face          B. hand        C.  ear       D. finger
小题12:A pain          B. excitement    C. happiness   D. worry
A.beautifulB.brave C.curiousD.miserable
A.waited forB.tore forC.looked up atD.glanced at


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a relaxation the summer before my busy senior year, __36__ my mother asked me to do her a __37__. One of her colleagues needed a full-time __38__. “You planned to volunteer at the local hospital; why not volunteer to __39__ Nick instead?” Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a __40__ child.
Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day-care centers would not __41__ him. As a baby, he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium(平衡)problems. He couldn't __42__ or run properly. I was hesitating __43__ I was to take the job when my mother __44__, “Don't you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the __45__.”
Then I told her I was __46__ for the job.
The day started at 7:00 a.m. Nick was my wake-up call! With so much energy and very little __47__ , he was quite a mix.
At the park, when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings, the boy's face __48__ up—How he wished he belonged to the group of his age! You would think it would be__49__ to get a child to go down a slide. Believe me, it wasn't! It took time, a lot of time. But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face his __50__ and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.
Halfway through the summer, he __51__ it to the top of the slide. With my arms __52_ him tightly, we flew down the slide! I waited for his reaction. After realizing that he was safe and sound, he gave me a big __53__ and asked, “May I go down again, alone?”
I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children __54__ for granted.
This __55__ child taught me that being a nurse means respect, kindness and patience.
A.andB.howeverC.so D.but
A.serviceB.businessC.favor D.trade
A.nurseB.WaitressC.guard D.guide
A.NaughtyB.clever C.NormalD.happy
A.speakB.playC.stand D.walk
A.ifB.whatC.why D.where
A.eager B.sorryC.GratefulD.ready
A.awarenessB.knowledgeC.balance D.control
A.climbed B.got C.ManagedD.made


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Philip was a nine-year-old boy in a Sunday school class of 8-year-old girls and boys. Sometimes the third graders didn’t welcome Philip into their group and usually tricked him. This was not because he was older, but because he was “different”. You see, Philip suffered from a condition called Downs’s Syndrome. This made him “different”, with his facial characteristics, slow responses and mental problems.
One Sunday after Easter, the Sunday school teacher gathered some plastic eggs that pulled apart in the middle. The teacher gave one to each child. On that beautiful spring day, the children were to go out and discover for themselves some symbol of “new life” and place it inside the plastic eggs.
After the children returned to the classroom, the teacher opened their eggs one by one, asking each child to explain that symbol of “new life”. The first opened egg contained a flower. Everyone cheered. In another was a butterfly…. When the teacher opened the last egg, it was empty. “That’s stupid,” said someone. The teacher felt a pull at his shirt. It was Philip. Looking up, Philip said, “It’s mine. I did it. It’s empty. I have new life, because the tomb is empty.” Not a sound was heard in class at all. From that day on, Philip became a real part of the group. They welcomed him, and whatever made him different was never mentioned again.
Philip’s family knew he wouldn’t live a long life, for there were too many things wrong with him.
小题1:The underlined word “condition” in the first paragraph probably means ________.
小题2:It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.
A.The 8-year-olds were sometimes cruel
B.The 8-year-olds were friendly to Philip
C.Philip was really different in school
D.Philip was older and more sensitive
小题3:The teacher gave each child one plastic egg to let them ________.
A.play around on that beautiful spring day
B.put some symbol of “new life” into it
C.try to pull it apart in the middle
D.go out and discover themselves
小题4:After Philip explained his new life, ________.
A.The class thought he was clever.B.The class fell silent.
C.He began to study in the class.D.He felt dying.
小题5:We learn from the passage that ________.
A.The teacher used to have classes outdoors
B.The Philip’s new life wish was empty
C.Philip was healthy as a whole
D.Philip was accepted by his classmates in the end


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once in Japan there lived two frogs, one of whom made his home near the town of Osaka, while the other lived in Kyoto.  36 , they didn’t know each other. Bothof them liked to see a little of the world: the Kyoto frog wanted to visit Osaka, and the Osaka frog wished to go to Kyoto.
So one morning they  37. However, the journey was more  38  than they had expected, for they didn’t know much about traveling. Half-way between the two towns, at the top of a mountain, the two frogs  39  each other! Soon they fell into  40 .
“What a(n)  41  we are too small, ” said the Osaka frog. “Otherwise, we could see both towns from here, and  42  if it is worth our going on.”
“Oh, that is easily  43 ,” replied the Kyoto frog. “We have only got to stand up on our hind (后面的) legs, and hold on to each other  44  we won’t fall down, and then we can both look at the towns we are  45  to.”
This idea  46  the Osaka frog; he stood up and put his front paws on the  47 of the other frog, who had risen also. There they both stood, stretching themselves as  48  as they could. The Kyoto frog turned his nose towards Osaka, and the Osaka frog, towards Kyoto, but the  49  frogs forgot that when they stood up, their eyes were in the backs of their heads, and that  50  their noses pointed to their destinations, yet their eyes looked at the places  51  which they had come.
“Dear me!” cried the Osaka frog. “Kyoto is  52  like Osaka. It is certainly not worth such a long journey.”
“If I had known that Osaka was only a  53  of Kyoto I should never have traveled all this way,”  54  the frog from Kyoto. Then they started off for their  55  again.
A.Surprisingly B.HoweverC.FortunatelyD.Undoubtedly
A.showed offB.left outC.turned awayD.set out
A.shame B.surpriseC.shortcomingD.coincidence
A.doubtB.wonderC.show D.tell
A.as long asB.in caseC.so thatD.unless
A.turning B.traveling C.settlingD.adapting
A.adventurous B.closeC.smartD.foolish
A.because B.thoughC.sinceD.if
A.corner B.partC.copyD.spot

