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科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was nine, my family and some friends took a trip. During the trip some members of the group felt  41 , so we stopped at a small stand (摊位). Everyone lined up to buy their food.
  42 , after I finished eating, I was still a little hungry and wanted some  43 . Soon I was sure my parents wouldn’t  44 me any candy. "I have to think of a plan," I thought. Then an old lady  45 to buy something she wanted, and would have to get back in line. I knew what I could do. So I rushed to her and volunteered my  46 . She   47 and gave me a $20 bill to get some chips.
When I reached the stand, I found  48 from our group was around. Then I spent the  49  $20 buying the candy. I thought  50 , "I have almost bought all the candy for the next century!" But then, I  51 I should explain to the old lady why I bought no chips and where the whole bill had gone.   52 , an idea occurred to me. So I shouted, "I was robbed!" Upon  53  this, the old lady rushed to me to see if I  54 any harm. However, my parents just stayed behind, without any  55 . With so much candy being found in my bag, they knew I was  56 ! When my daddy stared at me angrily, I knew I had to tell the  57 . As a result, I was blamed and had to apologize to the old lady for my  58 action. Later, I had to work during the whole summer holiday to  59 the old lady back that $20. From this  60  , I learned a lesson. I also promised that I would never do it again in the future.
A.refusedB.remembered C.promisedD.forgot
A.humorous B.generousC.dishonestD.dangerous


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ena was very pretty and kind. ____41____, when she woke up and stretched(伸展) her arms above her head one day she felt a bald patch in her hair. Then she ___42____ lots of hair on her pillow. Over the next few months her hair continued to ___43 ___. Ena felt shock and sad. And ___44____ she lost all her hair and she hated being ___45___. She was angry with her body and she was ___46___ that people might laugh at her at school.
But then, Ena had a wonderful day on January 9th! It was her birthday and she got a(n) ___47___ present---- a wig(假发)!Trying on the wig made Ena feel very happy. She felt ___48____ again. The first Ena went to school, people asked why her ___49___ was different, and whether she had a wig on. Ena replied, “No.” She was worried because did notice the ___50___ and she was anxious that someone might try to ___51____ her wig off.
Then her classmates got used to it and stopped asking her questions. But as time went by, she began to feel that the ___52___ she kept about her hair was too big and making her feel ___53___. She wanted to share it with her. So, one Friday, Ena went to the front of the classroom, and she told everyone ___54___, “I have a wig on.” She told them about her ___55___-----alopecia(秃头症) and ___56____ that all her hair had fallen out, including her eyelashes and eyebrows. Everybody’ eyes widened and some people put their hands up to their faces when Ena took her wig off. They listened to her story ____57___, sitting very quietly, and when Ena finished, everybody clapped. And they started to say ___58___ things while Ena passed the wig around for everyone to touch. Finally, the whole class and the head teacher ___59___ Ena to do her lessons without her wig on.
It’s not ___60____ having no hair, and Ena has positive days as well as other days when it is hard. However, she always remembers what her teacher told her, “It doesn’t matter that you don’t have hair; you’re still the same person inside.”
A.MoreoverB.Therefore C.HoweverD.Otherwise
A.fall outB.pull outC.drop outD.come out
A.in orderB.in needC.in surpriseD.in placed
小题20:A easy         B. acceptable    C. hopeful           D. useful


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Amy and Mark Blaubach were very excited about adopting a child from an orphanage (孤儿院). They thought they would adopt a baby girl. After waiting one and a half years, the social worker asked them to consider adopting a six-year-old boy named Jerry.
After the adoption papers were signed, Amy asked if Jerry had a good friend at the orphanage. Jerry said his best friend was Zack. That was the first time that Amy heard about Zack.
Then Jerry went to his new home with Amy and Mark, where he lived happily and adjusted very well. However, Jerry kept talking about his best friend that he had left behind at the orphanage. So Amy became determined to try and find out more about Zack.
She came across a database specifically for families who had adopted children from the orphanage where she met Jerry. The database allowed parents to enter their child’s name and his or her adoption information. As Amy looked through the database, she found what appeared to be a possible match of her son’s best friend. After sending a new e-mails back and forth, Amy was sure to have the right Zack. He had adopted by Rae and Bruce Hostetler two weeks before. To her surprise, the two families were living in the same city. Then she decided to give these two friends a special reunion (重逢)
On a sunny Sunday, the two boys finally met each other again. When Jerry asked Zack, “Do you remember me?” Zack quickly answered, “Yes! Let’s go and play!” That led to hours of laughter and play. Rae and Amy were excited to see how well their sons got along, and what an amazing bond(联系) they had. Thanks to both families, that special bond between Zack and Jerry can continue for the rest of their lives.
小题1:What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Amy and Mark thought they would adopt a baby boy.
B.Amy and Mark were unwilling to adopt Jerry.
C.Amy had met Zack before he left the orphanage
D.Amy knew that Zack and Jerry were good friends.
小题2:After Jerry left the orphanage ________.
A.he wasn’t happy in his new home
B.he couldn’t adapt to his new environment
C.he missed his friend very much
D.he left guilty about leaving his friend behind
小题3:What can we learn about Zack from the fourth paragraph?
A.He was found at the orphanage by Amy.
B.He was living in the same city as Jerry.
C.He would be adopted by Amy and Mark.
D.The boy named Zack in the database wasn’t Jerry’s friend.
小题4:Which of the following is TURE according to the last paragraph?
A.The boys met again at Amy’s home.
B.The boys couldn’t get along with each other any longer.
C.When they met again, the boys didn’t recognize each other at first.
D.The boys can keep in touch with each other for the rest of their lives.
小题5:What is the best title for this text?
A.How to Adopt a Child
B.Amy and Her Adopted Child
C.A Story in an Orphanage
D.A Very Special Reunion


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There has been an outpouring of love for, a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer(美容师) tried to trim(修剪) its claws.
Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis(硬化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “ I would like to buy her a new dog.”
A story about the death of Crouch’s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. Crouch said a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.
Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored. “If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can’t do that.” Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.
“This case is absolute animal abuse(虐待),” Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.
People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue, in Roseville, said, “We have puppies to donate … and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog.”
“When Gooch was with me, I was happy,” Crouch said, “I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch. There’s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that can bring me joy again.”
小题1:What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A disabled woman’s service dog.
B.A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman’s dog.
C.People’s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog.
D.Disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.
小题2:People called and emailed to             .
A.offer help and care to Laurie Crouch.
B.give their angry voice to the groomer.
C.offer a cure for Crouch’s disease.
D.tell Crouch how to punish the groomer.
小题3:Gooch died mainly because           .
A.the groomer was careless.
B.the groomer sat on the dog with another man.
C.the dog was wearing a collar.
D.the groomer didn’t know how to trim the dog’s nails
小题4:We can infer from the passage that          .
A.Crouch refused to take another dog.
B.Crouch must be sad after losing her dog.
C.Crouch has accepted another dog from a stranger.
D.Crouch can live well without a dog’s company.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joey is loyal, encouraging and self-sacrificing, always putting others’ interests ahead of his own. He is a hard worker, who also loves to run and play. In short, he’s an ideal friend and a heroic character.
Here is the thing: Joey is a horse, who appears as the main character in Steven Spielberg’s new film War Horse.
It is based on Michael Morpurgo’s 1982 novel, which also caused the same-titled Tony Awards winning play.
The film follows the saga of Joey, a racehorse that’s trained for farm work under the loving care of Albert (Jeremy Irvine )after Albert’s drunk father Ted(Peter Mullan ) overpays for the animal at auction(拍卖会).
Then the World War I tears Albert and Joey apart. Joey is sold into the war effort for the British and starts his episodic adventures in Europe.
Splendidly staged, the battle plots in the film are visually astounding and impressive.
And with Spielberg’s unique, top-notch direction and storytelling skills, War Horse cannot escape its episodic nature, calling to mind another Spielberg film about the horrors of war and its effects upon soldiers and civilians—Saving Private Ryan.
While that film shocked with horrific scenes of bleeding, it relied on a company of easily-described characters and a focused storyline to present heroic themes.
Like Saving Private Ryan, War Horse clings to a series of characters, not only Albert, but also British officers, French civilians and German soldiers, who display courage in the face of danger. Everyone who comes in contact with Joey is either already in touch with their inner angel or is quickly moved to become more humane.
Although none of this covers the fact that we’ve seen this stuff elsewhere before, the lovely sentiment will steal your heart.
And the emotional signature of Spielberg can be felt as he establishes the relationship between the boy and the horse and the mood of the piece – there will be tears.
Therefore, calling this beautiful, dramatically incomplete film “ Saving Private Joey”, is entirely justifiable.
小题1:In common with “ Saving Private Ryan”, the film War Horse _________ .
A.is full of terrifying scenes of bleeding and killing
B.received the title of Tony Awards Winning Play
C.covers a lot of characters
D.tells the story happening in the Second World War
小题2:Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.War Horse is based on the same-titled novel by Steven Spielberg.
B.Joey is a heroic character because he saved many people’s lives.
C.Albert sold Joey into the war effort for Europe.
D.Joey came to Albert’s care after Ted paid a lot of money for it.
小题3:According to the passage, what does the underlined word astounding mean?
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Joey ─ a heroic race horseB.Albert and Joey
C.Saving Private JoeyD.Spielberg’s Joey


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once there was a very brilliant, creative and educated man. He gained much  36  while traveling throughout the world.  37 , he lost his legs and left arm in a tragic accident, leaving only a finger and thumb on his right hand. He became so depressed(沮丧的)that he was afraid he would spend his life 38  and would no longer be able to use his life in a(n)   39  way.
One day, he remembered how he had always loved getting  40  . He realized that he still had partial   41  of his right hand and could write with  42 . Then, he had an idea. “Why not write to other people who need encouragement?”
He  43  where he could find those who could be encouraged if they read his letters. He thought of people in  44 . Many of them had hope of regaining their  45 . Others would keep feeling depressed and remain put away for the rest of their lives. He decided that he must try to  46 them. So he wrote to a prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners. The prison minister replied that writing to the prisoners would be  47 . However, it would be against prison rules for the prisoners to write back.
 48 with the intention, the man began sending 49 messages of God’s love, hope, strength, and encouragement. He wrote twice a week, testing his strength and ability to the limit. He poured his heart and soul  50 his words,  51  his experience, sense of humor, optimism, and faith.
It was difficult to write those letters, especially without hope of any  52 . Frequently, he felt discouraged, wondering if anyone  53  read his letters. However, this was his  54   chance,so he determined to continue.
At last, he received a letter from the prison officer, which said, “Please write on the best paper you can afford. Your letters are passed from cell (牢房) to cell until they almost fall to   55 !”
We all have unique experiences, abilities and talents. We can discover ways to reach others in need of encouragement and strength.
A.writing B.sufferingC.weepingD.wandering
A.keep in touch with B.get in touch with
A.downB.in C.outD.into
A.ruinB.piecesC.the groundD.the bottom


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One Saturday afternoon, a six-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods __36__ she realized that she was lost.
Sitting on a rock and __37__ what to do, she began crying. After a while. she__38__ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. __39__ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and __40__ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the __41__. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a __42__.
The girl’s parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy __43__ that his mistress was in danger. He jumped __44__ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldn’t find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a __45__ scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He __46__ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking __47__ into the air, the dog __48__ through the woods until he found the __49__ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his __50__ , he saw his mistress’ blue shirt in the distance. He __51__ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was __52__.When she opened her eyes and    53   her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you   54  me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of    55   . That night Laddy had a hero’s supper: a huge meal of steak
A.sinceB. whileC.beforeD.as
A.preferredB. expected C.failedD.decided
A.BecauseB.When C.IfD.Until
A.hopelesslyB.carelessly C.cautiouslyD.unwillingly
小题6:A. trees     B. woods           C grasses.        D. bushes
A.familiar B.strangeC.terribleD.pleasant
A.missed B.discoveredC.followed D.ignored
A.calmly B.merrilyC. gently D.loudly
A.girlB.houseC. windowD.hero
A.satisfactionB.disappointment C.embarrassmentD.delight
A.jumpedB.climbed C.walkedD.flew
A.awakeB.asleepC. abandoned D.available
A.sawB.spotted C.observed D.watched
A.painB.shockC. sorrowD.relief


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
小题1:What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?
A.a far better artist
B.a far more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person
D.a much more famous person
小题2:The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .
B.back injuries
C.the operations she had
D.her bent spine
小题3:Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .
A.1950sB. 1930sC.1940sD.1970s
小题4:What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A new study suggests that the round­the­clock availability that cell phones have brought to people's lives may take a toll on family life. The study,which followed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone throughout the study period were more likely to report negative “spillover” between work and home life—and,in turn,less satisfaction with their family life.
Spillover essentially(本质上)means that the line between work and home begins to become unclear. Work life may invade home life when a parent is taking job­related calls at home,for instance—or family issues may start to take up work time. For example,a child may call mum at work,telling her “microwave exploded”,explained Noelle Chesley,an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin­Milwaukee and the author of the study. The problem with cell phones seems to be that they are allowing for even more spillover between work and home.
This may be especially true for working women,the study found. Among men,consistent use of mobile phones seemed to allow more work issues to creep (潜入)into family time. But for women,the spillover tended to go in both directions. Being “connected” meant that work cut into home time,and family issues came into work life.
Cell phones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among family members. But there may be ways to control the spillover,according to Chesley. Employers, she said,could look at their policies on contacting employees after hours to make sure their expectations are “reasonable”.For their part,employees could decide that cell phones go off during family time, Chesley said.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase “take a toll on” probably mean in Paragraph 1?
小题2:According to Chesley,what is the best solution to the problem caused by cell phones?
A.Separate work hours from family time.
B.Refuse to use cell phones.
C.Ignore coming calls during family time.
D.Encourage women to stay at home.
小题3:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.cell phones affect men as much as women
B.cell phones seem to be convenient to families
C.cell phones make the line between work and home unclear
D.we can do nothing to solve the problem
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to control the negative spillover caused by cell phones.
B.How work life invades home life.
C.Consistent use of cell phones makes people feel less satisfied with their work.
D.Cell phones cause negative “spillover” between work life and home life.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I liked climbing things when I was a baby. My mother remembers and has told me most of those   16  moments like this one. When I was one and a half years old, we lived in our first house in Rue St-Louis. On a hot summer day, my father intended to   17  the roof of our old house. In order to climb up there, he   18  a ladder front of the house.
In my town,   19  could walk outside because the streets were   20 . I was outside watching my father climb on that strange thing. I was curious about why my father disappear at last. So I decided to go up it to   21  why it was impossible to see my father after he reached the   22  of that thing. At 1.5 years old, still a baby wearing pampers, I climbed that ladder to the roof top and started walking   23 . My father did not notice that-he was on the other side occupied with his repairs. It happened that a nice lady in our   24  passed by and   25  me. The nice lady came to my house and   26  my mother of it, who was fearful and   27  ran outside to speak with me.
She really thought I would just   28  that roof, for I was just a baby  29 . She asked me to sit down and stop moving in a   30  way you speak to your babies when they are cute.   31 , I threw myself flat on the   32 and waited.
My mother climbed the ladder to   33  me up and there I was enjoying the view laughing at my mother’s shocked face.   34  the saying goes, “He who knows nothing   35 nothing.”
A.figure outB.think outC.pick outD.point out
A.fall offB.climb ontoC.repairD.destroy
A.after allB.at allC.in allD.all in all

