

                  英   语                        2009-3-10




1.  答第1卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。




1.How much will the woman pay for the toy Cars?

  A.40 yuan    B.34 yuan    C.17 yuan


2.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.There’s a cat in the corner.

  B.Kate is too old to move.   

  C.Kate doesn’t  put things in order.


3.What does the woman think about the new DVD player?

  A.She has no idea about it.

  B.It’s no better than the old one.

  C.It's better than the old one.


4.Where did Paul plan to go on his way home?

  A.To his office.    B.To a bank.    C.To a shop.


5.What does the man mean?


  A.Alen won’t come.    B.Sally is often late.    C.Sally will come at 8:00.


6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.At the airport.    B.At a petrol station.    C.At home


7.What does the woman prefer?

  A.To leave for the airport right now.   

  B.To see the end of the match first.  

  C.To help Pam to get her luggage.



8.What does the woman think about the couple next door?

  A.They’re helpful.    B.They’re boring.    C.They’re noisy.


9.What do the speakers do for the party?

  A.Provide some drinks.

  B.Provide food and drinks.

  C.Prepare the food only。


10.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.Some different food will be provided.

  B.Fewer people will attend the party.

C.Salads are too difficult to prepare.



11.Why is the man late?

  A.He forgot to look at his watch.

  B.The maths teacher kept him in her office.

  C.The maths class lasted longer than it should.


12.What do we know about the students?

  A.They don’t mind the man’s being late.

  B.They don’t want to hurt the teacher.

  C.They prefer to learn more maths.


13.What is the man most likely to do?

A.Talk to the maths teacher.

B.Remain silent about the problem.

C.Refuse to go to the teacher’s classes.



14.Where does the conversation take place?   

  A.In the library.    B.In the classroom.    C.jn the dormitory.


15.What does the woman come here to do?   

    A.To ask advice about the trip to Beijing

    B.To bring him a message from Professor Grant.

    C. To see what progress he’s made on his paper.


1 6.What topic will Eric write about following Jane’s advice?

    A.Culture of Beijing.

    B.Trips around the world.

    C.Places to study in.



17.When do people usually start their Christmas shopping?


 A.On December 1.    B.On November 29.    C.Before Thanksgiving•


18.Where did the idea of“Buy Nothing Day”start?

A.In America.    B.In Britain.    C.In Canada.


19.Where did the high school students get food on“Buy Nothing Day”in Albuquerque?

A.From the neighboring homes.

B From the restaurants nearby

C.From the shops selling spaghetti.


20.How did people celebrate“Buy Nothing Day”in Manchester this year?

A.Thev made themselves up to tell people not to buy anything.

B.They organized a spaghetti dinner to give。people information•

C.They got together to read stories,sang songs and painted pictures•




  例:Mr.Smith owns一一collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met•

    A.1arger    B.a larger    C.the larger D.1arge



21.If vou come         second in the race,you’11 get――qualification to compete for the next round.

A./:a    B.the;a    C.a;the D./;the


22.一Come to my home and enjoy the NBA basketball match?

         .Yao Ming is always my favorite star.

A.I couldn’t agree more      B.I’m afraid not

    C.It doesn't matter          D.It’s a piece of cake


23. MacDonald who had spent much of his time         graduating from college back―    packing round Europe,decided last year to settle down.

    A.when    B.while    C.since     D.before


 24.The man moved         forward and looked over the edge,shrinking his shoulders.

    A. accuratelv    B.cautiously    C.brilliantly D.disappointedly


 25.Barack Obama’s victory is a historic victory and          that promised change and

    overcame centuries of prejudice。

    A.0ne    B.it    C.the one   D.that


 26. With  no  central  government,the  island  was  ruled  by  kings,         a different  region of the country.

    A.each controlling    B.each controlled

    C.each to control     D.each was controlling


 27.It was when searching for the lost book whose cover was missing         a secret letter

     addressed to his mother.

    A.did he find    B.until he found  C.that he found D.had he found


 28.Martin Van Buren was the eighth President of the United States and the first        

    native language was not English but Dutch.

    A.that    B.whose    C.which D.where


  29.一Mr.Wang,may I join the relay race?

  一No problem.I’11         you and Dan in the race.

  A.0rder    B.adjust    C.place D.enter   


  30.The secret of her success may         the fact that she knows when to study and when

      to play.

    A.result in    B.1ie.in    C.fill in  D.take in


  31.Unfortunately,when I got to her flat,she         ,SO we had only time for a few words.

    A.just left    B.had just left    C.has just left     D.was just leaving


  32.一Believe it or not。last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in

     the drift bottle I got three years ago!

    一Really? That’s the most surprising         I’ve ever heard of!   

    A.acquaintance    B.coincidence    C.viewpoint    D.procedure


  33.He         be lazy,but he can work very hard when he feels like it.

    A.may    B.must    C.should    D.will


  3 4.          the differences in colors,languages and races,we share the charm and joy of

    the Olympic Games,and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace.

    A.Though    B.Because of    C.In spite of D.In addition to


Once I forgave serious  51 ,I noticed that I couldn't forget them but every time I remembered them,I  52.There are no more pains brought just by the thought of them.

After all,life is good. 53  all the hardships, pains and difficulties, life teaches me to be  54  in facing any adversity(逆境)while at the same time it makes me  55 to those who suffer.If somebody does something terrible to me,I have to think back the bridge of forgiveness ―difficult but possible.


36.A.admire         B.recognize     C.explore     D.expose


 37.A.came upon     B.set aside      C.built up     D.broke down


 38.A.conveniently   B.delightedly    C.tightly      D.relaxingly


 39.A.distance       B.heights       C.dangers     D.1engths


 40.A.devoted       B.1imited       C.opposed。   D.accustomed


 41.A.However      B.Therefore     C.Otherwise    D.Anyway


 42.A.side          B.hand         C.way         D.direction


 43.A.happiness     B.sorrow        C.forgiveness   D.entertainment


 44.A.strangers      B.environments  C.ceremonies   D.situations


45.A.hope         B.fight        C.forget        D.sigh


 46.A.stopped       B.unloaded    C.added         D.charged


 47.A.when         B.until        C.unless        D.before


 48.A.ignore        B.tease        C.treat         D.value


 49.A.patience       B.kindness    C.courage       D.violence


 50.A.matters        B.hurts       C.counts        D.changes


 51.A.disadvantages  B.behavior    C.friends        D.offences


 52.A.ached         B.suffered     C.smiled        D.regretted


 53.A.Apart from    B.Rather than   C.Instead of     D.Regardless of


 54.A.strong        B.aggressive   C.inspired       D.aware


Isabella Stewart was born in New York City in 1 840.Her father made a great deal of money in the trade.During school,her parents took her to Italy to explore the country’s many cultural treasures.   

One of the private art collections Isabella visited in Milan had a deep influence on her.She wrote to her friends about her dream of owning a house one day with an art collection like the one she had seen in Italy.

In Paris,Isabella became close friends with one of her classmates,Julia Gardner,whose family was from Boston.Julia would later introduce Isabella to her brother,Jack.In 1 860,Isabella Stewart married Jack Gardner.

The couple had too much art to fit inside their home.So they decided to start planning a museum.Mrs.Gardner didn’t like the cold and empty.spaces of many museums during her time.She wanted a warm museum filled with light.She once said that she decided years ago that the greatest need in her country was art.America was a young country developing quickly in other areas.But the country needed more chances for people to See beautiful examples of art.


After her husband’s death in 1 898.Isabella knew she had no time to lose in building her museum.She bought land,hired a building designer,and supervised(监督)every detail of her museum’s construction.

Mrs.Gardner opened her museum on January 1,1 903,which was then called Fenway  Court.She invited her friends that night for a special musical performance.The next month,she opened the museum to the public.At first,visits were limited to twenty days out of the  year.Visitors paid one dollar to enter.

Isabella Stewart Gardner died in 1 924 in Boston。In her will,she left the museum a million dollars and a series of requirements about how it should be managed, one that the permanent collection cannot be changed.


  56.The text is mainly about            .

    A.how Isabella Gardner realized her dream of being an artist

    B.how Mr.and Mrs.Gardner added to their collections of art

    C.how Isabella’s museum was opened

    D.Isabella Stewart Gardner and her museum


 57.By saying“the greatest need in her country was art”in Paragraph 4.Mrs.Gardner

    meant that                    .

    A.America was still a young developing country

    B.there were no museums in America at that time

    C.art fell far behind other fields of the American society

    D.Americans had no chance to enjoy the beautiful art


 58.In order to achieve her dream of owning an arts museum,Mrs Gardner       .

    A.raised money from her friends and relatives

    B.sold out all her land and houses

    C.held special musical performances for money

    D.watched over the process of building the museum


 59.Which statement is NOT true according to the text?      

    A.Isabella-and Jack were classmates when studying in Paris.

    B.The museums at that time was not comfortable。

    C.Isabella opened the museum about five years after Jack’s death.

    D.Great as the museum was,visitors had to wait and pay to enter.


60.From the passage,we can learn that the museum               .

    A.helps earn much money for its collections of art

    B.is called Fenway Court by the visitors

    C.was opened to the public on January 1st,1903

    D.is still affected by Isabella Gardner in management now


We answer some questions this week in our series on getting into an American college or university.

The first question has to do with our recent discussion of English language tests.Vo Ngoc Toan from Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC,which is designed to men―sure skills in English as spoken in the workplace.People may be required to take it if they apply for jobs with companies or other employers.But TOEIC scores aren’t used for college admission in the United States.

The Educational Testing Service administrates the TOEIC.It says the test measures the     language skills of people working in an international environment.But,American colleges and  universities accept scores from the TOEFL and often the IELTS.If yoU missed our report on  these tests.you can find it at our website www.unsv.com.

Tahir Mahmood from Pakistan asks how to improve his English before taking these kinds of tests.Well,you can start by looking for ways to use English as much as you can.Watch American movies and TV shows and read books in English.Look for English speakers to talk to.

    The Internet has many free materials for English t learners.Visitors to www.unsv.com,for example,can read, listen and watch programs on many,different subjects。The US。Department  of Education recently launched a flee website designed to help immigrants learn English.The site is called USA Learns at usalearns.org,like chinadaily.com.cn in China.Next,a question from Turkey:Hasan Eker asks about。getting a postdoctoral(博士后的) position in the United States.This is work generally done by a person who recently earned a PhD.The National Postdoctoral Association in Washington has information about international postdocs on its website nationalpostdoc.org.

And,finally,we have questions from Iran,Afghanistan and Indonesia about how to pay for an education through jobs.There’re rules that restrict the kinds of jobs that foreign students can have while studying。in the United States.


  61.The purpose of the passage is                .

    A.to ask some questions on entering American universities

    B.to introduce readers the TOEIC

    C.to attract more people to click the websites

    D.to help do with some puzzles on entering American colleges


  62.What do we know about TOEIC?

    A.It is a must for those who go to American universities.

    B.Those who apply for a job with companies have to take it.

    C.It is to test a person’s language skills in the workplace.

    D.It’s a test designed for students to graduate from univeristies.


  63.How many questions are answered in this passage?

    A.2    B.3    C.4    D.5


 64.If you want to learn English, you can go to the following websites EXCEPT         .

     A.www.unsv.com          B.www.nationalpostdoc.org

    C.www.usalearns.org       D.www.chinadaily.com.cn


 65.We can conclude from the passage that                 

    A.foreign students are not permitted to do whatever jobs they like in the US

    B.IELTS is also necessary for job application like TOEIC。

    C.every graduate from colleges can get a postdoctoral position if they want to

    D.students from Iran aren’t.allowed to have jobs in America


A new Canada Prize for the Arts and Creativity could be in place by 20 1 0,with large cash prizes for emerging(新兴的)artists in dance,music,theatre and visual arts.

The prize is the idea of Tony Gagliano and David Pecaut,founders of the Luminato festival,wh0 were probably able to convince the federal government to back it.The federal budget has allocated$.25 million to support the awards open to emerging artists that have the prestige(声望)of a Nobel Prize.   

“When you think about the major prizes of the world―the Nobel Prize.in Sweden,the Kyoto prizes in Japan or the Booker Prize in the U.K.一the bring great,honor and opportunity to the countries that award them,’’ Pecaut said.“The.idea here is that every year,the Canada prizes will be awarded to the very.best promising emerging artists around the world in those four fields.”

 A jury(评委会)of international experts would judge the 12 finalists,who would come to  Canada and perform or show their work in public to win。the Canada prizes.The performances would be televised,allowing Canadians across the country.to see it.

The federal government liked the idea of such an international prize that would advance Canada’s brand,draw tourists and arts professionals from around the world.For the Canadian arts people.one of the greatest challenges is connecting to that international arts world to come up with CO―productions and foreign investment(投资)and touring chances.

    A group is working toward establishing the prize by 2010,with potential for semi-final

  rounds to take place:about the same time as the Vancouver Olympic Games.“Thirty or forty years from now,the future outstanding dancers and performers will look back and say。‘I broke out on the world scene in Toronto―that’s where 1 was discovered’”


  66.Why did David Pecaut have the idea of founding a new Ganada Prize?

    A.To enlarge the content of the Luminato festival.

    B.To consider his own benefits from the prize.

    C.To advance Canada’s honor and opportunities.

    D.To make more Canadians get world prizes.


    67.According to David Pecaut , the new Canada Prize will               

    A.be divided into four detailed parts

    B.have at least twelve winners

    C.be held every four years in Canada   

    D.offer every winner about$25 million


    68.Those participating the final round of the new Canada Prize             

    A.needn’t experience semi―final rounds

    B.  will have their performances broadcast on the TV 

    C.need to have their performances made into films

    D.must accept the judge from Canadian experts


    69.Towards the founding of the Canada Prize,David Pecaut is              .

    A.unconcerned    B.doubtful    C.hopeless D.optimistic


    70.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

    A.Canada―the Capital of the World in Arts

    B.A Canada Prize for Arts May Take Place by 2010

    C.The Nobel Prize in Arts will Come into Being

    D.David Pecaut Takes Charge of a Canada Prize for Arts


Plastic is one of the most important technological discoveries of the 20th century.How    ever.it may soon be replaced.The new development――liquid wood――can replace plastics    in a11 branches of modern―day industries.

Plastic as a material enjoys the biggest demand in the modern world,but it does have a number of drawbacks.First and foremost,plastic isn’t recyclable.Secondly,it contains toxins(毒物)helping develop cancerous diseases.Finally,it's made of oil and oil reserves aren’t endless.

The liquid wood technology is likely to replace plastic and providing mankind with new materials for many years ahead.Norbert Eisenfreich.a senior researcher at the Faunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Germany(ICT),said that arboform,the new material,is made of lignin(木质素),which can be obtained from soft tissues of wood.Once mixed with several other materials,it turns into solid and nontoxic alternative for plastics.

ICT team leader Emilia Regina Inone――Kauffmann said the wood-working industry separates wood into three basic components,including lignin.Lignin isn’t used for the production of paper.Specialists of ICT mixed lignin with several natural materials and thus invented the material which could be melted(熔化)and molded(铸型).

When solid,arboform looks like plastic and possesses the qualities of polished wood.It can be used for the production of any items.Arboform is already used for the production of car parts which require extra strength.In addition,liquid wood can be recycled repeatedly.he material preserved all of its qualities even if it’s reprocessed ten times.

However,the new invention doesn’t enjoy an extensive use due to the high content of sulphur(硫)in it.German researchers are sure to reduce the amount of sulphur by 90 percent very soon to make arboform usable for ho,me needs.


7 1.According to the passage,plastics              .

    A.does harm to our society in some way

    B.helps to protect our environment in some way

    C.has been replaced by the newly discovered material

    D.helps US to reduce the use of petrol


 72.The underlined word“alternative”in Paragraph 3 refers to            .

    A.hgnin or arboform                 B.plastics

    C.mixture of several materials          D.soft tissues of wood


 73.What’s the advantage of arboform over plastic?

    A.It is easier made from natural oil.

    B.It is more widely used in household.

    C.It is recyclable and friendly to environment.

    D.It contains no poisonous materials.


74.It can be concluded that German researchers will focus their future work firstly on            .

    A.the material’s extensive use    B.the content of sulphur in arboform

    C.the production cost of arboform D.the qualities of liquid wood


 For those choosing to fly,there’re several ways to avoid extra fees.First,if you’re driving to the airport,park in the long-term lot.While the short―term lot is usually closer it costs to check a bag.Most airlines are charging for every checked bag.If you can manage to pack everything into a carry―on.You’ll save at least$15.

 And when it comes to your actual destination,don’t assume that hotels are going to  cut back on fees simply because they’re desperate to draw customers.They won’t be adding or increasing fees,but                

The best defense against these fees is to read about the hotel’s rates online before you make a reservation. Be aware of extra fees and tip fees for everything.Some hotels even fix a sensor,charging guests for simply touching the items,let alone eating or drinking them.The main rule at hotels is to be aware of every small detail.When you examine your bill at the end of your stay,don’t be afraid to challenge a charge if you believe。it's unjust.


76.What’s the purpose of the text?(Please answer within 10 words.)




77.To avoid your transportation fees,what should you do according to the,text? ( Please  answer within 25 words.)  





78.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning t。the following one?

    Before you check out, be aware of any expense you’re unsure of.   




79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(Please answer within 8 words.)



80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1.into Chinese.














76. To help readers avoid hidden holiday travel costs. / To give advice to help avoid hidden holiday travel costs.


77. fill up the gas tank before driving; make sure your car is in good condition; park in the long-term lot at the airport; try to pack every thing into a carry-on (bag)


78. When you examine your bill at the end of your stay, don’t be afraid to challenge a charge if you believe it’s unjust.


79. they won’t be decreasing (reducing) them either. /neither (nor) will they decrease them.


80. 旅行社含有很多隐性成本,不过,一旦你意识到这一点,这些成本就很容易被发现,而且更加容易消除掉。

第二节    写作

Dear Sir/Madam,

Recently I have heard about some news that many Project Hope Schools in some areas have been deserted. At the news I feel very sad. After all, these Project Hope Schools increase children’s chances of going to school and play an important part in improving the local people’s level of education and thus further their quality of life.

Why are they deserted On the one hand, before these schools began to be built, there was a lack of scientific long-term planning and predictions of the development of Chinese education, especially that in the local areas. Therefore, the distribution of schools isn’t reasonable. On the other hand, owing to the social development and the declining population, it’s unnecessary for so many schools to exist.

So when we build schools, we must be aware of their development in the future and consider whether there’s l long-term need. And for those deserted schools, they should be made the best of and continue to serve the local areas.

                                                             Sincerely yours,            

                                                                    Li Hua

